
Booklist for the fifth year students of the full-time studies in English
at the Faculty of Medicine, Medical Program (2013/2014)
Books marked in red are recommended for buying.
Internal diseases
1. Harrison's Principles of internal medicine, Sixteenth Edition (basic)
Internal diseases- hematology
1. Dan Longo, Anthony Fauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson, Joseph Loscalzo
2. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18th Edition, McGraw-Hill Professional, July 21, 2011
3. M Turgeon, Clinical Hematology Theory and Procedures, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011
Infectious and parastitic diseases
1. Zakim D., Boyer T.D. Hepatology A textbook of liver disease
2. Mandell G.L., Douglas R.G., Bennett J.E. Principles and practice of infectious diseases
1. Weissleder R., et al.: Primer of Diagnostic Imaging. 4th ed, Mosby Elsevier, 2007.
2. Gibson R, et al.: Essential Medical Imaging. Cambridge University Press, 2009.
3. Moeller T.B., Reif E.: Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Computed Tomography and Magnetic
Resonance Imaging, Vol. 1-3. Thieme Verlag, 2007.
4. Daffner R., et al.: Clinical Radiology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.
5. Vilensky J. et al.: Medical Imaging of Normal and Pathologic Anatomy. WB Saunders Company,
6. Suetens P.: Fundamentals of Medical Imaging, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
1. Netter's Atlas of Human Neuroscience, David L. Felten, Ralph F. Józefowicz
2. Clinical Neuroanatomy and Neuroscience, 5th Edition
3. Authors: M. J. T. FitzGerald, Gregory Gruener, & Estomih Mtui
4. Neurology. An illustrated colour text. Fuller G., Manford M. Churchil Livingstone 2000.
5. Blueprints in Neurology. Blackwell Science, Inc. 2008. Drislane FW, et al.
6. Clinical Neurology, 4th ed. Lange. 1999 Simon RP, Aminoff MJ, Greenberg DA.
7. Merritt's Textbook of Neurology. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2000. Rowland LP
8. Neurology in Clinical Practice, 5th ed.Butterworth-Heinemann. 2007 Bradley WG, et al.
1. Psychiatry for Medical Students by Robert J. Waldinger 3rd Edition, 1997
2. Clinical Psychiatry for Medical Students by Alan Stoudemire 3rd Edition, 1998
3. Synopsis of Psychiatry : Behavioral Sciences Clinical Psychiatry by Harold I Kaplan, Benjamin J.
Sadock 10th Edition, 2010
4. Psychiatry Crash Course by Cameron , Bloye , Davies
5. The Maudsley Handbook of Practical Psychiatry ICD-10
Pulmonary Diseases
1. Principles of Pulmonary Medicine Steven Weinberger ,Barbara Cockrill, Jess Mandel,
SAUNDERS, the latest edition
2. Clinical Medicine; Kumar & Clark; 4th ed. Bailliere Tindal; the latest edition
3. Pulmonary disease diagnosis and therapy”, M.Gabriel Khan, Joseph P.Lynch, J.W.Pine Copywright
(Ed), 1977 Williams & Wilkins USA, the latest edition
4. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 15th edition, McGrawhill
1. Lissauer T, Clayden G. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics.
2. Levy HB, Sheldon SH, Sulayman RF. Diagnosis and management of hospitalized child.
1. Mastery of Surgery, J. Fischer
Gynecology and obstetrics
1. Berek & Novak’s Gynecology. 14th ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2006.
2. Hacker and Moore’s Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 5th ed. Elsevier 2010.
3. Meszaros’ Crash Course (US): Endocrine and Reproductive Systems. Mosby 2005.
1. “Manual of Clinical Oncology” Dennis A Casciato, Mary C Territo, 2008, Lippincott Williams &
Scientific Information in Medicine
Nephrology, Feb2010, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p12-19; Strube, K; Antoniewicz, C M. Medical Reference
Services Quarterly, 1988, Vol. 7 Issue 2, p31-40
Emergency medicine
1.Tintinallis Emergency Medicine Manual 7 th edition,Mc Graw Hill Medical
2.Shash B.,Lucchesi M. Atlas of Pediatric Emergency Medicine.Mc Graw Hill Medical
3.Greenberg’s Text –Atlas of Emergency Medicine, Lippincott Wiliams & Wilkins
4.Guildeness 2010 CPR
Nuclear medicine
1. Nuclear Medicine Review
2. Clinical Nuclear Medicine
Evidence based medicine
1. Straus SE, Scott Richardson W, Glasziou P, Haynes B. Evidence Based Medicine. Churchill
Livingstone 2005.
1. Gabriel M. Danovitch Handbook of Kidney Transplantation. Lippincott Williams&Wilkins, last
Plastic surgery
1. Thorne Ch. H.: Grab&Smith’s plastic surgery, Lippincot, Williams&Wilkins, Philadelfia 2007.
2. Mathes S.J.: Plastic surgery, Sounders, Elsevier, Philadelfia 2006.
Cardiac surgery
1. TSRA Review of Cardiothoracic Surgery
2. Multimedia Manual of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Editor: Marko Turina
Family medicine
1.Mengel MB, Schwiebert LP. Family Medicine. Ambulatory Care and Prevention. McGravHill, New
York 2009
2.Beers M.H., Berkow R. The Merck Manual of Geriatrics. Merck Co., NJ, 2000
3.Landefeld C.S., Palmer R.M., Johnson M.A., Johnson C.B., Lyons W.L. Current geriatric diagnosis &
treatment. McGraw-Hill Medical, NJ, 2004 Rosenthal T., Naughton B., Williams M. Office Care
Geriatrics. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006
4.Manual of Hypertension of the European Society of Hypertension. Ed. by: M. Mancia; G. Grassi;
S.E. Kjeldsen. Informa UK LTD, 2008
5.2007 Guidelines for management of arterial hypertension. The Task Force for the Management of
Arterial Hypertension of European Society of Hypertension (ESH) and European Society of
Cardiology (ESC). Europ Heart J 2007; 28:1462
6.Reappraisal of European guidelines on hypertension management: a European Society of
Hypertension Task Force Document. J.Hyertens 2009; 27:2121
7.Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, 18th edition
8. M. Bisconcin, G. Maso, N. Mathers. The European Textbook of Family Medicine. Passoni Editore
9. Case Files. Family Medicine. McGravHill, New York 2010
Public Health
1. Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance by Margaret Somerville, K. Kumaran and Rob
2. Essential Public Health: Theory and Practice by Stephen Gillam, Jan Yates and Padmanabhan
3. Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice (Oxford Medical Handbooks) by David Pencheon,
Charles Guest, David Melzer and Muir Gray.
4. Public Health and Epidemiology at a Glance by Margaret Somerville, K. Kumaran and Rob
5. A Dictionary of Epidemiology by Miquel Porta.
6. Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Preventive Medicine: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access, 3e
by James F. Jekel MD MPH, David L. Katz MD MPH, Dorothea Wild MD MPH Dr. Med and Joann G.
Elmore MD MP.
7. Clinical Epidemiology: The Essentials by Robert H. Fletcher and Suzanne W. Fletcher