University of Nairobi College of Biological and Physical Sciences School of Computing and Informatics EXAM TIMETABLE (Draft 2) MSC Information Systems (MSC AC,DCT,CI & ITM II– May 2014 intake and MSC CS and IS Re-sits) 2014/2015, Semester 1 Examination Period: December 8th – December 20th 2014 Time: 18:00 to 20:00 Week 1 Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th MSC AC MSC DCT MSC CI MSC ITM MSc CS (Re-sits) MSC IS (Re-sits) CAC 502 (15) CIT 501 (50) ICS 633 ICS 801 ICS612 ICS 805 ICS 634 ICS 809 ICS622 ICS 840 Week 2 Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th Thursday 18th MSC MSC MSC MSC MSC MSC AC DCT CI ITM CS (Re-sits) IS (Re-sits) CAC 504 (15) CDT501 (50) CDT 504 (50) CCI 504 (20) CCI 503 (20) CIT 503 (45) CAC 501 (15) Friday 19th CAC 503 (15) CTD502 (50) CDT 503 (50) CCI 502 (20) CIT 502 (45) ICS 831 Friday 12th ICS 619 ICS 802 CCI 501 (20) CIT 504 (45) ICS623 ICS 804 ICS 806 MSC IS Re-sits ICS612: Database design and management ICS614: Computer Networks principles and concepts ICS615: Systems analysis and Design ICS 616 : ICT Project Management [JOO]; ICS 617 : ICT and Society [SNR]; ICS 618 : Object-Oriented Technologies [EIO] ICS 619 : Research Methodology in Information Systems [Prof. Aduda] ICS 621: Management Information Systems ICS 622: Internet Applications ICS 623: Info. Systems Security, Control & Audit ICS633: Distributed Systems ICS 634: Network Security MSC DCT CDT 501 : Communication Networks Technologies [Abiud] CDT 502 : Distributed Computing Architectures [Kirori] CDT 503 : Computing Systems Security [EOA] CDT 504 : Distributed Computing Services [Onyari] MSC ITM CIT 501 : Principles and Practice of Management [CAM*/Barasa] CIT 502 : Financial Management [Wameyo] CIT 503 : ICT Strategic Management [TMW/ANW] CIT 504 : ICT Procurement Practice [CAM/EIO] VENUES: MSC IS 16 : Room 109; MSC AC CAC 501 : ICT for Development [CKC] CAC 502 : Adv Problem Solving Skills and Programming [LMG] CAC 503 : Usability and User Experience [SNR] CAC 504 : Innovation Studies [TKO] MSC CI CCI 501 : Machine Learning [ROO/Adede] CCI 502 : Knowledge Representation & Reasoning [ETO] CCI 503 : Intelligent Systems Programming [LMG/EKM] CCI 504 : Intelligent Systems Modeling [WOO] MSC CS Resits ICS801: Design and Analysis of Algorithms [Brian Omwenga] ICS 802: Research Methodology ICS803 Comp Logic/Symbolic reasoning [LMG] ICS 804 Theory of Computation ICS805 Distributed and Parallel Computing [CKC] ICS806: Multi-agent systems [ETO] ICS807: Information systems Strategic Management [SNR] ICS808: Business Process Re-Engineering [SNR] ICS809: Human Computer Interaction ICS821 Data Warehousing and Data Mining [TKO] ICS822 Information Systems Security and Audit [CAM] ICS831: Network Performance ICS833 Computer Network Design [WOO], ICS840 Machine learning [Adede] AC: Seminar Room, DCT: BPO Class, CI: Seminar Room , ITM: LG01 Approved By: _____________________ Director, SCI ________________ Date