Section 1: Part 2 - First Nations` Emergency Services Society

Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 1.02.10
Eye Protection
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Effective Date:
To protect the eyes of members from contamination or injury when performing duties.
Insert FD Name members.
All Insert FD Name members will wear appropriate eye protection whenever there is a risk of
eye contamination or injury.
Fire Fighters will ensure their helmet visors are in the down position when they are in a work
area where there is a risk of eye injury.
The fire department will provide eye protective goggles for use with power tools. Members will
wear appropriate eye protection when using reciprocating saws, air chisels and other tools
where there is a risk of eye injury.
There will be splash goggles provided in each First Responder jumpbag. Members will wear the
splash goggles whenever there is a possibility of blood or body fluids being splashed or sprayed
at members.
NFPA 1500
WorkSafe BC
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 1.08.02
Fire Apparatus Fire Extinguisher
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Effective Date:
To ensure extinguishers on all apparatus are inspected.
Insert FD Name members.
Apparatus extinguishers shall be inspected by a third party.
Apparatus extinguishers shall be formally inspected by a third party during the month
of October
Extinguisher inspections shall occur during the inspection of the building fire
Appropriate tags shall be included for the inspections of the extinguishers by the third
party inspection company to ensure that the tags can be read at all times for the
member’s weekly inspection regardless if the extinguishers is exposed to the
The Fire Chief shall ensure that the inspections are completed
NFPA 1002
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 1.03.01
Fit Testing
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Effective Date:
To ensure that Fit Testing is completed annually and to the correct requirements.
Insert FD Name members.
The Insert FD Name members will have a fit test completed annually by a qualified individual
using a sensitivity and volumetric leak test.
Annually during the months of September and October all members of the Fire Rescue
Service who require the use of respiratory protection must be fit tested
Any new member shall have a fit test completed at the start of their training and then
repeated within the months described above.
Fit testing shall be completed by a qualified individual
Records of the fit testing shall be maintained at all times
Fit testing shall include a sensitivity test (Qualitative) and volumetric leak (Quantitative)
Qualitative fit testing (QLFT)
A qualitative fit test relies on a person's response to a test agent due to taste, smell, or irritation.
Acceptable qualitative fit test methods are listed below.
Acceptable QLFT Methods
Test agent
Response based on
1. Isoamyl acetate (banana oil)
2. Saccharin solution aerosol
3. Irritant smoke
4. Bitter aerosol
Appendix B of the Standard includes procedures and explanatory information for the isoamyl
acetate, saccharin solution, irritant smoke, and bitter aerosol methods. Test equipment and
supplies are available from safety equipment suppliers.
For the isoamyl acetate, saccharin solution, and bitter aerosol tests, the following applies:
Prior to proceeding with the fit test, the worker receiving the test is subjected to a
threshold-screening test without a respirator to ensure sensitivity to the selected test
agent. If the worker does not respond to the selected test agent, an alternate agent or
method is chosen.
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 1.03.01
Fit Testing
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Effective Date:
Quantitative Fit Testing (QNFT)
The following quantitative method is acceptable:
Measure the volumetric leak rate of a facepiece using controlled negative pressure.
The first two QNFT methods measure the concentration of a test agent inside the
respirator facepiece. The tests are conducted using electronic equipment (such as a
condensation nuclei counter) capable of counting airborne particles. The third method
relies on measurement of the exhaust air stream that is required to hold the sealed
respirator to the face.
Quantitative tests do not depend on a person's response to a test agent.
Before each use of a respirator, which requires an effective seal with the face for proper
functioning, a worker must perform a positive or negative pressure user seal check in accordance
with CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z94.4-02, Selection, Use, and Care of Respirators
WorkSafe BC Part 8 Part 31
OG 1.03, 1.03.02, 1.03.03, 1.03.04
CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z94.4-93, Selection, Use and Care of Respirators.
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 1.07.08
Ground Ladder Maintenance
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Effective Date:
To ensure all service ground ladders remain safe and reliable.
Insert FD Name members.
All fire department ladders must be properly maintained after each use or a minimum of once
per month.
All fire department ground ladders will be tested and serviced:
 Once a year
 Any time a ladder is suspected of being unsafe
 After the ladder has been subjected to over-loading
 After heat exposure
 After any deficiencies have been repaired
It is the responsibility of the Fire Chief or designate to provide overall management of the
maintenance, repair and replacement of fire department ladders.
It is the responsibility of the Fire Officer to ensure that proper care and maintenance procedures
are followed by fire department members working with ladders
Fire rescue service members shall utilize the proper procedures and provide the proper care
when maintaining and utilizing fire department ladders.
Ground ladders shall be inspected and cleaned monthly.
