An introduction to Communication Methods Across Power Distribution Systems and Their Effects. By Samuel Nyall Stearley Abstract—This Paper is intended as an introduction to methods that use existing power distribution systems to communicate with devices. It will go over the other effect that such communications have, namely the creation of noise and the effect that such noise has on other forms of communication. There is an emphasis on the modeling of this noise. Index Terms—Broad band over power lines, Ripple Control, Load control. I. INTRODUCTION This paper is a discussion of methods and issues whereby power lines are simultaneously used to deliver power and information to their target systems. The level of information can vary from complex data to simpler Boolean signals. And the data being transmitted can move from a single source to single or multiple destinations. This paper will go into the details of signal injection, their effectiveness and noise consequences. II. DYNAMIC LOAD CONTROL One of the simplest forms of communication over a power system is that of adding a ripple voltage. The purpose of this signal is the control of critical loads that are being powered. The ripple voltage is an indicator that tells these loads to switch on or off. This is often used as a safety feature; if too much current is being drawn and the source will soon give out, the signal can be sent telling the loads to shutdown. Thus giving the load the chance to shutdown safely. There are several methods available for load control. Switch over meters are dumb terminals by themselves and cannot be controlled dynamically. They have been used in the US before World War II. Or instead of injecting a ripple the frequency of the power is reduced from sixty to fifty hertz. A third popular method in the US used for large scale load management systems is the use of a separate radio controller. 1 All these methods are considered to be a “direct control” of the loads and are used to control loads that have large storage characteristics. This means that they do not require a steady power source to continue functioning. Examples include Samuel Stearley is a student of Electrical Engineering at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, 49546, US; email: heaters (space or water) washing machines, driers, etc. These type of devices do not need to be constantly supplying heat and can afford to take a break every few seconds. [1] Through the use of ripple control, certain German cities have been able to keep their energy use sustained at an almost constant draw. This means that more power is being used during what were previously slump periods. So more power is being consumed overall and that means higher sales. Used in such a manner, up to 30% of the costs of installing ripple control can be derived back. But there are other advantages like the control of meters. [1] Signal injection is a critical issue and must be done properly. The signal must be added in a synchronous manner at the appropriate timing with the existing power. It is often done at the medium voltage level (10 to 35kV) to all three phases; however it can be done at other levels as desired. The higher voltage levels are distributed to farther reaches, and if the signal needs to go farther then injection should be done at these higher levels. There are two methods for injecting data into a power network. The network can be intercepted serially. With this method power supply can be briefly stopped and data is sent instead. The advantage of this method is that data does not jump across transformers onto the higher voltage level. However adding hardware in series with existing power lines can be dangerous. If the data transmitter fails it could bring down the entire network. [1] The second method is to add the signal in parallel with the power. Meaning it is layered on top of the existing three phase sinusoidal wave. The disadvantage of this is that the data can get through the transformer to the higher voltage lines. For high frequency signals this is minimized as the impedance the transformer applies to the signal is proportional to frequency (ZInductor = w*l*j) and prevents power being delivered to the high voltage lines. If the data will be transmitted above 210 Hz then parallel distribution is fine, else serial is used. In practice most frequencies used fall between 110 to 750 hertz. Particular values used depend on the system. It is possible that resonant effects can occur with power factor correction capacitors and help propagate the signal. However in general resonance with series impedance is something that needs to be avoided. Frequency of injection also affects the current that makes its way into the high voltage supply network, and from this network into neighboring networks. The chosen frequency should not overlap with possible harmonic frequencies that could exist in the network, else a fake signal could be detected as the actual signal.