7:00 – 9:30am from 9:00am on
Transport to Ayot St Lawrence
10:00am – 12.00pm Welcomings to Shaw’s Corner from Sue Morgan, Manager of Shaw’s Corner, and tour of the house & village.
All sessions will be at the
Palladian Church
4:00 – 4:15pm
5:45 – 8:00
7:30 – 9:30pm
Lunch provided
Brief welcomings to the conference by Alan Knight, Chairman of the Shaw Society, and Michael O’Hara, President of the International Shaw Society. Introduction of
Michael Holroyd by Leonard Conolly, Trent U., Canada.
Tea & Coffee Break
“The Place of ‘Place’ in Shaw’s Life and Writing”
Chaired by Richard Dietrich, U. of South Florida, Treasurer of the International Shaw Society
2:30-3:00) ) Alice McEwan (Ph.D. Research Student at U. of Hertfordshire, Shaw’s Corner ):
“Shaw’s Living Space in Fact and Fiction: The Playwright’s Interiors as a Critique of the Bourgeois Home”
3:00-3:30) Lizzie Dunford (Assistant House Steward at Shaw’s Corner): “A Living Shrine:
Shaw’s Corner as Reliquary.
3:30-4:00) Michelle Paull (St Mary’s University College) “Shaw not at home – early politics and playwriting”
“The Place of ‘Place’” continued.
Chaired by Michael O’Hara, President of the International Shaw Society
4:15-4:45) Allan David Johnson (City University of Hong Kong) “Building the Modern
World: The Architectural Spaces of Shaw’s Drama”
4:45-5:15) Desmond Harding (Central Michigan U.) “The City and the State: Major
Barbara and the Urbanization of Creative-Destructive Capitalism”
5:15-5:45) Soudabeh Ananisarab ( U. of Nottingham) “Malvern and Shaw’s Eugenics:
Explaining Shaw’s Association with the Malvern Theatre Festival”
Dinner at the Brocket Arms or back at your hotel
Drinks Reception (wine & canapés) with a talk from Toni Kanal Green and Richard
Digby Day, who will talk about their many years of providing plays at Shaw’s Corner and about “Shaw As Others Saw Him”
1:30pm – 3:00pm
3:00 – 3:30pm
3:30 –4:30pm
5:00 – 7:30pm
7:30 – 9:00pm
7:00 – 8:00am
Transport back to hotels & B&Bs
Session 2
All sessions at the
Palladian Church
Breakfast at hotel or B&B or, after transport, breakfast at Ayot.
“Shaw & Women”
Chaired by Ann Stewart, Membership Secretary of the ISS .
9:30-10:00) Ellen Dolgin ( VP of ISS, Chair of English & Co-Chair, Gender Studies, Dominican
College, Orangeburg, NY) “All Roles Lead to Joan: Smashing More Than Windows from
Suffrage Drama to Saint Joan”
10:00-10:30) Padraig O’Cleirigh (University of Guelph, Canada) Lilith’s Vortex and Greek
10:30-11:00) Elizabeth Buras ( Candidate for Masters in Theatre Directing at Texas State
University) “From Raina to Ann: Progression of the Shavian Women”
11:00-11:15am Coffee Break
Introduced by Michael O’Hara, President of the ISS
Lunch provided
“Shaw and Drama/Theatre”
Chaired by Ellen Dolgin, VP of the ISS, Chair of English & Co-Chair, Gender Studies,
Dominican College, Orangeburg, NY
1:30-2:00) Joan Templeton (Long Island U. & Past President, Ibsen Society of America)
“In Defense of Shaw: The Quintessence of Ibsenism”
2:00-2:30) Rodelle Weintraub (Penn State U.) “Whose Dream Is It Anyway? Caesar
and Cleopatra”
2:30-3:00) John McInerney (U. of Scranton) “Directing Arms and the Man”
“Shaw and War ” Chaired by Jean Reynolds (Polk State College, Florida)
3:30-4:00) Lagretta Lenker (U. of South Florida) “The Fabian Mystique: GBS, ASB, &
4:00-4:30) Audrey McNamara (University College Dublin) “Heartbreak Houses”
Dinner at Brocket Arms or back at your hotel
“Shaw and Music: In Memory of Isidor Saslav . Introduced by Leonard Conolly.
Shaw’s musical favorites will be played by Elisabeth & Lucy Waterhouse on piano and violin and sung by mezzo-soprano Brigitte Bogar . With readings & commentary from
Shaw’s music criticism by Christopher Innes (York U., Canada).
Breakfast at Hotel or B&B.
