Combined Gold Ray Monitoring Plan

Gold Ray Dam Removal Monitoring Plan
March 2010
The removal of Gold Ray Dam (GRD), located on the mainstem Rogue River (RM 127.5) is scheduled
to occur in August 2010. This project, in addition to two other nearby mainstem Rogue River dam
removals1, presents a unique opportunity to monitor site-specific and system-wide effects to the fish and
wildlife resources associated with the riverine, riparian and wetland habitats, and the socio/economic
factors of the area.
A group of entities, led by the Rogue Valley Council of Governments (RVCOG) working on behalf of
Jackson County, Oregon, will monitor the effects of the GRD removal effort on the main-stem Rogue
River system. Entities planning to conduct monitoring tasks include, (RVCOG, Southern Oregon
University (SOU), Oregon State University (OSU), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW),
Klamath Bird Observatory (KBO), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality (ODEQ) and Amnis Opes.
Goal: The removal of GRD will facilitate development of a naturalized river corridor with natural
ecosystem function and structure and improve fish passage for native anadromous salmonids.
Objective #1: Develop naturalized river channel and improve physical habitat structure.
Parameter #1: Channel geomorphology
Technique/method #1: Longitudinal Profile of mainstem Rogue River.
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Thalweg profile (visual residual pool profile; standard deviation of
thalweg depth; data have been collected but values have not been calculated)
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): This does not apply
because each site differs with substrate, slope, and amount of wood debris.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): This does not apply because each site differs with substrate,
slope, and amount of wood debris.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Total of six visits to each of
seven sites in May or June and August or September of 2010, 2011 & 2012.
 Sample size: Seven sites.
Technique/method #2: Evaluation of gradient, sinuosity, and valley type/constraint from
topographic maps
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): The mean gradient is not expected to change except for the reservoir site;
map gradient and sinuosity are too coarse grain (low resolution) to detect changes at this
geographic extent; valley type does not change over ecological time unless there is a major
geological event. All these variables are context, limiting, or landscape variables that are
used to help interpret what we detect at the site scale.
Savage Rapids Dam (RM 107) removed in October 2009, Gold Hill Dam (RM 121) removed in July 2008.
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Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): This does not apply
because each site differs naturally in these variables at the topographic map scale.
Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): This does not apply because each site differs naturally in
these variables at the topographic map scale.
Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Because the maps do not
change, this will only be sampled one time, at the end of the project.
Sample size: Seven sites
Technique/method #3: Evaluation of gradient, sinuosity, and valley type/constraint from aerial
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Historical aerial photos from 1939, 1952 and 2005.
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): Aerial photos do not
in themselves have a “numerical value, but are used as visual references for analysis of
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): Aerial photos do not in themselves have provide a target
value, but are used as visual references for analysis of change.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): August 2010 through 2014.
August 2010 (pre dam removal), September 2010 (post dam removal), spring and fall 2011
through 2014.
 Sample size: One photo before dam removal, two photos per year (spring and fall) after dam
Parameter #2: Sediment transport and formation of pools and riffles
Technique/method #1: Pool riffle cross sections
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here):
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why):
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why):
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates):
 Sample size:
Technique/method #2: Pebble counts/substrate classification
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Percent fines, percent sand, and percent cobble in site 3 (reservoir) of 55
percent, 25 percent and zero percent, respectively, pre-removal. Mean percent bedrock and
percent cobble 50 percent and 15 percent in three sites downriver of GRD pre-removal.
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Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): Mean percent fines,
percent sand, and percent cobble in upriver and downriver control sites of zero precent, 23
percent and 41 percent, respectively, pre-removal. Mean percent bedrock and percent cobble
zero percent and 80 percent in two control sites upriver of GRD reservoir.
Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): We predict that the percent fines will essentially disappear
from the sites and that the percent cobble will increase in the sites downriver of GRD
following sufficiently large flood events.
Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Total of six visits to each of
seven sites in May or June and August or September of 2010, 2011 & 2012. Two visits will
be conducted pre-dam removal (May/June and August, 2010). Four visits will be conducted
post-dam removal (May/June and August/September, 2011 and 2012).