[1] Receivers involve a band pass filter that checks for the desired frequency. To prevent accidental detection the desired frequency must be maintained for a set period of time before the system judges the signal is valid. Standard ripple receivers also feature three relays for guiding power about but custom ripple receivers exists for specific applications, like the street lighting receiver shown in Fig 1. Figure 1 Figure 2 II. DIGITAL COMMUNICATION A. Networking the home A form of residential network communication method being promoted currently by the “Home Plug Alliance” is deemed the HomePlug specification. The idea of interfacing to the power network via the house plugs to provide networking capability is not a new idea and has been done in the past. But these past advances have not lived up to expectations and did not perform as well as hoped. Recently filtering technology has taken a large enough leap to allow a newer generation to arrive. Home power networks vary considerably depending on the regional wiring codes, age, and size of the house. Extensive testing has been done to verify that modern in house networking is universally viable for the consumer. For example it is not a good idea to create consumer electronics that people in New York can use, but not people in Texas. [2] The results showed that speeds of 1.5 Mbps where produced in ninety-eight percent of connections tested. (Out of 6690) Seventy-seven percent of these connections where able to achieve five Mbps transfer speeds. This test involved simple communication between two devices. More advanced testing among five devices. showed that ninety-three percent of houses where able to sustain talking speeds of three Mbps. While these tests left out houses found in the Midwest states they are quite convincing that home networking via the power network is feasible. [7] B. Internet Delivery Of significant interest lately and a hotly debated political issue is the emerging technology of internet providers providing broad band internet connections through power lines. However it generates a large amount of interference with Ham radios (among other things) so many Hobbyists are up in arms over this potential threat. The idea is that the majority of the internet transfer is done through the normal means. However the “last mile” delivery whereby an individual’s home is connected to the internet is done via the power lines (Fig 2). The data is traveling at such a high rate that it cannot get through the inductors of the power transformers so the transmission cannot be entirely done via the high, medium and low transmission lines. The FCC regulations that govern unintentional emitters are partly to blame for the cause of the scandal. They require that current-carrier systems be tested in three “typical” real world installations. The definition of “typical” is not standardized, or that there even exists three distinct kinds of “typical” applications. However this works out to the advantage of a company developing hardware. If passing the FCC’s rules were as simple as doing white lab coat experiments to measure generated electromagnetic fields, then PLC hardware would not be legal to use. If the FCC judged PLCs based on emissions then a double standard would result. There would be one standard that was lenient and allowed PLC operation, while another would disallow other class of devices. When doing lab coat experiments the standard is when at a distance of 30 meters from the unintentional emitter (whose frequencies are below 30 MHz) it should not create an electric field greater than thirty micro volts per meter. The testing is done at a bandwidth of 9 kHz. However this does not provide enough protection of ham radio signals. A 30 uV/m field will create a noise on a half wave dipole of -86.4 dBW which is equivalent to 338 micro volts. However when comparing 338 uV to existing radio signal transmissios (Which are much smaller by design) the noise is 16 dB, this is very harmful. [8] This is not to say that the “thirty micro volt per meter when at a distance of thirty meters” rule is invalid, but that it was designed for the analysis of point sources. With Power lines the source is as long as the carrying part of the wire. For areas that Broadband over Power lines is implemented, the interference can blanket wide neighborhoods or entire cities. [8] The discussion of noise so far has only addressed one component and does not consider further complications with the geometry of the power networks. There are issues with the power lines being designed for operation at sixty Hz. And there are issues with the buildings the power lines interface to. The electrical wirings of buildings result in a good transmission line, but there are other aspects involved. For example when a light switch is opened (ie the light is turned off) the result is an antenna configuration that radiates nicely. And there might be many other loads the building is connected to that also radiate. Furthermore there are odd loopholes in the FCC regulations that are used inappropriately. When doing actual testing it is permitted to do measurements at three meters and extrapolate to thirty meters. In actuality this underestimates the noise by 20 dB. The FCC rules do specify conditions in using this approximation, like when measuring at a distance of thirty meters is impractical. But for power lines it simplicity to setup equipment thirty meters from a power line. The modeling and comparison of E field noise produced by a high frequency to that of a low frequency is important in understanding what is occurring. For a case study a twenty meter two line power transmission cable delivers power to a house. One of the lines has a 120 volt AC source at 60 Hz while the other is ground. The lines are made out of copper with a radius of 1 centimeter. Using transmission line modeling methods described in Fig 3. The voltage at any point z in the line at any time t can be found. Figure 3 With the voltage in the