Allied Health Professions productivity evidence for recommendations The allied health professions productivity matrix grades the quality of the data and evidence available for the service examples provided and explains assumptions for calculations made. Key Deliverability: 1 not achievable 2 not achievable within 3 years 3 achievable within 2-3 years 4 achievable within 1-2 years 5 achievable immediately Level of evidence available: 1 No evidence 2 Soft and anecdotal evidence 3 Practice based evidence (NICE L3) 4 Research evidence (NICE L2) 5 Multiple Research and/or RCTs (NICE L1) D:\106732281.doc 1 Current national work on tariff adjustments will incentivise commissioners to promote models of care that develop alternatives to admission and reduce length of stay. This will enable widespread adoption of service changes such as interdisciplinary input in emergency departments and early supported discharge teams as illustrated by the examples given below. Description of service 1. Extended pathway and early supported discharge for acute stroke patients has resulted in a reduction of 18 days in the average length of stay for stroke rehabilitation and 3 days for the acute phase (over 11 months). Source: Berkshire D:\106732281.doc Productivity assumptions The pathway has been extended at an investment cost of £300k (reduced from £650k). The additional funding was used to provide additional therapy posts specifically speech and language therapists and dietitians. Average length of stay for stroke patients has reduced from 59.6 days to 42.1 days in the SRU and from 9.4 days to 6.3 days in the Acute Stroke Unit (ASU) 17.5 days SRU @ £125 = £2187 3.1 days ASU @ £250 = £7750 =£9937 per patient Minus £300K investment per team £300K x 150 Trusts = £45M investment in teams 86,000 X £9937 = £854M minus £45M development = £809M 65,572 X £9937 = £651M minus £45M development = £606M Cash Releasable Deliverability Level of evidence available National figure in bold 1 =impossible 5 = easy 1 = no evidence 5 = NICE level 1 £606M - £809M nationally 3 3 2 2. To provide a therapy led discharge service to accident and emergency and emergency admissions: Targets to prevent unnecessary admission to reduce length of stay Improving capacity within the hospital and reduction in length of stay. Admissions prevented 141 over 12 months. This equates to 1763 bed days. Assume average bed day £250 Assume 150 acute trusts 1763 x £250 £440,750 per trust x 150 Trusts Average length of stay reduced from 8 to 4.8 days. Assume average bed day £250 Assume 150 acute trusts Based on average £250 per bed day = £800 per patient – 87,419 THR 74,606 TKR = 162,025 x £800 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 4 £66M nationally Source: North Staffordshire 3. Changes to practice allowing patients’ undergoing primary total hip & knee replacements to have a reduced length of stay. Patients seen in MDT pre operative education group – occupational therapy and physiotherapy assessment and supply of equipment pre op, thus avoiding delayed discharge. Mobilisation on day of operation, at 2 hours post return from recovery. Includes weekend working £130M nationally Source: North East SHA 4. Rapid response speech and language therapy service in end of life care to avoid admission into secondary care Source: Sandwell 5. Intermediate care/community rehabilitation service works with the client and carers for a 6 week period to ensure they are as independent as is possible for them as an individual Source: Rotherham D:\106732281.doc The average length of stay for each end of life admission is 10 days at a cost of £300 per day. Avoiding 75 admissions so far this financial year has saved £225,000 £225,000 x 150 = £33,750K for 6 months If clients have an existing care package funded by Social Services, the reduction in the clients’ care needs at the end of the intervention can be calculated and reported as savings. A saving of 648.75 hours was made over 2008/2009. In 2008/2009 at est cost of £11.90 per hour for care was £401,446.50 In 2008/2009 at est cost of £11.90 per hour for care was £401,446.50 £67.5M nationally National figure not calculated or included 3 6. Intermediate care team, working alongside nursing and medical staff in A&E, successfully discharged 746 patients from A&E to more suitable facilities in the community. The team in A&E consists of nurses and occupational therapists In 1 year the Intermediate Care team, discharged 746 patients from A&E to more suitable facilities in the community. Team costs £171K pa. 746 patients discharged directly from A&E saving 14,136 bed days = £3,534K £3.5M x 150 = £340K net saving per Trust Assume 150 Trusts £340K x 150 = 3 4 5 4 £52.5M nationally Source: Calderdale 7. Musculoskeletal triage, pathway led service review and shift of care to community, supplementary prescribing and triage to reduce referrals to secondary care £51M nationally Source: Kirklees D:\106732281.doc 4 Quality Outcomes Framework/ Practice Based Commissioning could incentivise commissioning for alternative pathways of care