Sample size: Seven sites
Parameter #3: Physical habitat
Technique/method #1: Survey of littoral/riparian condition
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Occurrence of aquatic macrophytes 40 percent at site three (reservoir)
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): Occurrence of
aquatic macrophytes with a mean of 15 percent at the upriver and downriver control sites.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): We predict reduced occurrence of aquatic macrophytes at all
sites with more normalized flows. We do NOT predict any fundamental changes in the
percentages of barren ground, woody riparian vegetation, or canopy density because these do
not now differ significantly among the seven sites; instead they are likely governed by
riparian land use.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Total of six visits to each of
seven sites in May or June and August or September of 2010, 2011 & 2012. Two visits will
be conducted pre-dam removal (May/June and August, 2010). Four visits will be conducted
post-dam removal (May/June and August/September, 2011 and 2012).
 Sample size: Seven sites.
Technique/method #2: Survey of habitat suitable for Chinook salmon spawning , egg incubation
and emergence.
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Impounded reservoir habitat for 1.3 miles above Gold Ray Dam. Amount
of good Chinook salmon spawning habitat assumed to be zero.
Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): Values used by
ODFW’s Aquatic Inventories Project2 to identify preferred chinook spawning habitat are:
Aquatic Inventories Project,Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2004.
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Fines: less than 10 percent; Gravel: more than 30 percent; Cobble: 20-40 percent, with a
gradient of less than 4 percent.
Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): Restoration of good quality spawning habitat within the 1.3
mile impoundment.
Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): 2 visits will be conducted
pre-dam removal (May/June and August, 2010). 4 visits will be conducted post-dam
removal (May/June and August/September, 2011 and 2012). Habitat characteristics (percent
fines, gravel, cobble and gradient) will be sampled at each of 11 transects.
Sample size: See OSU sediment/substrate/physical habitat surveys???
Objective #2: Adjust fish assemblage composition to better resemble that of a natural river.
Parameter #1: Fish assemblage
Technique/method #1: Electrofishing
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Redside shiner composed 15 percent of fish assemblage at upriver site
one; reticulate sculpin 12 percent at site three (reservoir); Chinook salmon juveniles
composed less than 5 percent at site three.
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): We expect to
observe a Redside shiner mean composition of less than 5 percent at the other sites; reticulate
sculpin mean of 60 percent at the other sites; Chinook salmon mean of 10 percent at the other
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): Redside shiner mean of less than 5percent at all sites;
reticulate sculpin mean of 60 percent at all sites; Chinook salmon mean of 10 percent at all
sites; largemouth bass absent from all sites.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): 2 visits will be conducted
pre-dam removal (May/June and August, 2010). 4 visits will be conducted post-dam
removal (May/June and August/September, 2011 and 2012). Fish assemblages will be
sampled at each of 11 transects.
 Sample size: seven sites
Parameter #2: Anadromous salmonid spawning habitat use
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Technique/method #1: Salmon carcass counts
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here):
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why):
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why):
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Carcass counts are conducted
annually by ODFW.
 Sample size:
Technique/method #2: Telemetry study
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here):
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why):
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why):
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates):
 Sample size:
Objective #3: Improve condition of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage as indicators of water, habitat
structure, and fish food quality.
Parameter #1: Benthic invertebrate assemblage
Technique/method #1: Kicknet/taxonomic identification
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Benthos samples have been collected from six sites, but not yet processed.
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): Total taxa richness
more than 60; EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) taxa richness more than 25.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): Total taxa richness more than 60; EPT (Ephemeroptera,
Plecoptera, Trichoptera) taxa richness more than 25. Results of sampling conducted in 2009
will provide additional information regarding scraper taxa richness, percent burrower taxa,
percent clinger taxa, and percent tolerant individuals for the seven sites.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Two visits will be conducted
pre-dam removal (May/June and August, 2010). Four visits will be conducted post-dam
removal (May/June and August/September, 2011 and 2012). Benthos assemblages will be
sampled at each of 11 transects from alternating left and right sides of the river by scrubbing
all coarse substrate in an area of 0.09 m2 upstream of a kicknet, and then kicknetting for 30
seconds. The eleven samples will be composited into one sample per site visit. In the
laboratory, 500 individuals or the entire sample will be identified to the lowest possible taxon
(usually genus or species).
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Sample size: Seven sites.
Objective #4: Improve riparian health
Parameter #1: Riparian plant community
Technique/method #1: Plant surveys (need more detail on method here if possible)
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Site means from September 2009 visit:15 percent barren ground, 16
percent woody riparian, 50 percent canopy density.
