Completing your application form

Recruitment and Selection
Information – Board/Sub
Group Members
Please read before completing your application form
Contact Details:
Maureen Edwards – or (01204) 335453
Deborah Thompson – or (01204) 335224
Bolton at Home, 1-3 the Courtyard, Calvin Street, The Valley, Bolton BL1 8PB
Completing your application form – Important Advice
How to give yourself the best opportunity
Application breakdown
Fairness in Employment Monitoring
The recruitment process
Returning your completed application
Short listing and interviews
The Panel
Interview Techniques
After the Interview
Valuing Diversity
Data Protection
Completing your Application Form – Important Advice
How to give yourself the Best Opportunity
The position for which you have applied (i.e. as a Member of the Bolton at Home Board or one
of its Sub Groups) is on a voluntary basis i.e. unpaid.
Members of the Board and Sub Groups are appointed by way of a Recruitment and Selection
Process which means you will need to complete an application form and, if short listed, will be
invited for interview. The following notes have been written to assist you in completing your
application form.
The application form is often the only information we have on a candidate when short listing for
interview. It is therefore very important that you take the opportunity to complete your form as
fully and concisely as possible, based on the information we have given you about the vacancy.
The decision to invite you for interview is based entirely on the information you give on your
application form.
Listed below is guidance on each section of the application form to assist you with its
completion. Please read this guidance, or you may miss something important that we are
looking for in your application. Please make sure you complete ALL relevant sections of the
application form. Please type or use black pen with clear handwriting, to complete your form.
You may also find it useful to read the enclosed ‘Board Member Information’ booklet before
completing your application form.
Please note that membership is denied to those employed by Bolton at Home (BH), Bolton
Council (politically restricted posts only) and any other organisation contracted with BH, eg.
construction partners, in either Board or senior employee capacity.
Membership is also denied to anyone declared bankrupt and tenants who are in breach of their
obligations as a tenant eg. who are in rent arrears or who have an ASB order against them.
Application Breakdown
Position Applied For
Please tick the position you are applying for and note the definition of Tenant and Independent
Members as follows:Tenant Members ~ must be a tenant of Bolton at Home (not a Right to Buy)
Independent Members ~ must not be a tenant of Bolton at Home
Therefore, tenants of Bolton at Home can only apply for Tenant positions and non-tenants can
only apply for Independent positions.
Details of Criminal Convictions within the past 5 years
If you have been convicted of any of the following offences within the last 5 years you must
declare the offence in your application. Any offences prior to the last 5 years need not be
Prison (immediate or suspended sentence) or young offender institution
Fine or Community Service Order
Absolute discharge
Probation, Supervision Care Order, conditional discharge or bind over
Attendance Centre Order
Hospital Order (with or without Restriction Order)
People with Disabilities
Applications from disabled people are welcomed and reasonable adjustments will be made to
the selection process for candidates notifying us of their needs arising from disability.
Disabled applicants who meet the minimum essential criteria will be given an interview.
Relevant Skills, Knowledge and Experience
In your pack you have a Job Profile. You should read this document carefully as the information
will help you to decide if you want to apply for the position. The Job Profile lists what is
expected of you as a Member along with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to
carry out your role as a Member.
This is a very important part of your application form as it gives you the opportunity to give
examples of why you think you can be a Member. Do not repeat your career history, use only
relevant examples and explain how these meet each requirement on the person specification.
Please remember that knowledge, skills and competencies gained by way of voluntary work or
personal interests is equally applicable. Your selection for interview will depend on this.
How to Complete this Section of the Application Form
From the Job Profile take each of the six ‘Essential Requirements’ and give at least one related
example to show how you meet, or what you have done to meet the requirement. Provide
evidence of past performance (i.e. how you have carried out tasks/achieved results) which will
provide evidence of your ability to succeed in the position. Be specific about your skills and
specify your own responsibilities and not those of others.
For example, if the Job Profile asks you to be able to communicate effectively with customers,
you might want to describe the types of customers you have communicated with and how you
have done this effectively i.e. the steps you took to handle a complaint or an angry customer.
Hints / Tips
 Keep your examples short, to the point and logical
 Draft them on rough paper first so that you can make changes/amendments before you
transfer them on to the application form
 Remember that it is unlikely that you will have detailed examples in all these areas, so do
not be discouraged if this is the case
 Refer to the example answers below
Example Answers
Experience of communicating with staff at all levels
X Wrong Answers
I am a good communicator.
I have good communication skills and relate well with others.
 Right Answer
I have worked in my current job for 2 years and deal with written and telephone enquiries from
Managers, Finance Assistants and suppliers. I also deal with petty cash and process claims for
staff within my section. I therefore deal with a range of people on a daily basis. Previously I
worked for 3 years in a small Solicitors practice and dealt with written and telephone enquiries
from clients and other Solicitors. This involved taking details and referring queries to other
colleagues if I was unable to help.
 Right Answer
I have been a member of a residents association for seven years and in that time have helped
many people in the local community on a range of issues. This has often meant listening to
their problems and communicating, on their behalf, with relevant officers and/or people from
community groups to achieve a successful solution, all the time keeping them informed of the
current position.
The WRONG example only tells us that you think you can communicate effectively. It does not
show us examples of how you have communicated effectively in a previous role, as the criteria
specifies. Remember that the short list and interview panel will not assume any detail, so make
your skills clear and be honest in all details.
It is essential that you read and sign this paragraph. Check that you have answered all the
questions, sign and date the application form and return it as detailed overleaf
It is useful to save or take a copy of your completed application, to refer to if you are invited for
Do not substitute a completed application with your CV as these will not be considered
(unless otherwise stated)
Fairness Monitoring
Please remember to complete the Fairness Monitoring Sheet. We use the information to help us
in assessing the effectiveness of our Valuing Diversity Policy. The information you provide on
this form will be used for monitoring and will not be used for any other purpose. The form will be
separated from your application as soon as it is received and it will not be passed on to anyone
involved in short listing or interviewing for the post for which you are applying.
Bolton at Home is committed to achieving fairness and equality across the organisation. We
want to make sure that all applicants are treated fairly and are judged solely on their merits and
One of our most important ways of making sure that we are being fair is by monitoring – counting
the people that apply to us for member positions and those who are successful. To help us do
that, please ensure you fill in the monitoring form on the last page of your application.
What information are we looking for?
We need different kinds of information for different reasons. We ask about where you saw the
vacancy advertised, to monitor which advertising mediums are successful, your race, gender,
age, whether or not you consider you are disabled, your religion and your sexual orientation.
This is so we can check how closely the numbers of people who apply to us, or who are
successful, matches up to the local population. This tells us a lot about whether our recruitment
processes are fair and equally open to everyone.
We also ask about your caring responsibilities. By that we mean looking after a child, whether
as a parent, guardian or foster parent, or helping an adult carry out their daily routine. This might
mean providing assistance to an adult relative or friend who is disabled or has a long term
illness. These questions help us to assess the demand for family-friendly policies, such as more
flexible working arrangements.
The Recruitment Process…
Returning your Completed Application
When completed, your application should be returned either by email to and
Or by post or hand delivered to:
Maureen Edwards & Deborah Thompson
Bolton at Home
1-3 The Courtyard
Calvin Street
The Valley
Please do not
return your completed
application via the One Stop Shop in
the Town Hall. This will delay receipt
of your application at Bolton at Home.
We will acknowledge receipt of all completed applications, either by email or letter.
If you are returning your application by post: We cannot be responsible for applications
received after the closing date due to the postal services failure to deliver your application on
Short Listing and Interviews
The closing date for applications is detailed on the covering sheet within your application pack.
Once the vacancy has closed we will short list applications for interviews. Please allow 4 weeks
from the closing date to allow us to complete this process. If by this time, we have not
contacted you please contact us. The correct contact details will be provided in your
acknowledgement letter.
If you are successful in short listing, you will be invited to attend an interview. We aim to contact
you at least 5 working days in advance of the interview date. Please note that interviews will be
held on Wednesday, 15th and Friday, 17th September 2010. If you don’t know where to go or
how to get to the venue from an interview letter, please telephone and ask. If you get lost on
your way to the interview, telephone and let the panel know.
If you cannot attend, or need extra support to access the interview, please contact us as soon as
Under the provisions of the Asylum and Immigration Act (1996), you will be required to provide
proof of your eligibility to work in the United Kingdom at interview. You will be provided with a
list detailing which documents you will need to bring to the interview with you.
You must provide the original document(s) as photocopies are not acceptable and a copy will be
taken by us for record purposes. The information will be treated in the strictest confidence and
we may request to see further documents following the interview. If you have any questions
regarding this, please contact our Diversity and Employment Advisor on 01204 335892.
The Panel
The panel will usually be three people supported by lead officers (usually two). They will be
committed to getting the best from you and will completely understand that you will be nervous.
Their role is to be friendly but fair and they will have been trained and mentored to do the role.
As well as asking questions, the panel members will also take notes to refer to when selecting a
successful candidate to fill the vacancy.
Interview techniques
Try to relax as much as you can, sit comfortably and face the panel
Listen carefully to what is being asked of you. If you have misheard or don’t understand,
say so
Take your time to think about your answer and try and give your answer clearly, attempting
not to simply repeat the question
If you don’t know an answer, say so
At the end of the interview ask any questions to ensure that you know everything you need
to before considering an offer of an appointment to the Board or Sub-Group
After the Interview
The panel will review their notes to decide who best meets the skills and qualities required for
the role. All candidates will be notified of the outcome of their interview.
If you are not successful, try not to be downhearted. Learn from the experience and don’t be
deterred from trying again. You will have done well in getting to interview, so maybe next time
you could go all the way.
If you are successful you can be assured that an extensive training programme is in place to
support Members so that they can fully carry out their duties as a Board Member.
Valuing Diversity
Equality and valuing diversity are central to our core values as an organisation. We aim to
ensure that Bolton at Home is free of unfair and unlawful discrimination against any racial or
social group, or any individual. We have set out these principles in the following equality
We want our services, facilities and resources to be accessible and useful to everyone,
regardless of race, ethnic origin, disability, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age,
class, appearance, religion, responsibility for dependants, unrelated criminal activities,
being HIV positive or having AIDS, or any other characteristic which may unfairly affect a
person's opportunities in life. We will take positive action to promote equality and fair
treatment and ensure that individual needs are met.
Bolton at Home welcomes the views and contributions of different groups and individuals. All
our customers and employees are listened to, respected and treated fairly and courteously. We
will do all we can to develop and promote a harmonious community in Bolton.
Bolton at Home is also a corporate member of the Housing Diversity Network who manages and
delivers COFEM (Career Opportunities for Ethnic Minorities). COFEM has developed practical
actions which promote and encourage diversity in employment for BME people.
As part of Bolton at Home’s commitment to COFEM all vacancies
will be advertised on the COFEM recruitment website
( and
we will develop career opportunities for black and minority ethnic
Data Protection
By completing the application form and otherwise supplying information to Bolton at Home you
agree that Bolton at Home may obtain, retain and process personal data supplied by you or
relating to you for recruitment, vetting, selection and appointment purposes.