Arrive at LSE (London School of Economics) & coffee / Intro to London day
Sue Donnelly talk and look around the archives
11:00-11:30am Coffee Break
11:30-Noon Phillip Riley (Editor of The Shavian) “Why we need a Shaw National Theatre”
Introduced by Shaw Society member
Introduced by Shaw Society member
1:00 – 5:00pm
An afternoon with the Shaw Society, including a coach tour of Shavian London
(Possible stops include British Museum Reading Room, RADA (Royal Academy of
Dramatic Art), 29 Fitzroy Square, St. Pancras Ladies Loo, Covent Gardens, Adelphi
Terrace, Whitehall Court, etc.)
Coach to Ealing (in West London). Dinner at Ealing.
Mrs. Warren’s Profession at Questors Theatre
7:00 – 9:30am
Coach to Ayot and to hotels or B&Bs
10 –11:30am
All sessions at the
Palladian Church
Breakfast at Hotel or B&B or, after transport, free continental breakfast in Ayot.
“Shaw’s Friendships & Correspondence”
Chaired by Michael O’Hara, President of the International Shaw Society
10:00-10:30) ) Jay Tunney , (Author of The Prizefighter and the Playwright: Gene Tunney and
George Bernard Shaw) “The Spiritual Shaw”
10:30-11:00) Kathryn Cockin ( U. of Hull., editor of The Collected Letters of Ellen Terry)
“Ellen Terry’s Letters”
11:00-11:30) Charles A. Carpenter (Binghamton U.) "Shaw & Gilbert Murray: Great
Friends, Great Opponents"
Introduced by Michel Pharand, Editor of SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies
12:30 -1:30 PM Lunch provided
“Shaw in Other Countries”
Chaired by Michel Pharand, Editor of SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies
1:30-2:00) Jean Reynolds (Polk State College, Florida) “Pygmalion in Africa”
2:00-2:30) Vania Papanikolaou (Postdoctoral, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) “You
Never Can Tell or Dad Is Missing: The Reception of G. B. Shaw in Greek Theatre at the
Beginning of the 20 th Century.”
2:30-3:00) Gautam Sengupta (Gurudas College, Kolkata) “Shaw & India: Crossing
Cultural Frontiers”
3:15 –5:45pm?
“Comparisons & Influences”
Chaired by John McInerney, U. of Scranton, Recording Secretary of the International Shaw
3:15-3:45) Frances Hughes (Chairman of The Irving Society) “GBS: The Youthful
Playgoer in Dublin”
3:45-4:15) Lawrence Switzky (U. of Toronto) “Left of Bayreuth, or Shaw’s ‘Displaced’
7:00 – 9:00pm
9:00 -11:00pm
4:15-4:45) Atalay Gündüz (Celal Bayar U., Turkey) “Nietzschean Influences in Man and
4:45-5:15) Pending
5:15-5:45) Pending
Celebratory Dinner with live music from Shaw’s time at Ayot. A talk by Sylvia Sims: topic TBA.
Transport to hotels or B&Bs
7:00 – 9:30 AM Full Breakfast at hotel or B&B or, after transport, free continental breakfast at Ayot.
“Geneva & Buoyant Billions”
Chaired by Lagretta Lenker, U. of South Florida
10:00-10:30) James Redmond (U. of London) "Shaw's Geneva and Brecht's Galileo"
10:30-11:00) Christa Zorn (Indiana U. Southeast) “Geneva – or the Failure of Language”
11:00-11:30) Mark Lepitre (Doctoral student at Laval U., Quebec City) “Buoyant Billions or
How to Better the World”
11:30 – 11:45am BREAK
11:45am – 12:45pm
“Shaw in the 21 st Century”
Chaired by Richard Dietrich, U. of South Florida, Treasurer of ISS
11:45-12:15) Gustavo A. Rodríguez Martín & José L. Oncins Martínez (U. of
Extremadura, Spain) “Shav versus Shakes: an Intertextual Approach”
12:15-12:45) Biljana Vlaskovic (PhD studies in the English Department of The Faculty of
Philology and Arts in Kragujevac, Serbia) “Use and Abuse of Shaw on the Internet”
2:00 – 5:00pm
Palladian Church
Lunch provided
Introduced by Michael O’Hara, President of the International Shaw Society
Outdoors on the
Back Lawn
Transport to hotels & B&Bs
Unless you have arranged to stay longer, hotels and B&Bs will probably expect you to vacate by noon (or possibly even earlier: check with them), and it may be up to you to arrange transport to the airport or your next stop (that’s being worked on). You could meet others at breakfast, either at your hotel or B&B or in Ayot, before departing. There may also be walking tours provided at Ayot for those who wish
some exercise and a more leisurely departure.