Project report shell Candidates may use this as a shell or skeleton for their project report. The information given in italics constitutes guidance to candidates and should be deleted as each section is completed. If the case study issued to candidates differs from the one given in the exemplar assessment, the guidance notes will need to be amended accordingly. Scottish Qualifications Authority HN Assessment Exemplar F6V6 35/AEX001 V1.0 Interactive Media: Graded Unit 2 January 2010 1 XXXXXX College F6V6 35: HND Interactive Media: Graded Unit 2 — Project Name: Class: Start Date: Finish Date: Tutor: Scottish Qualifications Authority HN Assessment Exemplar F6V6 35/AEX001 V1.0 Interactive Media: Graded Unit 2 January 2010 2 Note to candidates You should use this document as a shell or skeleton for your project report. The information given in italics is for guidance only and should be deleted as each section is completed. You must undertake this project as a member of a group, normally comprising 4–5 people. Your tutor will allocate you to a suitable group. However, each candidate must produce his or her own project report, which must be entirely his/her own work. It is acceptable to quote or refer to work carried out by other members of the group, but this must be clearly attributed. Scottish Qualifications Authority HN Assessment Exemplar F6V6 35/AEX001 V1.0 Interactive Media: Graded Unit 2 January 2010 3 Contents Topic Page (Please indicate the page on which each item can be found) 1 Planning the project 1.1 Initial investigation 1.2 Developing an approach 1.3 Justification for adopting the selected approach 1.4 Project plan 2 Developing 2.1 Human Computer Interface 2.2 Interactive Media Composition 2.3 Professional and Legal Issues for Interactive Media Developers 2.4 Designing and Developing an Interactive Product 2.5 Sound and Vision for Interactivity 2.6 Building an E-Business 3 Evaluation 3.1 Analysis of the project 3.2 Planning, organising and updating of the project plan 3.3 Designing the solution 3.4 Setting and achieving interim milestones 3.5 Implementing the solution 3.6 Testing the implementation 3.7 Documentation produced 3.8 Identifying the criteria on which to base the evaluation 3.9 Identification of gathering appropriate evidence 3.10 Evaluating the effectiveness of the problem solving activity 3.11 Modifications to the approach, design or implementation 3.12 How the process of carrying out the project could be improved 3.13 Recommendations for the future Scottish Qualifications Authority HN Assessment Exemplar F6V6 35/AEX001 V1.0 Interactive Media: Graded Unit 2 January 2010 4 1 Planning the project 1.1 Initial investigation Identify the factors influencing the project and the key stages involved. 1.2 Developing an approach List alternative approaches considered and comparison with other possible approaches. 1.3 Justification for adopting the selected approach In terms of resources available (eg development and delivery platform, time available, etc). 1.4 Project plan Based on the analysis undertaken and using project management software, eg constructing realistic timescales and identifying the necessary tasks and project deliverables. 2 Developing This will involve the implementation of the plan created in stage 1, reviewing or adjusting the plan if required. You should cover any five of the six categories listed below: 2.1 Human Computer Interface Designing and producing a usable interface, eg designing a usable interface, producing an interface prototype, evaluating usability. 2.2 Interactive Media Composition Applying the principles of digital composition for interactive media, eg selection of appropriate typography, graphic elements and layout, effective application of colour theory. 2.3 Professional and Legal Issues for Interactive Media Developers Demonstrating compliance with relevant professional and legal standards, eg conformance with disability discrimination and intellectual property legislation. 2.4 Designing and Developing an Interactive Product Planning, implementing and testing an interactive product or application, eg analysis of requirements, development of design specification, testing and evaluation of interactive product. 2.5 Sound and Vision for Interactivity Creating quality audio and video files and integrating them into an interactive application, eg selection of appropriate audio and video formats, creation of audio and video files, integration into an interactive product. 2.6 Building an e-Business Developing business planning solutions and promotional media communications. 3 Evaluation This section should provide an evaluation of the effectiveness of the approach/strategy taken which includes all stages of the activity, ie analysis of the activity, the planning and organisation of the activity and the outcome of the activity. Scottish Qualifications Authority HN Assessment Exemplar F6V6 35/AEX001 V1.0 Interactive Media: Graded Unit 2 January 2010 5 3.1 Analysis of the project Describe how the project can be broken down into a series of subtasks which can be allocated to different members of the group. 3.2 Planning, organising and updating of the project plan Describe the creation and maintenance of your project plan, using project management software. 3.3 Designing the solution Show how the component parts fit together to achieve a complete solution. 3.4 Setting and achieving interim milestones Choose the points at which progress can be measured. These are likely to be related to the completion of specific tasks or subtasks. 3.5 Implementing the solution Create the required website. 3.6 Testing the implementation Check that your solution works as planned. 3.7 Documentation produced Produce the required documentation, eg technical guide, user guide. 3.8 Identifying the criteria on which to base the evaluation These should be derived from the original analysis of the project. 3.9 Identification of gathering appropriate evidence Describe how this has been done, eg use of qualitative/quantitative methods, comparisons with other systems/products, impact studies, product testing or market research. 3.10 Evaluating the effectiveness of the problem solving activity Explain the relevance of the evidence — the evaluation should be related to the original analysis of the project. 3.11 Modifications to the approach, design or implementation Make reference to any modifications to the approach during the course of the activity or to alternative approaches considered. Even if no modifications to the approach were made during the project, some consideration should be given at this stage to possible alternative approaches and their implications. 3.12 How the process of carrying out the project could be improved State your conclusions as to how the process of carrying out the project could be improved, with evidence to support the conclusions drawn. 3.13 Recommendations for the future Recommendations for the future which are relevant to the problem and justifications of these recommendations. The evaluation should be in the form of a formal report. Scottish Qualifications Authority HN Assessment Exemplar F6V6 35/AEX001 V1.0 Interactive Media: Graded Unit 2 January 2010 6