Amended & Adopted 8/14/07 1 Introduced by Council Members Redman, Corrigan, W. Jones, 2 Bishop, Clark, Davis, Fussell, Gaffney, Graham, Holt, Hyde, Jabour, 3 Johnson, 4 amended on the floor of the Council: M. Jones, Joost, Lee, Shad, Webb and Yarborough and 5 6 7 RESOLUTION 2007-921-A 8 A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE UNITED STATES POST 9 OFFICE COMPLY WITH THE POSTAL SERVICE 10 REGULATIONS AND DELIVER MAIL TO THE DOORS OF 11 THE 12 JACKSONVILLE; REQUESTING THE ANIMAL CARE AND 13 CONTROL 14 STATES 15 CONCERNS; DIRECTING THE CHIEF OF LEGISLATIVE 16 SERVICES TO FORWARD A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION 17 TO 18 COMPLIANCE WITH POSTAL REGULATIONS; DIRECTING 19 THE CHIEF OF LEGISLATIVE SERVICE TO FORWARD A 20 COPY TO THE FLORIDA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION 21 TO REQUEST SUPPORT OF RESOLUTION AND REQUEST 22 AN INVESTIGATION AS TO COMPLIANCE WITH POSTAL 23 SERVICE 24 PASSAGE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. CITIZENS THE IN DIVISION POST THE TO OFFICE UNITED WINDY WORK TO STATES REGULATIONS; HILLS AREA IN WITH THE UNITED ADDRESS ANY ANIMAL POSTMASTER REQUESTING REQUESTING EMERGENCY 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the United States Postal Service delivers mail to the doors of residents in neighborhoods established prior to 1978; and 28 WHEREAS, in more recent years, newer neighborhoods have been 29 required to have roadside mail boxes or in some situations cluster Amended 8/14/07 1 boxes also known as Neighborhood Delivery Collection Box units, 2 which is more cost effective to the Postal Service; and 3 WHEREAS, the United States Post Office, in efforts to protect 4 the postal delivery person from dogs interfering on the routes, 5 will require specific houses in established areas prior to 1978, to 6 have roadside or fence mounted post boxes to avoid a particular dog 7 situation; and 8 WHEREAS, in documented 9 necessary, however, 10 diminution of 11 specific instances; and 12 WHEREAS, there rights the to United is an situations nothing entire States these that creates route, Post measures Office 639 a may wholesale customers, cites be numerous for dog 13 attacks as a reason for the change of delivery, however, the Animal 14 Care and Control Division records reflect only one dog bite and 13 15 running at large calls in the targeted area since January 2007; and 16 WHEREAS, the United States Postal Service, Postal Operational 17 Manual, 18 safety and security of postal deliveries with the presence of loose 19 animals which 20 release identifies 21 received to date; and 22 Section 623.3 defines include WHEREAS, the 79 letter the operating notification, “bite/interference” City takes serious procedures although letters, such for the only allegations the press one was of dog 23 attacks in that of the individuals in the affected area, 37.8% of 24 the 25 affected households have individuals over the age of 75; and affected households have minor children and 11.7% of the 26 WHEREAS, the United States Postal Service, Postal Operational 27 Manual, Section 631.6, outlines a conversion of a Mode of Delivery 28 to change existing mail delivery to a more economical and efficient 29 mode, it requires customer signatures be obtained prior to any 30 conversion; and - 2 - Amended 8/14/07 1 WHEREAS, there is no record that the United States Postal 2 Service worked with the affected neighborhood association or with 3 responsible city departments or this Council to address alleged 4 issues 5 customer signatures prior to implementing a plan to change the mode 6 of delivery from six hundred and thirty-nine (639) residential and 7 business addresses to eight (8) Collection Box units; and 8 9 10 with WHEREAS, dog interference the imminent or dog bites conversion this or week obtain of the written mode of delivery along the entire route is reported to be unprecedented; and 11 WHEREAS, the affected neighborhood civic association has 12 voiced its opposition to the termination of home delivery services 13 and first learned of the termination of services when concrete pads 14 were being installed on city property or city right-of-way; and 15 WHEREAS, an emergency exists inasmuch as the United States 16 Postal Service has unilaterally announced that the termination of 17 home 18 therefore mail delivery service will occur on August 18, 2007; 19 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Jacksonville: 20 Section 1. Expressions. now The City Council expresses its 21 concern regarding the delivery of mail to its citizens and the 22 wholesale and unpredicted manner in which an entire route is being 23 modified 24 concerned about the welfare and safety of all its citizens, be they 25 residents or service providers. 26 safety issue the Council requests the division of Animal Care and 27 Control to patrol the cited area and work with the United States 28 Postal Service to resolve any issues of animals at large. 29 from Section 2. 639 deliveries to eight. The City Council is To the extent that there is a Requesting Animal Care and Control work with 30 the United States Postal Service. 31 Care and Control Division review the affected area, attached hereto - 3 - The City requests the Animal Amended 8/14/07 1 as Exhibit 1 and referred to by United States Postal Service as 2 City delivery Route 4604, and perform inspections independently and 3 with input from United States Postal Service. 4 Section 3. Directing the Chief of Legislative Services to 5 forward a copy of this Resolution to the United States Post Master. 6 The Chief of Legislative Services is requested to forward a copy of 7 this resolution to the United States Postmaster in Washington, DC, 8 The 9 Service, Honorable 10 review 11 Manual. 12 John E. Potter, 475 L’Enfant Plaza, local activity in Section 4. Postmaster SW, General, Washington, compliance with the DC U.S. Postal 20260-1000, Postal to Operation Directing the Chief of Legislative Services to 13 forward a copy of this Resolution to the Florida Congressional 14 Delegation. 15 forward a copy of this resolution to the Florida Congressional 16 Delegation, to review local activity in compliance with the Postal 17 Operation Manual, and take any such action on a federal level as is 18 appropriate to ensure that the Windy Hill citizens maintain a level 19 of service. 20 The Chief of Legislative Services is requested to Section 5. Requesting Emergency Passage Pursuant to 21 Council Rule 4.901 – Emergency. The sponsor is requesting emergency 22 passage of this legislation. 23 the Post Master is scheduled to deliver mail to only the mail box 24 clusters on and after August 18, 2007. 25 Section 6. Effective The nature of the emergency is that Date. This Resolution shall become 26 effective upon signature by the Mayor or upon becoming effective 27 without the Mayor's signature. 28 29 Form Approved: 30 31 ____/s/ Margaret M. Sidman__________ - 4 - Amended 8/14/07 1 Office of General Counsel 2 Legislation Prepared By: 3 G:\SHARED\LEGIS.CC\2007\res\Redman Postal Door Delivery Compliance 1.doc Margaret M. Sidman - 5 -