BÜLENT ECEVİT UNIVERSITY AHMET ERDOGAN VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF HEALTH SERVICES COURSE CONTENTS OF ANESTHESIA PROGRAM I.SEMESTER ANS 111 GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY (2 0 2 2) Cardiotonic glycosides, antiarrhythmic drugs, anti-anginal drugs, Adrenergic Agonist and Antagonist Drugs, Hypotensive drug Varieties apply, Central Nervous System Drugs, Drugs Affecting Autonomic Nervous System, Drugs Affecting Respiratory System, Drugs Affecting Digestive System, Drugs Affecting Endocrine System, Drugs Affecting Urinary System, Hemolytic chemotherapeutic drugs, Applying Diuretics and Liquid-Electrolyte Balance Regulating Drugs, Applying Derivatives of Antibiotic Drugs. ANS 105 ANATOMY (2 0 2 5) Introduction to Anatomy and Anatomical Terminology; The Anatomy of The Upper Extremities; The Anatomy of The Lower Extremities; The Anatomy of The Head and Neck Region; The Anatomy of The Thorax and Abdomen Region; The Anatomy of The Respiratory System; The Anatomy of The Circulatory System; The Anatomy of The Digestive System; The Anatomy of The Urinary System; The Anatomy of The Genital System; The Anatomy of The Central Nervous System; Sensory Organs and The Anatomy of The Endocrine System. ANS109 PHYSIOLOGY (2 0 2 5) Introduction to Physiology; Fluid Divisons in The Body; Cell Physiology; Muscle Physiology; Circulatory Physiology; Physiology of The Digestive System; Physiology of The Excretory System; Respiratory Physiology; Physiology of The Enodcrine System; Physiology of The Central Nervous System-1; Physiology of The Central Nervous System-2; Sensory Physiology-1; Sensory Physiology-2; Sensory Physiology-3. TUR181 TURKISH LANGUAGE I ( 2 0 2 2 ) What is language?, What is importance and the station in national life of language as a social institution?, Language- Culture Relationship, The station of Turkish Language in world languages, Development and Historical Periods of Turkish Language, Current Situation and Expansion Areas of Turkish Language, Phonetics in Turkish and Their Classification, Turkish Audio Features and Rules About Phonology, Syllable Information, Orthographic Rules and Their Applications, Punctuations and Their Applications. YDL185 FOREIGN LANGUAGE I ( 2 0 2 2 ) This lesson aims for the students to identify grammatically and linguistically correct structures of Basic English, use and identify actively English words, read and understand English texts and express themselves in writing and verbally. ANS115 MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Medical terms related to human anatomy, medical terms related to movement system and nervous system, medical terms related to mental diseases, medical terms related to respiratory system and digestive, medical terms related to cardiovascular system, medical terms related to Blood and blood forming organs, medical terms related to urinary system, genital system and endocrine system, Medical terms related to eye, ear-nose-throat and skin. ANS 117 SYSTEM DISEASES I (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Symptoms and Findings of Respiratory System Diseases, Treatment and maintenance of Respiratory Diseases, Symptoms and Findings Nervous System Disease, Treatment and maintenance of Nervous System Diseases, Symptoms and Findings of Circulation System Disases, Treatment and maintenance of Circulation System Disases, Symptoms and Findings of Digestive System Disases, Treatment and maintenance of Digestive System Disases. ANS 119 NUTRITION (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Introduction to Nutrition, Adequate and Balanced Nutrition, Basic Nutrients , Cleaning, Hygiene, Sanitation, Public Nutrition , Sanitation Principles in Institutions of Public Nutrition, HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), Sanitation, Obesity, Weakness, malnutrition, Elderly Nutrition, Diabetes and Nutrition , Cancer and Nutrition Disease and Nutrition, Nutrition in Special Cases. ANS 121 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND STANDARDS (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Quality