Sedimentology Lecture Test 2

1. Ventifacts would especially be associated with A.sand dunes B.wadis C.alluvial fans D.inland
sabkhas E.hamadas
2. Desiccation cracks, paleosols and plant rootlets are ? in floodplain facies. A.rare B.common
3. Lake facies are most often confused with ? facies. A.deep marine B.fluvial C.alluvial fan
D.shallow marine E.eolian
4. Glacial outwash facies typically make ? aquifers. A.poor B.good
5. With a decrease in global temperatures the ratio of Oxygen-18 to Oxygen-16 A.decreases
B.increases stays the same
6. Epigenetic ores formed ? deposition of the sediments. A.during B.after
7. “White” dipmeter patterns would be ? characteristic of meandering rivers than braided rivers.
A.less B.more C.”white” dipmeter patterns are diagnostic of both meandering and braided rivers
8. Eutrophication especially affects ? environments. A.braided river B.meandering river C.lake
D.soil E.eutrophication often affects all of these environments
9. Epsilon crossbeds are often formed due to the lateral migration of A.natural levees B.crevasse
splays C.overbank deposits D.point bars E.thalwegs
10. Proto-Oceanic Gulfs are created where ? plates rift and the floor of the gulf infills with ? material.
A.sialic, sialic B.sialic, simatic C.simatic, simatic D.simatic, sialic
11. Original organic matter is typically preserved in ? conditions. A.reducing B.oxidizing C.Eh
conditions do not influence the preservation of organic material
12. A ? is a glacial “pass”. A.cirque B.horn C.arete D.tarn E.col
13. Outwash plain facies are most similar to ? facies. A.braided river B.meandering river C.glacial
D.eolian E.lacustrine
14. ? streams often develop in areas of moderate to high relief, especially along piedmont fans.
A.anastamosing B.meandering C.braided D.all of these typically develop in areas of high relief
15. ? develop where overriding continental plates cause a thickening of the crust, upward and
outward movement of rock masses along thrust faults and as nappes, and isostatic loading.
A.Retroarc Foreland Basins B.Intracratonic Basins C.Rift Basins D.Forearc Basins E.Backarc
16. Gleization is characteristic of ? paleosols. A.wetland B.arid C.gleization is characteristic of all
17. Kerogen shales especially form within ? facies. A.fluvial floodplain B.paleosol C.lacustrine
D.tillite E.sabkha
18. Which of the following is not true concerning epigenetic uranium deposits in fluvial facies?
A.uranium is derived from a felsic igneous source B.the dissolved uranium is transported in the
sandstone facies of the channels C.precipitation of uranium is typically below the water table
D.most epigenetic uranium deposits are of PreCambrian age E.precipitation of uranium is often
initiated by the presence of organics
19. SP and gamma logs in ? facies often form asymmetric sawtooth patterns; dipmeters often have a
blue pattern. A.serirs B.wadis C.eolian dunes D.inland sabkhas E.hamadas
20. Which of the following would not be utilized in construction of paleocurrent maps? A.crossbeds
B.ripple marks C.flutes D.geopetal structures E.crossbeds and ripple marks are used in
construction of paleocurrent maps; flutes and geopetal structures could not be utilized
21. In the Zone of Ablation glacial ice is A.gained B.lost depends upon the temperature
22. ? moraines are created where two valley glaciers converge; these moraines are found within the
glacial ice. A.terminal B.recessional C.lateral D.medial
23. The presence of rhizospheres and pedotubules are characteristic of
D.paleosols E.playas
A.serirs B.wadis C.ergs
24. Many of the Tertiary-age onshore oil fields in Asia represent ancient ? deposits. A.fluvial B.eolian
C.alluvial fan D.lacustrine E.shallow marine
25. In a point bar facies, grain size and sorting typically ? upward. A.decrease B.increase C.grain
size and sorting are typically similar throughout the point bar facies
26. ? is unconsolidated, wind-deposited silt and dust found in periglacial regions. A.erg B.draas
C.hamada D.loess E.ventifact
27. ? often form by weathering laterites or may precipitate directly from seawater. A.borate minerals
B.sodium carbonates C.sodium sufates D.uraninites E.redbeds
28. Borate minerals, sodium carbonates and sodium sulfates are often mined from A.serirs B.wadis
C.ergs D.inland sabkhas E.playas
29. Glacial crevasses form within the ? Zone. A.Brittle B.Plastic
30. Sand/shale ratios are typically ? in braided river facies versus meandering river facies. A.lower
B.higher C.sand/shale ratios are approximately the same in braided river versus meandering
river facies
31. Draas are A.serirs B.wadis C.eolian dunes D.inland sabkhas E.hamadas
32. In tropical lakes A.there is often permanent stratification B.there is a lot of water circulation due
to warm water
33. Lake facies often ?-upward. A.fine B.coarsen C.lake facies may fine- or coarsen-upward
34. Dropstones are typically associated with ? facies. A.braided river B.meandering river
C.glaciomarine D.eolian E.lacustrine
35. Braid bars often are composed of A.coarse-grained sediments B.fine-grained sediments
depends upon where the braided stream forms; braid bars could be coarse- or fine-grained