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): Less than 5 percent
barren ground, more than 95 percent woody riparian, 100 percent canopy cover.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): We do NOT predict any fundamental changes in the
percentages of barren ground, woody riparian vegetation, or canopy density because these do
not now differ significantly among the 7 sites; instead they are likely governed by riparian
land use.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Total of six visits to each of
seven sites in May or June and August or September of 2010, 2011 & 2012.
 Sample size: Seven sites
Parameter #2: Riparian health measured by bird abundance and composition
Technique/method #1: Breeding bird surveys
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Baseline bird abundance and composition will be established from the
pre-treatment data collection in spring of 2010
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): A reference will be
established from the baseline data and comparison with results from “controls” that are not
expected to be affected by dam removal
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): We are not seeking target abundance or composition, rather
to evaluate presence of riparian obligates post removal, again based on baseline information
yet to be gathered
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Surveys will be completed
annually in 2010, 2011, and 2012 between mid-May and the end of June.
 Sample size: Twelve survey routes (6 treated, i.e. expected to be affected by dam removal
and six controls, i.e. not expected to be affected by dam removal), each consisting of 12
survey stations.
Objective #5: Achieve no net loss of wetlands
Parameter #1: Wetland plant characteristics
Technique/method #1: Wetland plant surveys
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Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Baseline conditions will be established during pre-dam removal (2010).
Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): Information from
wetland delineation work conducted on 2009 and 2010 will be available.
Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): while there is no target numeric value at this time, it is
expected composition of native wetland vegetation will increase while non native plant
composition will decrease
Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): quarterly sampling will be
conducted for a minimum of three years (2010 through 2012)
Sample size:
Parameter #2: Surface water contribution to wetland presence
Technique/method #1: Measurement of water levels
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Baseline conditions will be established during pre-dam removal (2010).
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): Absolute water
levels (above mean sea level) and water levels relative to areas at, above, and below the dam
and wetland complex pre-dam removal.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): Absolute water levels (above mean sea level) and water
levels relative to areas at, above, and below the dam and wetland complex post -dam
removal. Changes in water levels based on specific events such as actual dam removal, and a
subsequent high-flow storm event.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): quarterly, with one visit predam removal.
 Sample size: Twelve monuments, tied in with the six groundwater stations (peizometer nest)
Parameter #3: Ground water contribution to wetland presence
Technique/method #1: Measurement of ground water levels
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): The relative (percent) and total (cfs) of groundwater contributing to the
wetland complex hydrology is unknown. The area(s) where groundwater contributes to the
wetland complex hydrology is unknown. Baseline conditions will be established during predam removal (2010).
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): Does not apply. We
are trying to verify the existence of possible groundwater contribution and locations where
ground water contributes to the local wetland hydrology.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why):
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Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Samples will be obtained
quarterly (one quarter pre-dam removal, and all samples post dam removal) from 2010
through 2012.
Sample size: Six stations of nested (3 peizometers per nest) piezometers, accessed.
Objective #6: Improve water quality in reservoir, upstream tributaries, and wetlands
Parameter #1: Temperature
Technique/method #1: Install temperature probe
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here):
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why):
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why):
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates):
 Sample size:
Parameter #2: Turbidity
Technique/method #1: Install turbidity probe
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here):
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why):
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why):
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates):
 Sample size:
Technique/method #2: Collect grab samples during high flow events and analyze for TSS and
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here):
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why):
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why):
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates):
 Sample size:
Parameter #3: Nutrient concentrations
Technique/method #1: Collect grab samples during high flow events and analyze for nutrients
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Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here):
Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why):
Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why):
Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates):
Sample size:
Objective #7: Monitor changes in socioeconomics related to the removal of the Gold Ray Dam
Parameter #1: Recreational use
Technique/method #1: Visitor counts
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): Baseline has not been collected. Visitor counts done during summer 2010
will function as the pre-removal baseline.
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): This does not apply
because we will be establishing the baseline during Summer 2010. If there are historical
data on visitor counts in this area, we will incorporate them into our interpretation of the
visitor counts that we gather this summer.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): There is no established desired value for number of visitors.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Visitor counts will be
collected on weekends in May on a bi-weekly basis and then every weekend in June, July
and August. Counts will be done during the daylight hours, and the exact time period has not
yet been determined.