Concept; Standards and Standardization; The Importance of Standard in Manufacturing and Service Sector; Management Quality and Standards; Environmental Standards; Quality Management System Models; Strategic Management; Participating In Management; Process Management System; Research Management System; EFQM Excellence Model; Production Quality Control; Inspection and Sampling; Total Quality Control; Control Diagrams; Statistical Distributions. II.SEMESTER ANS 114 ANESTHETIC PHARMACOLOGY (2 4 4 6) The drugs used for sedation, Anticholinergic and antihistamine drugs, Reducing stomach acid and the volume of drugs, Gas Anesthetics, volatile liquid anesthetics, Intravenous anesthetics, Antagonist of Intravenous anesthetics Drugs, Local Anesthetic Drugs, Ester type and amide type local anesthetic drugs, Depolarizing muscle relaxant drugs, Non-depolarising muscle relaxant drugs, Antagonists of drugs muscle relaxants, Adrenergic drugs, Hypotensive drugs. ANS 116 VOCATIONAL APPLICATIONS (2 8 6 8) Wear work clothes, Use of masks, caps, gloves, Sterile working conditions, safety measures, Taking vital signs manual, complete the forms, Prepare to be applied drugs, drug delivery, Venous, arterial and capillary blood collection, Intravenous fluid infusion, blood transfusion, blood products transfusion, aspiration, a nasogastric probe application, Application of oxygen therapy to patients. TUR182 TURKISH LANGUAGE II (2 022) - Turkish Derivational Affixes and Their Applications, General Information Concerning Composition, Word Types, Sentence Elements and Application of Sentence Analysis, Disorders of Expression and Sentence and Their Correction, Petition, Record, Letter and Their Types, The principles to be followed in the Preparation of Scientific Papers. YDL186 FOREIGN LANGUAGE II ( 2 0 2 2 ) This course which is as a continuation of YDL185 aims for students to implement educational activities in order to reinforce basic English knowledge gained from YDL185, learn and keep in mind words and improve skills and strategies when needed, read texts by using reading strategies they have learned, provide them with English writing skills accordance with their needs and levels. ANS 110 SUMMER PRACTICE (0 0 0 8) Field studies and practical applications. ANS 118 SYSTEM DISEASES II (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Symptoms and Findings of Blood Diseases, Treatment and maintenance of Blood Disorders, Symptoms and Findings of Urinery System, Treatment And Care of Urinery System Disorders, Symptoms and Findings of Endocrine System, Treatment and Care of Endocrine System Diseases, Symptoms and Findings of Other System Disease, Treatment and maintenance of Other System Disease. ANS 120 INFECTIOUS DISEASES (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Formation of Infection, Infection Symptoms and Findings, Respiratory Transmitted Disease, Blood Transmitted Diseases, Fecal-oral Transmitted Diseases, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Hospital infections, Intensive Care Unit Infections, Disinfection and Sterilization , Personal Protection Methods, Isolation Methods, Hospital Infection Control Committee. ANS 122 COMMUNICATION SKILLS (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Verbal Communication, Written Communication, Non-Verbal Communication, Formal Communication, Non-Formal Communication, Disorganizational Communication. ANS 126 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Internet and Internet Browser, E-Mail Management, Newsgroups and Forums, Web-based Learning, Personal Web-Site Preparation, Electronic Commerce, Word Processing Program Resumes, Internet and Career, Job Interview Preparation, Spreadsheet, Formulas and Functions, Graphics, Presentation Preparation, Preparation of Promotional Material. III. SEMESTER AİT 281 PRINCIPLES of ATATURK AND REVOLUTION HİSTORY I (2 0 2 2 ) The Meaning of Revolution History, The Importance of Turkish Revolution, Overview of Causes led to Turkish Revolution, The First World War, Starting to Cramble of Ottoman Empire, The Country’s Status During Invasions, Mustafa Kemal Pasha’s Attitude, The