SCACR2015 – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research 28th September – 1st October 2015 – Florence, Italy INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARATION OF ABSTRACTS L. Cappietti1 and R. Tomasicchio2 Paper topic: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX Authors should indicate the paper topic from the list below, and insert it in “xxxxxxxxxxxxx” space in the line above. T1: Coastal Waves, Processes and Structures T2 : Numerical, Laboratory and Field Methods T3 : Ports, Harbours and Waterways T4 : Coastal Environment, Coastal Risk and Coastal Development T5 : Sea Energy & Resources T6 : Climate change impact and adaptation T7 : Dredging at maritime areas 1. Introduction These instructions are intended to help and guide contributing authors and their typists when preparing the abstracts which will be used for review. You are kindly asked to prepare your manuscript in Microsoft Word. Please read these instructions carefully before proceeding to type your manuscript. 2. Format Instructions Abstracts are limited to two pages, including figures and tables. Margins are to be set to: top, 3.5 cm; bottom, 3 cm; left, 2.8 cm; right, 2.8 cm. Each page is to be typed in Times New Roman 11-point letter for the main text with at least 12point spacing between the lines. A new paragraph contains a 3-point line spacing before it. Paragraphs start at the left-hand margin (i.e., not indented). 3. Title and Headings On the first page, the title of the paper should begin at the first blank line below the conference heading. Title is written in capital letters. Headings are to be typed in bold, upper- and lower-case letters, with one line space above the heading. 4. Tables, Figures, Equations and References The footnotes, the list of references, and the captions of figures and tables should be typed in Times New Roman 10-point letter with at least 12-point spacing between the lines. Line spacing after table and figure headings is at least 12-points. Skip one line above and below tables. If the table heading extends over one line, continue on the second and following lines immediately below the first letter of the heading. Insert your table immediately below the table heading. Use horizontal lines above tables, below column headings, and below tables. Use capitals for the first letter of column headings. As far as practicable, arrange the tables in the vertical direction just as in the text. Table 1 is an example of an acceptable table format. Skip one line above and below figures. Color figures are accepted. Legends, scales, etc. must be large enough to be legible. Place figure captions at the bottom of the figures. Start the second and subsequent lines immediately below the first letter of the caption. Skip one line after each caption. Give the consecutive numbers for tables and figures, respectively. Figure 1 is an example of an 1 2 DICEA, University of Florence, Via di S. Marta, 3, Florence 50139, Italy. mail@address.zz Engineering Dept., University of Salento, via per Monteroni, Lecce 73100, Italy. mail@address.zz SCACR2015 – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research 28th September – 1st October 2015 – Florence, Italy acceptable figure. Equations should be numbered sequentially as follows: 0 (1) For references, in the text, the author’s last name should be followed by the year of publication, e.g. “it has been demonstrated (Cappietti and Chopard, 2006; Tomasicchio and Sancho, 2002) that …”, or “Cappietti (2011) showed that ….”. In the list of references, arrange authors’ last names in alphabetical order with 0.5 cm indentation for the second and following lines of each reference. When two or more references by the same author are listed, the earlier work should appear first. All references must be cited in the text. Acknowledgements We appreciate the cooperation and efforts of all authors contributing to the SCACR2015. It is an exciting project, and we look forward to receiving your manuscript! The filename for submitting your abstract must be lastname_firstname.doc where you substitute the first author's name in the proper places. For this example abstract, the filename would be “lorenzo_cappietti.doc”. For submission of the file, please use the two steps procedure as follow: 1) fill the web form: 2) upload the file: OHwcYIlvwcPKU/exec References Cappietti L., Chopard B., 2006. A lattice Boltzmann study of the 2D boundary layer created by an oscillating plate. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 17 (01), pp. 39-52. Cappietti L., 2011. Converting Emergent Breakwaters Into Submerged Breakwaters. Journal of Coastal Research, SI64, pp. 479-483. Tomasicchio, G.R. and Sancho, F., 2002. On wave-induced undertow at a barred beach. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, Cardiff, Vol. 1, pp. 557-569. Table 1. Example of a legible table. Column 1 Azimuth West North Second 20.4 30.6 45.9 Columns 2 to 5 Third Fourth 27.4 90.0 38.6 34.6 46.9 45.0 Fifth 20.4 31.6 43.9 SCACR2015 – International Short Course/Conference on Applied Coastal Research 28th September – 1st October 2015 – Florence, Italy Figure 1. Example of a legible figure.