List of Publications Prof. Ashraf M.A.Wali Department of Geology -Faculty of Science Cairo University 1- Metwalli, M.H., Philip, G., and Wali, A.M.A., 1979, Repeated folding and its significance in Northern Western Desert petroleum province, Egypt. Acta Geologia polonica, v. 29/1: pp. 133-150. 2- Philip, G., Metwalli. M.H., and Wali, A.M.A., 1980, Sandstone's as oil and gas reservoirs and their petrographic characteristics in Northern Western Desert, A.R.Egypt. Geologia, v.6/1: pp. 59-77. 3- Metwalli, H.M, Philip, G., and Wali, A.M.A., 1980, Primary dolomites as oil reservoirs; their occurrences and significance in Northern Western Desert, A.R.Egypt. Acta Geologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, v.25: pp. 297-329. 4- Garlicki. A., and Wali, A.M.A., 1981, Geochemical characteristics of the Bochnia evaporites member, with new aspects in Br/Cl ratio determinations. Mineralogica polonica, v.12/2: 25-47. 5- Darwish, M., and Wali, A.M.A., 1983, Auto dolomitization in marine argillaceous carbonate sediments from Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci., Zagazig Univ., v.5: pp. 362-390. 6- Wali, A.M.A., 1984, Origin and structure of a recent sabkha, Ayun Mousa, Sinai. Egypt. Jour. Geology. (Abstract), 24p. 7- Wali, A.M.A, 1984, Sedimentological and petrological studies on El Tella El Byd area, Eastern desert, Egypt. 27th Int. Geol. Congress, Moscow. 21p. 1 8- Abdelrhman, E., and Wali, A.M.A., 1984, Determination of density and organic content of Matruh shales in the Western Desert of Egypt from density logs. Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ., v.52: pp.589-600. 9- Wali, A.M.A., 1985, Petrographic characteristics of non-deformed and deformed anhydrites from Bochnia evaporites member, Poland, Geologia, v.11/1: pp. 5-15. 10- Wali A.M.A., 1985, Influence of cyclothem in further stratigraphic subdivision of the Bochnia evaporites member. Geologia, v.11/.2: pp. 5-17. 11- Wali, A.M.A., and Shaalan, M.M.B., 1986, On the Miocene salt deposits. Salif area, Yemen and its relation to diapiric origin, Teachers college Bull., Kuwait. 23p. 12- Wali, A.M.A., 1986, Implication of some flow sedimentary structures within the Miocene evaporitic sequence, Red Sea coast, Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ., v.54: 661-674. 13- Wali, A.M.A., and El Kammar, A.M., 1986, Composition and origin of "phosphate-like" sediments from Egypt. Mineralogia Polonica, v.17/1: 85-96. 14- Wali, A.M.A., Abdel Wahab, S., and Taher, A.G., 1986, On some supratidal features, Ras Shukeir coastal sabkha, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. 8th Exploration Conference E.G.P.C., v.1:pp.332-343. 15- Wali, A.M.A., and Abou Khadrah, A.M., 1987, Petrography and geochemistry of the evaporite sequence at Um Shetan area, Sudr, Sinai. Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ., v.55:pp. 413-442. 16- Metwalli, M.H., Wali, A.M.A., and Abd El-Shafy, A., 1987, Cretaceous petroleum bearing rock types-their diagenesis and significance in the Gulf of Suez area, Egypt. Sedimentary Geology. v. 53: pp. 269-304. 17- Awadallah, M.F., and Wali, A.M.A., 1988, On the mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the Hagif gypsum varvitic deposits Northern Western Desert, Egypt. Geol. Surv. Egypt Annals, v.16: pp. 105-116. 2 18- Abdel Wahab, S., Wali, A.M.A., and Attia, O.E.A., 1989, Petrography of the primary and secondary gypsum of the Middle Miocene evaporites of Abu Khashir area, Western Sinai, Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ., v.57: pp.769-792. 19- Wali, A.M.A., Abdel Wahab, S., and Attia, O.E.A., 1989, On the geochemistry and mineralogy of Abu Khashir Miocene evaporites and its sediment logical significance, Ras Sudr, Egypt., Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ., v.57: pp. 741-765. 