Social Studies 20: Essay Topic One

Social Studies 20: Essay Topic One
To what extent should one’s connection to nation be the main basis
for one’s individual identity?
In order to address this question fully, you must also respond to the following in
your essay:
1. To what extent are nation and identity related?
2. To what extent should internal and external factors shape nationalism?
3. To what extent should people reconcile their contending national loyalties
and non-nationalist loyalties?
1. You will find information for your essay in Chapters 1 – 4 of your textbook,
HOWEVER you are to uses other sources of information as well, including
current events, legitimate Internet sources, atlases, certain magazines
(“National Geographic” could possibly be useful) or other books.
2. You are to hand in your essay on the due date. If it’s late, you lose 20% of
your mark. If you fail to hand it in, I WILL NOT chase you down for it.
3. This is an ESSAY so I expect this to be written as an essay. You need a
thesis statement in an opening paragraph, body paragraphs whereby you
attempt to justify your thesis and a concluding paragraph.
4. While these essays will be written based upon your opinions, they MUST
be fact up by facts and real examples.
1. This essay is to be 3 – 4 pages in length.
2. Typed, double-spaced, font size 12.
3. You may use Times New Roman or Arial ONLY. Any other font will result
in a significant drop in marks.
4. You are expected to provide a bibliography and document your sources
Due Date:
Due: _____________________________
Social Studies 20: Essay Topic Two
Pick any ONE (1) of the following essay topics:
To what extent should national interests be pursued at any expense
To what extent do national interests and foreign policy shape each other?
To what extent can nationalism lead to ultranationalism?
To what extent can the pursuit of ultranationalist goals lead to crimes
against humanity?
5. To what extent should national self-determination be pursued?
1. You will find information for your essay in Chapters 5 – 8 of your textbook,
HOWEVER you are to uses other sources of information as well, including
current events, legitimate Internet sources, atlases, certain magazines
(“National Geographic” could possibly be useful) or other books.
2. You are to hand in your essay on the due date. If it’s late, you lose 20% of
your mark. If you fail to hand it in, I WILL NOT chase you down for it.
3. This is an ESSAY so I expect this to be written as an essay. You need a
thesis statement in an opening paragraph, body paragraphs whereby you
attempt to justify your thesis and a concluding paragraph.
4. While these essays will be written based upon your opinions, they MUST
be fact up by facts and real examples.
1. This essay is to be 3 – 4 pages in length.
2. Typed, double-spaced, font size 12.
3. You may use Times New Roman or Arial ONLY. Any other font will result
in a significant drop in marks.
4. You are expected to provide a bibliography and document your sources
Due Date:
Due: _____________________________
Social Studies 20: Essay Topic Three
Choose one of the following essay topics:
1. To what extent does involvement in international affairs benefit nations
and states?
2. To what extent can foreign policy promote internationalism?
3. To what extent do efforts to promote internationalism through world
organizations affect nationalism?
4. To what extent can internationalism effectively address contemporary
global issues?
1. You will find information for your essay in Chapters 1 – 4 of your textbook,
HOWEVER you are to uses other sources of information as well, including
current events, legitimate Internet sources, atlases, certain magazines
(“National Geographic” could possibly be useful) or other books.
2. You are to hand in your essay on the due date. If it’s late, you lose 20% of
your mark. If you fail to hand it in, I WILL NOT chase you down for it.
3. This is an ESSAY so I expect this to be written as an essay. You need a
thesis statement in an opening paragraph, body paragraphs whereby you
attempt to justify your thesis and a concluding paragraph.
4. While these essays will be written based upon your opinions, they MUST
be fact up by facts and real examples.
1. This essay is to be 3 – 4 pages in length.
2. Typed, double-spaced, font size 12.
3. You may use Times New Roman or Arial ONLY. Any other font will result
in a significant drop in marks.
4. You are expected to provide a bibliography and document your sources
Due Date:
Due: _____________________________