Posted work zones - Headlights On - All motorists are required to

News for Immediate Release
March 19, 2010
PennDOT Announces 2010 Allegheny County Highway and Bridge
Improvement Projects
Pittsburgh, PA - PennDOT District 11 is pleased to announce major improvements
will occur in 2010 on state-owned roads and bridges in Allegheny County.
District 11 will invest an estimated $293 million to improve, preserve or rehabilitate
key infrastructure in Allegheny County.
“Over the past few years, we have been fortunate to complete many important and
much-needed transportation improvement projects here in our region,” District
Executive Dan Cessna, P.E. said. “We will continue those efforts in 2010 focusing on
several main corridors as well as numerous bridges that continue to be our priority
across the State.”
With the start of construction season, motorists are also reminded of the need for
increased awareness and safety when traveling through highway work zones. Work
zone safety tips are provided after the project summaries in this release.
Here’s a preview of the major improvements scheduled for 2010 in Allegheny
Key Projects under Construction in 2010
I-279 Fort Duquesne Bridge: Funded through the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the $26.1 million preservation project includes
improvements on 16 bridge and ramp structures, latex overlays, spot/zone
painting, steel repairs, expansion dam replacements, concrete deck and
substructure repairs, resetting rocker bearings, signing and pavement markings,
and other improvements. Significant work will occur on this project in 2010
including bridge deck and ramp improvements. Full closures and lane restrictions
are planned. To date, the Fort Duquesne and 10th street bypass ramps to the Fort
Duquesne Bridge are completed. Steel and concrete repairs are ongoing at this
time. Within the next couple of months, full production placing latex, hydro
demolition and milling both the bridge and ramps will occur. This project began in
August 2009 and should be complete in late October.
Route 28 Improvements: Several projects will be underway this way to improve
the Allegheny Valley Expressway in Allegheny County.
Railroad relocation/East Ohio Street Prep: The $24.8 million ARRA
funded project will relocate railroad tracks along Route 28 necessary for the
widening project between the Heinz Plant and the 40th Street Bridge. The
project also includes constructing new ramps at the 31st Street Bridge and
relocating a bridge pier. Minimal traffic impacts are expected on Route 28,
although the 31st Street Bridge will be closed for several weeks this summer
when the pier relocation occurs. The project will be completed in May 2012.
ITS Improvements: A separate $2.1 million project is also underway that
includes ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) components on Route 28
plus improvements on other roadways in Lawrenceville that may be used as
alternate routes during the larger Route 28 East Ohio Street widening
project. Some of these improvements in Lawrenceville include widening for a
turning lane, curb cut ramps and sidewalks, upgrading traffic signals, signing
and pavement markings, and other construction. The project will be
completed in June 2010.
Etna Phase V: The final phase of PennDOT’s effort to improve the Etna
interchange started in March. The $27.2 million project includes interchange
and roadway reconstruction, bridge replacement, bridge rehabilitation, wall
construction, approach roadway widening, drainage, guide rail, concrete
barrier, curb, landscaping, highway lighting, signing and pavement markings,
signals, and improvements on Route 28 from approximately 500 feet north of
Exit 4 (Etna) to approximately 800 feet north of Exit 5A (Sharpsburg) in Etna
and Sharpsburg boroughs and Shaler Township. Northbound traffic will be
crossed over on the southbound lanes throughout the summer. Various ramp
closures will also occur.
40th Street Bridge Interchange: The first section of the East Ohio Street
widening project on Route 28 will begin in mid-summer. The $30-40 million
project will create two thru-lanes on southbound Route 28 allowing traffic to
free flow through the intersection with the 40th Street Bridge. Work will be
completed in late summer 2012. Traffic impacts include northbound single
lane traffic due to a southbound express lane crossover.
Route 65: Ohio River Boulevard is another key corridor PennDOT will be focusing
on this construction season:
 I-79 Route 65 Improvements: Various ramp closures and crossovers on
Route 65 will occur as part of this $20.8 million project to improve the I-79
Neville Island Bridge-Route 65 interchange (Exit 66) and approaching
roadways in Neville and Robinson townships and Glenfield Borough. The
overall project will improve I-79, Route 65 and the interchange at Exit 66
including 10 bridge and ramp structures. Work includes concrete pavement
roadway reconstruction, erosion and sedimentation pollution control, highway
lighting, expansion joint replacement, bridge preservation work (latex
overlays, spot/zone painting, steel repairs, expansion dam replacements,
concrete deck and substructure repairs, resetting bearings), bituminous
pavement, signing and pavement marking, and other miscellaneous
construction. The overall project will be completed in October 2010.
