SAINT ANNE AND SAINT JOACHIM INTRODUCTION for the LITURGY OF THE HOURS 26th of July of 2015 Today we are convoked by the praise of the good people, the grateful memory of Anne and Joachim, servant of God, who knew how to live searching, listening, hoping, trusting, believing, and being mediation of God’s love and will. Today we are convoked by the fulfilled promise of God in the five Continents, where the Sisters of Charity of Saint Anne, together with the Laity of Saint Anne’s Family, also want to be good people, servants of God, mediation of His Love for so many people who live and walk with us. As Congregation and as St. Anne’s Family we have received the Mission of being, as the Lord Jesus, witnesses of God’s Love. May in this Year of Consecrated Life, in which we also celebrate the 150 Anniversary of our congregacional name, we continue answering faithfully to this call, according to the style of St. Joachim and St. Anne, from humility and simplicity, deep faith and hope, total trust in God, detachment and “to know how to hope”, the less that is more… gifts that keep on shaping our identity and make possible for us to embody the goodness and tenderness of God Father-Mother in the place where we are. PETITION IN THE LITURGY OF THE HOURS In this day of celebration, we thank God for our Congregation, for each Sister, for each Laity of St. Anne’s Family who, by living the congregational Charism, Spirit and Mission, follow the Lord Jesus, as our Founders did. We remember in a special way the Sisters and Laity of the Provinces of St. Joachim and St. Anne. May St. Anne and St. Joachim, good people, accompany always our being and our doing to be, as them, fulfilled Mission of God. SAINT ANNE AND SAINT JOACHIM INTRODUCTION OF THE EUCHARIST 26th of July of 2015 In this day of congregational feast, framed in the celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life and the 150 Anniversary of our congregational name, we are convoked by the thanksgiving prayer for our Patron Saints Anne and Joachim. Their humble and simple lives are for us, Sisters of Charity of Saint Anne, a call to revitalize the values of our congregational spirit. We experience, as them, the fulfilled promise of God in our daily being and doing, possible also thanks to the Laity of St. Anne’s Family, who share with us Charism, Spirit and Mission, thanks to whom collaborate with us in the different services; thanks to whom trust in us by being those whom we serve; thanks to whom accompany us day after day with your love and prayer. Pope Francis reminds us that in this time “people of faith are needed who, by the example of their own lives, point out the way to the Promised Land and keep hope alive… We are called to be living sources of water from which other can drink”. May Saint Anne and Saint Joachim continue accompanying our path of Hospitality. May, as them, we be people of faith who keep hope alive, from whom other can drink, from humility and simplicity, total trust in God, detachment and “to know how to hope”, the less that is more… who love and serve “with the greatest care, with every detail, with all love”. SAINT ANNE AND SAINT JOACHIM PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL 26th of July of 2015 We pray for the Pope Francis, our Bishop …, priests and deacons. May they be good people, mediations of God’s Love. Let us pray to the Lord We pray for the leaders of the nations. May they rule by promoting peace, justice and common good, concerned by the most underprivileged ones. Let us pray to the Lord We pray for those who suffer, for the victims of violence, injustice, economic crisis. We pray for the sick people; for those who live ignored or lonely. May they always have good people who accompany their pain and hopelessness. Let us pray to the Lord We pray for the youth. May they know of God in their daily journey, and some of them answer from the priestly, consecrated and missionary life. Let us pray to the Lord We pray for each Sister of our Congregation, and especially for those who belong to the Provinces of St. Joachim and St. Anne. We pray for each Laity of St. Anne’s Family. May in this Year of Consecrated Life and always, each one, from our specific vocation, be witnesses of the Lord Jesus from Universal Charity that is lived through Hospitality. Let us pray to the Lord We pray for those whom we serve and the people who share life and task with us. May they experience every day God’s blessing through our being and doing. Let us pray to the Lord We pray for all the Sisters, benefactors, collaborators, relatives and friends who, in God’s Presence, accompany our congregational journey. Let us pray to the Lord We pray for all of us, gathered in thanksgiving prayer to God for his servants Anne and Joachim. May the example of their lives accompany ours and show us the way of living being mediation of the presence of the Lord Jesus, loving and serving “with the greatest care, with every detail, with all love”. Let us pray to the Lord