Library Eco Bio Book Bags Project

Middlebury College
Environmental Council Sustainability Grants Proposal ’07 -‘08
Proposal Cover Sheet
Date: 29 November 2007
Project Title:
Library Eco Bio Book Bags Project
Brief Description (3-4 sentences):
The Library Eco Bio Book Bags Project would allow the LIS to purchase reusable and recyclable
book bags to protect both library AND environmental resources. The bio book bags would serve
a dual function – they would provide a roomy, reusable bag for books AND provide a platform
for advertising the importance of protecting and preserving valuable library and environmental
resources. After the initial pilot bio bag project – funded with grant monies – we would charge
$1 per bag to recoup costs, encourage use of re-use bags, and eliminate the use of plastic book
Amount Requested:
Primary Contact (Name, email, telephone, address):
Elin Waagen, Circulation Services Manager
Library and Information Services
250A Main Library
110 Storrs Avenue
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05753
Office: 802-443-2393
Circulation Desk: 802-443-5494
Project Collaborators:
Elin Waagen
Alyson Bourne
Emily Gustavson
Environmental Council Sustainability Grants Proposal ’07 - ‘08
Full Name(s) of Proposers:
Elin Waagen
Alyson Bourne
Emily Gustavson
Email Addresses and phone numbers: (x 3293) (x 4270) (x 6735)
Name of Project: Library Eco Bio Book Bag Project
Project Description. If applicable, please highlight any collaborative or innovative aspects of
your proposal (use back or second page if more space needed):
The libraries currently purchases plastic bags to help protect library materials that leave the
library – when borrowers do not have their own book bag with them. This project aims to
eliminate “free” bags – that actually cost us the health of our environment.
I have teamed up with two Circulation student workers in an effort to generate campus
awareness of reusable bags as an environmentally friendly choice for reducing waste and
pollution, and helping to preserve the beauty of the natural landscape AND our valuable library
The Sierra Club's Sierra magazine estimates that Americans throw away almost 100 billion
plastic bags each year and only 1 to 3 percent are recycled. Environmentalists warn paper is not
much better than plastic because trees have to be cut down and energy expended to make them
Reusable bags help reduce waste and pollution from plastic and paper bags, and promote earth
conscious alternatives.
We are proposing to purchase bags from the Earthwise Bag Company.
Earthwise bags are made of nonwoven polypropylene and are lightweight, durable, recyclable
and washable. They can be used over and over for multiple uses.
Non-woven polypropylene has many advantages including:
Lightweight and Durable
Recyclable and Reusable
Resistant to Corrosion
Hypoallergenic and Non-toxic
Washable and Water Repellent
Print: Match any Pantone® Color
Dimensions: 13.5”H x 12.5”W x 8.5”D
Bag Color: Available in over 8 colors
Each bag can be customized with logo and color choice. This is wonderful opportunity to raise
awareness and promote the choice of reusable bags to protect the environment and library
A competition – with prize – to design the logo - will increase involvement in the project and
offer an opportunity for collaboration with the college community.
Timeline for implementation of project (start and end date):
January 2008: Design competition - solicit suggestions for log/design; collaborate on the design
with the college community
February 2008: Choose design from competition and order bags
Spring semester 2008 - Eco Bags Go Live at the Libraries with a celebration honoring the logo
winner with their prize
Budget and amount to be requested (please provide a detailed line-item budget showing
anticipated expenses and any other revenues from other sources and/or in-kind labor, materials,
1,000 bag minimum @ $1.40
$1,400 plus $60 set-up fee for screen design
$100 value prize – Book bag with gift certificate from the College Bookstore to fill the bag with
books! We would also welcome suggestions for eco-friendly prize that would appeal to our
student population.
Student and staff labor costs – $0 (project implemented during regular work schedule)
Total: $1,560
Brief rationale of how this will advance the College’s sustainability leadership:
Billions of plastic bags are choking our planet. All of these "free" bags ultimately cost both
consumers and the environment plenty. Each year billions of bags end up as ugly litter and
eventually break down into tiny toxic bits polluting our soil, river, lakes and oceans. Production
of plastic bags requires vast amounts of oil. The U.S. uses 100 billion plastic bags annually,
consuming about 12 million barrels of oil. Using a sturdy reusable bag will eliminate hundreds to
thousands of plastic bags over its lifetime.
This project will help to raise awareness of the plastic bag issue, provide a very practical and
useful (and very stylish!) alternative to plastic bags on campus – and in the world beyond.
We could help clean up the planet – and the campus – 1 bag at a time.
Choose to reuse - help tame the plastic bag beast - Go green at Midd - BYOBB – Bring Your
Own Blue Bag!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed people can change the world: indeed
it's the only thing that ever has!"-- Margaret Meade
Please send this form to Jack Byrne, Campus Sustainability Coordinator, via email at, or by campus mail to 531 Hillcrest #109 no later than midnight
November 30, 2007. Proposals can range from $25 up to $2,500. For more info call x 5043.