Ladders shall be visually inspected and cleaned after each use. Fire department ladders, which
have been found to have defects, shall be removed from service for repairs and/or replaced.
Halyards on ground ladders shall be replaced as needed.
Ladders found unserviceable are to be tagged and need to be repaired.
The following procedures should be utilized when inspecting ladders:
o Remove dirt from the ladder with a brush and running water. A solvent cleaner or steel
wool may be used to remove any oily or greasy residues
o Check for obvious defects
o Check for broken or cracked welds
o Check for cracked metal parts
o Check for loose rungs, rivets and welds
o All braces, slides, stops, locks rivets, pulleys and other moveable parts should be
examined including pawls, dogs and lock
Check the halyard for wear, decay, kinking or fraying
Check proper action of extension ladders
When defects are discovered notify the Fire Chief and be guided by the “Equipment Out of
Service OG”
Ladder testing shall be scheduled for the month of March annually
WorkSafe BC Part 31.8, 31.9, 31.37
NFPA 1932
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 1.05.04
Hearing Protection Program
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Effective Dates:
To establish a program to ensure that members hearing is protected and hearing is tested.
Insert FD Name members.
Annually the hearing protection program shall include the following outlined procedures.
The Insert FD Name hearing protection program shall include where possible the following:
Noise Measurement
Education and Training
Noise Control
Hearing Protection
Posting of Noise Hazard Areas
Annual Program Review
Hearing Tests
New members should be tested within one month of joining the fire department by a
mobile hearing testing company. Annual tests are conducted in May of each year for all
members. The FD Fire Department copies of hearing test results are kept by mobile
hearing testing company, with our written authorization. Any worker wanting a copy of
these results can telephone their office and the company will provide copies to workers at
an expense. Hearing testing will comply with the O.H. & S. Regulation, Part 7 Sections
7.18 through 7.21. It further states that sufficient time will be allowed for counseling on
the test results and on use and maintenance of hearing protection (approximately 20
minutes for each annual retest and 30 minutes for each new member)
NFPA 1500
WorkSafe BC
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 1.01.16
Hepatitis A and B Immunization
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Effective Date:
To give all fire department members the opportunity to receive Hepatitis A and B
Insert FD Name members.
Provide all fire department members that could be exposed to Hepatitis A or B with opportunity
for immunization.
The Fire Chief or designate will arrange to have members who are potentially at risk
Immunization will be done by a medical practitioner
Hepatitis A and B immunization are encouraged for all members but the immunization
program is optional.
Any member declining immunization will have the same noted on their file
NFPA 1500
WorkSafe BC
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. # 1.04.02
Incident Rehabilitation
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Effective Dates:
To identify the location, establishment and control of a rehabilitation function at incidents.
Insert FD Name members.
When it is recognized that incident duration, weather extremes or working conditions will lead
to fatigue, ineffectiveness and or unsafe work practices rehabilitation shall be considered. The
Commander can establish rehabilitation in accordance with the procedure. The Rehabilitation
Group is a recognized function within the Command System.
The Rehab Group may be supplied with shelter, food and or fluids and staffed with
personnel from other services.
The Commander:
o At any emergency incident lasting longer than thirty minutes, the Commander
may establish an area for members to rest and rehabilitate.
o Determine the provision of food and fluids at emergency scenes.
o Determine the provisions of shelter.
Officers shall supervise their team and update on any adverse effects of extreme
weather and fatigue as soon as possible.
Rehabilitation shall be an ongoing process of evaluation to ensure that all members
have the correct amount of time in rehab and nourishment/fluids.
Long duration incidents shall have rest periods established and medical evaluation
considered through the Commander. BC Ambulance shall be requested to attend the
incident to monitor vital signs by the Incident Commander.
Rehabilitation shall be considered to be located within Staging to allow for the Staging
Manager to monitor staffing levels for the Commander.
NFPA 1500
WorkSafe BC Part 31.6
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief
Insert FD Name
Operational Guideline
O.G. #
Instruction and Direction
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Effective Date:
To establish effective instructions and direction for firefighter safety.
Insert FD Name members.
All fire department members will follow the protocols contained in the Operational Guideline.
The Fire Chief shall ensure effective instruction and the direction of firefighter safety
procedures by utilizing current and modern techniques. Instruction and direction shall
be based on all applicable National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) WorkSafe BC
rules and regulation and Community policy.
Instruction and direction to ensure firefighter safety shall be reviewed by the Fire
Department management. This review shall also include members of the fire rescue
service where applicable. The review of applications of written materials, review of
written evaluations as well as practical evaluation shall be included with the periodic
NFPA 1500
WorkSafe BC Part 31.4
This OG replaces
Signature of Fire Chief