including community dietetic, podiatry and orthotic services to reduce referral and management in secondary care including reduced need for surgery for some patients Description of service 1. Dietetic prescribing and review of oral nutritional supplements results in more appropriate prescribing practices, the prevention and treatment of malnutrition, including reducing hospital admissions, improving patient outcomes and reducing GP visits. Productivity assumptions Source: London 2. Dietetic support for people in own homes is enhanced via enteral feed through tubes placed and managed by dietitians. Avoids emergency admissions. Source: Sheffield 3. Podiatry service redesign to develop supplementary prescribing, community vascular triage clinic, extended role and integral public health role Source: Kent and Derbyshire D:\106732281.doc Cash Releasable Deliverability Level of evidence available National figure in bold 1 =impossible 5 = easy 1 = no evidence 5 = NICE level 1 In the last four years, London PCTs have spent £50million on oral nutritional supplements. Audit data indicates between 57-75% of prescriptions do not meet ACBS prescribing criteria and are therefore inappropriate. Trusts who have implemented demand management initiatives have seen reductions in spend of up to 23% Based on these figures London could have saved approximately £11M £11M x 10 SHAs = 5 4 1 acute trust figures 214 definite admissions avoided in 08/09 plus 64 possible admissions. Based on Care of Elderly tariff of £2,334 £499,476 per acute trust Assume 150 acute trusts 214 x £2,334 = £499,476 per acute Trust = £500k x 150 4 3 4 3 Reduced secondary care referrals by 80% Approx 70% of patients did not have surgery Reduced attendance at A&E for this groups patients by 60% Annual saving per unit of £300K to £400K Assume 150 Trusts £110M £75 M £300K x 150 = £45M £400K x 150 = £60M £45M-£60M 5 4. Orthotic intervention for: ruptured tendo – Achilles preventing surgery £1,975 per patient the diabetic foot cost £500 per patient v cost of treating a foot ulcer or amputation £6K for amputation lower limb Orthotic intervention plantar faccitis/fascosis £860 per patient 1.2M patients are referred to orthotists annually Number of clients who could benefit is unknown but potential is significant Cost saving potential between £2,000 and £5,500 for specific groups If only £2,000 per patient for 50% of patients referred = £1.2M £1.2M 3 3 Source: Based on projected savings from 3 case studies in Orthotic Service within the NHS: Improving Service Provision York Health Economics Consortium 2009 D:\106732281.doc 6 All AHP services have self referral access to services unless there is a compelling clinical reason why this should not be the case Description of service 1. Musculoskeletal physiotherapy outpatient services accepted self referral from the public rather than the traditional route of referral through a GP. Source: Cambridge D:\106732281.doc Productivity assumptions Average costs per episode were lower for self referring patients owing to less GP use of prescribing and diagnostic tests. 75% of patients who self referred did not require a prescription for medicines Average savings £12K per GP practice Assume 8,000 GP practices Cash Releasable Deliverability National figure in bold 1 =impossible 5 = easy 8,000 x £12K = 3 Level of evidence available 1 = no evidence 5 = NICE level 1 3 £96M 7 Reduce allied health professionals agency spend through establishment of master vendor by strategic health authority; AHP staff banks for each NHS provider; allied health professionals in occupational health to reduce absence from musculoskeletal sick leave. Description of service 1. Establishing procurement framework for agency allied health professions staff Source: NHS North East 2. Establish allied health professionals staff banks 3. Employing musculoskeletal physiotherapists in occupational health to deal with musculoskeletal disorders (8 hours a week). The results of the pilot revealed a 50% decrease in sickness days for staff due to musculoskeletal disorders across the trust, down from 13.6 days to 6.8 days Productivity assumptions North East Strategic Health Authority demonstrates £3M reduction over 3 years with continuing downward trend £1M x 10 = £10M 50% reduction in sickness days due to MSK disorders National annual spend on allied health professionals agency staff was approx £156M in 2008/09 If above measures could reduce agency use by 50% = £79M Cash Releasable Deliverability National figure in bold 1 =impossible 5 = easy Total £78M 3 Level of evidence available 1 = no evidence 5 = NICE level 1 4 Source: Gloucestershire D:\106732281.doc 8 Reducing falls and fractures through an interdisciplinary approach including adoption of the best practice tariff for hip fractures Description of service 1. Paramedics complete a falls risk assessment when responding to all fallers and refer to falls service as required to prevent a second Source: North East 2. The role of specialist therapy assistant to works in falls, rehabilitation of older