Volunteer - poems and short verses

Poems to use when writing words of appreciation, kindness or
a thank you for Volunteers.
--(Author Unknown)
Doing the good you can,
by all the means you can,
in all the ways you can,
in all the places you can,
at all the times you can,
to all the people you can,
as long as you ever can.
To Volunteer
--(Author Unknown)
Everybody can be great....because anybody
can serve. You don’t have to have a college
degree to serve. You don’t have to have to
make your subject and your verb agree to
serve. You only need a heart full of grace.
A soul generated by love.
A Volunteer
--(Author Unknown)
Helping out, lending a hand
Someone who will understand
A person who will always be there
Without a doubt someone who cares
A Volunteer.
--(Author Unknown)
V aluable is the work you do,
O utstanding in how you always come through.
L oyal, sincere and full of good cheer,
U ntiring in your efforts throughout the year.
N otable are the contributions you make,
T rustworthy in every project you take.
E ager to reach your every goal,
E ffective in the way you fulfill your role.
R eady with a smile like a shining star,
S pecial and wonderful - that’s what you are!
--Jolita Dorsett, Volunteer Coordinator>
V is for the vigor that you bring
O is for the opportunity to know you
L is for your life you share
U is for the unconditional love you have
N is for the nurturing you give
T is for the time you don't have
E is for the excitement you bring
E is for the energy you have
R is for the reason you're a volunteer
The Volunteer
-- Margaret A. Francis
The Volunteer is one with a heart so sincere.
No task too large, no task too small,
Who will help with anything at all.
Who will be there in the morning light,
Or help in the dark of night.
The Volunteer, our extra hand,
On whose future our Children Stand.
Never anyone so dear as a (...your school’s name...) Volunteer !
Because You're Special
--(Author Unknown)
We sometimes take for granted
In the rush of all we do,
And forget to say a special thanks
To volunteers like you!
So we send this note to tell you
How much all you do means,
Your gifts of time and of yourself
Are special ones indeed.
To a Special Volunteer
--(Author Unknown)
Sometimes we seem so lucky,
Or maybe we're just blessed,
When there seems to be too much to doAlong comes a volunteer like you!
You've made our days much brighter,
Our work a joy to share,
We know we'll always make it throughAs long as there's a volunteer like you!
The Volunteer Gift
--(Author Unknown)
A helping hand, a willing heart,
Sometimes that's all it takes A simple gesture on someone's part,
But what a difference it makes.
That's just the kind of gift you give,
Over and over each day,
And we'll always be glad that you've
Chosen to live in such an unselfish way.
The School Volunteer
--(Author Unknown)
A school is more than books and desks
And learning two plus two
It's people who share their skills and care,
And try their best in all they do.
Please accept our heartfelt appreciation.
Our school's a better place
Because of your dedication.
Thanks, Volunteer
--(Author Unknown)
Thanks for all the little things,
The "done-and-then-forgotten" things,
The "oh-it's-simply-nothing" things
That make our days much brighter.
With unobtrusive, friendly things,
And "never-mind-the-trouble" things,
And "won't-you-let-me-help-you" things,
You've made our hearts much lighter.
Thank You!
--(Author Unknown)
May not have told you lately,
But hope you know it's true,
That every day we're grateful for
A volunteer like you!
Your caring words, your caring deeds,
They mean so very much,
For all you give to others
We can never say "Thank-You" enough!
Our Volunteer
--(Author Unknown)
You hold the hand of many
Listen to the words of all
You become more than company
And are there at the slightest call
Bringing joy, laughter, warmth and song
Leaving with what you knew all along
That shared peace with a willing heart
Can be found in all of us
When we each do our part
To Our Volunteer
--(Author Unknown)
You've been so very good to us.
You've been kind in every way.
You've made us treats and helped
On all our special days.
Today we'd like to thank you
For all you've done this year,
And to tell you that you're special
And so very, very dear.
Today we'd like to tell you
In our own special way:
We appreciate the things
you've done
More than words can say.
What's a Volunteer?
-- Pat Boyes
There is a job to be done,
could be lots of fun.
Just give us a call,
and we'll have a ball.
You must have a big heart.
It's always a help to be sorta smart.
The money is rare,
but the rewards are big in compare.
