Company Name Stock Name Date Announce : STEMLIFE BERHAD (ACE Market) : STEMLFE : 27th April 2011 Type Subject : Announcement : Others Description : INVESTMENT IN HSC HEALTHCARE SDN BHD (“HSC”) PROPOSED RESTRUCTURING OF HSC The Company wishes to announce that HSC has proposed to restructure the HSC Group by transferring all its interests in HSC to a special purpose vehicle, HSC Healthcare Limited, an exempted company incorporated in the Cayman Islands. 1. INTRODUCTION By a Subscription Agreement made the 8th day of December, 2005 with HSC StemLife agreed to subscribe for 6,452,000 ordinary shares in HSC of par value of RM0.10 for a total consideration of RM6,000,360 representing 6.87% of the enlarged issued and paid-up capital of HSC and this transaction was completed in April 2006. On 1 August 2006, HSC issued an additional 36,130,000 new ordinary shares and a bonus issue of 7 new ordinary shares for 10 existing ordinary shares. The Company’s interest in HSC was reduced to 4.96% of the total enlarged issued and paid-up capital of HSC. The substantial shareholders of HSC now propose to restructure the HSC Group by incorporating an exempted company, HSC Healthcare Limited, in the Cayman Islands to acquire 100% of the issued and paid-up capital of HSC from its existing shareholders through a Share Sale Agreement for a total consideration of NT$837,397,032.80 to be satisfied by the issuance of 48,685,874 new ordinary shares (par value NT$10) in HSC Healthcare Limited at an issue price of NT$17.20 per share. 2.1 Information on HSC Healthcare Limited (“HSCL”) HSCL was incorporated in the Cayman Islands on 10 January 2011 as an exempted company. The authorized share capital of HSCL is NT$6,000,000,000 divided into 600,000,000 ordinary shares of NT$10 each of which one (1) ordinary share is issued and fully paid-up. 2.2 Information on HSC Healthcare Sdn Bhd (“HSC”) HSC is an investment holding company with an authorized share capital of RM50,000,000 divided into 500,000,000 ordinary shares of which 221,139,400 ordinary shares have been issued and fully paid-up. The shareholders of HSC and their respective interests are as follows: Shareholders No. of shares held Cardiology Associates Sdn Bhd (331301-U) % 135,796,000 61.41 Sinocap Sdn Bhd (500278-U) 44,625,000 20.18 Billennium Capital Sdn Bhd (771282-P) 29,750,000 13.45 StemLife Berhad (566770-D) 10,968,000 4.96 221,139,400 100 TOTAL The directors of HSC are Dr. Soo Chee Siong and Dr. Lim Yin Chow. HSC has nine subsidiary companies and three associate companies, viz: Name Principal Activities Issued Paid-Up Capital and Percentage Holdings (%) HSC Medical Own and operate a RM2,402,122 Centre (KL) Sdn heart, medical and Bhd diagnostic center 100 Biomarkers Bhd 100 Sdn Research development, manufacturing, distribution marketing biotechnology healthcare-related products eCardiac Sdn Bhd and RM500,000 and of and Research and RM300,000 development, manufacturing, distribution and marketing of medical related information technology HSC Clinical Testing laboratory Laboratories Sdn Bhd 100 RM300,000 100 HSC Integrative Provision of traditional RM500,000 Medicine Sdn Bhd Chinese medical consultation, diagnosis and acupuncture, distribution and trading of health supplement food and beverages 100 HSC Development Investment holding, RM3,000 Sdn Bhd property development, advertising and promotional campaigns 100 HSC Properties Letting of property Sdn Bhd RM2,500,000 100 Nation Sdn Bhd RM100,000 100 one-stop RM500,000 100 Kinetics Investment holding HSC Centre For Operating a Sight Sdn Bhd eye center Signature International Berhad 3. Investment holding RM60,000,00 0 Tonik Asia Group Investment holding Sdn Bhd RM500,000 ISEC (Ampang) Ophthalmology Centre Sdn Bhd RM1,000,000 Details of HSC’s Restructuring HSC Healthcare Limited (“HSCL”), an exempted company incorporated in the Cayman Islands with an issued and paid up capital of NT$10 will acquire all the existing issued and paid-up shares in HSC Healthcare Sdn Bhd for a total consideration of NT$837,397,032.80 to be satisfied by the issuance of 48,685,874 new ordinary shares of par value NT$10 each in HSCL at an issue price of NT$17.20 to the existing shareholders of HSC. The sale consideration is based on the NTA of HSC as at 31 December 2010. StemLife will sell its 4.96% interest (10,968,400 HSC shares) in HSC for NT$41,534,886.80 (RM4,153,488.68) in return for 2,414,819 ordinary shares of NT$10 each in HSCL, representing 4.96% of the proposed enlarged capital of HSCL. Name Company No. Cardiology Associates 331301-U Sdn Bhd Sinocap Sdn Bhd 500278-U No. of Sale % of Sale No. of Shares Shares Shares Entitled as Purchase Consideration 135,796,000 61.41% 29,897,996 44,625,000 20.18% 9,824,809 Billenium Capital Sdn 771282-P Bhd StemLife Berhad 566770-D 29,750,000 13.45% 6,548,250 10,968,400 4.96% 2,414,819 Total 221,139,400 100% 48,685,874 4. Financial Effects of the Restructuring The restructuring of HSC will result in StemLife recording a profit on its investment in HSC of RM622,750. However, this will have no material effect on the net assets and gearing of the Company for the financial year ending 31 December 2011. The original cost of the investment was RM6,000,360 and the book value of the investment as at 31 December 2010 after an impairment charge is RM3,530,738. 5. Rationale for the Proposed restructuring The proposed restructuring of HSC is in line with the major shareholders’ plan to undertake an Initial Public Listing of the HSC in a regional stock Exchange. 6. Shareholders’ Approval The restructuring of the investment in HSC is not subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company or any regulatory authorities. 7. Directors’ and Substantial Shareholders’ Interests None of the Directors and substantial shareholders of the Company or person(s) connected to them have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Proposed Restructuring. 8. Directors’ Statement The Directors of the Company, having considered all aspects of the Proposed Restructuring of HSC, are of the opinion that the Proposed Restructuring of HSC is in the best interest of the Company. 9. ACE Market Listing Requirement To the best knowledge of the Board, the Proposed Restructuring of HSC has not departed from any of the ACE Market Listing Requirement. 10. Estimated Time Frame for Completion The Proposed Restructuring of HSC is expected to be completed by 30 June 2011.