Third Sector Strategy Action Plan Theme: Ensuring delivery of the strategy Aim: To develop and maintain a strategic overview of the third sector Action Lead By when Measure of success Progress 1. Appoint a team with a clear ownership of this strategy (Quick Win) Abdool Kara October 2008 Team appointed Complete - Stronger Communities Team created and appointed with responsibility for delivery of this strategy October 2008 2. Create new Third Sector Coordinator post in Chief Executive’s Department (Quick Win) Kate Martyn October 2008 Officer in post Complete - Post created and officer in post from 6 October 2008 3. Objectives from Third Sector Strategy Action Plan set out in Third Sector Coordinator’s targets (and reviewed as part of annual appraisal) (Quick Win) Kate Martyn October 2008 Objectives included in work plan Objectives included in work plan at mid-year appraisal October 2008 4. Regular progress reports on implementation of the Third Sector Strategy Action Plan to the Stronger Project Management Board (Quick Win) Kate Martyn Progress reports received quarterly On agenda for next meeting (18 December 2008) D:\726939698.doc Dec 15th (April 2009) December 2008 then quarterly 1 5. Regular progress reports on implementation of the Third Sector Strategy Action Plan to the Compact Board (Quick Win) Rob Bowler January 2009 then every four months Progress reports received three times a year On agenda for next meeting in January 2009 6. Regular updates provided to portfolio holder with responsibility for the Third Sector (Quick Win) Rob Bowler November 2008 Progress reports received 6 times a year Stronger Communities Manager has regular one-toone meetings with the portfolio holder. Theme: Developing a commissioning framework Aim: To bring coherence and clarity to commissioning the third sector 7. Clarify the difference between grants and commissioning, and commissioning and procurement. (Quick Win) Procurement/ Legal January 2009 Clear, plain English distinction 8. Publicise guidance on funding the third sector (Quick Win) Rob Bowler January 2009 Guidance on website and intranet 9. Identify key officers responsible for commissioning services in departments and communicate to sector (Quick Win) Heads of Service/ Procurement Team December 2008 Officers identified in each department. Publish contacts on website and intranet 10. Improve communication between officers funding/ commissioning the Third Sector through virtual network and use of intranet (Quick Win) Rob Bowler / Ongoing from All departments December 2008 Bulletins produced at least quarterly Intranet page in place 11. Improve communication with the Third Sector through wider use of Merton Connected website (Quick Win) MVSC /All departments Bulletins produced at least quarterly Already used for communication regarding annual funding D:\726939698.doc Dec 15th Ongoing from January 2009 2 Aim: To ensure a fair and equitable commissioning framework that reflects competing priorities 12. Identify best way to set up and populate database of funding to the Third Sector Rob Bowler / IT Services March 2009 Number of officers entering up to date data 13. Identify and share best practice on grant panels Rob Bowler / March 2009 All departments Best practice published on intranet 14. Set standards for payments to Third Sector (Quick Win) Rob Bowler April 2009 Feedback to Funding & Procurement Sub-group 15. Current three-year grant funded groups to be commissioned All depts/ Rob Bowler April 2009 Aim: Reduce the burden of commissioning on both commissioners and third sector organisations 16. Develop and roll out common application form Rob Bowler / From April 2009 All departments Number of applications using standard form 17. Evaluate CSF data collection system and roll out corporately CSF Data on intranet 18. Avoid duplication of monitoring data where there is more than one funder by adopting ‘lead funder’ model Rob Bowler / From April 2009 All departments Three-year funded groups feed back through Funding & Procurement Sub-group 19. Develop common monitoring tool (use version developed by Community & Housing Dept. and MVSC as base) and roll out to all departments Rob Bowler Number of organisations using tool recorded in database Aim: Sept 2009 April 2009 Ensure delivery of an effective commissioning framework 20. Procurement Strategy and guidance to include reference to procuring D:\726939698.doc Dec 15th Procurement December 2008 3 Included in strategy and guidance from the Third Sector (Quick Win) 21. Identify learning and development needs and solutions to enable better commissioning of Third Sector organisations Corp Learning/All departments June 2009 Number of staff attending training 22. Ensure Funding and Procurement Sub-group represents groups with contracts with LBM (Quick Win) Funding and Procurement Sub-group members Ongoing from January 2009 % of groups with contracts represented Theme: Building on the Compact Aim: To enable the third sector to be involved in shaping and influencing policy 23. Build consultation principles within the involvement strategy that will be adopted across the council Kate Martyn April 2009 24. Influencing commissioning priorities through effective links with existing structures such as Involve, CEN and the Funding and Procurement Subgroup CEN, Involve, Funding & Procurement Sub-group members Ongoing form April 2009 Number of contracts where CEN, Involve and Funding & Procurement Sub-group report they have influenced changes 25. Use Merton Connected MVSC e-mail bulletin and LBM website to feed back to Third Sector about changes to policy as a result of their input Rob Bowler / All departments Ongoing from April 2009 Number of changes reported 26. Ensure consultations follow good practice guidance Consultation Team Ongoing from April 2009 Number of exceptions reported to Funding & Procurement Sub-group D:\726939698.doc Dec 15th 4 Aim: To facilitate third sector organisations to build stronger communities 27. Implement and develop the volunteering strategy Rob Bowler/ VCM 28. Facilitate dialogue between the Stronger Team and the sector (Quick Win) Rob Bowler / Ongoing from Stronger Team January 2009 Mgrs Aim: Ongoing from June 2008 Sub-group has met twice, working on action plan To develop a better understanding between the council and the third sector 29. Include information about the Third Sector in corporate and departmental inductions (Quick Win) Corporate Learning and Development February 2009 % of inductions where Third Sector included 30. Produce a short summary on the third sector for inclusion in job packs for council posts (Quick Win) MVSC January 2009 % of application forms sent out with info sheet 31. Annual event to promote work of the Third Sector to members Compact Board December 2009 Event held and range and number attending 32. Potential candidate event to include information about the Third Sector Member Services Autumn 2009 (pre-election) 33. Members induction to include information about the Third Sector Member Services 2010 (post-election) 34. Invite Third Sector staff to LBM staff forums to improve partnership working Rob Bowler leads for L2/3 managers forums Ongoing from April 2009 Aim: Number of forums attended To support councillors in their understanding of and their work with the third sector to ensure they can fulfil their role as community leaders 35. Members to receive MVSC directory (Quick Win) D:\726939698.doc Dec 15th MVSC April 2009 5 % of members in receipt of directory 36. Members’ contact details added to Merton Connected database (Quick Win) MVSC April 2009 % of contact details added 37. Members given list of groups in their ward (Quick Win) MVSC April 2009 % of members given information 38. Members and officers to be informed that the process of formally nominating councillors on to the trustee boards of third sector organisations will end (Quick Win) Ged Curran November 2008 No councillors or officers to be nominated onto the trustee boards of third sector organisations from April 2009 39. Democratic Services to be informed that the process of formally nominating councillors on to the trustee boards of third sector organisations will end (Quick Win) Rob Bowler November 2008 Letters currently being drafted 40. Third Sector organisations affected to be informed that the process of formally nominating councillors on to the trustee boards of third sector organisations will end (Quick Win) Rob Bowler/ MVSC November 2008 Letters currently being drafted Aim: Letters currently being drafted To promote and embed this strategy to be adopted by all funding bodies in the LSP 41. Compact Board to oversee progress against the Third Sector Strategy and promote good practice across the LSP D:\726939698.doc Dec 15th Compact Board Ongoing 6