Biology Spring Semester Project

Biology Spring Semester Project
Your semester project will cover everything we have learned in the second semester:
Diversity, Ecology, and Evolution. You will pick a Biome / Ecosystem on Earth, and
complete the following requirements for that area.
List of Ecosystems / Biomes: Deciduous Forest, Taiga, Tundra, Frozen Ice Cap, Open
Ocean (Pelagic), Deep Ocean (Abyssal), Intertidal (Beach), Intertidal (Salt Marsh),
Freshwater Lakes / River, Freshwater Wetland (Swamp), Savannah, Urban, Tropical
Rainforest, Temperate Rainforest, Coral Reef, Desert (Hot), Desert (Cold). Or if you
would like to do a very particular area, discuss it with your teacher for approval.
1. Classification-Pick 3 organisms. One animal, one plant, and one protist / fungi /
prokaryote. EC for Archaea! For each organism provide a picture and describe
each respective taxon (DKPCOF) with a few sentences. Give the Binomial name
and provide a picture for each organism.
2. Evolution- Show important developments by building an accurate cladogram for
one of your organisms. Be sure to include at least 5 clades with accurate derived
3. Ecosystem / Biome- give a short paragraph description of your area. Include
common organisms, annual precipitation, and temperature ranges. Give a world
map that shows the locations of your area. (the map may be a stolen picture)
4. Ecology- Create a food web that includes all 3 of your organisms from part 1.
This food web should contain at least 5 organisms that can be found in your
researched ecosystem or biome. Create a diagram explaining the Carbon,
nitrogen, water, or phosphorous cycle. In the diagram, include at least one of your
organisms from part 1
All work should be your own. Plagiarism = 0 Create all diagrams,
cycles, and the cladogram yourself. The project should be on a
poster board at least 50cm x 70cm. Your poster should not be
sloppy with pictures falling off. You will give a short talk on your
research during your class period on the day you turn in your
project. Due Monday May 16th by 4pm. Project = 10% of your final
grade. Any work turned in later than 4pm May 16th will receive a 50.
Biology: Semester II Project – Spring 2011
Part I: Classification
Student chose 3 organisms (1 plant, 1
animal and 1
5 points
Student has picture for each organism
5 points
Student correctly identified taxa (from
domainfamily) for each organism
10 points
Student correctly wrote the scientific
name for all 3 species
5 points
Part II: Evolution
Cladogram correctly
drawn with 5 clades and
derived characters
15 points
Student chose less than 3
organisms, or chose organisms
from the same kingdom
0 points
Student missing one picture
3 points
Student correctly identified taxa
for 2 of the 3 organisms
Student missing 2 pictures
1 point
Student correctly identified taxa
for 1 organism
None of the organisms are
correctly identified
7 points
Student correctly wrote the
scientific name for 2 organisms
3 points
3 points
Student correctly wrote the
scientific name for 1 organism
3 points
0 points
All scientific names are
missing or all are incorrect
0 points
One clade and/or derived
character is missing or
More than one clade
and/or derived character
is missing or incorrect
5 points
Cladogram is missing or more
than 2 clades/derived characters
are incorrect
0 points
10 points
Part III: Ecosystem/Biome
Paragraph describes (at least)
the organisms, precipitation
and temperatures of area
15 points
Paragraph is less than 4
sentences and/or is missing
one of the required facts
Paragraph is less than 3
Paragraph is missing
10 points
Has world map with areas
clearly marked
Has world map, but areas are
not clearly marked
5 points
5 points
Missing world map
10 points
Part IV: Ecology
Food web is correctly drawn with at
least 5 organisms from the same
biome/ecosystem (including all 3
from Part I)
15 points
0 points
0 points
Less than 5 organisms and/or
1 arrow incorrectly drawn
10 points
Food web contains more than 1
arrow incorrectly draw and/or all
organisms are not from the same
5 points
Food web is missing, or food web
does not contain all 3 organisms
from part I
0 points
Cycle Diagram correctly drawn with
an explanation and at least 1
organism from part I
10 points
Cycle Diagram explanation
unclear or incorrect
7 points
Missing either the explanation or
the diagram and/or missing
organism from part I
5 points
For all written parts, spelling and grammar will count towards your grade!!
Project is well put together, nicely
drawn or typed, with no parts falling
Project has a slight degree of
sloppiness and appears to be
thrown together at the last
10 Points
5 Points
Due date: May 16th
Project is very sloppy and appears
to lack any effort at all.
0 Points
Missing explanation and diagram
0 points