Why Be A Volunteer?
--(Author Unknown)
It's not for the money;
It's not for the fame;
It's not for any personal gain.
It's just for love of your fellow man,
It's just to give a helping hand;
It's just to give a little of one's self,
That's something you can't buy with wealth;
It's not for a medal worn with pride,
It's for that feeling deep inside;
It's that feeling that you've been a part
Of helping people far and near,
That makes you a volunteer!
"Hooray for Volunteers"
--(Author Unknown)
(to the tune of... "Hooray for Hollywood")
Hooray for volunteers
These extra super special volunteers
We couldn't copy without your smiling faces
And feel this place is
Great because you are here
Those tough jobs we wish
We could accomplish
You take on and do with the best of cheer
Hooray for volunteers
With you on board our troubles disappear
An any one of you will always come through
Each time we need you
To help us get the job done
We think the world of you
And of the job you do
Hooray for volunteers
I'll Show You A Volunteer
--(Author Unknown)
Show me a person who spends endless hours in training without pay,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
Show me a person where a cry for help brings split-second dispatch,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
Show me a person who is devastated when lives are lost or maimed,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
Show me a person who is graciously welcomed as a next-door
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
Show me a person who often takes more ridicule than complaints,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
Show me a person whose car is garaged with the grille facing out,
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
Show me a person who sacrifices home life, TV ... even tender
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
Show me a person visibly moved at the strains of our National
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
Show me a person who may be asked to give more than just
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
Show me a person who is asked to give more ... and more ... and
And, I'll show you a volunteer.
--(Author Unknown)
Many will be shocked to find,
When the day of judgment nears,
That there's a special place in Heaven
Set aside for volunteers.
Furnished with big recliners,
Satin couches and footstools,
Where there are no committee chairmen,
No yard sales or rest area coffee to serve,
No library duty or bulletin assembly,
There will be nothing to print and staple,
Not one thing to fold and mail,
Telephone lists will be outlawed.
But a finger snap will bring
Cool drinks and gourmet dinners
And rare treats fit for a king.
You ask, "Who'll serve these privileged few
And work for all they're worth?"
Why, all those who reaped the benefits,
And not once volunteered on Earth!
It Takes Courage
--(Author Unknown)
It takes courage
To refrain from gossip, when others delight in it,
To stand up for the absent person, who is being abused.
It takes courage
To live honestly, within your means,
And not dishonestly, on the means of others.
It takes courage
To be a REAL man, or a TRUE woman,
To hold fast to your ideas,
When it causes you
To be looked upon as strange and peculiar.
It takes courage
To be talked about, and remain silent,
When a word would justify you, in the eyes of others,
But which you dare not speak,
Because it would injure another.
It takes courage
To refuse to do something that is wrong
Although everyone else may be doing it
With attitudes as carefree, as a summer song.
It takes courage
To live according to your own convictions,
To deny yourself, that which you cannot afford.
To love your neighbor - as yourself!
--(Author Unknown)
I said "Yes" again
And I couldn't believe my ears.
Yep, I said "Yes" again.
I'm one of the chronic volunteers.
They asked me for my help
And I thought, who has the time?
The phone calls and those meetings
Just for the fun and not a dime.
So I thought it over,
Do I want to give or take?
I enjoy it all so very much
The decision was easy to make.
I've loved every single minute
Of working with the gals
Even when the hour was late
It was always for my pals.
So please don't try to tell me
Volunteering is a pain.
'Cause for all the friends I've made
and all I've learned,
I'll say "Yes, Yes, Yes" again and again!
Just a Housewife
--(Author Unknown)
Hello Mrs. Jones, I've just called to say,
I'm sorry I cried when you phoned today.
No, I didn't get angry when your call came at four-Just as eight Cub Scouts burst through the door;
It's just that I'd had such a really full day.
I'd baked pies for the PTA.
The washing, the ironing and scrubbing the floor
Were chores I had finished not too long before.
I'd sewn up a dress (my daughter needs it this Sunday)
And prepared for a meeting with 4-H'rs on Monday.
No, the reason I cried and gave that great yelp
Was not 'cause you'd phoned just to ask for my help.
The comment that threw me, nearly drove me berserk
Was, "I'm sure you'll have time because you don't work."