VEGMAP book Mucina & Rutherford 2006: The Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. SANBI, Pretoria. The book describing the 435 vegetation types in South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland, and 5 mapped units for the Prince Edward Islands has been published and is now available for purchase at the SANBI Bookshop in Pretoria and the Botanical Society Bookshop at Kirstenbosch. The book includes descriptions of each vegetation type, including a general introduction to each biome, followed by descriptions for each vegetation type in the Biome. The descriptions include details about how each vegetation type relates to previously published vegetation maps, Distribution, Vegetation & Landscape Features, Geology & Soils, Climate, Important Taxa, Biogeographically Important Taxon, Endemic Taxa, Conservation, and Remarks. The book also includes a bound 1:1 000 000 atlas. A CD with a digital map and GIS shapefiles (Vegetation, Bioregions, Biomes, Dams, Protected areas, Roads, Rivers, Railways, Towns, including the vegetation of Marion and Prince Edward Islands) is included in the volume. The volume is titled L. Mucina and M.C. Rutherford are editors. VEGMAP wall map Mucina, Rutherford & Powrie 2005: Vegetation map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. SANBI, Kirstenbosch. The 1:1 000 000 wall maps of 'The Vegetation Map of South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland' are available for purchase at a cost of R120 for a set of four 1.06 m x 0.77 m map sheets giving a mounted map size of 2.09 m wide and 1.52 m high. Refer to the SANBI website for details. Contact Bookshop, SANBI, Private Bag X101, PRETORIA , 0001 South Africa. E-mail : : Fax : +27 12 804-3211 : Tel : +27 12 843-5000. The maps are also available in Cape Town at the Botanical Society bookshop at the Kirstenbosch Visitors' Centre.