BSCI338E Neuroethology Fall 2012 Instructor: Carr (5-2085, TuTh.2:00-3:15 pm (PLS 1113) Text: Behavioral Neurobiology by Thomas J. Carew Course objectives: core concepts in systems neuroscience 1. Review of neurobiology 2. Sensory worlds: bats, owls and toads 3. Motor Strategies 4. Learning and memory 5. Presentations: 2 per class, 30 minutes each (30% grade). This time includes time for questions led by two other students (10% grade) Date 30-Aug 4-Sep 6-Sep 11- Sep 13-Sep 18-Sep 20-Sep 25-Sep 27-Sep 26-Feb 2-Oct 4-Oct 9-Oct 11-Oct 16-Oct 18-Oct 23-Oct 25-Oct 30-Oct 1- Nov 6-Nov 8-Nov 13-Nov 15-Nov 20-Nov 23-Nov 27-Nov 29-Nov 4-Dec 6-Dec 11-Dec 17-Dec Topic Neurons as building blocks of behavior Basic Properties of Nerve Cells Echolocation in Bats Neural Mechanisms of Echolocation Echolocation presentations Prey Location In Barn Owls Neural Pathways for Sound Localization Visual Calibration of the Auditory World Feature Analysis in Toads The Visual System (mammal, mostly) Feature Analysis in visual systems Odor Perception Odor coding Exam I (30% grade) Models of smell Motor behavior in small systems The stomatogastric system STG models Escape Behavior in Crayfish Motivational Modulation of Escape Behavior Escape Behavior in Crayfish Walking and swimming Locomotion CPGs Spinal cord regeneration Learning and Memory in Simple Reflex Systems in Aplysia THANKSGIVING Molecular Genetics of Learning and Memory in Drosophila Physiological Links between Genes and Behavior Spatial Navigation in Rats Place Cells in the Hippocampus Synaptic plasticity in cortex EXAM II take home (30% grade, pick up 11th, return 17th Faculty Carr Carr Carr Carr Student Carr Carr Student Carr Carr Student Carr Carr Student Student Carr Carr Student Carr Carr Student Carr Carr Student Carr Carr Student Carr Carr Student This course is run on ELMS at - you must login to read the syllabus, receive instructions, and sign up for presentation groups. Carr Neuroethology Spring 2009 Grade: 2 exams, 30% each, on material in class, text and readings. Note that exams are not cumulative. 1 presentation and paper. 30% of your grade is from a presentation and a 5-10 page single spaced paper on your seminar presentation, due 1 week after presentation. The paper must contain at least 10 references to primary literature. Days of presentations will begin with a short lecture, followed by 20-30 minute presentations by two students. 2 discussions (10%). Each student will also sign up to lead two discussions. They will be responsible for reading the papers presented in depth, and then asking questions of the speakers. Thus each presentation has one speaker, and 2 discussants. Attendance: I am happy to excuse attendance for interviews etc, but this must be arranged in advance. Otherwise, attendance is mandatory. How to write a research paper 1. Choose a topic you want to know more about. 2. Read the text, then select relevant primary literature. Read it. 3. Go to PubMed: 4. Review the author’s web sites. These will give you the big picture if you are lucky. Do not paraphrase or copy from these sites without using “” quote marks and providing a citation. Copying is plagiarism and will lead to an F or disciplinary action. 5. Outline what you want to write. Go between text, web and primary literature until you can write a reasonable synthesis. Start with text or web and consider each statement you wish to make. Then use the primary literature to show why each is true. 6. Feel free to use up to date reviews like Trends in Neuroscience, Nature reviews or Current Opinion or Annual Reviews. Electronic versions are available through the library. 7. Cite your papers. Include at least 5 citations from the literature (web does not count here). Put the citations in the text where they belong in this form (author, date) e.g. (Smith and Jones, 2002). No other form is acceptable to me. To prepare an acceptable presentation 1. Use the same material as for your paper. 2. Scan or download figures that you will need to explain your point. 3. Prepare a power point (or other media) presentation 4. Time yourself in practice. I will cut you off after 16 minutes. 5. Talk: Tell us what you are going to say (your main point) 6. Setup introduction (why its important) 7. Results, and discussion. 8. Conclude with main points again. 9. Prepare for questions. [Rubric; Content/depth reveals your familiarity with work, presence of illustrations reveals degree of preparation, answering questions from faculty and class members] Carr Neuroethology Spring 2009 How discussants should prepare 1. Co-ordinate with the speakers. Are they happy with questions during their presentation? Would they like you to wait until the end? 2. Read the papers, prepare questions. 3. Introduce the speaker and lead the discussion. [Rubric; introduction, content/depth of questions should reveal your familiarity with work, leading discussion from other class members] Course objectives: The course covers three major areas in neuroethology - sensory processing, motor strategies and learning and memory. In the sensory section, we discuss the neurobiological circuits underlying echolocation in bats, prey location in barn owls and feature analysis in toads. Motor topics include mate calling in crickets, escape behavior in crayfish, lamprey spinal cord regeneration and the stomatogastric system of crabs. The learning and memory section goes from the development of learning in songbirds, odor coding and associative learning in honeybees, learning and memory in simple reflex systems in Aplysia, molecular genetics of learning and memory in Drosophila to spatial