20- Wali, A.M.A., El Dougdoug, A.A., and Aref, M.A.M., 1990, On the geology, geochemistry and the role of salt spines on sulfur genesis in Gemsa area, Red Sea, Egypt. Geol. Surv. Egypt. Annals, v.16: pp. 1-15. 21- Wali, A.M.A., and Schreiber, B.C., 1990, Industrial minerals of Egypt. Annual Meeting of Soc. Min. and Eng., Salt Lake City. preprint no. 90-77. 22-Wali, A.M.A., 1991, Contribution to the Zechstein Z3 (leine) salts, Inowroclaw .Poland. Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ., v. 59: pp. 225-255. 23- Wali, A.M.A., 1991, Sabkhas of the Bitter-lakes, Egypt: composition and origin. Jour. Carbonates and Evaporites, v.6/2: pp. 225-238. 24-Wali, A.M.A., Abdel Wahab, S., and Aref, M.A.M, 1991, Petrological characteristics and environmental conditions of the Miocene sulfur-bearing evaporites, Gemsa area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Geol. Surv. Egypt Annals, v.17: pp. 77-99. 25- Wali, A.M.A., Abou Khadrah, A.M., and Mousa, M.H., 1991, Recent sabkhas of Ayun Musa and El Shatt recent sabkhas, Sinai, Egypt. Jour. Carbonates and Evaporites, v.13: pp.29-43. 26- Abou Khadrah, A.M., Wali, A.M.A., and Attia, O.E.A., 1992, Geologic setting and sedimentary structures of Abu Khashir Miocene Evaporites, Ras Sudr. 1st Int. Conf. on Geology of Arab World, Cairo Univ., v.2: pp. 303-315. 3 .27- Philip, G., Wali, A.M.A., and Taher, A.G., 1992, Brine and sediment chemistry of the recent coastal sabkha at Ras Shukeir, Red Sea, Egypt. Jour. Univ. Kuwait (science), v.19: pp.133-155. 28- Wali, A.M.A., and Aref, M.A.M., 1992, Dolomitization of a replacing bioepigenetic carbonate bodies, Gemsa area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci., Cairo Univ., v.60: pp 241-261. 29- Wali, A.M.A., and Czui, M., 1992, On the petrographic characteristics of the Miocene gypsum rocks, Cracow, Poland. Geol. Surv. Egypt Annals, v.18: pp. 193-198. 30- Wali, A.M.A., Attia, O.E.A., and Tabakh, M., 1992, On the mineralogy and geochemistry of Ras Azbaryan evaporites, Gulf of Suez. 1st Int. Conf. on Geology of Arab World. v.2:pp. 329-342. 31- Wali, A.M.A., 1993, Gharbaniyat stromatolitic gypsum (West Alexandria): A clue for hypersaline syndepositional feature, Bull. Fac. Sci., Zagazig Univ. v.15/2:pp.399-422. 32- Abou Khadrah, A.M., Wali, A.M.A., Müller, G., and El Shazly, A.M., 1993, Facies development and sedimentary structures of synrift sediments, Cairo-Suez district, Egypt. Bull. Fac. Sci. Zagazig Univ., v.15/2:pp.355-375. 33- Aref, M.A.M., Philip, G., and Wali, A.M.A., 1993, Facies and depositional environments of the Miocene evaporites in Shagar area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Egypt. Jour. Geology.(in press). 34- Wali, A.M.A., Brookfield, M.E., and Schreiber, B.C., 1993, The depositional and diagenetic evolution of the coastal ridges of Northwestern Egypt. Sedimentary Geology, v.90:pp.113-136. 35- Attia, O.E.A., Lowenstein, T., and Wali, A.M.A, 1994, Middle Miocene evaporites of the Gulf of Suez: Marine or non-marine?. Jour. Sed. Research, v. 65A,p. 614-620. 4 36- Philip, G., Wali., A.M.A., and Aref, M.A.M., 1994, On the origin of native sulfur deposits in Gebel El Zeit, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Min. Soc. Egypt. Jour. Carbonates and Evaporites.v.9/2: pp.223-232. 37- Rouchy, J.M., Noel, D., Wali, A.M.A., and Aref, M.A.M., 1994, Evaporitic and biosiliceous cyclic sedimentation in the Miocene of the Gulf of Suez. Depositional and Diageneic aspects. Sedimentary Geology, v. 94, p. 277-297. 38- Wali, A.M.A., Abou Khadrah. A.M., and Mousa, M.H., 1994, Sedimentology of Ayun Musa and El-Shatt recent sabkhas, Sinai. 2nd Int. Conf. on Geology of Arab World (Abstract). 39- Wali, A.M.A., and Aref, M.A.M., 1994, The role of sulfur bacteria in the formation of sulfur deposits, Shagar area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Egypt. Jour. Geology, v.38/2:pp.763-781. 40- Wali, A.M.A., Philip, G. and Aref, M.A.M., 1994, Petrological and sedimentological characteristics of the Miocene evaporites in Gebel El Zeit, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. 