Title, Dates &
SemTech Conference
18-22 May, 2008, San
José, USA
Deadlines & Requirements
Ext. to
Dec. 10, 2007
Topics Related to Ontos
 Foundational Topics
This will include the basics of Semantic Technology for the beginner and/or business user
including knowledge representation, ontologies, taxonomies, folksonomies, vocabularies,
assertions, triples, semantic models.
Semantic Web
 OWL/RDF and Semantic Web rule and query languages such as SWRL, SPARQL and the
like. Includes linked data. Also progress of policy and trust.
Business Ontologies
 Design and deployment methods, best practices, industry-specific ontologies, case studies,
ontology-based application development, ontology design tools, ontology-based integration.
 Design and development approaches, tools, underlying disciplines for practitioners,
vocabularies, taxonomy representation, taxonomy integration, relationship to ontologies.
Semantic Integration
 Includes semantic enhancement of Web services, standards such as OWL/S, WSDL/S,
WSMO and USDL, semantic brokers.
Data Integration and Mashups
 Web-scale data integration, semantic mashups, disparate data access, scalability, database
requirements, Linked Data, data transformations, XML.
Unstructured Information
 This will include entity extraction, Natural Language Processing, social tagging, content
aggregation, knowledge extraction, metadata acquisition, text analytics, content and document
management, multi-language processing, GRDDL.
Semantic Query
 Advances in semantically-based federated query, query languages such as SWRL, SPARQL,
query performance, faceted query, triple stores, scalability issues.
Semantic Search
 Different approaches to semantic search in the enterprise and on the web, successful
application examples, tools (such as Sesame), performance and relevance/accuracy measures,
natural language search, faceted search, visualization.
Developing Semantic Applications
 Experienced reports or prototypes of specific applications that demonstrate automated
semantic inference. Frameworks, platforms, and tools used could include: Wikis, Jena,
Redland, JADE, NetKernal, OWL API, RDF, GRDDL, Ruby On Rails, AJAX, JSON,
Microformats, Process Specification Language (PSL), Atom, Yahoo! Pipes, Freebase,
Powerset, and Twine.
Semantics for Enterprise Information Management (EIM)
Where and how semantic technology can be used in Enterprise Information Management.
Applications such as governance, data quality, decision automation, reporting, publishing,
search, enterprise ontologies.
 Knowledge Engineering and Management
 Knowledge management concepts, knowledge acquisition, organization and use, building
knowledge apps, artificial intelligence.
 Semantic SOA (Service Oriented Architectures)
 Semantic requirements within SOA, message models and design, canonical model
development, defining service contracts, shared business services, discovery processes.
 Collaboration and Social Networks
 Leveraging Web 2.0 in semantic systems. FOAF, Semantically-Interlinked Online
Communities (SIOC), wikis, tagging, folksonomies.
5th International
Workshop on Natural
Language Processing
and Cognitive Science
Mar. 3, 2008
Paper in English up to 5.000 words,
using the paper format
1-5 June, 2008,
Barcelona, Spain
European Semantic
Web Conference
(ESWC 2008)
3-5 June, 2008,
Tenerife, Spain
3rd Workshop on
Formal Ontologies
Meet Industry
Dec. 7, 2007
Full Paper:
Dec. 14, 2007
Papers should not exceed 15 pages in
length and must be formatted
according to the information for
LNCS authors.
Posters – 2 page paper with a short
abstract for evaluation.
Jan. 7, 2008
Computational Models of NLP
Cognitive and Psychological Models of NLP
Evolutionary NLP
Text Summarization and Information Extraction
Multi-Lingual Processing
Pragmatics and NLP
Tools and Resources in NLP
Text Mining
Electronic Dictionaries
Evaluation of NLP Systems
Semantic Annotation of Data
Semantic Web Mining
Searching, Querying, Visualizing, Navigating and Browsing the Semantic Web
Semantic Web-based Knowledge Management (e.g. Semantic Desktop, Knowledge Portals)
Semantic Web for e-Business, e-Science, e-Health, e-Culture, e-Government, e-Learning and other
application domains
 Evaluation of Semantic Web Technologies
 Problems in ontology application:
practical issues in using ontologies in the enterprise;
real cases of successful/unsuccessful use of ontology in business
(FOMI 2008)
5-6 June, 2008, Torino,
46th Annual Meeting
of the Association for
Linguistics: Human
Technologies (ACL08:HLT)
15-20 June, 2008,
Columbus, Ohio, USA
European Conference
on Artificial
(ECAI 2008)
21-25 July, Patras,
Paper maximal length is 10 pages,
excluding title page and bibliography.
Instructions about format will be
provided soon here.
 Ontology and business:
Full Paper:
Jan. 10, 2008
Short paper :
Mar 14, 2008
 Information retrieval/NLP applications
Full papers may consist of up to eight
(8) pages of content, with 1 extra page
for references.
Short paper should not exceed four (4)
pages, including references.
 ontology and ontological methodologies in business;
 adaptation of ontologies for companies and organizations;
 ontology effectiveness and evaluation in business
 Ontology and enterprise:
 ontology-driven enterprise modeling;
 ontology development and change within organizations;
 ontology-driven representation of products, services, functionalities, design, processes
 Ontology and linguistics:
 ontology-driven linguistic representation in organization knowledge;
 linguistic problems in standards and in codification processes;
 ontologies and multilingualism in business and organizations
 Text Data Mining, Information Extraction, Filtering, Recommendation
 Topic/text classification and clustering
 Sentiment/attribution/genre analysis
 Summarization
 Development of language resources, including
 Lexicons and ontologies
 Evaluation
 Glass-box evaluation of systems and system components
 Black-box evaluation of systems in application settings
Paper :
Feb. 25, 2008
Poster :
Mar. 20, 2008
Apr. 20, 2008
 Distributed AI
Paper - 5 pages.
Poster submissions - 2 pages.
Unformatted papers are limited to
6000 words including footnotes,
figure captions, tables, appendices,
and bibliography. Each half-page of
figures will be counted as 600 words.
 Information Agents
 Multi-Agent Systems
 Web Intelligence
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
 Common-Sense Reasoning
 Ontologies
 Semantic Web
Machine Learning
 Information Extraction
 Knowledge Discovery
 Text Mining
Model-Based Reasoning
 AI Architectures
 Knowledge Engineering
Natural Language Processing
 Automatic Summarization
IEEE International
Conference on
Intelligent Systems
(IS 2008)
6-8 September, 2008,
Varna, Bulgaria
Dec. 20, 2007
Mar. 3, 2008 (via e-mail)
Final papers:
15 April 2008
Draft paper(s) in PDF format, in
English, via e-mail (200-250 words).
Computational Linguistics
Dialogue and Discourse Systems
Natural Language Generation
 Artificial Intelligence
 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
 Distributed Artificial Intelligence
 Intelligent Information Systems
 Multi-Agent Systems
 Ontology-based Intelligent Systems
 Advanced Intelligent Systems
Application areas:
 Knowledge Management
 Education, e-Learning
 Business&Finance
 Health, Medicine and Bioengineering