 Avalon Widening: Preliminary work started last fall on this $1.4 million
project to widen the existing pavement from 40 feet to 52 feet on Route 65
from the Dilworth Run Bridge to approximately 530 feet south of Locust
Street. Work also includes adding a turn lane for access to Elizabeth Avenue,
milling, resurfacing, utility relocations, drainage, signal upgrades, guiderail,
and other improvements. Lane closures should be expected. Work will
conclude this fall.
Lowries Run Bridge: This $3.3 million project will replace the bridge that
carries Route 65 over Lowries Run Road east of Camp Horne Road in
Emsworth Borough. Lane closures and temporary detours will occur. The
project will begin in late April and will be completed this fall.
I-79 Bridges: The $10-12 million project will repair/replace existing expansion
joints, deck, deteriorated concrete and painting on five bridges between I-279 and
Route 19 in Marshall Township. The project will begin late summer and will be
completed in 2012. The bridges include:
 I-79 NB and SB over Mingo Road (deck replacements)
 I-79 NB and SB over Warrendale-Bayne Road (latex overlays)
 Ramp from I-79 NB to Route 19 at the Cranberry exit (expansion dam
Liberty Tunnel Improvements (Route 3069): Funded through ARRA, Phase II
of PennDOT’s efforts to rehabilitate the Liberty Tunnels in the City of Pittsburgh
started in late 2009. The $9.8 million Phase 2 includes structural concrete repairs in
the northbound (inbound) tunnel and ventilation shaft improvements and
updating/repair of electrical systems in both tunnels. Inbound closures will continue
through August to perform concrete repair on the tunnel walls and arch. The
contractor will remove the existing surface coatings and deteriorated concrete.
Workers will also be entering the inbound ventilation shafts in order to install new
steel support beams and perform concrete restoration. In April, nightly outbound
tunnel closures will resume to allow workers to perform steel and concrete repairs
on the outbound ventilation shafts. The third and final phase of the Liberty Tunnel
Rehabilitation will begin this summer and continue through late 2011.
Parkway East (I-376): The final step in PennDOT’s efforts to improve the
Parkway East from the Fort Pitt Bridge to the Pennsylvania Turnpike will focus on
the outbound (eastbound) lanes between the Penn Hills and Monroeville/Plum
interchanges. The $18.9 million, 4.5 mile project includes milling and resurfacing
mainline and interchange ramps, drainage, guide rail and end treatments,
shoulders, bridge preservation work, acceleration and deceleration ramp
lengthening, signing and pavement marking, guide signing, ITS, overhead detection
system, and other improvements. Lane closures and some ramp detours will occur.
The project will begin in late March and will be completed in fall 2011.
Parkway West Route 22/30 Interchange: Approximately 50% complete, this
$13.7 million ARRA funded project is reconfiguring the existing interchange at
Route 22/30 and Route 60 to improve weaving movements and provide for
increased safety and efficiency. Work also includes reconstruction and resurfacing,
bridge improvements, wall construction, and drainage, guide rail, curbing, highway
lighting, signing and other upgrades; two new traffic signals and signing on
Steubenville Pike (Route 60 and Route 22/30) between Park Manor Boulevard and
Montour Church Road, in Robinson and North Fayette Township. Project will be
completed in late November. This summer, milling and resurfacing will occur on the
Parkway West in the interchange area. This work will impact traffic, but will be
performed during off-peak hours and weekends. Five high mast lights will be
installed within the interchange along with new lighting on some ramps. The bridge
deck on Steubenville Pike over the Parkway West will be repaired and resurfaced.
Route 8 over Gourdhead Run and other bridges: This $6.4 million project
includes the replacing the superstructure on the bridge that carries Route 8 over
Gourdhead Run in Hampton Township as well as improvements on seven other
bridges in Allegheny County. Overall work will conclude in mid-November. Detours
and long-term lane closures will occur. Additional bridges include:
 Route 978 (Battle Ridge Road) over Dolphin Run in South Fayette Township
 Lincoln Way (Route 2031) over Long Run in White Oak Borough
 Walton Road (Route 3021) over Lobbs Run in Jefferson Hills Borough
 Kelso Road (3051) over North Branch in North Fayette Township
 Burgettstown Road (Route 3078) over the north branch of Montour Run in
Findlay Township
 Big Sewickley Creek Road (Route 4036) over Big Sewickley Creek Run in
Economy Borough
 Grubbs Road (Route 4048) over Pine Creek in McCandless Township
Parkway North (I-279) Mt. Nebo Road Slide: This $2.1 million project will
replace a culvert located along I-279 running parallel to Mt. Nebo Road in Ohio
Township. Work will occur this summer.
