GUIDELINES AND FINANCIAL PATTERN OF N.S.S. NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (NSS): The National Service Scheme (NSS), as academic programme, considered as third dimension Extension Education, was launched on 24th September 1969, birth centenary year of Mahathma Gandhi with 40,000 volunteers in 37 Universities in the country. At present 19,30,000 NSS volunteers from 174 universities have been rendering voluntary service to community development, while undergoing academic programmes in the institutions. 1,40,000 NSS volunteers from 12 universities spread over 503 Degree / Professional, 373 Junior, 25 Engineering, 25 Medical and 30 Agricultural colleges have been rendering voluntary service for the development of community in adopted villages/slums and creating community assets worth of crores of rupees and spreading social awareness among the people. AIM: The motto of NSS is “NOT ME BUT YOU” NSS promotes discipline among the students of the college. NSS establishes a meaningful linkage between the institution and the community. NSS establishes a good relation between teachers and taught. OBJECTIVES: The broad objectives of NSS are to: i. understand the community in which they work; ii. understand themselves in relation to their community; iii. identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process; iv. develop among themselves a sense of social and civil responsibility; v. utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems; vi. develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities; vii. gain skills in mobilizing community participation; viii. acquire leadership qualities an democratic attitude; ix. develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters; and x. practice national integration and social harmony. NSS UNIT: Every college is given one or more units of NSS and each NSS Unit consists of 100 students. PROGRAMMES: NSS volunteers are expected to take part in programmes for a period of two years continuously, render community service for at least 120 hours in each year under regular and also participate in two special camping programmes of ten days duration each. There are two types of programmes undertaken under NSS by involving NSS volunteers under the supervision of the Programme Officer. i. Regular NSS Programmes: These programmes are to be conducted in the adopted villages/college campuses / urban slums during weekends or after college hours. ii. Special camping programmes: These programmes are to be organized in adopted villages / urban slums during vacations with some specific project for 10 days. IMPLEMENTATION OF NSS AT COLLEGE LEVEL Implementation of NSS at the college level involves active participation of he Principal, the college Advisory Committee for NSS, NSS Programme Officer, other teachers, NSS volunteers, Community leaders, Governmental/Non Governmental agencies / Departments, local institutions and other beneficiaries. A. PRINCIPAL: The overall function of the Principal, as head of the institution, is to ensure smooth functioning of the NSS unit/units in his/her college. He / She is expected to: a) Interpret the importance of the NSS to the members of the college and to the community. b) Integrate NSS with other related activities Clean and Green AP programme, Janmabhoomi programme, etc. in the college to the extent possible. c) Select a suitable NSS Programme Officer and forward the proposal to the university for ratification. d) Guide in planning NSS activities with the help of the Programme Officer/Officers e) Constitute the college level NSS Advisory Committee and convene its meetings at least once in 6 months. f) Ensure implementation of the suggestions given by the Advisory committee. g) Extend support and cooperation to the NSS Programme Officer(s) for the effective functioning of the NSS and provide secretariat assistance, accommodation etc. h) Monitor the programmes, ensure maintenance of records and accounts. i) Depute Programme officer for training / orientation / camps / meetings / conferences, etc., when requested for by the University / District administration / State administration (vide proceedings of CEE No.97/NSS II/95, dt 28-04-95). B. COLLEGE LEVEL NSS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: College has to set up college level NSS Advisory Committee to advise on programme / planning of regular activities and special camping programme of the NSS Unit, under the chairmanship of the Principal. It will review the NSS activities at least 2 times during the year. The committee may consist of:i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Principal 2 Staff members with social work background 1 Representative of the development department 1 Representative from the adopted village/slum 2 NSS student volunteers Programme Officer Chairman Members -do-do-doMember/Secretary C. PROGRAMME OFFICER: The Programme Officer has a pivotal leadership role to perform for effective implementation of the NSS Progammes. By and large he/she plays the role of an organizer, an educator, a coordinator, an administrator, and a public relations person to improve the quality and magnitude of the NSS programmes in his / her college. PERIODICAL REPORTS: Programme officer is expected to send periodical reports (monthly / quarterly / half- yearly / annual) on NSS regular programmes / special camping programmes to the Programme Coordinator. MANAGEMENT OF NSS UNIT: The management of NSS unit(s) i.e. maintenance of NSS records, accounts and regular submission of periodical reports is equally important for proper feedback about NSS activities on implementation and proper financial control. For this purpose, the following college level records and registers are to be maintained by the Programme Officer of NSS unit. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Enrolment register. Minutes register. Project register Attendance register Personal work dairy Stock register Accounts register. AWARDS: To recognize outstanding contribution in community service of university NSS cell, NSS units, Programme officers and NSS volunteers, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, New Delhi have instituted Indira Gandhi NSS awards and State Government have also instituted State Level NSS awards to the NS Cell (University level) NSS Units, NSS Progamme Officers and NSS volunteers. State Liaison Officer (NSS) NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME I. PATTERN OF FINANCIAL EXPENDITURE AT COLLEGE LEVEL (N.S.S) The National Service Scheme (NSS) unit at college level is important for the purpose of implementation of NSS projects under the regular activities and special camping programmes under the supervision of Programme Officer and with the cooperation and guidance of the Principal of the college. a) The NSS unit at college will receive regular grant @ Rs.130/- or Rs.135/- per volunteer per annum towards regular activities (in two installments) and @ of Rs.30/- per volunteer per annum towards special camping programme from the university concerned. Saving Bank account is to be maintained separately and jointly by the Principal and the Programme Officer for NSS grants in the college. 