36. A 100 foot column of sediment and water is drained of its water under one atmosphere pressure.
This column produces 35 feet of water. The ? is 35%. A.specific capacity B.specific yield
C.specific capacity and specific yield refer to the same phenomenon
37. Species diversity ? from tropical to polar waters. A.decreases B.increases C.species diversity is
approximately the same worldwide
38. ? is/are used as an abrasive, for pottery glaze, and in the manufacture of dynamite. A.sodium
carbonate B.sodium sulfate C.borate minerals D.diatomite E.kaolinite
39. In the ?, downward percolating solutes are precipitated and clay particles entrapped. A.Illuvial
Soil Horizon B.Regolith Horizon C.Zone of Physical Weathering D.Eluvial Horizon
40. A “darcy” is a measure of A.permeability B.porosity C.darcies are measures of permeability and
41. A ? is a long, narrow, sinuous ridge of stratified glacial drift deposited by a stream flowing beneath
a glacier in a tunnel or in a subglacial stream bed. A.drumlin B.erratic C.kettle D.esker E.kame
42. ? are often porphyroskelic. Thin sections often consist of high birefringent material. A.ventifacts
B.hamadas C.serirs D.paleosols E.ergs
43. Neve is a type of A.ventifact B.hamada C.serir E.erg
44. A ? is a body of sediment or rocks with distinctive characteristics. A.facies B.sedimentary
environment C.this defines both a facies and a sedimentary environment
45. ? consist of “stony deserts”. A.serirs B.wadis C.playas D.inland sabkhas E.hamadas
46. The fine-grained, dark-colored layer of a varve was deposited during the A.Winter B.Summer could have been deposited at anytime of year
47. In temperate lakes the water typically “turns over” during the A.Spring B.Summer C.Fall
48. ? deposits often form beneath peat deposits. A.iron ore B.evaporite C.kaolinite D.ilmenite E.all
of the above often form beneath peat deposits
49. ? is tin ore. A.ilmenite B.magnetite C.cassiterite D.monazite E.uraninite
50. ? are “arroyos”. A.serirs B.wadis C.playas D.inland sabkhas E.hamadas
51. During glacial episodes sealevel A.lowers B.rises
52. Bauxites are formed within ? climates. A.arid B.wet tropical C.temperate D.bauxite can be
formed within any of these climates
53. A ? is a glacial lake. A.cirque B.horn C.arete D.tarn E.fjord
54. The ? environment is influenced by meltwater. A.subglacial B.supraglacial C.englacial
D.proglacial E.all of these environments are influenced by meltwater
55. ? dunes are associated with vegetation. The shapes of the dune foresets is typically concavedownward. A.parabolic B.transverse C.barchan D.matterhorn E.seif
56. Water quality in glacial aquifers is typically A.poor B.good
57. The Newark Basins of Triassic-Jurassic age and the Cenozoic-age East African basins are ?.
They are characterized by a wide variety of facies including lacustrine, alluvial, eolian and
redbeds/paleosols. A.aulacogens B.Intracratonic Basins C.Rift Basins D.Forearc Basins
E.Backarc Basins
58. Debris flows, mudflows and seive deposits would be most characteristic of A.serirs B.wadis
C.alluvial fans D.inland sabkhas E.hamadas
59. Fluvial facies tend to be more ?-dominated than ?-dominated. A.oil, gas B.gas, oil C.fluvial
facies often include both oil and gas reservoirs
60. ? defined the sequence of extension, rift basin and ocean basin formation, followed by basin
closure and formation of an orogenic belt. A.Steno B.Walther C.Lyell D.Hutton E.Wilson
61. ? often form first-, second- and third-order surfaces. A.serirs B.wadis C.eolian dunes D.inland
sabkhas E.hamadas
62. ? are created where blocks of glacial ice are buried and then melted. A.drumlins B.erratics
C.kettles D.eskers E.kames
63. ? maps depict rock composition or texture in order to interpret depositional environments.
A.structure-contour B.subcrop C.supercrop D.lithofacies E.isopach
64. ? river facies often consist of “double erosion surfaces”, often have deformation structures, and
very few fossils. A.anastamosing B.meandering C.braided D.these features are diagnostic of all
