(The manuscript must be written in formal UK English language. Please avoid any slang or unethical terms that could offend a second party. The margins for entire document are: Top 1.8, Bottom 2.5; Left 1.5; Right 1.9) Title of the article (Times New Roman 14, bold, Sentence case, centred, it must be informative and please prevent any abbreviations and formulae where possible) Author1 (First name Family name),*a Author2b (Times New Roman 12, centred) (Please clearly indicate with a star* who is handling correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also postpublication. Please make sure that the telephone- and fax number of the corresponding author are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address) a Institutional Address (full Address including email address of the corresponding Author*) (Times New Roman 11, italic, centred) Abstract (Times New Roman 12, bold, align left) Here please describe the importance of your work briefly in maximum 150 words (Times New Roman 12, align left). Keywords: Please give 5 keywords (Each in Capital, separated with a comma, Times New Roman 12, align left) 1. Introduction (Times New Roman 12, bold, align left) The introduction (Times New Roman 12, Justify) should contain a survey of the works done so far in respect to the current subject, and briefly describe what problems you want to solve. References should be cited in the text as a superscript (Example: During the synthesis of many molecules, especially in drugs synthesis, protection of carbonyl group is often necessary.1 Different reagents have been employed for this purpose such as alcohols,2 ethane dithiol,3 trialkyl orthoformates,4 2-mercaptoethanol,5 acetic anhydride,6 etc. The reference numbers should come after punctuations. Among these protecting agents, acetic anhydride is of special interest and has been widely used for protection of carbonyl compounds, due to the stability of gem-diacetates (acylals) in neutral and mild basic as well as acidic medium.7,8 We suggest using the corresponding “EndnoteStyle.ens” from our homepage. 2. Results and Discussion (Times New Roman 12, bold, align left) Describe (Times New Roman 12, Justify) your findings and results clearly. The Schemes 1, Tables 1 etc. should be numbered with Arabic numerals and appear in bold (see Table 1, Figure 1). Please insert all your equations and other math formulae in tables with two columns. On the left hand side of the table, insert the equation and on the right hand side insert the number. Finally, make the whole table invisible. The novelty of studies in comparison to literature background should be clearly emphasized. Results need to be completely clear. If the author(s) proposes a new method against the other existing method, a fair comparison between the new results and the old ones would be useful. Discussion must explain the significance of the results of the work. Prevent extensive citations and discussion of published literature. Table. 1. Comparison of (Times New Roman 12, align with table left edge). Entry Biaryls ΔGrac, ΔGrac, experimental1 calculated 98.5 kJ/mol 97.5 kJ/mol (50 oC in DMF)6 (50 oC in DMF) 1 1 1 provide the necessary details (Times New Roman 10, align left) Artwork, general points. Please use only Times Roman or Helvetica fonts, prepare the images in good quality min 600 dpi, provide captions for all tables, pictures, etc. Tables. Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Figures. All figures and schemes must be prepared according to “ACS document 1996” settings in ChemDraw, and Authors should run the 'clean up structures' feature in ChemDraw before submission. In addition, all images, which are not ChemDraw, should be pasted in TIFF format and have at least 600 dpi resolution. Figure 1. Synthesis of biaryls by asymmetric Suzuki-Miyaura reaction All known products obtained in the course of presented studies should be compared with literature data. The purity of the obtain materials should be confirmed by elemental analysis or other adequate data. In the case of unknown compounds, full set of physical and spectral data (b.p., m.p., 1H and 13C NMR etc.) along with elemental or HR-MS analysis should be presented. 3. Conclusions Please clearly reassume your achievements. The main conclusions of the work may be presented in a short Conclusions style. Acknowledgements Put acknowledgements here if applicable. 4. Experimental 4.1. Materials and Methods 4.2. General procedure 4.3 Physical and Spectral Data etc. Provide comprehensive details to allow the paper to be reproduced. Methods already published need to be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications must be described. References We suggest using the corresponding “EndnoteStyle.ens” from our homepage. Please note that the journal titles should be abbreviated. Please use “ISI Journal Title Abbreviations” as in http://www.efm.leeds.ac.uk/~mark/ISIabbr/C_abrvjt.html for journals not listed in Endnote. Please make sure that all references cited in the text are also presented in the reference list. Please use only indexed papers, books, etc in your paper. In our oponion, a good quality paper must have, at least, 15-20 references from indexed journals. Please follow the given examples below: Journal publications: Wang J., Liu G., Engelhard M. H., and Lin Y. (2006) Sensitive immunoassay of a biomarker tumor necrosis factor-α based on poly(guanine)-functionalized silica nanoparticle label. Anal. Chem., 78 (19) 6974-6979. Padalkar V., Patil V., Gupta V., Phatangare K., and Sekar N. (2011) Synthesis of new ESIPT- fluorescein: Photophysics of pH Sensitivity and Fluorescence. J. Phys. Chem. A, Accepted Manuscript (DOI: 10.1021/jp2073123). Reference to a book: Billoski T. V. (1992) Introduction to Paleontology, 6th Ed, Institutional Press, New York. Reference to a chapter in an edited book: Mettam G. R., and Adams L. B. (1999) How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: Jones B. S., and Smith R. Z. (Eds) Introduction to the Electronic Age. E-Publishing Inc., New York, 281-304. Patents: Martinez L. (1997) Fibrous cellulose support containing adhered yeast for converting sucrose to glucose and fructose. US Patent 6,013,491. For example: 1 Wang J., Liu G., Engelhard M. H., and Lin Y. (2006) Sensitive immunoassay of a biomarker tumor necrosis factor-α based on poly(guanine)-functionalized silica nanoparticle label. Anal. Chem., 78 (19) 6974-6979. 2 Padalkar V., Patil V., Gupta V., Phatangare K., and Sekar N. (2011) Synthesis of new ESIPTfluorescein: Photophysics of pH Sensitivity and Fluorescence. J. Phys. Chem. A, Accepted Manuscript (DOI: 10.1021/jp2073123). 3 Billoski T. V. (1992) Introduction to Paleontology, 6th Ed, Institutional Press, New York. 4 Mettam G. R., and Adams L. B. (1999) How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: Jones B. S., and Smith R. Z. (Eds) Introduction to the Electronic Age. E-Publishing Inc., New York, 281-304. 5 Martinez L. (1997) Fibrous cellulose support containing adhered yeast for converting sucrose to glucose and fructose. US Patent 6,013,491.