Parkway West (I-376) Bridges at Carnegie: A $5.4 million project set to begin
this spring that will improve three bridges on the Parkway West in the Carnegie
interchange area. The project includes bearing and modular expansion dam
replacements, concrete substructure repairs and the installation of an anti-icing
system. Work will conclude this fall.
Route 48 Boston Bridge: Estimated between $20-25 million, this project will
rehabilitate the eight span, thru-truss bridge that carries Route 48 over the
Youghiogheny River in Elizabeth Township and Versailles Borough. Work is expected
to begin in June with a completion in late summer 2012. Lane closures and
weekend detours are planned. The bridge will remain open during peak travel
Route 88 Library/Castle Shannon Road: The $4.7 million project, started in late
2009, includes milling and bituminous paving, realignment, widening, drainage,
guide rail, shoulders, signing and pavement markings, signals, retaining walls, and
other improvements on 1.15 miles of Route 88 from Castle Shannon Boulevard to
Sixth/Killarney Streets. Lane closures and single lane alternating use traffic
patterns will occur. The overall project will be completed in September 2010.
Route 910 Saxonburg Boulevard: Partially funded through ARRA, the $9.1
million project includes new concrete pavement and shoulders, guide rail updates,
minor drainage repairs and other updates to Route 910 from Route 28 to
Saxonburg Boulevard Indiana and Harmar townships. The project also includes
repairs to two bridges including expansion joint repairs, deck overlay, substructure
repairs, and new approach slabs. This project began in late 2009 and will be
complete this year. Closures and lane restrictions are expected.
West Liberty Improvements (Route 3069): Estimated between $6-7 million,
this project will mill and resurface West Liberty Avenue from Saw Mill Run
Boulevard (Route 51) in the City of Pittsburgh to McFarland Road (Route 3119) in
Dormont including minor base repairs, joint repairs, inlet and manhole
improvements, improved delineation to clarify lane designations, new traffic signals,
pedestrian crossings, ADA ramp and sidewalk improvements, and roadway
excavation and reconstruction to remove old trolley tracks, cobble stone and
slag/cement. Lane closures, detours and other traffic restrictions will occur. Work
will begin mid-summer and conclude in late summer 2011.
Business I-376 Improvements: This $5-8 million project will reconstruct and
rehabilitate Business I-376 (formerly Business Route 60) from Ewing Road to Cargo
Road in Moon Township. Lane closures and possible detours will occur. Work will
begin in late spring and will be completed in fall 2011.
Route 910 Wexford Run Road: Estimated between $0-1 million, this project
includes widening the existing roadway from 42 feet to 63 feet, creating four travel
lanes and a center turn lane, curb gutter will be installed, new sidewalks, left turn
lanes at intersections, new traffic signals and other improvements on 2.25 miles of
Route 19 from Route 910 to the top of Pine Creek Hill. Construction is anticipated to
begin in late summer 2010 and continue through late fall 2011. Lane closures will
Route 51: Estimated between $5-7 million, this project will replace the bridge that
carries Route 51 over Lewis Run Road and also includes milling and resurfacing,
upgrading drainage, guide rail and other improvements on about 5 miles of Route
51 from Curry Hollow Road to Coal Valley Road in Pleasant Hills, Baldwin, Jefferson
Hills and West Mifflin Borough. Work is scheduled to begin this spring and be
completed in late summer 2011. Lane closures and detours can be expected.
Route 136 Rainbow Run Road Bridge: The estimated $1-2 million project will
replace the existing structure that carries Route 136 (Rainbow Run Road) over
Route 3037 (Scott Road) in Mt. Lebanon Township and Dormont Borough. This
project is scheduled to begin in early summer and will be completed in Spring 2011.
Traffic will be detoured during construction.
Bettis Road (Route 2116) Bridge: This $1.3 million project will
replace/rehabilitate the existing single-span steel through-girder bridge that carries
Bettis Road over Union Railroad tracks in West Mifflin. This project will begin this
spring with a completion in early 2011. Traffic will be detoured.
Route 885 Glenwood Interchange Phase I: The estimate $8-9 million project
will rehabilitate the current structure that carries Mifflin Road over Streets Run
Road in the City of Pittsburgh. The project is the first phase of efforts to improve
the Glenwood Interchange. Work will begin in mid-spring and will be completed in
early 2011. Crossovers and detours will occur.