1st instalment of regular grant of Rs.7,000/- is to be released to the college in the month of May/June and the 2nd instalment of regular grant of Rs.6000/- is to be released to the college in the month of November/December. b) The financial expenditure at unit level can be divided into two categories i.e. i) administrative expenditure and ii) Programme development expenditure. II. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENDITURE AT COLLEGE LEVEL: An amount of Rs.60/- per NSS volunteer per annum will be admissible for NSS regular grants for meeting the expenditure on payment of out of pocket allowance to Programme officer, contingent expenditure admissible on part-time clerical assistance, purchase of stationery, postage and other miscellaneous expenses. i) Out of pocket allowance to Programme Officer @ Rs.400/- per unit of 100 or more volunteers per month admissible with effect from 01.04.200 (Rs.400 x 12 months = 4800/-) per annum ii) For unit having less than 100 volunteers, the rate of out of pocket allowance will be reduced proportionately. iii) The payment of out of pocket allowance of Rs.400/- per month to Programme Officer will be subject to the submission of work done statement on specified work (as per action plan) by him/her in every month to Programme Coordinator with countersignature of the Principal. The specified wok would also include – a) Mobilization of at least 50% volunteers for special camping programme b) A minimum of two/three community visits per month to the adopted village/slum c) Maintenance of NSS records, d) Timely submission of progress reports. iv) In case Programme Officer has not organised any programme (as per action plan) in a month, the out of pocket allowance may not be claimed for the month. v) The NSS regular grants that are received towards 1st instalment from University are to be utilized by PO for NSS activities only and the out of pocket allowance of PO can be claimed from 2nd instalment of NSS regular grants after conducting special camping progamme and subject to fulfillment of conditions as mentioned at Para iii, for the year with the permission of Programme Coordinator of the University concerned. vi) Contingent expenditure on part-time clerk at the rate of Rs.60/- per month admissible w.e.f. 01.04.200 (Rs.60 x 12 months = 720/-) per annum. vii) Contingent expenditure on part-time attender at the rate of Rs.40/- per month admissible w.e.f. 01.04.200 (Rs.40 x 12 months = 480/-) per annum. viii) Purchase of stationery, postage and other miscellaneous expenses. : Rs.1,000/(including expenditure on Advisory Committee meetings) III. PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT EXPENDITURE AT COLLEGE: As per existing arrangement, an amount of Rs.70/- to Rs.75/- per NSS volunteer per annum will be available for meeting the expenses on conduct of regular NSS activities/programmes. This amount will be utilized by the colleges for meeting expenditure on the following items. a) Expenses on pre-camp survey/post camp evaluation. : Rs. 300/b) Expenses on TA and honorarium to Resource persons : Rs. 200/c) Refreshment to NSS volunteers participating in regular activities : Rs.4500/d) Travel expenses to programme officer and volunteers for : Rs. 500/participation in programmes/official meetings/training programs. e) Purchase of minimum equipments like utensils, crowbars, spades, etc. : Rs.500/The unspent balance of any of the item may be utilized for any other items (a to e) DAY CAMPS: In exceptional cases, when it is absolutely necessary for the completion of a specific regular project, the day camps may be organised. An expenditure of Rs.15/- per volunteer will be admissible out of programme development expenditure at college level. During a day camp, NSS volunteers will work for 8 hours (8 am to 4 pm) on the project. IV. PATTERN PROGRAMME: OF FINANCIAL EXPENDITURE ON SPECIAL CAMPING a) Each NSS Unit should organise one special camping programme of 10 days in adopted village/slum during vacation/holidays/Janmabhoomi Programme, involving 50 NSS volunteers of the NSS unit in every year An expenditure @ Rs.30/- per volunteer per day is to be incurred on boarding, lodging, transportation and miscellaneous items. The total expenditure per volunteer for 10 days camp should not exceed Rs.300/(50 x 30 x 10 = Rs.15000/- per camp for 50 NSS volunteers) b) Day camp under special camping programme: 1. In the exceptional case, where night stay is extremely difficult, the university may permit a college to organize day camp. 2. An expenditure of Rs.15/- per volunteer per day will be permissible in these exceptional cases. OTHER PROGRAMMES – ADVANCES : NSS Unit(s) may get additional grants to organize National Integration Camps, Youth Festival, District level NSS Youth Leadership Training Camp, AIDS Awareness Campaign under UTA etc. from the ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports / University / State Liaison Cell / NSS Regional Centre / Other agencies. Programme officer of NSS Unit under the guidance of the Principal of the college should organize such programmes as per the guidelines of funding agency. Advances taken from the University by Programme Officer and leader of contingent of NSS volunteers, participating in Pre-R.D parade / RD parade / NICs / UTA / other progammes, funded by Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, New Delhi / Departments of State should be reimbursed by the leader of the contingent to the university concerned after returning from the programme. The following procedures are to be strictly observed by Programme Officers. 1) Proper vouchers/bills against expenditure incurred are to be obtained 2) Proper records of expenditure are to be maintained 3) Maintenance of appropriate stock registers and all the entries in the stock registers are to be countersigned by the Principal. 4) Proper utilization certificate has to be submitted supported by expenditure statement. 5) Judicious utilization of funds and austerity measures are to be implemented. State Liaison Officer (NSS)