Course Name: Course Code: Prerequisite: Italian V Academic 158 Italian IV Academic (156) or Accelerated (157) Course Description: In this culminating course, students will continue their study of the language with an emphasis on more advanced situational vocabulary, conversations and structure. Thematic units will serve as a springboard for more creative spoken and written language exchanges, and the students will engage in cultural content through which they will further understand that languages and culture are inseparable. The students will continue to use the target language to acquire additional knowledge. Previously developed language skills will be reinforced and fine-tuned. Course Proficiencies: Students who successfully complete this course will have developed sufficient skill in the following language areas: Communication Interpretive Mode: (Understanding and interpretation of spoken or written communication) 1. Derive meaning from interactions with speakers of Italian inside and outside the classroom setting. (7.1.A.1) 2. Find and use resources to build and expand knowledge base in Italian. (7.1.A.5) 3. Comprehend formal and informal spoken Italian. (7.1.A.4) 4. Follow, with general understanding, oral reports and classroom lectures on non-technical subjects. (i.e. La richezza della cultura italiana; Le arti; Il mondo degli affair; La societa; I diritti dell’uomo; Relazioni personali; L’ambiente e problemi ambientali) (7.1.A.4) 5. Understand the main points and some details of conversations between native speakers. (7.1.A.4) 6. Compare and contrast the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette in the Italian culture with their own culture to be able to persuade, negotiate and offer advice. (7.1.A.2) 7. Follow the plots of Italian-language television shows, plays and movies and understand the main ideas of character dialogues. (7.1.A.6) 8. Apply knowledge and skills gained in other content areas to interpret information on topics related to the Italian culture. (i.e. art, environment, society.) (7.1.A.5) 9. Have immediate recall of a fairly broad range of vocabulary and expressions heard in order to comprehend and respond orally with ease. (7.1.A.1) 10. Use knowledge and inquiry skills from other areas of the curriculum to acquire additional knowledge and skills in Italian. (7.1.A.5) 11. Identify the main idea and most supporting details contained in culturally authentic electronic information sources such as podcasts, videocasts, audio clips, and websites related to targeted themes. (7.1.A.1, A.4, A.6,) B. Interpersonal Mode (Direct spoken or written communication) 1. Structure discourse effectively in a cross-cultural manner appropriate to participants (age, gender), topics, range (stranger vs. intimate), and the physical situation (school meeting, restaurant, street, etc.) (7.1.B.4) 2. Work both collaboratively and independently in the target language to acquire additional knowledge and skills in Italian. (7.1.B.1) 3. Interact, with limited social competence, within the Italian culture at home and abroad, exhibiting sensitivity to common rules of etiquette and customs. (7.1.B.2) 4. Communicate facts and ideas with an accent that is accurate enough not to interfere with comprehension. (7.1.B.3) 5. Discuss topics of current interest and express personal opinions. (7.1.B.3) 6. Have immediate recall of a fairly broad range of vocabulary in order to speak with a level of fluency and accuracy that does not impede communication. (7.1.B.3) 7. Both initiate and participate in conversations on everyday topics. (7.1.B.4) 8. Respond spontaneously and appropriately to random questions posed in class. (7.1.B.3) 9. Describe the main characters, setting, and important events from age-appropriate, culturally authentic selections both orally and in writing. (7.1.B.5) 10. Participate in short conversations related to targeted themes to exchange information using digital tools such as video conferencing, texting, IMing, Blogging, etc. (7.1.B.3, B.4) Presentational Mode (Spoken or written communication for an audience) 1. Use writing to organize and express thoughts, and to clarify and explain ideas. (7.1.C.3, C.4) 2. Write a narration or description several paragraphs in length using an introduction, transitions, and a conclusion. (7.1.C.3, C.4) 3. Present and defend ideas and points of view. (7.1.C.2) 4. Provide appropriate examples and draw conclusions from them. (7.1.C.2) 5. Communicate facts and ideas with an accent that is accurate enough not to interfere with comprehension. (7.1.C.1, C.4) 6. Narrate, describe, and explain using past, present, and future tenses with minor errors that do not impede communication. (7.1.C.2) 7. Make an oral presentation on a prepared topic. (7.1.C.1) 8. Propose and support solutions to issues and problems. (7.1.C.1, C.2, C.3) 9. Use knowledge about cultural products and practices to create a multimedia rich presentation, containing a combination of text, audio, still images, video, interactivity, and animation, on targeted themes to be shared virtually with a target language audience. (7.2.C.4) Culture Interpretive Mode: (Understanding and interpretation of spoken or written communication) 1. Gain a better understanding of their own and Italian cultures by developing knowledge of facts about the Italian-speaking world, and discovering the meanings important to cultures so that greater sensitivity and awareness may develop. (7.2.A.1) 2. Demonstrate knowledge and appreciation of the aspects of the Italian culture contained in the unit themes of the course. (7.2.A.1) 3. Recognize and understand verbal and nonverbal cues within the Italian culture. (7.2.A.3) 4. Explore so as to be able to discuss representative works of the diverse Italian-speaking cultures in many fields of endeavor. (7.2.A.4) 5. Compare and contrast how Italy and the U.S. deal with current world issues. (7.2.A.3) 6. Analyze interrelationships between the language and the culture of a given group of people, as evidenced in their literary works and communications, as well as in their political, economic, and religious structures. (7.2.A.3) 7. Use technology to enhance language acquisition and to acquire current cultural information in order to develop more accurate impressions of the culture studied. (7.2.A.4) 8. Compare and contrast varying perspectives that exist in the Italian culture as seen in television, film and other forms of media. (7.2.A.4) Interpersonal Mode: (Direct spoken or written communication) 1. Compare and contrast how Italy deals with societal and human rights issues. (7.2.B.3) 2. Use oral and written Italian in a culturally acceptable manner in order to participate effectively in everyday situations at home and abroad. (7.2.B.1) 3. Compare and contrast for discussion common social practices in the U.S and Italy related to universal life events, such as marriage, death. (7.2.B.2) 4. Analyze for discussion relationships among past and current economic and political structures and their impact on the perspectives of the culture being studied. (7.2.B.5) 5. Discuss culturally authentic selections and movies viewed to demonstrate insights gained into practices and perspectives of the cultures of the Italian-speaking peoples. (7.2.B.3) Presentational Mode: (Spoken or written communication for an audience) 1. Engage in a variety of oral and written tasks using age-appropriate culturally authentic selections, such as summary of the plot and characters, dramatization of principal scenes in the text, and role-playing a film critic to express opinions about the text. (7.2.C.2) 2. Use technology to enhance language acquisition and to acquire current cultural information in order to develop more accurate impressions of the culture studied.(7.2.C.1) 3. Express meaning via prepared statements in oral and written presentations. (7.2.C.1, C.2) Method of Evaluation: The ability of the students to meet the course proficiencies will be evaluated in the following manner: 1. Quality of participation in formal and informal interactive aural/oral activities in the target language. 2. Oral assessments in the form of: Simulated real-life situational activities (directed or impromptu) Directed situational responses Oral interviews Oral sequence story narrations 3. Projects and reports 4. Topical essays 5. Grammatical accuracy determined by its need in communicating effectively orally and in writing. Achievement in this area can be additionally measured by: Isolated topical/discrete item grammar tests Teacher designed activities 6. Interpretive listening and reading assessments 7. Performance-based assessments 8. Student self-assessments 9. Final Culminating Project/Assessment Resources: Texts: Prego, Ciao, Italian through film Libretto: La Traviata