FP7-People-IRSES Marie Curie Actions Transferring non autonomous cell degeneration models between EU and USA for development of effective theraples for Motor Neuron Diseases (NO MND) First Year Meeting Report The three primary investigators from each country involved in the programme, namely Dr. Stefania Corti (Beneficiary 1, University of Mialn, ltaly), Dr. Dimitra Papadimitriou (Beneficiary 2, Brain Research Foundation Academy of Athens, Greece), and Dr. Diane Re (Partner 3, Columbia University, USA) coordinate the exchanges and the scientific programme by skypeconference calls (once a month) and several in person meetings. The first meeting was held in Milan, ltaly, In December 2013, before the initiation of the programme. The second one was held in Nice in July 2014 (In the context of the lnternational Neuromuscular Disease Congress). The third meeting was held in NYC in August 2014 and a fourth one in NYC in November 2014. Finally, a half day symposium was organized on November 13th 2014 at the Motor Neuron Center of Columbia University, by Dr. Re, the US Coordinator of the programme (the scientific program is attached). The symposium was attended by 60 scientists coming from 12 different laboratories and was sponsored by the Motor Neuron Center. On this occasion, the exchange programme was presented and a series of scientific seminars were given, including some by the Coordinator, the Co-investigators of the programme and the researchers who participated In the first staff exchanges. Cordially, Dr. Stefania corti Dr. Dimitra Papadimitriou Dr. Diane Re FP7-People-IRSES Marie Curie Actions Transferri ng non autonomous cell degeneration models between EU and USA for development of effective therapies for Motor Neuron Diseases (NO-MND) First Year Preliminary Report Overview The programme has been active since Feb 1st 2014 and the following exchanges have been made: Exchanqes from Europe to USA: 1. ESR, Graduate Student Monica Bucchia, from the University of Milan (Beneficiary I), worked at the host laboratory of Prof. Serge Przedborski at Columbia University (Partner I) far 6 months (May 2014- 0ct 2014). She focused on generating induced pluripotent stem celi (iPS)-derived astrocytes from ALS patients and control lines, thus transfering the iPS technology to the host lab and developing there a new celi differentiation protocol. 2. ER, Dr. Chiara Simone, from the University of Milan, spent 3 months (Aug 2014 - Oct 2014) at the host laboratory of Prof. Serge Przedborski, where she contributed to the development of virus delivery techniques to specifically target spinal cord motor neurons for the future development of gene therapies. She validated and optimized the technique which is now available is the host laboratory. Following her return to ltaly, Dr. Simone also transferred this optimized protocol to University of Milan. Upon their return to ltaly, a seminar was held by both Monica Bucchia and Dr. Simone to present their work and experience at the host laboratory. 3. ER, Dr. Monica Nizzardo, from the University of Milan, is currently working at the host laboratory of Prof. Serge Przedborski at Columbia University for 3 months (Dec 2014 - Feb 2014). She will focus on generating induced pluripotent stem celi (iPS)-derived astrocytes from ALS patients and control lines to continue the work of Monica Bucchia. Moreover she will continue also the in vivo project started by Dr. Chiara Simone. 4. Programme Manager Prof. Corti from the University of Milan visited the Motor Neuron Center for 3 days in August 2014 and 3 days in November 2014 to coordinate the current scientific programme, to discuss future directions and to participate at the NO-MND symposium where she gave a lecture. 3. ER, Prof. Giacomo Comi and ESR Monica Bucchia visited the Motor Neuron Center for 3 days in November 2014 to participate at the NO-MND symposium where they both gave scientific presentations. 4. ER, Dr. Dimitra Papadimitriou, from BRFAA (Beneficiary Il), is currently working at the host laboratory where she is studying the survival of primary murine SMA motor neurons in the co-culture system that the host lab has optimized aver the last years. The preliminary data show that non neuronal cells, specifically astrocytes contribute to the Motor Neuronal Cell Death. This co-culture system will be consequently transferred back to Greece to the laboratory of Prof. Stephanis. This system will be reconfirmed secondarily with iPS derived motor neurons and astrocytes, once the iPS technology is standardized. The duration of this exchange will be 3 months (Oct 2014-Dec 2014). 5. ER, Dr. Hardy Rideout, from BRFAA, with his extensive background on celi death mechanisms, is currently deciphering the cell death pathways involved in the case of SMA motor neurons. Specifically, he has contributed with the identification of an apoptotic cell death pathway, and he is currently using pharmacological inhibitors of the identified pathways to rescue the motor neuronal death phenotype. The duration of this exchange will be 3 months (Oct 2014-Dec 2014). 6. ESR, PhD candidate lsmini Rozani postponed her scheduled exchange to the second year due to health conditions. 7. Manager Prof. Stefanis from BRFAA, visited the Motor Neuron Center far 2 days in October 2014 to coordinate the current scientific programme and to discuss future directions. Exchanqes from USA to Europe: 1. Technician Radhika Pradhan spent one month in the laboratory of Prof. Corti at the University of Milan (Oct 2014), where she learned to master the production and maintenance of iPS cells derived from human patient fibroblasts. 2. Technician James Caicedo, spent subsequently one month at the University of Milan (Nov 2014), to further differentiate iPS cells into motor neurons with the technique that was developed by the laboratory of Prof. Corti. Both of the technicians exchanged, have given two teaching courses at the University of Milan when visiting. To facilitate this, the three primary investigators involved from each country, coordinate the exchanges and the scientific programme by skype-conference calls {once a month) and several in person meetings. The first one was held in Milan in Dee 2013, before the starting of the programme. The second one was held in Nice in July 2014 (in the context of the international Neuromuscular Disease Congress), followed by a third one in NYC in August 2014 and a fourth one in NYC in November 2014. Finally, a half day symposium was organized in November 2014 at the Motor Neuron Center of Columbia University, by Dr. Re, the US Coordinator of the programme (the scientific program is attached). The symposium was attended by 60 scientists coming from 12 different laboratories and was sponsored by the Motor Neuron Center. On this occasion, the exchange programme was presented and a series of scientific seminars were given, including some by the Coordinator, the Co-investigators of the programme and the researchers who participated in the first staff exchanges. Cordially, Prof. Stefania corti Dr. Dimitra Papadimltriou