Leader: Prof SV Joubert
MT may be described as the blending of strong computing, visualisation capabilities and
theoretical considerations that permits one to conduct new and deeper investigations into the
mathematical and applied sciences In essence, MT is applied mathematical modelling using
strong computing, visualisation capabilities and theoretical considerations at every step and can
be used in every mathematically based technology currently being presented at TUT. It is well
known that the ability to design and/or simulate and/or predict and/or confirm experimental and
other observations can be both cost and time effective. Furthermore, once qualitative and/or
quantitative data is available, optimisation techniques can be applied. A “mathematical
technologist” can assist with the mathematical modelling of a technological process or experiment
where the specific mathematical ability of the technologist observing the process or conducting
the experiment might be lacking. Indeed, when a specific application is being developed, a multidisciplinary team approach is needed. Such a team should consist of mathematical technologists
as well as experts in the specific discipline for which the application is being developed.
The strategic aim of the focus area is to contribute, in the form of mathematical models, to
mathematically based multi-disciplinary research and development projects aimed at current TUT
-industry and TUT-community partnerships, where appropriate. This will be achieved by means of
both quantitative and qualitative analysis involving, among other techniques, optimisation,
improved design and quality improvement. The focus area will hopefully “infect the projects of
other focus areas to become symbiotic”.
The vision of this Focus Area is to build a team of mathematical modellers capable of analysing
and optimising (both numerically and analytically) projects arising in the study of: 1. Vibrations. 2.
Game Management. 3. Pattern recognition. 4. Mathematical Modelling of Physical Processes in
Non-homogeneous Media. 5. Mathematical Modelling for Power Systems. 6. Student Retention
Models.7. Undergraduate Mathematics Education Using Technology. These
modellers will include staff, undergraduates and postgraduates of TUT, as well
as collaborators from outside TUT.
Niche areas (not all approved yet)
Game Management
Mathematical Modelling of Physical Processes
Mathematical Modelling for Power Systems
Pattern Recognition
Student Retention Models
Contact Information:
 Prof SV Joubert
 012 382 6358