25 points

Spelling Homework
of your spelling words per activity, complete at least 25 points.
You must complete at least 25 points each spelling list. Check off the activities you have
completed. Try to choose different activities. Keep this sheet in the spelling section of your
binder to refer to each week.
5 Point Activities
_____ Backwards Words-Write your words forwards and backwards.
_____ Picture words -Draw a picture and write your words in the picture.
_____ Words without Vowels -Write your words replacing all vowels with a dash/hyphen.
_____ Words without Consonants -Same as above but replace consonants with a
_____ Divide each word into syllables – using hyphen between syllables
_____ Write each word -circle the vowels and underline the consonants.
_____ Write each word three times in a circle.
_____ Delicious words – At home, write your words in whipped cream, peanut butter, or
anything you can eat on a paper plate! Bring in a note from a parent!
_____ Good Clean Words –At home, write your words in shaving cream on a paper plate or
some other surface that can be cleaned safely! Bring a note from a parent!
_____ Dirty Words -Write your words in mud or sand outside! Bring a note from a parent!
10 Point Activities
_____ Sentences - Use each word in one sentence and underline the spelling word.
_____ Silly sentences -Use all your words in four sentences
_____ Rainbow words - Write each spelling word in a rainbow of colors. First, write the words
with a red crayon. Trace over the words with a blue crayon. Finally, trace the words
again with a green crayon.
_____ Other hand - Write your words with the hand you do not usually write with. (For
example, if you are right-handed, write your words with your left hand.) Then write
the word with your regular hand next to it.
_____ Popsicles/Toothpicks -Make words using popsicle sticks or toothpicks. Glue or tape
them to a piece of paper.
_____ Puzzlemaker – Create a word search at http://puzzlemaker.school.discovery.com/.
(Make the puzzle at least 20x20 letters). Print out and solve yourself.
_____ X Words -Write two words having one common letter so they criss-cross.
15 Point Activities
_____ Parts of speech - Classify each word according to its part of speech (noun, pronoun,
verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection). Use a dictionary
to help!
_____ Synonyms - Write each word and a synonym for that word.
_____ Antonyms - Write each word and an antonym for that word.
_____ Collage - Cut the words out of a magazine/newspaper, make a collage.
_____ Newspaper Word Hunt - Circle the words in the newspaper. Cut out the articles and
_____ Word Hunt - Locate the words in your textbooks or other reading materials. (Write
down the book and page number where you found each word.)
_____ Partner word search - Make a word search using the words. Challenge a classmate to
solve the word search. Include a word bank. Change papers with a partner and each of
you solve the other’s puzzle. Each of you earns 15 points. (graph paper)
_____ Categories - Create 3-4 categories that all the words can fit in. List the words under
the correct category.
_____ Pyramid Words -Write your words adding or subtracting one letter at a time. The
result will be a pyramid shape of words.
_____ Reverse Words-Write your words in alphabetical descending order backwards (z-a).
_____ Hangman - Play a game of Hangman using all your spelling words.
20 Point Activities
_____ Scrabble - Using the tiles from a Scrabble game Challenge, find the value of each
spelling word. Circle the word with the highest mathematical value. For example, the
value of the word forest is 9 (F (4) + O (1) + R (1) + E (1) + S (1) + T (1) = 9).
_____ Similes - Use the words in similes. For example: He was as quiet as a mouse. She sang
like a mockingbird.
_____ Analogies - Create analogies using the words. For example: heart is to body as motor is
to lawn mower.
_____ Crossword Puzzle - Make a crossword puzzle on graph paper using the words. Include
across and down clues.
_____ Newspaper Headlines - Write newspaper headlines using the words.
_____ Comic Strip - Create a comic strip using the words.
_____ Short Story - Use your spelling words to write a short story. Your story must include
all your spelling words. Underline each word.
_____ Mnemonic sentences-Each letter of the word should start a word in the sentence. For
example, a mnemonic sentence for the word throw might be-Ted has rented one
wheelbarrow. Underline the first letter in each word.
_____ 30 Second Words -Write a TV commercial using all the words from your list.
_____ New Game - Create a new spelling game. Write down the step-by-step directions and
any materials needed to play the game.