
Independence – Freedom - Happiness
Hanoi, November 16, 2010
On coordination in the protection, care and improvement
of people’s health
Period 2011-2020
After 10 years of implementation of the Joint Resolution No.
01/1999/NQLT-BYT-CTD dated in 05 August 1999 and the Amending and
Supplementing Resolution No. 01/2003/NQLT-BYT-CTD dated in 03 April
2003 between the Ministry of Health and the Vietnam Red Cross Society on
“coordination in implementing strategic guidelines on people’s health care from
now to 2010 and 2020”, some coordinated activities in people’s health care
work have been implemented and recorded good results, such as
communication, education on voluntary blood donation, health education,
hygiene and disease prevention, meals for the poor, humanitarian medical
treatment, community-based first aid. Nowadays the people’s demand for health
protection, care and improvement is becoming greater and greater, thus
requiring the Health sector as well as the Vietnam Red Cross Society to further
enhance coordination in the 2011-2020 period.
With a view to bringing into play the results attained over the 10 years of
coordinated implementation of people’s health care task, satisfying the demands
in the new situation under Resolution No. 46-NQ/TW dated in 23 February 2005
of the Politburo on “The task of protecting, taking care of and improving
people’s in the new situation”, Resolution No. 43-CT/TW dated in 08 June 2010
of the Secretariat of the Party’s Central Committee on “Strengthening party
leadership in the Vietnam Red Cross’s operation”, the Law on Donation,
Removal and Transplantation of Human Tissues, Organs and Body” of 2006, the
Law on Red Cross Activities of 2008, the Law on Medical Treatment of 2009,
Resolution No. 18/2008/QH12 dated in 03 June 2008 of the National Assembly
on intensifying the implementation of socialization policies in order to improve
the quality of people’s health, the Ministry of Health and the Vietnam Red Cross
Society unanimously promulgated the Joint Resolution on coordination in the
protection, care and improvement of people’s health in the 2011-2020 period as
Enhancing coordination between the Ministry of Health and the Vietnam
Red Cross National Headquarters and between their respective units at lower
levels in order to effectively carry out the task of people’s health protection, care
and improvement.
1.Health dissemination, communication and education
1.1 The Health sector
a) Guiding and providing materials, documents, technical and financial
assistance (if possible) from national medical programs and international
projects for Red Cross Society at all levels to coordinate in implementation of
health education, communication, dissemination in community.
b) Coordinating in the organization of training courses, trips, experience
exchange seminars on health education and primary health care in a manner that
suitable to the local realities for communal and village health workers, Red
Cross’s staff and volunteers.
c) Coordinating with Red Cross at all levels in dissemination/ promotion
campaigns for disease prevention, the National Week on Labour Safety, Safe
Food and Fire-explosion Prevention, World’s Environment Day etc.
1.2 The Vietnam Red Cross Society
a) Developing Red Cross volunteer network; educating and training
volunteers on a regular basis in order to enhance their abilities in terms of
knowledge, communication skills of health education, promotion.
b) Organizing activities on health education, promotion via mass media,
direct communication in the community through the Red Cross volunteers
c) Disseminating and mobilizing Red Cross staff, members, youths and
volunteers to set themselves as role models and to mobilize people in their
communities in health insurance programmes and health protection activities
such as environmental sanitation and hygiene, disease prevention, food safety,
extended vaccination, infectious and dangerous diseases prevention,
malnutrition reduction, mother and child health care and reproductive health
care as well as in other people’s health protection, care and improvement
programmes that initiated by the Health sector.
2. Community-based first aid work
2.1. The Health sector
a) Providing documents, sharing information concerning first aid;
coordinating in the organization of and providing trainers for training courses on
community-based first aid that held by the Red Cross Society.
b) Instructing and providing support in terms of medical equipments,
professional skills and knowledge for first aid stations, centres, points,
especially those on the main traffic ways, in sea, island, mountainous and
remote areas.
c) Coordinating in the implementation of first aid stations at public
medical centres in communes, districts, Red Cross healthcare centers and and
private clinics.
2.2 The Vietnam Red Cross Society
a) Organizing training courses to improve knowledge, skills and methods
of community-based first aid and issuing certificates of participation for Red
Cross staff, members, youths and volunteers as well as for people, agencies,
enterprises, schools, organizations and individuals on request.
b) Consolidating, upgrading and establishing first aid stations; setting up
safe taxi and motorbike taxi teams in order to provide on-site first aid and to
transport patients to medical centres in a timely manner.
