WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION COMMISSION FOR ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES THORPEX ICSC DAOS Working Group Third Meeting CAS/THORPEX ICSC/ DAOS-3/Doc.6.7 (08.VI.2010) Item: 6.7 Original: ENGLISH University of Québec in Montréal (UQAM) Montréal, 8-9 July 2010 THORPEX sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Project 1. Background At its 15th session (November 2009), the WMO Commission of Atmospheric Sciences (CAS) requested the Joint Scientific Committees of the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and also the THORPEX international Core Steering Committee (ICSC) to set up an appropriate collaborative structure to carry out an international research initiative on sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting. It recommended that such a research initiative is closely coordinated with the present existing WMO Commission on Basic Systems (CBS) infrastructure for long-range forecasting (with centres producing long-range forecasts and regional climate centres) and with the future developments in WMO climate service delivery and the Global Framework for Climate Services called for in the High-Level Declaration of the World Climate Conference 3 (WCC-3). An announcement for this Workshop and a Sketch Agenda are appended below in Annexes 1 and 2. . The main outcome of the workshop is the design of a Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction Research Project that provides an efficient framework for co-operative international research and development efforts to improve operational weather and environmental prediction. 2. Actions for the DAOS Working Group The DAOS Working Group is invited to discuss and comment on the announcement and the agenda and in particular to suggest potential topics and speakers. Annex 1 Announcement Workshop “Sub-seasonal to Seasonal prediction” Met Office, Exeter –1 to 3 December 2010 (by invitation only) At its 15th session (November 2009), the WMO Commission of Atmospheric Sciences (CAS) requested the Joint Scientific Committees of the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) and also the THORPEX international Core Steering Committee (ICSC) to set up an appropriate collaborative structure to carry out an international research initiative on sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasting. It recommended that such a research initiative is closely coordinated with the present existing WMO Commission on Basic Systems (CBS) infrastructure for long-range forecasting (with centres producing long-range forecasts and regional climate centres) and with the future developments in WMO climate service delivery and the Global Framework for Climate Services called for in the High-Level Declaration of the World Climate Conference 3 (WCC-3). In order to improve predictions at these ranges it is necessary to develop a seamless approach to weather and seasonal prediction and such a collaborative initiative should be focussed on: Coupled global modelling Coupled data assimilation MJO and organised tropical convection Polar processes Surface-atmosphere interactions Stratosphere-troposphere interactions Ensemble prediction systems (EPS) Data bases for research Forecasting system design Societal and economic benefits from improved sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction It is necessary to promote a seamless approach to the application of sub-seasonal to seasonal predictions through physical and social science researchers, service providers and users and leveraging the work of existing programmes. The goals of the Workshop are to establish current capabilities, identify high-priority research topics and demonstration projects and to develop recommendations for the establishment of an international research project Programme Committee Julia Slingo (UK Met Office) – Chair and host Gilbert Brunet (Environment Canada) Tim Stockdale (ECMWF) Harry Hendon (BoM) Ben Kirtman (University of Miami) An IRI representative Christian Jakob (Monash University) Data Assimilation expert CBS/Archive Centre (Korean) representative CLIVAR representative David Burridge (WMO/THORPEX IPO Annex 2 Sketch Agenda SKETCH AGENDA Day 1 09.00 – 09.05 09.05 – 09.30 Registration Welcome to the Workshop Background to the Workshop Session 1: Present capabilities Invited talk on prediction systems - modelling Invited talk on prediction systems – data assimilation Invited talk on the present “operational” capabilities Invited talk on gaps and major problems Discussion Julia Slingo PC Chair David Burridge. TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Leader TBD Session 2: Processes and regional aspects Invited talk on atmospheric convection Ocean and ice modelling Invited talk on polar processes Invited talk on surface processes and interactions Invited talk on Stratosphere-troposphere interactions Discussion TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Leader TBD Day 2 Session 3: Ensemble prediction and data bases Invited talk on ensemble prediction Invited talk on the TIGGE data bases Invited talk on the CHFP Data bases to support seasonal prediction research Discussion TBD TBD TBD TBD Leader TBD Session 4: Forecasting system design and requirements Invited talk from operational centre 1 Invited talk from operational centre 2 Verification systems Products and priorities Discussion TBD TBD TBD TBD Leader TBD Day 3 Session 5: Societal and economic benefits General talk An African demonstration project A South American demonstration project A North American demonstration project A South Asian demonstration project An Insurance project Discussion TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Leader TBD Session 6: Ways forward Summaries of the discussions Establishment of an international project The role of the WWRP/WCRP/THORPEX secretariats Leaders TBD TBD