of these river facies
65. Euryhaline species are ? important in determination of paleosalinity than stenohaline species.
A.less B.more C.both euryhaline and stenohaline species are very important in determination of
66. ? are surfaces of deflation where loose particles are removed down to the level of groundwater or
capillary water. A.serirs B.wadis C.ergs D.inland sabkhas E.hamadas
67. Diamictites are typical of ? facies. A.braided river B.meandering river C.glacial D.eolian
68. ? are created during avulsion; they often contain small-scale crossbeds and scour-and-fill
structures. A.natural levees B.crevasse splays C.overbank deposits D.point bars E.thalwegs
69. ? is a glacial valley flooded by the sea. A.cirque B.horn C.arete D.tarn E.fjord
70. Paleopedology is the study of A.porosity B.permeability C.diagenesis D.fossil soils
E.sedimentary facies
71. Ophiolite Suites are created through plate A.rifting B.suturing C.subduction D.obduction
72. Meandering rivers have a relatively ? base flow. A.low B.high depends upon the type of
meandering river
73. Piedmont glaciers are ? than trunk glaciers. A.smaller B.larger C.piedmont glaciers are trunk
74. ? are “sand seas”. A.serirs B.wadis C.ergs D.inland sabkhas E.hamadas
75. Maximum flow velocity of a river is adjacent to the A.point bar B.cut bank C.the point bar and
cut bank have equivalent flow velocities
76. Steppes have ? centimeters per year of rainfall. A.0 to 25 B.25-50 C.50-75 D.75-100
77. ? are often associated with unconformities. There are gradational contacts downward with a
sharp upper boundary. A.ventifacts B.hamadas C.serirs D.paleosols E.ergs
78. ? maps show the thickness of a stratigraphic unit or units. A.structure-contour B.subcrop
C.supercrop D.lithofacies E.isopach
79. ? is used in the manufacture of china and pottery, as filler in paper, and in the manufacture of
refractories. A.caliche B.laterite C.kaolin D.bauxite E.silcrete
80. Sand sheets in desert areas are special types of A.ripples B.dunes C.plane beds D.antidunes
81. Marine epifauna live ? the substrate. A.upon B.within C.epifauna may live either upon or within
the substrate
82. Perennial lakes A.have abundant water B.are temporary lakes depends upon the type of
perennial lake
83. Alluvial fans typically ?-upward in grain size. A.fine B.coarsen C.alluvial fans are so poorly
sorted that they neither fine- or coarsen-upward
84. On a dipmeter log, channel sand facies would typically display a ? pattern. B.white
85. Typically ? streams have seasonal stream flow. A.anastamosing B.meandering C.braided D.all
of these typically have seasonal stream flow
86. Sediments become ? toward the center of clastic lakes. A.finer B.coarsen
87. A ? is a relative seaward movement of the shoreline. A.transgression B.regression C.this may
be a transgression or regression
88. At the peak of the Pleistocene glaciation continental areas had about a ? percent glacial
coverage. A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 E.30
89. The #1 geomorphologic feature in deserts in terms of areal extent are A.sand dunes B.wadis
C.alluvial fans D.inland sabkhas E.hamadas
90. Initial development of a floodplain would occur during fluvial A.youth B.maturity C.old age
91. Smectite clays and gilgai topography are features characteristic of A.ventifacts B.hamadas
C.serirs D.paleosols E.ergs
92. The long axes of ? dunes are parallel to the wind direction; they form due to helicoidal wind flow.
A.parabolic B.transverse C.barchan D.matterhorn E.seif
93. The vertical sequence of rocks may reflect the horizontal succession of environments or facies.
This concept was formulated by A.Steno B.Walther C.Lyell D.Hutton E.Wilson
94. ? glaciers move faster because they are lubricated by water. A.outlet B.surging C.both outlet
and surging glaciers are lubricated by water
95. ? is/are composed of plasma, skeleton grains and voids. A.peds B.cutans C.S-Matrix D.Sepic
Pasmic Fabrics
96. Oceanic trenches are created through plate A.rifting B.suturing C.subduction D.obduction
97. The windward face of sand dunes dips ? than the leeward face. A.less B.more C.the dip is the
same on the windward and leeward faces
98. ? often consist of low ridges of very fine sand and coarse silt. A.natural levees B.crevasse splays
C.overbank deposits D.point bars E.thalwegs
99. Straight channels are ?; anastamosing rivers are ?. A.rare, rare B.rare, common C.common,
common D.common, rare
100. ? develop between trench systems and volcanic arcs. A.Retroarc Foreland Basins
B.Intracratonic Basins C.Rift Basins D.Forearc Basins E.Backarc Basins
101. Which of the following would have the thickest cross-bed “sets”? A.braided stream braid bar
B.meandering stream point bar channel point bar D.esker E.eolian dune
102. Water quality in “fluvial facies” aquifers is usually A.poor B.good
103. ? are “wind-derived” deposits. A.serirs B.wadis C.eolianites D.inland sabkhas E.hamadas
104. Saltwater tends to have ? Carbon-13 and ? Oxygen-18 versus freshwater. A.less, less B.less,
more C.more, more D.more, less
105. ? often form couplets of sand and silt/clay or triplets of sand and silt/clay and evaporites.
A.serirs B.wadis C.ergs D.inland sabkhas E.playas
106. Lag gravels often accumulate within the A.natural levee B.crevasse splay C.overbank deposit
D.point bar E.thalweg
107. Forearc Basins often contain ? facies. A.deep marine B.shallow marine C.deltaic D.fluvial
E.forearc basins may contain any of these facies
108. Bajadas are associated with A.sand dunes B.wadis C.alluvial fans D.inland sabkhas
109. ? dunes have multiple dune crests due to changing wind direction. A.parabolic B.stellar
C.barchan D.matterhorn E.seif
110. ? are “dirt clods” that form between cracks, roots, burrows or other soil structures. A.peds
B.cutans C.S-Matrix D.Sepic Pasmic Fabrics