Natural Resources and Waste Local Plan Development Plan Policies Proposed Modifications Comments Form The Natural Resources and Waste Comments Form Mineral Policies 13 and 14 Modifications June 2015 June 2015 The Council are seeking comments on the Proposed Main Modifications to the Natural Resources and Waste Mineral Policies 13 and 14, following Examination in Public (27th- 28th May 2015). The changes are proposed by the Council to address issues of legal compliance and soundness and we are only able to accept representation on these matters. REPRESENTATIONS SHOULD ONLY RELATE TO THE PROPOSED MAIN MODIFICATIONS. You can access Mineral Policies 13 and 14 Proposed Main Modifications documents online and additional copies of this form from our website or you may request copies by: Emailing us at: Phoning us on: (0113) 247 8092. Completed forms should be returned either by: Email to: or post to: Mineral Policies 13 and 14 Modifications Forward Planning & Implementation The Leonardo Building 2 Rossington Street Leeds LS2 8HD ALL COMMENTS SHOULD BE MADE IN WRITING NO LATER THAN 5PM ON 7th AUGUST 2015 How we will use your personal information: The information you provide will be used by the Council to help prepare the Local Development Framework (LDF) and will be shared with other employees or agencies (such as the Planning Inspectorate) who may be involved with the LDF. Additionally, your personal details may be shared with other Leeds City Council Directorates and partner organisations to ensure our records are kept accurate and to keep you informed of future consultation documents. Please note that the Council is obliged to make representations available for public inspection, this means that with the exception of telephone numbers, email addresses and signatures, your comments and other personal details that you provide will be publicly available for inspection at the Council’s principle offices and will also be published on the internet. Further guidance on Leeds City Councils’ data protection policy can be downloaded from the Leeds City Council website. Should you have any further queries please contact us on 0113 2478092. If you have difficulty filling in this form we can make special arrangements to suit your needs – please let us know. Before completing the response form we would be grateful if you could tell us more about you: 1. Personal Details 2. Agent Details (if applicable) Title First Name* Last Name* Job Title (where relevant) Organisation (where relevant). Address* Post Code* Telephone/ Mobile Email Address (where relevant) 3. Please let us know if you wish to be notified of the following: The Publication of the Inspector’s Report YES NO The Adoption of Mineral Policies 13 and 14 YES NO Are you attaching any additional sheets that relate to this representation? Yes No No. of Sheets _________ Please sign and date this form: Signature: Date: 4. To which part of the Mineral Policies 13 and 14 Proposed Main Modifications does your representation relate? Modification No. 5. Do you consider the Proposed Main Modifications to be Legally Compliant? YES NO 6. If you consider the Proposed Main Modifications to be Unsound, please identify which test of soundness your comments relate to? Positively prepared Effective Justified Consistent with National Policy 7 Please give details of why you consider the Proposed Main Modifications is not legally compliant or is unsound in light of the modifications proposed. Please be as precise as possible. If you wish to support Proposed Modifications please also use the box below to set out your comments. (Please Note: your representation should cover succinctly all the information, evidence and supporting information necessary to support/justify the representation and the suggested change. It is important that your representation relates to the Proposed Main Modifications). (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary) cont 8. Please set out what change(s) you consider necessary to make the Proposed Main Modifications legally compliant or sound, having regard to the test you have identified at Q.6 above. You will need to say why this change will make the Proposed Main Modifications legally compliant or sound. It will be helpful if you are able to put forward your suggested revised wording of any policy or text. Please be as precise as possible. (Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Thank you for taking the time to complete this representation.