Unit 4, Week 5- Word Work Plans Theme: Habitats and Homes Nutik, The Wolf Pup Focus: Words with au, au High Frequency Words: door, remember, order Decodable Reader: Paul Saw Arctic Foxes 125D Monday: Vocabulary – Oral Vocabulary card story: Coral Reefs, Day one of Vocabulary lesson. Use the vocabulary with the word chunks made by Kim Kennelly Kairis at Forest Lakes El. Word Work –125A,B Introduce variant vowel /au/, /augh/, and /aw/ as in raw and pause. Use phoneme manipulation Cards on board or pocket chart. Letters: a, c, d, e, f, g, h, k, l, m, p, r, s, t, u, w, y. Form words on the pocket chart, read them, and ask children to identify the letter pair in each word that makes the/aw/ sound. Try these: raw, pause, dawn, fault, lawn, hawk, yawn, sauce. On Level Practice book p. 159. Grammar – contractions, Transparency 96 A contraction is a short form of two words. An apostrophe (‘) replaces the letters left out when two words are joined. It replaces the letter o in a contraction formed with the word ‘not’. High Frequency Words – Introduce High Frequency word cards, Chant &Check, Define, describes attributes and uses each high frequency word in a sentence. door, remember, order Tuesday: Vocabulary: – Day 2 Word Associations of Vocab. Lesson. Review High Frequency words. Oral Vocab Lesson 127H, Transparency 39 (Vocabulary Transparency) Work Work Activity: 127F, Phoneme blending, Students use response cards to hold up when you call out the words. Student then cut out word cards and sort under correct key word label. Words to call out: paw, dawn, haul, law, fawn, Paul, claw, lawn, pawn. Grammar: – More Irregular Verbs, Transparency 92. Wednesday: Vocabulary: – Day 3: Making Choices and Questions, Reasons, and Examples, Oral Vocab Cards-Lesson 149D Word Work Activity: Spelling Game: Have children use their Spelling Word Cards and word cards with au and aw words that they have learned in Phonics this week. Each player gets 7 cards. The first player puts down a card, reads the word on the card, spells it and identifies the spelling pattern to be followed. For example, draw, d-r-a-w, aw The next player puts down a card with a word with the same spelling pattern and reads and spells it aloud. If a player does not have a card with the same spelling pattern, he or she passes. Play continues until all players are out of cards with the spelling pattern. Then the player who last played a card chooses another card from his or her hand and identifies the new vowel pattern to be followed. The first player who runs out of cards is the winner. Grammar: - Apostrophes in Contractions 149K, Transparency 98 Thursday: Vocabulary –Vocabulary Day 4-Relating Words and Synonyms or Oral Vocab Cards- Lesson 149N Work Work – Teacher Lesson: Phonemic Categorization: 149O, Student Activity: Dictation: Have students work in pairs using their word cards. The first partner reads the words one at a time. The second partner sounds out the letters in each word and then writes the word. The first partner puts a check mark next to each word spelled correctly. Grammar – Contractions, Transparency 99, Proofread Friday: Vocabulary – Review and Assess: Have students do a 4-square for one of their words. (word, definition, picture, sentence) or other organizer. See sent Vocabulary 4 squares or do Oral Vocabulary Cards – 155A For a Spiral Review of last weeks’s words, see p. 155D for a game. Work Work –Review and Assess: Blend with Varient Vowel. T155B Play Silent Spelling* Give Spelling test during Writing Block. Grammar – Reviewing Contractions, Transparency 100 *Silent Spelling: Students sit in groups of 4 with 1 white board and 1 pen. Teacher says a word from the spelling list. First student writes first letter and passes board. 2nd student writes next letter and on and on until the word is spelled. If a student sees that a word is spelled wrong, he or she may change only one letter on their turn. When all members think the word is correct, they hold up the word. This game is SILENT!! aw au p s e d r j h l n ch f t k c u b y Spelling: pause, draw, launch, law, fault, jaw, fawn, hawk, raw, crawl, awful, bawl, cause, dawn, sauce, yawn, lawn, laundry aw au p s e d r j h l n ch f t k c u b y Spelling: pause, draw, launch, law, fault, jaw, fawn, hawk, raw, crawl, awful, bawl, cause, dawn, sauce, yawn, lawn, laundry aw au p s e d r j h l n ch f t k c u b y Spelling: pause, draw, launch, law, fault, jaw, fawn, hawk, raw, crawl, awful, bawl, cause, dawn, sauce, yawn, lawn, laundry pause draw law launch fault jaw fawn hawk raw crawl awful bawl cause dawn sauce yawn lawn laundry sausage strawberry Monday (Vowel Cards) & Tuesday (Word Families) p au s e d r aw l n ch j f h k r c g m t u door remember order y au aw au aw sausage straw sausage straw au aw au aw sausage straw sausage straw au aw au aw sausage straw sausage straw Use for Day 1: Words to use – pause, draw, launch, law, fault, jaw, fawn, hawk, raw, crawl, awful, sausage, automatic, strawberry, bawl, cause, dawn, sauce, yawn, lawn, laundry Students hold up the cards that make up each vowel sound. Paul Macaw One day, Miss Hawkins' old macaw crawled up to watch Miss Hawkins draw. Paul sprawled across Miss Hawkin's knee, then yawned to see she'd drawn a tree. He watched Miss Hawkins draw some claws-Paul gawked in awe, with open jaws. He watched her draw a head... a beak-Paul squawked, then paused--too awed to speak He watched her draw a tail... a wing! Now Paul Macaw began to sing! He somersaulted off her knee. "Caw! Caw!" he squawked. "Old Paul! That's ME! Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz