ANU Kioloa/NASA Pathfinder GLCTS Site (1997): P.I./Data Custodian; Dr. Brian Lees Kioloa Geology (1997). The geology was derived from digitizing a number of different geological maps of the area. The projections and scales differed between the maps and where possible the largest scale map was used. They were all projected to UTM. filename: geolgrid.asc datatype: ascii file type: integer min x: 229000 max x: 286750 min y: 6043000 max y: 6116500 Lineage: 5 different geological maps were digitized in 1995 and 1996 by Kevin Cowan and Belinda Allison to produce the geology of the area. These were: Jervis Bay and Currarong 1:50 000 9027-VI, 1 Compiled by Geological Survey of NSW Published by the Central Mapping Authority, Department of Lands NSW 1972. Ulladulla 1:250 000 Geological Series Sheet S1 56-13 Compiled by Geological Survey of NSW Published by NSW Department of Mines 1966. Tianjara 1:63 360 1 Mile Geological Series Sheet no. 448 zone 8. Compiled by Geological Survey of NSW Published by NSW Department of Mines to accompany Bulletin No. 17, no date given. Ulladulla 1:63 360 1 Mile Geological Series Sheet no. 453 zone 8. Compiled by Geological Survey of NSW Published by NSW Department of Mines to accompany Bulletin No. 17, no date given. Kioloa 1:25 000 Gostin, V.A. PhD thesis (Geology) Australian National University 1969. The maps were digitized and projected to UTM and then pasted together. Where overlaps occurred, the map with the most detail was used (generally the largest scale map). Where necessary, arcs were adjusted to join at map edges. Completeness: The Geology is complete. The polygons are labelled with the appropriate geology type ('geol_type'). Consistency: Consistency is variable due to the range of different map scales. Correctness: Correctness is variable. Where necessary arcs were adjusted to join at map edges. Where differences occurred between overlapping maps, the geology from the largest scale map was assumed to be correct. Map Legend: insert picture here A: Ulladulla 1:250 000 B: Jervis Bay and Currarong 1:50 000 C: Tianjara 1:63 360 D: Ulladulla 1:63 360 E: Kioloa 1:25 000 (For more details refer to Lineage above) A E B C Quaternary Qal Alluvium Alluvium gravel, Beach and dune swamp deposits and alluvium sands sand dunes Alluvium Qd Sand (Dune) Ql Sand and dominantly sandy sediments (Low level sand, Esturine and tidal flat) D Qhll Sand (Low level sand Esturine, tidal flat and lagoonal) Qha Silt, clay, sand (Fluvial) Qhs Organic rich sediments and peat (Swamp, freshwater) Qhda Sand (active dunes) Qhbb Sand (beach, stable foredune) Qhbbu Sand (beach, unstable foredune) Qhbdr Sand (bedrock controlled dunes) Qhd Sand (dunes) Qhbd Sand (barrier dunes) Qhbr Sand (barrier beach ridges) Qph Sand (high level dunes and sand sheets) Qpbd Sand (barrier dunesdegraded) Qpbr Sand (barrier beach ridges) Tertiary Tg Gravel, sand, clay, Gravel, sand, clay, quartzite, sandstone, quartzite, sandstone, conglomerate conglomerate Tb Tl Basalt, Olivine Olivine basalt basalt Basalt Ferruginuous gravel, Olivine basalt laterite Ts Clay silt, sandy silt and clay, silcrete and intercalated basalt flows Tm Quarts sandstone and sand "Meringo Creek Formation" Tbe Gravel, sand, clay "Bergalia Formation" T Gravel, sand, clay, quartzite, sandstone, conglomerate Mesozoic Mmm Monzonite "Milton Monzonite" (see also Pmm) Mte Essexite "Termeil Essexite" (see also Pte) Late Permian or Mezozoic Pte Essexite Essexite "Termeil Essexite" "Termeil Essexite" (see also Mte) (see also Mte) Permian Pmm Monzonite "Milton Monzonite "Milton Monzonite" (see Monzonite" (see also Mmm) Mmm) Psb Siltstone, shale, sandstone "Berry Formation" also Pac1 Sandstone, minor siltstone, conglomerate "Snapper Point Formation" Pac2 Siltstone, claystone, (some) sandstone "Pebbly Beach Formation" Pac3 Sandstone, minor conglomerate, sedimentary breccia Pd Porphyritic dolerite Pdk Dolerite, weathered to white kaolinte clay Pcc Sandstone, shale, Sandstone, shale, coal "Clyde Coal coal "Clyde Coal Measures" Measures" Sandstone, shale, coal "Clyde Coal Measures" Permian (Shoalhaven Group) Psn Psw Quartz, sandstone Quartzose, sandstone Quartz sandstone "Nowra Sandstone" and minor siltstone "Nowra Sandstone" Quartz, sandstone "Nowra Sandstone" Siltstone, silty Mid grey to dark grey Siltstone, silty Siltstone, silty sandstone, pebbly micaceous siltstone, sandstone, pebbly sandstone, pebbly in part pebbly siltstone to in part in part "Wandrawandian "Wandrawandian Siltstone" Siltstone" fine sandstone "Wandrawandian Silstone" Psc Conglomerate, Conglomerate, sandstone, silty sandstone, silty sandstone sandstone "Conjola Formation" "Conjola Formation" Conglomerate, sandstone, silty