Directions for Close Read on Coastal Erosion 1. Read the passage silently to yourself. 2. In the left margin, number each paragraph. 3. With a PINK highlighter, highlight all words you don’t know or understand. 4. Look at paragraph 1. With an ORANGE highlighter, highlight any words or phrases that explain the rate, or how fast coastal erosion is happening. 5. Look at paragraphs 1-7. With a YELLOW highlighter, highlight all causes of coastal erosion. These would be reasons it’s happening. 6. Look at paragraphs 8 and 9. With a BLUE highlighter, highlight words or phrases that explain how to prevent coastal erosion, or what we’re doing to slow it down. 7. In the right margin next to each paragraph, write what you think is the theme or main idea of that paragraph. You may have to read each paragraph again. 8. In the blank space below the last paragraph of the passage, write what you think the author’s purpose for the entire passage is. You may have to read the passage again. The questions below are the questions that YOU, my students, came up with during our SQPL (Student Questions for Purposeful Learning). These are the top 5 questions that YOU were most interested in finding the answers to. Use the information from the passage to answer the questions that YOU created. Are there any questions that weren’t answered? Think back to our class discussion and the video about coastal erosion to answer any unanswered questions. Use loose leaf paper to answer each question. You can use simple turn around sentences here, but R.A.C.E. on your test. Your heading should be: SQPL on Coastal Erosion. Include your name, date, and hour in your heading. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What causes coastal erosion? Name as many as you can find in the passage. At what rate (how fast) is coastal erosion happening? What areas are affected by coastal erosion the most? What are we doing to prevent or slow down coastal erosion? How is coastal erosion affecting our economy? YOU DID AN EXCELLENT JOB IN COMING UP WITH THESE QUESTIONS!