2nd Int. Conf. on Geology of Arab World (in press). 41- Taher, A.G., Abdel Wahab, S., Krumbein. W.E., Philip, G., and Wali, A.M.A., 1994,On heavy metal concentrations and biogenic enrichement in microbial mat environments. Mineralium Deposita. v.29:pp. 21-23. 42- Taher, A.G., Abdel Wahab, S., Philip, G., Krumbein, W.E., and Wali, A.M.A., 1995, Evaporitic sedimentation and microbial mats in a salina system (Port Fouad, Egypt). Intern. Jour. Salt Lake Research, v.4:95116. 43- Wali, A.M.A., Attia, O.E.A., and Aref, M.A.M., 1996, Glauberite as a syndepositional brine mixing yield: a case study: 2nd Seminar on Lake Quaroun and its development - EMISAL (Abstract). 44- Wali, A.M.A., Hunein, H.H., and Abdel Tawab, A.M., 1996, Brine mixing: a clue to obtain MgCl2 rich brine: 2nd Seminar on Lake Quarun and its development - EMISAL (Abstract). 5 45- Al Asmar, H.M., and Wali, A.M.A., 1996, The coastal area between Port-Said and Al-Arish: Hazzards to future development of Sinai. 2nd Ann. meeting of the IGCP 389 project. Abstract. Cairo. 46-Wali, A.M.A, and Samy, Y.M., 1996,Gypsum roses as a clue for stagnation and recent aridity periods (case of the northern coast), Egypt. 2nd Ann. meeting of the IGCP 389 project. Abstract, Cairo. 47-Wali, A.M.A., Samy, Y.M., El Sheikh, R.M., and Abdel Tawab, A.M., 1997, Aragonite development by biomineralization: application to Ca reduction in hypersaline pond, Qarun Lake, Egypt. Sedimentological Soc. Egypt. v.5: pp. 31-41. 48-Aref, M.A.M, Attia, O.E.A., and Wali, A.M.A., 1997, Facies and depositional environment of the Holocene evaporites in the Ras Shukeir area, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Sedimentary Geology, v.110: pp. 123-145. 49-Wali, A.M.A., 1997, Sand dune belts versus interdunal sabkhas, 3rd Ann. Meeting of the IGCP 389 project. Abstract, Cairo. 50- Wali, A.M.A., 1997, Man-Made salinas as simulators for subaqueous deposition: Gulf of Suez sulfate facies case. Mineralogical Society of Egypt Ann. Meeting, Cairo. Abstract. 51- Wali, A.M.A., 1997, Mellaha and Sayaha, bearing on the quality of salts, with emphasis on how to avoid the hazardous effect. Mineralogical Society of Egypt Ann. Meeting, Cairo. Abstract. 52- Wali, A.M.A., 1997, Pond management (historical review & industrial applications). EMISAL 3rd Ann. Meeting, Fayium. Abstract. 53- Wali, A.M.A., 1998, Future of salt industry in Egypt, environmental prespective. 5th Seminar on Furture of Salt Industry, Damietta. 54-El Gohary, A.M., Afifi, S.Y., and Wali, A.M.A., 1998, Morphologies of freecompetitive halite in a teepee structure: EMISAL storage pond case. 11th Ann. Meeting of the Mineralogica Society of Egypt.(Abstract). 55-Afifi, S.Y. El Gohary, A.M. and Wali, A.M.A., 1998,On the formation of MgSO4 salts through brine mixing: El Mex solar salt work, Egypt. 11 th Ann. Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Egypt.(Abstract). 6 56-Wali, A.M.A., 1998, Current problems in salt industry, and brine mixing as a future trend. 4th Seminar on Evaporative salts and its production. Mineralogical Society of Egypt. 57-Wali, A.M.A., Morsy, A.M., and Afifi, S.Y., 1998, Brine chemistry of recent continental saline lakes and their origin, Western Desert, Egypt. 1 st. Inter. Conf. Role of Chem. Attend. Env.and Soc., vol.1: pp 173-197. 58- Wali, A.M.A., Galmed, A.M., and Afifi, S.Y. 1999, Paleotopographic controls on recent closed evaporite basin products. Miner. Soc. Egypt. Abstract. 59- Wali, A.M.A., Morsy, A.M., and Afifi, S.Y., 2000, Recent continental saline lake and its developing stages: sedimentological and petrological approach, Sitra Lake, Western Desert, Egypt. Annals of Geological Survey of Egypt. In press. 60- Wali, A.M.A., 2000, Brine-mixing of residual brines to obtain MgCl2: The case of El Mex solar saltwork, Egypt. 