transmission line, the E-field internal to the line may be found. If the voltage did not vary with the length of the transmission line in the z direction then the Efield would be zero. From the E-field the electric flux density is derived. The electric flux density is multiplied by a differential cross sectional area to find the differential charge it contains. Then from the differential charge a differential external E-field to a point P can be calculated. After Integrating all the differential E fields the total E field is found. These dimensions and what is being integrated are described in fig 4. Figure 4 The calculations are now given. The principle of superposition is used to separately examine a 120 volt source at a frequency of 60 hertz and a 1 volt signal at 3.5 mega Hertz. The formulas used to gauge the transmission line parameters are different at high frequencies than they are at lower frequencies and they are changed for each of the frequencies considered. For calculation sake the final transmission line delivering power to a home will be a twenty meter copper cable with a radius of one centimeter. It will be composed of two lines, a ground line and power line. At the beginning the initial inputs are given. Lcable 20 7 Rcable 0.01 7 Seperation cable .021 c 5.8 10 air 4 10 air 1.005 v 0 120 60 2 air 1.5 10 Knowing the system parameters the electric length () of the transmission line are found. See equation 5. 12 At this point the low frequency model (equations 1 to 4) must be used to estimate the parameters R, L, G, and C (Fig 2) of the two line system. Finally the fully developed formula for Voltage in the transmission line at a given point and time is written in equation 6. Fig xyz is a three dimensional plot of this voltage. Time is on one axis and distance down the transmission line is on the other. Fig 5 displays the sixty hertz source voltage is able to maintain a magnitude of a 120 volts down the entire transmission line. Fig 6demonstrates the amount of E-field noise the sixty hertz, 120 volts source creates at a point thirty meters from the halfway point of the line. The normal source voltage creates an E-field signal that is less than five nanovolts/meter. Figure 5 The fact that voltage barely varies down the transmission line is going to have a significant effect. The Efield inside the transmission line is the derivative of the voltage (Equation 7) Figure 6 This derivative expands into a much larger expression. The electric flux density comes from multiplying the Efield by 0 (Formula 9). This electric flux density is multiplied by a differential surface area as described in fig 3 to get the charge it contains. Finally this differential charge divided by a 4R^2 is integrated the length of the transmission line to calculate the E-field external of the transmission line. (Formulas 10 -12) This E-field is symmetric about the transmission line. It is this E-field that will have an impact on antennas and other devices: Note that z no longer refers to distance down the transmission line, but the axis drawn in fig 3. Having calculated the noise from the power line the E-field noise that results from a 3.5 MHZ wave placed on top of the power signal needs to be found for comparison. The process is similar to what has already been done with a few exceptions. The first being that the high frequency model (Formulas 13-16) must be used for estimating the C, R, L and G parameters of the system. From this point on variables will have a ‘_2’ appended to their names. From the transmission line parameters to the electric length in equation 17. A graph of the magnitude of this E-field (Fig xyz) shows a signal that peaks at 3 micro volts per meter. The goal was to get a 30 micro volt per meter signal that is known to be produced. However a factor of ten can be explained away as the result of the initial parameters of the system. From these constants the voltage as function of time and position can be graphed. The bold line represents voltage at a distance of zero into the transmission line, it is part of a one volt sinusoid. As the voltage moves into the transmission line the peak of this sinusoid can be seen to drop down. Figure 4 Figure 3 The internal E-field (equation 18) that results from this voltage is of a significantly larger magnitude than the internal E-field created by the sixty hertz source. This three micro volt per meter E-field is six hundred times larger than the E-field produced by the sixty hertz sinusoid. Furthermore if there was an antenna that was tuned for this frequency sitting in a thirty micro volt per meter field it would pick up 2.2 nano-watts of power, when real signals deliver pico-watts of power. However it seems that the FCC is ignoring these issues in the push to get high speed internet access to the masses. [1] HD-Comsys & Itd tim, “Ripple Control Systems,” 2004. [2] Home Plug Power Alliance, “Home Plug Field Test Results,” 2003 [3] Ed Hare. “Calculated Impact on PLC Stations Operating in the Amateur Radio Service,” 2002. Samuel S. Author was born in Missouri in 1982. He is currently a senior EE student and will graduate in 2004 with a BSE with an emphasis in Electrical Engineering from Calvin College, Grand Rapids Mi.. He has previously worked for Delphi Automotive where he maintained and developed software than modeled how parts of an engine’s valve train operate. With the internal E-field, Internal Electric Flux and the external E-field are found in equations 19 -22.