sandstone Psy Conglomerate, thin Conglomerate, thin shale and sandstone sandstone shales and sandstone inter beds "Yadboro "Yadboro Conglomerate" Conglomerate" "Conjola Formation" Conglomerate, thin shales and "Yadboro Conglomerate" Pmd Basalt "Murramarang Flow" Psp Siltstone, shale, Siltstone, shale and fine sandstone fine sandstone "Pigeon House Creek "Pigeon House Creek Siltstone" Siltstone" Pss Quartz and lithic quartz sandstone and pebbly sandstone. Minor siltstone and conglomerate Upper Devonian Dum Sandstone, quartzite, quartzite, Sandstone, quartzite, conglomerate, conglomerate, siltstone, claystone siltstone, mudstone Note: includes undifferentiated Formation" "Merrimbula Formation" Upper Devonian sediments Sandstone, conglomerate, siltstone, mudstone "Merrimbula along northern border "Merrimbula Formation" Dub Baslat, siltstone, mudstone Dua volcanics, Acid volcanics, Acid breccia and breccia and interbedded sediments interbedded sediments Duc Rhyolite, rhyolite breccia, basalt, siltstone claystone "Comerong Volcanics" Dud Basalt and dolerite Dur Rhyolite Devonian? Dg Granite Post Upper Ordovician - Pre-Permian Dug Granite Silurian? Smg Biotile granite "Moruya Granite" Smt Granodiorite "Moruya Granite" Upper Silurian Sus Slate, phyllite sandstone, limestone Upper Ordovician Ou Ordovician? Phyllite, slate, shale chert, sandstone Oup Phyllite, chert, Phyllite, chert, shale, sandstone shale, sandstone Os Siltstone, claystone, Siltstone, mudstone, sandstone, quartzite, quartzite, sandstone, quartzite, chert chert and associated Siltstone, mudstone, sandstone, chert and associated quartz veins quartz veins Oa Argillite, metaquartzite, chert, quartz veins Cambrian? Ew Chert, conglomerate, agglomerate, slate, sandstone, phyllite, "Wagonga Beds" Geology identifcation values. Identification values for geology types were inserted into the geology dataset using Arcedit. These are the following values given to each geology type. Record 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 GEOGL_TYPE Dg Duc Dug Dum Ew Pte/Mte Os Oup Psb Pac1 Pac3 Pcc Pmd Pmm Psc SYMBOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Psn Psp Pss Psw Psy Qal Qbal Qha Qhbb Qhbbu Qhbd Qhbdr Qhbr Qhda Qhll Qhs Qpbd Qph Smg Tb Tg Ts water 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 The following brief descriptive text fields for each geology type are available in the file geogldesc.csv. Not all geology types have associated geolocail unit names. Record Geol_typGeol_desc Geol_unit 1 Dg Devonian granite 2 Duc Upper Devonian rhyolite, rhyolite breccia, basalt, siltstone, claystone Comerong Volcanics 3 Dug Devonian granite 4 Dum Upper Devonian sandstone, quartzite, conglomerate, siltstone, claystone Merrimbula Formation 5 Ew Cambrian chert, conglomerate Wagonga Beds 6 Pte/Mte Late Permian or Mesozoic essexite Termiel Essexite 7 Os Ordovician siltstone, claystone, sandstone, quartzite, chert 8 Oup Ordovician phyllite, chert, shale, sandstone 9 Psb Permian siltstone, shale, sandstone Berry Formation 10 Pac1 Permian sandstone, siltstone, conglomerate Snapper point Formation 11 Pac3 Permian sandstone, conglomerate, sedimentary breccia 12 Pcc Permian sandstone, shale, coal Clyde Coal Measures 13 Pmd Permian basalt Murramang Flow 14 Pmm Permian monzonite Milton Monzonite 16 Psc Permian conglomerate, sandstone, silty sandstone Conjola Formation 17 Psn Permian quartz, sandstone, quartzose, sandstone Nowra Sandstone 18 Psp Permian siltstone, shale, fine sandstone Pigeon House Creek Siltstone 19 Pss Permian quartz and lithic quartz sandstone, pebbly sandstone 20 Psw Permian siltstone, silty sandstone, pebbly micaceous siltstone Wandrawandian Siltstone 21 Psy Permian conglomerate, thin shale and sandstone interbeds Yadboro Conglomerate 23 Qal Quaternary alluvium gravel, swamp deposits and sand dunes 24 Qbal Quaternary alluvium, beach deposits 25 Qha Quaternary silt, clay, sand (fluvial) 26 Qhbb Quaternary sand (beach, stable foredune) 27 Qhbbu Quaternary sand (beach, unstable foredune) 28 Qhbd Quaternary sand (barrier dunes) 29 Qhbdr Quaternary sand (bedrock controlled dunes) 30 Qhbr Quaternary sand (barrier beach ridges) 31 Qhda Quaternary sand (active dunes) 32 Qhll Quaternary sand (low level sand estuarine, tidal flat and lagoonal) 33 Qhs Quaternary organic-rich sediments and peat (swamp, freshwater) 34 Qpbd Quaternary sand (barrier dunes-degraded) 35 Qph Quaternary sand (high level dunes and sand sheets) 36 Smg Silurian granite Moruya Granite 37 Tb Tertiary basalt, olivine basalt 38 Tg Tertiary gravel, sand, clay, quartzite, sandstone, conglomerate 39 Ts Tertiary clay silt, sandy silt and clay, silcrete and intercalated basalt flows 40 water Water