8th World Salt Symposium. El Sevier, vol.1: pp 541-546. 61- Wali, A.M.A., 2000, Implications of fouling in sodium sulfate plant: a mineralogical investigation, Emisal case, Egypt. 8 th World Salt Symposium, El Sevier Publishing Co.(poster article). 62- Wali, A.M.A., El Asmar, H., and Assal E.M., 2000, Interrelation between coastal sabkha belts and dune migration (rate and trend) bearing on developing N.Sinai, Egypt. 8th World Salt Symposium, El Sevier, vol. 1: pp 1237-1238. 63- Wali, A.M.A., 2000, Saliferous deposits in the Western Desert: reevaluation and modelling the criteria. Inter. Conf. On the Western Desert of Egypt (Geological environment and development potentials). Abstract. 64- Wali, A.M.A., 2000, On the formation of high soluble salts. 5th Intern. Conf. On Geology of the Arab World. In press. 65- Wali, A.M.A., 2001, Salts-Industry-Future, Lecture key note to the Seminar on environment and society, Faculty of Science, Dammietta: 10 p. 7 66- Wali, A.M.A., 2001, Why sulphate and chloride salts, Seminar on Salts, Arab Society of Petroleum and Engineers, Cairo: 4 p. 67- Wali, A.M.A. and Galmed, M.A., 2001, Origin and significance of gypolite in saline ponds. Fifth Conference on Geochemistry, V.II, pp: 35-43. 68- Wali, A.M., 2001, Closed basin evaporites: Re-reading history, Invited talk to the 14th Annual Meeting of the Mineralogical Society of Egypt, extended abstract, 3 p. محاضرة مدعوة لندوة"تنمية. أسبابها و تأثيراتها: ظاهرة أطماء البحيرة,2002 ,ع.م.أ, والى-96 . 22-22 ص."بحيرة قارون فى بداية األلفية الثالثة 70- Wali, A.M., 2004, Reasoning morphologies of the evaporative precipitates and origin of domal habit. 6th inter. Conf. on Geochemistry, Alerxandria. Vol. 3: pp. 9-14. 71- Wali, A.M., 2004, Sometimes we are the main cause: Case of Ahnasya non-marine sayaha, Beni Sueif, Egypt. 6th Intern. Conf. on Geochemistry, Alexandria. Vol. 3: pp. 1-7. 72- Wali, A.M.; Mandour, M. and Metwally, H.I., 2004, Influence of brine-mixing and brine chemistry roles in salt industry. 6 th Intern. Conf. on Geochemistry, Alexandria. Vol. 3:pp. 15-22. لماذا أنتاج أمالح الكبريتات و الكلوريدات فى ضوء تنمية الصناعة،4002 ،ع.م.أ، والى-37 . القاهرة، ندوة عن الثروة المعدنية و التنمية فى مصر.المصرية 74- Wali, A.M.A. and Khedr, I., Kh., 2005, Advantages of TM images applications for investors: case of salt extraction sites from Lake Quaroun. 3rd Intern. Conf. Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas, SUITMA 2005, Cairo. 75- Wali, A.M.A., Abdallah, A. A., and Khedr, I. Kh., 2005, Saline poolings dimensions-dune migration effects on anticipated developing sites, Siwa, Egypt. 3rd Intern. Conf. Soils of Urban, Industrial, Traffic, Mining and Military Areas, SUITMA 2005, Cairo 8 76- Wali, A.M.A., 2006, Biomineralization: A Safer environmental and Industrial Biofilter Application, EMISAL Co. case, Egypt. 1st Intern. Conf. on the Ecological Importance of Solar Saltworks. Greece, Santorini Island, pp: 114-121. 20-22 October 2006. 77- Wali, A.M.A; Galmed, M.A and El-Sheltawy, H.M, 2006, Environmental Hazardous of a Non-Organized Solar Saltworks at El-Ratma, Egypt: Sedimentological and Geochemical Approach. 1 st Intern. Conf. on the Ecological Importance of Solar Saltworks. Greece, Santorini Island, pp: 221-228. 20-22 October 2006. 78- Dardir A.A. and Wali, A.M.A., 2009, Extraction of salts from Lake Quaroun, Egypt: Environmental and economic impacts. J. Global Nest, Vol. 11. No.1, pp: 106-113. 79- Wali, A.M., Dardir, A.A., and Elsheikh, R.M., 2009, Economic utilization of the left-over residual brines: EMISAL Co. case, Egypt. 9th World Salt Symposium, 4-7 September, 2009. Beijin, China, vol. 2 (Sha Zuoliang ed.), pp. 1062-1068. 80- Wali, A.M., Dardir, A.A., and Elsheikh, R.M, 2009, Mineralogy and mineral successions crystallization of the waste residual brines. 9 th World Salt Symposium, 4-7 September, 2009. Beijin, China, vol. 2 (Sha Zuoliang ed.), pp. 1107-1114. 9