people and chronic respiratory disease Source: Sheffield 3. An A&E Falls Team prevented the admission of 8% of the elderly patients attending A&E after a fall. The team consists of an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist and 2 falls technicians. Source: High Wycombe 4. Multi-factorial falls assessments carried out on all residents in the care homes receiving input from the service. Modifiable risk factors acted on or referred for specialist assessment by secondary care. education and training provided to care home staff. Productivity assumptions Cash Releasable Deliverability National figure in bold 1 =impossible 5 = easy In first 18 months 4,000 less falls a year with saving to ambulance trust of £400K in 18 months £270,000 per ambulance Trust = £2,970K per annum £270K x 11 = £3M 3 In year 1 a reduction in A&E attendances of 223 and reduction in admissions of 37 resulting in a saving of £33,010 after funding team. Average annual saving £20K Assume 150 Trusts In 1 year the team assessed 1257 patients, who after a fall had attended the A&E and as a result 96 (8 per month) admissions were prevented Assume 150 Trusts £20K a 150 = £3M Level of evidence available 1 = no evidence 5 = NICE level 1 4 96 X Care of elderly tariff £2,334 = £224K X 150 = £33.6M £ unknown at present but significant potential Reduction in admission to hospital from care homes Total cost savings for 2 homes (Nov 2008 to March 2009) = £113,688 (36 less referrals to hospital) minus cost of team Reducing falls total £40 Source: Rotherham D:\106732281.doc 9 D:\106732281.doc 10 There is an opportunity for Trusts to maximise the potential for extended scope practitioner roles and assistant practitioner roles across all professions e.g. Radiography 50% of all x-rays should be reported by radiographers; currently 16% reported by radiographers and 10% of films go unreported Description of service 1. Utilising role development in radiographers to meet service needs and provide maximum cost effectiveness. Use of assitant practitioners to provide capacity for other team members to develop advanced roles Productivity assumptions Source: Society of Radiography D:\106732281.doc Radiologist salary £100K Reporting radiographer salary band 7 £34K Assistant practitioner band 4 £19K In one Breast Screening Service, 34 sessions of activity are delivered by advanced and consultant radiography practitioners that would otherwise be provided by breast specialist consultant radiologists, ie. an equivalent of 3.4 wte medical consultants. The base salary cost for the team of radiography practitioners is £160,000. 3.4wte consultant radiologists would equal approx. £340,000 Saving of £180K per team Assume 80 Breast screening clinics in England This could be replicated for other radiological services and other professions Cash Releasable Deliverability National figure in bold 1 =impossible 5 = easy £180,000 x 80 = £14.4M 4 Level of evidence available 1 = no evidence 5 = NICE level 1 4 £14M 11 Description of service 2. Fast track business case for independent prescribing for podiatrists, physiotherapists and radiographers and supplementary prescribing for dietitians; speech and language therapists, orthoptists and occupational therapists. Source: Allied Health Professions, prescribing and medicines supply mechanisms scoping project report D:\106732281.doc Productivity assumptions Early indications demonstrate extending prescribing to AHPs may reduce overall number of prescriptions as alternative modalities of care are at their disposal. Reducing A&E attendance through management in community; reduced demand on GP; more efficient pathways of care; fewer prescriptions, physiotherapy treatment reducing need for pain relief; more efficient and effective use of oral nutritional supplements. Cash Releasable Deliverability National figure in bold 1 =impossible 5 = easy Not yet quantified 3 Level of evidence available 1 = no evidence 5 = NICE level 1 5 12 Intermediate care and rehabilitation services should be aligned to reduce admission rates for diagnostic conditions that could be managed in a community setting for example people with respiratory conditions, people with dementia and fallers Description of service 1. Locality review of intermediate care and rehabilitation benchmarked against variation admission rates of diagnostic conditions that could be managed in a community setting identified significant variation in cost effectiveness and scope to reorganise to increase effectiveness Productivity assumptions Savings from treating top 10 conditions suitable for community management in the community and not acute hospital Review identified potential £12M in one locality allowing for additional investment in community teams and that full potential will not be achieved this suggests a more conservative potential of £10M per PCT Cash Releasable Deliverability National figure in bold 1 =impossible 5 = easy 150 PCTs x £10M 50% = 4 50% = 2 Level of evidence available 1 = no evidence 5 = NICE level 1 4 £1.5B Source: Dorset D:\106732281.doc 13