Odor and Nutrient Management Tell us what you think! We value your judgment and want to know what you think about the Odor and Nutrient Management newsletter. Please let us know what you liked and didn't like. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below. Then fold the form on the dotted lines, tape it shut (do not staple it), and return it. The postage is prepaid. Or you can complete the survey on our World Wide Web page at: http://extension.agron.iastate.edu/immag Thanks for your response.—ISU Extension 1. Please rate the quality of the newsletter on the following items. Circle the number that best reflects your opinion. The information was timely The information was useful The text was easy to read The information improved my ability to make management decisions The color photographs were of value Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Strongly Agree 4 5 4 5 4 5 1 1 4 4 2 2 3 3 5 5 2. Did Odor and Nutrient Management contain information not available to you elsewhere? ___Yes ___No 3. Do others read your copy of the newsletter? ___Yes If yes, how many?____________ ___No 4. Did you change any fertility management practice, manure management practice or employ any odor control technologies as a result of information in Odor and Nutrient Management? ___Yes ___No If yes, check all areas that apply. ___Odor management ___Manure application rates ___Application technology ___Nutrient management practices ___Substitution of manure for commercial fertilizer ___Other (please describe)_________________________________________________ 5. Estimate a dollar value for the savings or profit made because of these changes______ 6. What is your overall opinion of Odor and Nutrient Management on the World Wide Web page http://www.exnet.iastate.edu/Pages/communications/EPC/ __________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 7. Would you be willing to pay for an annual subscription to the Odor and Nutrient Management newsletter? The subscription would include 4-6 issues of the newsletter. ___Yes ___0-$5 ___$5-$10 ___$10-$15 ___No 8. What is your primary occupation? ___Farmer ___Farm manager ___Swine production manager ___Ag chem/fertilizer dealer ___NRCS ___County supervisor ___Crop consultant ___County extension staff ___Research/extension specialist ___Other (specify) ________________________________________________ 9. What is your overall opinion of the Odor and Nutrient Management Newsletter?