Guidance for Health Students Opting to Continue on a Course

Guidance for Health Students Opting to Continue on a Course
During Pregnancy and as New Mothers
Faculty of Health and Wellbeing
Guidance for Health Students Opting to Continue on a Course During Pregnancy and as
New Mothers
If opting to continue on your course you have responsibility for the
To inform the Course Leader or a member of the Course Team of your
pregnancy at the earliest possible date so that support, particularly for
clinical placement, can be arranged. It is good practice to ensure the
Course Team have knowledge of this before twenty-two weeks of
You acknowledge you may only continue with the course with the support of
the medical practitioner responsible for your care during pregnancy. It is
your responsibility to seek the agreement for you to continue.
If there is any health reason that may affect you continuing with the course,
you bring this to the attention of the Course Leader or a member of the
Course Team and/or Clinical Supervisor immediately.
You are entitled to stay on the course and undertake clinical placement up
to the birth of the child, subject to the information given below. You cannot
be permitted to return to clinical placement until at least two weeks after the
birth of the child. At this point you would need the agreement of your
medical practitioner. The same arrangements and precautions need to be
taken in pregnancy and as a nursing mother.
If you wish to continue undertaking a clinical placement after twenty-eight
weeks of pregnancy, you will need to provide written evidence of the
support of the medical practitioner responsible for your care during
pregnancy to the Course Leader or a member of the Course Team.
If you continue on a placement beyond thirty-six weeks of pregnancy, and
you have a day’s absence with illness associated with your pregnancy, you
will be required to withdraw from the placement until after the birth of the
You have been provided with details of potential hazards in the clinical
environment that you should read and note when undertaking placement
whilst pregnant or as a nursing mother. If you have any concerns regarding
hazards you should raise this immediately with the Course Leader or a
member of the Course Team and/or your Clinical Supervisor.
You are required to adhere to the agreed duties you may undertake on
clinical placement, and report immediately to the Clinical Supervisor and/or
Course Leader or a member of the Course Team any issues of concern.
You are entitled to seek guidance from the University/Student Occupational
Health provider. You should contact the Course Leader or a member of the
Course Team should you wish to do this and an appointment will be
arranged on your behalf.
It is assumed you do not have problems continuing with your academic
study unless you raise this issue with your Course Leader or a member of
the Course Team. If appropriate, guidance can be sought from Students
Services in the University.
If you are unable to submit your coursework by the due date or are unable
to sit/complete an examination, it is your responsibility to use the
‘Extenuating Circumstances’ procedure as documented in the University
Assessment Regulations and Procedures that can be accessed via the
University Website.
Should you have any concerns regarding the information you have been
given, you must bring it to the attention of the Course Leader or a member
of the Course Team as soon as possible.
Please Note: You may be entitled to some Statutory Maternity Benefit. You
should contact Social Security for this information.
If opting to continue on your course you will be supported by your course team as
detailed below:
You will be provided with this ‘Maternity Pack’, including guidance on
hazards in a clinical environment.
You will be provided with guidance to support your continuation on the
course during pregnancy and as a nursing mother.
You will agree with your Course Mentor, Clinical Supervisor prior to
placement (or as soon as you inform of your pregnancy if on placement)
duties that can and cannot be undertaken during clinical placement, taking
into account any potential physical or chemical hazard.