Rubric: Political Responses to the Great Depression: The

Rubric: Political Responses to the Great Depression: The 1935 Election
Student Name(s): _____________________________________
(Level 1)
The student:
Due Date:
(Level 2)
The student:
Party: ____________ Election________
(Level 3)
(Level 4)
The student:
The student:
-Demonstrates some
information, ideas,
The student:
Demonstrates considerable
understanding information,
ideas, concepts, use of historical
-Demonstrates thorough
understanding information,
ideas, concepts, ample use of
historical quotes
The student:
The student:
- Uses planning skills
with some effectiveness
- Uses planning skills with
considerable effectiveness
- Uses planning skills with a
high degree of effectiveness
The student:
The student:
The student:
-Expression and
delivery of
presentation with
limited effectiveness
- Expression and
delivery of presentation
with some effectiveness
- Expression and delivery of
presentation with considerable
- Expression and delivery of
presentation with a high
degree of effectiveness
Attentive listening during presentations
Limited attentiveness,
asked to be quiet
Some attentiveness,
Considerable attentiveness
High degree of attentiveness
Spelling and Grammar – written speeches
- With many spelling
and grammatical
-With some spelling and
grammatical errors
- With few spelling and
grammatical errors
- With no spelling and
grammatical errors
- Limited effectiveness
-With some
- With considerable
- With a high degree of
Historical accuracy, understanding of
information, ideas, concepts, recalling facts,
terms and basic concepts, use of historical
quotes – evidenced in written presentation
-Demonstrates limited
information, ideas,
The student:
Use of planning skills (e.g. focusing research,
gathering information, organized in a clear
logical way – include sources and page
*Includes research rough notes – minimum 1
page – (250 words)/person – Level 3.*
-Uses planning skills
with limited
The student:
Expression and delivery of presentation (e.g.
pace, clear expression, volume, eye contact,
rehearsed, minimal reference to notes, use of
cue cards, memorized, costume/props, dramatic
role play)
Use of arguments and rebuttal – relevant reasons
given in defense of arguments, counterarguments which challenge the heart of the
opponents’ arguments – points written out
during debate/presentation, questions prepared
before debate for each party
Poster is a Group Evaluation
Poster – historical, image is clear, concise and
effective images, arrangements of images
appealing, conveys the intended message,
platform points, leader and party identified,
buttons etc.
Application of knowledge and skills (e.g.
concepts, procedures, processes, and/or
Project is prepared on time and ready to present,
Individual Identification of at least 3 key points
per party (level 3), submitted at the end of each
- Limited effectiveness
-With some
- With considerable
- With a high degree of
The student:
-Applies knowledge
and skills in familiar
contexts with limited
-Demonstrates limited
information, ideas,
concepts – less than 3
key points made and
selection of party
The student:
-Applies knowledge and
skills in familiar
contexts with some
Demonstrates some
information, ideas,
concepts – minimum of
3 key points and
selection of party
The student:
-Applies knowledge and skills in
familiar contexts with
considerable effectiveness
The student:
-Applies knowledge and skills
in familiar contexts with a
high degree of effectiveness
Demonstrates considerable
understanding information,
ideas, concepts – minimum of 5
key points and personal selection
of party
Demonstrates thorough
understanding information,
ideas, concepts – minimum of
7 key points, and personal
selection of party
* criteria not completed will be assessed an R
Total Mark:
Teacher Comments:
Political Responses to the Great Depression Assignment – 1935 Election
Group Members:________________________________________________________________________
Dominion of Canada – Federal/Provincial Elections 1935
Political Party
Group A Election
Conservative Party
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF)
Liberal Party
Group B Election
The Canadian Nationalist Party (West Ontario)
National Social Christian Party (Quebec)
Communist Party of Canada
Technocracy (Technocrat Party)
Group C Election
Social Credit Party
Union Nationale Party
Reconstruction Party
Richard Bennett
James Woodsworth
Mackenzie King
Joseph Farr or
Adrien Arcond
Timothy Buck
Howard Scott
William Aberhart
Maurice Duplessis
Harry H. Stevens
Tasks Assigned:
Poster, election platform, speeches – introduction, campaign, conclusion and debate and questions
1. Each group will be responsible for:
 research and produce a poster accurately outlining main party platform and background of leader
(include visuals and slogan)
 prepare introduction/background/attributes of leader (1 minute) and a platform/leader’s speech
outlining policies (3 minutes ) (each member must be involved in oral presentations)
 defend party at a debate (all members must be prepared, two members may be part of the debate (but
not the candidate speech presenter– all members will be taking notes for rebuttal)
 rebuttal session - select questions to ask each party (prepared prior to debate as well as during the
presentations, look at historical quotations from other parties – what can you challenge?)
 1 minute conclusion of why people should vote for your party/leader
 one election poster – (slogan, may attack another parties ideas, target audience identified, your
parties idea(s), picture)
 identifying various groups in society and why they would or would not support your party’s cause
2. Each individual member:
 research information about party and policies (research notes from folders provided)
 research information about the Depression and solutions attempted/suggested by other parties (notes
from class, textbook, scrapbook)
 written presentation, rebuttals, key points from presentations
3. Presentations and debate on ____________________
4. Active participant/listener during the political debate
1935 Election
Party: ________________________________________
Group Members:_______________________________________________
Person(s) assigned
Party Research
Include sources and page numbers
Point form unless a direct quote
Party Poster
 Party Logo/Symbol and Name
Party Buttons/Stickers
Candidate Picture
Main points of campaign
All group members – individual
All group members – group submission/evaluation
Background/Introduction Speech
- introduce candidate by giving
background education, experience and
personal as appropriate (married?
children? etc.) Make sure it is
historically accurate!(1 minute)
Candidate Speech – pretend you are
the candidate and outline your party
platform, why should people vote for
you? (2-3 minutes)
Rebuttal Points – make a list of
questions (3 minimum) to ask each
political party and possible responses
to questions that may be asked of your
All group members will make a list of 3 questions
that they would ask each party.
All group members will make a list of 3 responses to
questions that might be asked your party.
Conclusion Speech – Last chance to
highlight the most important points
from you platform and why people
should vote for your candidate (1
Music/costume/Props – used as part of
introduction to your candidate – theme song
(optional must be historical period)
 Historical Election – use slogans, ideas that were from the actual time
period and elections in the 1930’s.