Polygenic traits, Karyotypes, Create a Kid



L A B 7 : : P o l l y g e n i c T r a i t s , K a r y o t t y p e s , , C r e a t e a K i i d S i i m u l l a t i o n

Most answers can be pulled out from your lab manual and results obtained during the lab. For some concepts, you might need to check your book or Google the definition online!


Explain what a polygenic trait is.


Based on the previous, what is the reason for traits to act as polygenic?

A) There is incomplete dominance of of the tall alelle over the short allele

B) There are multiple alelles for for the height gene

C) Most traits such as height are governed by the interaction of many genes

D) there is only one gene for height in humans, but the environment can influence the expression of the gene


What polygenic traits were considered for this lab?


How was the phenotype for each trait determined? In other words, what does it mean if a person has

Aabbcc as opposed to AABBCC for eye color?


If both parents have gingerbread color, what is the lightest and the darkest color a child could have?


If the genotypes for both parents are AABBCCDD and aabbccdd, what skin colors will the baby have?


For the previous example, give two genotypes for the baby that could not be possible for these parents


Explain what a karyotype is


Review the different syndromes detectable by karyotype analysis and differentiate the ones produced by extra or missing sex chromosomes from those in which the problem arises from autosomes (non sex chromosomes)


For the “create a kid simulation”, explain how you determined which allele you would pass to your baby.


What stage and process of meiosis did you simulate while determining the allele you would pass to your baby?


What stage of meiosis determines that you will pass only one of your alleles to your baby but never both?


Mention at least five facial traits used for the simulation

Instructor: Dr. Jose Bava