Route 910 Bridge: A $659,132 project to replace the existing bridge with new box
culvert over Willow Run on Route 910 at the intersection with Grubb's Road in
Richland Township will begin this spring and be completed this fall. A detour will
Lovedale Road (Route 2010) Bridge: The $945,970 project will replace the
bridge that carries Lovedale Road over Wylie Run in Elizabeth Township and Lincoln
Borough. This project will begin this spring and will be completed this fall. Traffic
will be detoured.
Streets Run Road (Route 2046) Bridge: This estimated $1.8-2 million project
will replace the existing structure that carries Streets Run Road over Streets Run in
West Mifflin and Baldwin. This project is scheduled to begin this spring with a
completion in fall 2011. A detour will occur.
Greensburg (Route 2087) Pike Bridge: Work started in March on this $4.5
million project to replace the bridge that carries Greensburg Pike over Route 30 in
North Versailles. Traffic is being detoured. The project will be completed this fall.
Half Crown Road (Route 3051) Bridge: Work will begin this spring on this $4-5
million project to replace a three span structure that carries Half Crown Road over
Route 22 at the Noblestown exit in North Fayette Township. Traffic will be detoured.
Work will conclude in summer 2011.
Tonidale-Montour Church Road (Route 3086) Bridge: This estimated $4-6
million project will rehabilitate the bridge that carries Montour Church Road over
Route 22 at the Tonidale Interchange in North Fayette Township. Work includes
replacing the superstructure, widening and improving clearance under the
structure. This project is scheduled to begin in early summer and will be completed
in fall 2011. A detour will occur.
Route 65 Marshall Interchange Phase I: Scheduled to begin this summer, the
estimated $15-16 million project is the first phase of efforts to improve the Route
65 Marshall Interchange area at Chateau Street & California Avenue in the City of
Pittsburgh. Work will occur late summer through fall 2011. Lane closures and
possible detours will occur.
Route 906 Beckets Run Bridge: Traffic will be maintained during this estimated
$600,000-800,000 project to the structure that carries Route 906 over Beckets Run
in Forward Township. Work will begin this fall and will be completed in fall 2011.
Traffic will be maintained.
Tri-Boro Bridges: Detours and changing traffic patterns will continue this spring
and summer to replace and rehabilitate several bridges on the Tri-Boro
Expressway/Braddock Avenue (Route 130/2083) in East Pittsburgh. Multiple
projects will be underway at the T-intersection with East Pittsburgh McKeesport
Boulevard. Motorists should expect continued detours and restrictions through this
Route 8 Butler Park/Wildwood: The estimated $6-7 million project includes
milling and resurfacing and other improvements on about 3.5 miles of Route 8 from
Butler Plank Road to Wildwood Road in Shaler and Hampton townships. Work will
begin in early summer and will be completed this fall. Lane closures will occur.
Route 19 Widening: This estimated $10-15 million project will widen and
resurface, add turning lanes and other improvements on Route 19 from Pine Creek
Hill to Wallace Road in Pine and McCandless townships. This project is scheduled to
begin this summer and continue through 2012.
Safety Improvements: The estimated $4-5 million project includes safety
improvements and ITS work I-376 (Parkway East), I-579 (Crosstown Boulevard), I79, Route 60, Route 22/30 and Route 65. Work will occur spring through fall 2011.
Traffic Signal Upgrades and Coordination:
 Route 19 Perry Highway from Ivory to Sewickley Oakmont Road in Pine
and Ross townships, West View Borough and the City of Pittsburgh. Work will
occur late spring through fall 2011.
 Route 50 from Collier Street to Noblestown/Poplar Road in Carnegie,
Greentree, Heidelberg, Scott Township and the City of Pittsburgh. Work will
occur spring through fall 2011.
 General: The estimated $1-2 million project includes signal equipment
upgrades and improvements at 96 intersections on Route 19, Route 30,
Route 50, Route 121, Route 1001, Route 3072 in Allegheny County and
Route 3016 and Route 3007 in Beaver County. Work will occur in early
summer through late fall.
 McKnight Road (Route 4003): This project includes upgrading and
coordinating traffic signals at four locations on McKnight Road from Siebert
Road to Pine Creek Road in Ross and McCandless. Work will occur midspring through late fall.
Group Resurfacing Contracts
The routes listed below will be improved in 2010 under contract group projects
(work areas may be subject to change).