 Sample size: We will be using convenience sampling, i.e. all visitors to the GRD site, who
we can see, will be counted.
Technique/method #2: Surveys
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): We will administer short surveys to a sample of the recreational visitors
to the GRD site in summer 2010. This will function as our pre-removal baseline. We will
utilize a quota sampling method to ensure that questionnaires are administered to hikers,
canoeists, birders, fishers, rafters, etc.
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): We currently do not
have a reference value for our parameter and there is not an ideal number available in the
literature that could be applied to this site.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): We do not have a target number.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates):
 Sample size: We are currently determining a sample size number for these short visitor
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Parameter #1: Impacts on landowners
Technique/method #1: Surveys (Is this true? Are there other parameters?)
Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here):
We will be establishing baseline focus groups with homeowners upstream of the GRD and
downstream in the Gold Ray Estates area. We will conduct one focus group for the affected
area of upstream owners and one focus group for the downstream Gold Ray Estates property
owners. In order to establish baseline property values, we will be accessing the property rolls
to determine which properties will be affected.
Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why):
The information meetings with homeowners and other interested parties that RVCOG has
already conducted will be a source of preliminary data for us. We will draw upon those data
to guide us in creating focus group questions. In addition, we will be looking at similar
studies of property values based on proximity to water.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): The target will be all of the affected upstream and
downstream property owners and the value of their properties.
 Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): Focus groups with
homeowners will be conducted in May and June, 2010
 Sample size: Our goal is to study all of the homeowners and the value of each property,
rather than take a sample of them.
Parameter #1: Commercial impacts (tourism, guides etc)
Technique/method #1: Surveys (Is this true? Are there other parameters?)
 Baseline (pre-construction, or earliest available post-construction numerical value for the
structural parameter, if available. If a baseline for the parameter has not been collected yet
indicate that here): We will be establishing baseline data by doing in-person interviews
during Summer 2010, with the following groups:
 1. All rafting companies that lead rafting trips on the Rogue.
 2. All companies that rent boats or flotation devices on the Rogue upstream
from the GRD.
 3. We have communicated with the Rogue River Guides Association, which
has an active membership of 26 fishing guides. We will do a random
sampling of those guides and interview them.
 4. All individuals or companies who lead hikes in the Table Rock area.
 Reference (ideal numerical value for the parameter, could be from literature or value from a
nearby site; if this does not apply to the parameter please indicate why): We currently do not
have a reference value for our parameters for rafting companies and boat rental companies.
We will be putting together those lists in April. We do not have a parameter for fishing
guides beyond the Rogue River Guides Association and need to do more research into how to
access fishing guides who are not part of that organization.
 Target (proposed numerical value desired for the parameter; if this does not apply to the
parameter please indicate why): We do not have a target value for the parameters.
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Timing/frequency (frequency of sampling, start and end dates): We will administer our
questionnaires only once to each business, for this phase of the research. This will establish
the baseline that we will use as a comparison for the three-year follow-up. We will
administer the questionnaires in April and May, 2010. For fishing guides, we will be
administering the questionnaires during May and June, 2010.
Sample size: We are currently establishing our sampling frames for all the groups. As
indicated above, we will be interviewing fishing guides, all rafting companies, all rental
companies, and all hiking companies.
Agency responsible for monitoring: Jackson County
Funding: NOAA, USGS (40% match), ODEQ (in kind).
Other Ongoing Monitoring at the Site:
Fish Monitoring: The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife plans to monitor anadromous
salmonid populations and other native fish populations and to determine appropriate management
actions for the Rogue River. This includes the development of monitoring techniques to replace the
loss of the fish counting station at GRD. The fish counting station has been the primary tool for
assessing the health of spring Chinook salmon in the Rogue River.
Water Quality Monitoring: Since the mid 1980’s, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
has conducted water temperature monitoring within the main-stem Rogue River. The ODEQ will
continue to work with the Rogue Valley Council of Governments to monitor water temperature and
other water quality parameters at the site and throughout the main-stem Rogue River and major
tributaries into the foreseeable future. The County and other monitoring entities remain committed to
continue their collaborative relationship and seek future funding and opportunities to continue the
evaluation of native fish and wildlife of this area and the riverine, wetland and riparian areas upon
which these species depend.
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