First Step to Salvation, Organization through Congresses, Societies, National Forces, National Pact, Opening of The Grand National Assembly of Turkey, The Establishment of National Army, Two Major Events: Sevres and Gümrü Peace, The Liberation Struggle Until The Battle of Sakarya, The Battle of Sakarya, The Great Offensive, The Two Major Political Revolution from Mudanya to Lausanne, Transition of “Maintenance of Order” Period. ANS 207 REANIMATION I (2 6 5 8) Doing business organization in reaminasyon unit, Change of Position, pressure ulcers, Cannula / Catheter Care, Stoma Care, Endotracheal Tube Care, Oral Care, Hair and Body Care, Enteral Nutrition, Parenteral Nutrition, Using the mechanical ventilator, Patient Followup in reaminasyon unit, Patient transfer in reaminasyon unit. ANS 209 CLINICAL ANESTHESIA I (2 6 5 8) Anesthesia in Upper Respiratory Disease, Anesthesi in KAOAH, Anesthesia in Restrictive Lung Disease, Anesthesia in Single-lung ventilation, Preparation for Anesthesia Application in Heart and Vessel Diseases, Anesthesia in Open Heart Surgery, Anesthesia in Vessel Surgery, Anesthesia in Heart Diseases and Non Kalp Hastalıklarında Non Cardiac Surgery, Materials and patient Preparation in Anesthesia application of Neurosurgical Procedures, Anesthesia in Neurosurgical Procedures, Preparation in Liver Disease Anesthesia, Anesthesia in Liver Diseases, Anesthesia in Genito-Urinary Procedures, Anesthesia in Kidney Diseases. ANS 211 ANESTHETICAL APPLICATION I (2 6 5 8) Patient Evaluation Prior to General Anesthesia, Material and Patient Preparation Prior to General Anesthesia, Positions and Monitoring of Patient, Anesthesia induction, Airway patency, Endotracheal intubation, Alternative airway methods, Central catheterization, Maintenance of general anesthesia, Monitörörizasyon Trail, Termination of General Anesthesia Application, Complications during and after anesthesia. ANS 213 ANESTHETICAL APPARATUS AND EQUIPMENT (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Anesthesia Equipment and Its Parts, Medical Gas Resources, Spare gas cylinders, Control of Anesthesia Device, Using of Anesthesia Device, Anesthesia Device Shutdown, Airway, Facial Mask, Laryngoscope Preparation , Ett, Lma, Combi Tube Preparation, Infusion Pump, Blood Pump Preparation, Fiber Optic Products, Pca Preparation, Maintenance of Anesthesia Equipment Parts, Care Tracking of Anesthesia Device. ANS 215 RESEARCH METHODS AND TECHNIQUES (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Searching for Sources, Evaluation of Research Results, Presentation Preparation, Making A Presentation. ANS 217 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT I (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Tracking Microeconomic Data; Analyzing Macroeconomic Indicators; Identifying The Gaps in The Market; Choosing The Most Suitable One for Evaluating The Investment Alternatives; Conducting Feasibility Studies; Understanding The Business Environment; Doing Demand Analysis and Forecast; Determining The Location of The Business Organization; Determining The Legal Structure of The Business; Determining The Capacity of The Firm; Providing Financing with Determining Total Investment Cost; Making Estimated Income and Expenditure Account; Doing Business and Production Plan; Carrying out Installation Works of Investments; Beginning A Business with Creating The Appropriate Structure. ANS 219 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Quality Concept; Standards and Standardization; The Importance of Standard in Manufacturing and Service Sector; Management Quality and Standards; Environmental Standards; Quality Management System Models; Strategic Management; Participating In Management; Process Management System; Research Management System; EFQM Excellence Model. IV. SEMESTER AİT 282 PRINCIPLES of ATATURK AND REVOLUTION HİSTORY II (2 02 2 ) Conduction Features of Turkish Revolution, The Establishment of Legal System, The Establishment of Education System, Efforts in the field of Economy and Finance, Other Innovations in Organizing Social Life, The Internal Politics (Domestic Policy) of the Republic of Turkey in the Period of Ataturk, The Foreign Policy of the Republic of Turkey in the Period of Ataturk, Attachment Unit: The Death of Ataturk, Domestic and Foreign Policy of The Republic of Turkey After The Period of Ataturk, Ataturk’s Principles: Republicanism, Nationalism, Populism, Etatism, Secularism (Laicism), Revolutionism , Ataturk’s Reforms, General Assesment. ANS 204 REANIMATION II (2 4 4 6) Respiratory Deficiencies, Hypoxia, Oxygen Therapy, Aspiration pneumonia, shock, embolism, sepsis, trauma, poisoning, neurological problems, acute renal failure, coma and brain death, Some Exceptions, Sedo-Analgesia, Muscle Relaxation. . ANS 206 CLINICAL ANESTHESIA II (2 4 4 8) Anesthesia in Patients with Diabetic, Anesthesia in Thyroid Gland Diseases, Anesthesia in Metabolic Diseases, Anesthesia in Pediatric Patient, Geriatric Anesthesia, Trauma Anesthesia, Anesthesia in Burn, Anesthesia in obese patients, Anesthesia in ENT-Ophthalmic Surgery, Orthopaedic Anesthesia, Anesthesia in Plastic Surgery, Anesthesia in Abdominal Procedures, Obstetric and Gynecologic Anesthesia, Anesthesia in Neuromuscular and Hematological diseases, Anesthesia in Shock. ANS 208 ANESTHETICAL APPLICATION II (2 4 4 6) Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Epidural, Sipinal and Caudal block, Combined Spinal Epidural Anesthesia Practice, Peripheral Blocks Anesthesia Practice, Regional IV Anesthesia Practice, Monitor the Patient Care, Sedo Analgesia Practice, Standard Equipment of NonOperating Room Anesthesia Practice Environments, Anesthesia Practice in Radiological Procedures, Anesthesia Pratice in Endoscopic Procedures, Anesthesia Pratice in Ekt Procedures, Anesthesia Pratice in Radiotherapy Procedures, Preparation in Pain Units, Interventional Applications in Pain Units. ANS210 PROFESSIONAL ETHICS (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Examining Ethical and Moral Concepts; Examining Ethical Systems; Investigating The Factors that Play A Role in The Formation of Morality; Examining The Ethics of Profession; Professional Corruption and Analyzing The Results of Unethical Behavior in Professional Life; Examining The Concept of Social Responsibility. ANS 212 FIRST AID (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Introduction to First Aid and Properties of Firs Aid; Assessment of Basic Life Functions; Respiratory and Circulatory System; First Aid in Injuries; First Aid in Bleeding; Shock and First Aid; Burns and First Aid; Poisonings and First Aid; First Aid in Fractures and Sprains; Basic Life Support. ANS 214 BUSINESS MANAGEMENT II (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Planning; Organizing; Directing; Coordinating; Performing Audits; Ensuring Business Analysis; Planning Human Resources; Finding Employee Candidate; Choosing Transactor; Training to Work Practice (Orientation); Employee Performance Evaluation; Providing Employee Training; Making Career Planning; Work Evaluation; Work Pricing; Planning Production; Organization for Taking Place Production; Capacity and Inventory Planning; Identifing Target Market; Product Development; Identifing Pricing Policies; Identifing Promotion Policies; Identifing Distribution Policies; Managing Customer Relationships; Managing Income and Expense Accounts; Managing Debt and Liabilities; Managing Assets; Managing Resources. ANS 216 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION (V/E) (2 0 2 3) Environmental Information Regulations; Risk Analysis; Wasre Storage; Personal Protection Measures; International Helath and Security Alerts; Occupational Health and Safety Regulation. LESSONS FOR THE PROGRAM SHOWING OTHER UNITS ANS 901 ANESTHESIA AND RESPIRATORY DEVICES TECHNOLOGY (2 0 2 3) Gas distribution systems, gas cylinders and security, The ventilator, Vaporizator, Nebulizer, Anesthesia Machine Standards, Anesthesia Machine Maintenance and its Repair. ANS 902 ANESTHESIA APPLICATION IN EXPERIMENTAL ANIMAL (2 0 2 3) Uses of Experimental Animals, Selection of experimental animals, anesthetics and routes of drug, Ethics of Animal Experiments, Related legislation.