 Highland Park Bridge Ramps: Concrete patching, repairs, mill and
resurfacing on various ramp in Pittsburgh and O’Hara Township.
Second Avenue (Route 885): Mill and resurface, base repair, drainage
upgrades in the area of Greenfield Avenue in Pittsburgh
Fifth Avenue (Rout 2021/2094): Mill and resurface, base repair, drainage
improvements from Rebecca Street to Jerome Street Bridge in McKeesport
Butler Street (Route 2122): Mill and resurface, base repair, drainage
improvements, utility work from 57th Street to 62nd Street Bridge in
Library Road (Route 88): Mill and resurface, base repair, drainage
improvements, utility adjustments from Baptist Road to Castle Shannon
Boulevard in Bethel Park and Castle Shannon
Baptist Road (Route 3009): Mill and resurface, base repair, drainage
improvements, utility adjustments from Baptist Road Bridge to Grove Road in
Bethel Park and White Hall
Scott Road (Route 3037): Mill and resurface, base repair, drainage
improvements, utility adjustments from Castle Shannon Boulevard to
Washington Road in Dormont and Mt. Lebanon
Route 19 (Perry Highway): Mill and resurface from Center Avenue to
Three Degree Road in West View and Ross
Route 65 (Ohio River Boulevard): Mill and resurface from California
Avenue to McKees Rocks Bridge in Pittsburgh
Route 910 (Wexford Bayne Road): Mill and resurface from I-79 to Mingo
Road in Pine Township
Route 910 (Salem Hollow Road): Mill and resurface and base repair from
Route 19 to Pearce Mill Road in Pine Township
Route 4042 (Bayne Wexford Road): Mill and resurface from Rochester
Road to I-79 in Franklin Park
In addition to the work listed above, District 11 will be making many improvements
to the transportation system in Allegheny County through various County
Maintenance activities. District 11 will also be performing numerous bridge
preservation projects around the county in an increased effort to address critical
bridge needs. Visit for more information on PennDOT
activities in Allegheny County.
Work Zone Safety Tips
In high traffic locations, motorists are encouraged to use both lanes of travel to the
merge point. Once at the merge point, motorists are encouraged to take turns
merging into the open lane and continue through the work zone. When motorists
cooperate and use the late merge system, it will create a zipper like effect with
traffic which will reduce the length of the queue, allow traffic to move more fluidly
and also prevent a lot of aggressive merging.
If you encounter our work zones, please keep the following tips in mind for your
safety and the safety of highway workers.
 Drive the posted work-zone speed limit.
Stay alert and pay close attention to signs and flaggers.
Turn on your headlights.
Maintain a safe distance around vehicles. Don´t tailgate.
Use four-way flashers when stopped or traveling slowly.
Avoid distractions and give your full attention to the road.
Always buckle up.
Expect the unexpected.
Be patient.
Work Zone Laws - Pennsylvania´s work zone safety laws are designed to protect
both highway workers and motorists:
Posted work zones - Headlights On - All motorists are required to travel with their
headlights turned on in all posted work zones, not just active work zones. It is
necessary for drivers in vehicles with daytime running lights to turn on their
headlights in order to activate their taillights.
Active Work Zones - Posting of Active Work Zones - Active work zones are
designated by a white flashing light attached to an “Active Work Zone” sign to
notify motorists when they enter and leave the work zone. The flashing light will
only be activated when workers are present and turned off when workers are not
Fifteen-Day Loss of License for Driving Dangerously - Motorists caught driving
11 miles per hour or more above the posted speed limit in an active work zone, or
who are involved in a crash in an active work zone and are convicted for failing to
drive at a safe speed, will automatically lose their license for 15 days.
Fines Doubled/Jail Time Increased - Fines for certain traffic violations including speeding, driving under the influence, and failure to obey traffic devices are doubled for active work zones. Also, the law provides for up to five years of
additional jail time for individuals convicted of homicide by vehicle for a crash that
occurred in an active work zone.
To receive press releases and traffic advisories from PennDOT District 11, send your
email address to Information on key projects is also available
on District 11’s construction hotline number, 412-429-6035.
PennDOT advises motorists to use caution, slow down, and expect changing traffic
patterns when traveling through the area. Motorists are also reminded they can log
on to or call 511 from any phone to check traffic conditions and
cameras on major roadways before traveling.
Media Contact: Jim Struzzi, Press Officer
(412) 429-5010 (Office)
(412) 292-9357 (Cell Phone)