navigation in rats. Where possible, we highlight work from the neuroethology faculty at Maryland. You will be responsible for this information, and for the material in two papers assigned for each discussion class. Text: The text book is old, but good, so we use modern papers as a supplement. Many used copies are available. We won’t cover all chapters, but will substitute and/or supplement with readings Part I Introduction Chapter 1: Neurons as building blocks of behavior The Analysis of Behavior in the Field and in the Laboratory Measuring Behavior in the Natural Environment Measuring Behavior in the Laboratory Cells, Synapses, and Circuits Chapter 1 Basic Properties of Nerve Cells Basic Properties of Nerve Cells Synaptic Transmission The Neuronal Architecture of Behavior Relating Nerve Cells to Behavior PART II: Sensory Worlds Chapter 2: Echolocation in Bats The Behavioral Repertoire of Bats Cues That Bats Use to Decode Their Acoustic Environment The Hunting Bat Neural Mechanisms of Echolocation The Basilar Membrane and Primary Sensory Neurons The Inferior Colliculus The Auditory Cortex Why Are Any Moths Left? Carr Neuroethology Chapter 3: Prey Location In Barn Owls Bringing the Behaving Barn Owl into the Laboratory Intensity Cues Timing Cues Exploring the Neural Pathways for Sound Localization Space-Specific Neurons Provide a Map of Auditory Space Measuring and Encoding Interaural Time Differences The Owl's Auditory System Uses Delay Lines and Coincidence Detectors Visual Calibration of the Auditory World Behavioral Analysis of the Role of Visual Experience in Auditory Localization Neural Correlates of Behavioral Plasticity A Sensitive Period for Visual Calibration of ITD Tuning in the Tectum Sites of Adaptive Plasticity in the Auditory System Chapter 4: Feature Analysis in Toads Recognition and Localization of Predators and Prey Responses in the Natural Environment Bringing Prey-Catching Behavior into the Laboratory The Search for Feature Analyzers in the Toad's Brain The Visual System of the Toad Responses of Retinal Ganglion Cells to Behaviorally Relevant Stimuli Responses of Thalamic- Pretectal Neurons OB Responses of Tectal Neurons Candidate Neural Circuit for Feature Analysis in the Toad From Recognition to Response PART III: Motor Strategies Chapter 5: Mate Calling in Crickets Song Production by the Male The Neural Circuitry for Song Production Triggering a Song Song Recognition by the Female Essential Features of the Calling Song Recognition and Localization of the Song Neuronal Processing of Song Sender-Receiver Matching Chapter 6: Flight in Locusts The Flying Locust A Behavioral Analysis of Flight Anatomy of the Flight System Cellular Organization of the Flight System Discovery of a Central Pattern Generator in the Flight System Cellular Organization of the Central Pattern Generator The Role of Proprioceptive Feedback Integrating Sensory Information during Flight Deviation-Detecting Interneurons Processing of Descending Information in the Flight Control Circuitry Chapter 7: Escape Behavior in Crayfish Behavioral Features and Functional Anatomy of the Escape Response Neuronal Architecture of the Escape Response The Neural Circuit for the Tail Flip Re-extension Swimming Spring 2009 Carr Neuroethology Adaptive Modulation of the Escape Response Restraint- lnduced Inhibition Motivational Modulation of Escape Behavior Modulation of Escape Behavior by Learning PART III: Behavioral plasticity Chapter 8: The Development of Learning in Songbirds The Behavioral Analysis of Birdsong: From the Field to the Laboratory What's in a Song? The Learning of Song Sexual Dimorphism and Hormonal Regulation Singing in the Brain Anatomy of the Song System Laterality of the Song System Seasonal Variations and Neurogenesis The Anterior Forebrain Pathway Cellular Analysis of the Song System Summary Chapter 9: Associative Learning in Honey bees Learning in the Natural Environment The Foraging Cycle The Special Case of Flower Learning Associating Color with Reward It's All in the Timing There's More to a Flower than Its Color Odor Learning in the Proboscis Extension Reflex Conditioning of the PER Neuronal Analysis of PER Conditioning Summary Chapter 10: Learning and Memory in Simple Reflex Systems in Aplysia Behavioral Studies in the Gill and Siphon Withdrawal Reflex Non-associative Learning: Habituation, Dishabituation, and Sensitization Associative Learning: Classical Conditioning Long-Term Memory Cellular Studies of Learning and Memory The Functional Architecture of Withdrawal Reflexes in Aplysia The Cellular Analysis of Behavior in Aplysia Mechanistic Analysis of Sensitization Mechanistic Analysis of Classical Conditioning Mechanistic Analysis of Long-Term Memory Intermediate-Term Memory Chapter 11: Molecular Genetics of Learning and Memory in Drosophila Genetic Dissection of Learning and Memory Olfactory Shock Avoidance Learning Olfactory Learning: The New and Improved Model Mutants as a Window onto Mechanism Physiological Links between Genes and Behavior The Mushroom Bodies Revisited Molecular Dissection of Memory cAMP-Dependent Protein Kinase in Transgenic Flies cAMP-Response Element Binding Protein (CREB) in Transgenic Flies Chapter12: Spatial Navigation in Rats Spring 2009 Carr Neuroethology Spatial Learning Maze Learning The Role of the Hippocampus in Spatial Learning and Memory Cells That Code for Space Place Cells in the Hippocampus Head Direction Cells Synaptic Plasticity in the Hippocampus LTP in the CA1 Region of the Hippocampus LTP and Spatial Learning Experiments That Are Knockouts CaM KII Knockout Mice NMDA Receptor Knockout Mice Spring 2009