3. Mobilization of voluntaryblood donation
3.1 The Health sector
a) Sharing information, agreeing with the Red Cross Society on demand
of and plan for collecting and using blood and blood products.
b) Instructing and assisting to Red Cross humanitarian blood donation
centres in terms of professional skills and knowledge, techniques in receiving
and preserving blood and blood products.
c) Coordinating and participating in education, communication activities
in humanitarian blood donation, collecting blood from fixed and mobile blood
donation centres and Red Cross humanitarian blood donation centres.
3.2. The Vietnam Red Cross Society
a) Organizing education and communication activities, mobilizing Red
Cross staff, members, youths and volunteers as well as nonremunerated blood
donors so as to ensure the sufficiency of blood to be used for treatment and in
case of disaster. The target is to reach and sustain 100% voluntary blood
donation by 2015.
b) Organizing training courses, improving education, communication
skills and knowledge, donor mobilization for Red Cross staff, members, youths
and volunteers as well as people on voluntary blood donation.
c) Coordinating in setting up fixed and mobile humanitarian blood
donation centres; developing, consolidating and upgrading Red Cross
humanitarian blood donation centres in accordance with the Law on Red Cross
d) Coordinating with the Health sector in establishing mechanisms and
formulating policies on voluntary blood donation; commending and rewarding
individuals and groups for excellent records in voluntary blood donation
4. Mobilization of human tissue, organ and body donation
4.1 The Health sector
a) Instructing, providing documents, materials concerning human tissue,
organ and body donation.
b) Establishing mechanisms and formulating policies on human tissue,
organ and body donation.
c) Taking responsibility in collecting donated tissues, organs and body.
d) Providing finance for education, communication and mobilization
expenses per quantity of donated tissues, organs and body that have been
mobilized by the Red Cross Society.
4.2. The Vietnam Red Cross Society
a) Education, communication and mobilizing Red Cross staff, members,
youths and volunteers as well as people to register for tissue, organ and body
donation upon their decease.
b) Informing and coordinating with the Health sector in receiving donated
tissues, organs and body, commending good wills of donors and their families.
c) Coordinating with the Health sector in establishing mechanisms and
formulating policies on tissue, organ and body donation; commending and
rewarding individuals, families and groups for excellent achievements in the
tissue, organ and body donation movement.
5. Humanitarian medical service activities
5.1 The Health sector
a) Instructing and supporting in terms of professional skills, means of
transport, medicine and medical equipments, staff education and training
depending on each agency’s capabilities.
b) Dispatching medical personnel to humanitarian medical treatment
programs held by the Red Cross Society; coordinating with Red Cross clinics in
examination, orthopaedic surgery and rehabilitation for invalids and victims of
chemical/ carbon dioxide used by the US in the Vietnam War.
5.2 The Vietnam Red Cross Society
a) Setting up, consolidating and upgrading Red Cross clinics, aiming at
establishing humanitarian hospitals, mobilizing doctors in voluntary
examination and treatment programmes for those in difficulty and the needy;
providing medical treatment to people when needed and in accordance with the
b) Setting up groups of Red Cross volunteer doctors, organizing
humanitarian medical treatment programs, supplying free medicine for
beneficiaries of social welfare, the poor, chemical/ carbon dioxide victims,
vulnerable people , people living mountainous and remote areas or areas hit by
naturaldisasters, diseases, epidemics as well as in other areas in need and in
accordance with the laws.
6. Disaster, disease and epidemic prevention and control, preventive
health care, environment and food safety
6.1. The Health sector
a) Instructing and supporting in terms of technique, providing the
community with education documents and materials; providing prototypes of
water well, container and toilet which meet the technical standard set by
Minister of Health.
b) Coordinating with the Red Cross Society at all levels in supporting
people in preventing and overcoming the consequence of natural disasters.
6.2. The Vietnam Red Cross Society
a) Mobilizing Red Cross staff, members, youths and volunteers as well as
people to participate in activities relating to infectious disease prevention,
especially dangerous diseases, epidemics such as Influenza A (H5N1), Influenza
A (H1N1), influenza pandemic and HIV/AIDS.
b) Mobilizing people to ensure food safety, environment sanitation;
instructing people to use and preserve clean water source properly, using toilets
in accordance with technical standard set by Minister of Health; mobilizing
people to take part in the construction of a safe community programmes for
accident and injury prevention. Mobilizing human resource to prevent diseases,
improve hygiene and environmental condition for poor families and households
that are affected by natural disasters.
c) Mobilizing every resource to help evacuate people from floods,
landslides, building and pit collapses when a disaster occurs as well as assisting
people in overcoming the consequences of natural disasters.
7. Providing charity meals for poor patients at medical centres
7.1. The Health sector
a) Preparing places and facilities to establish charity kitchen (cooking
place, meal distribution, eating place) for patients; supervising hygiene
condition and food safety.
b) Coordinating in raising funds for the charity kitchen.
7.2. The Vietnam Red Cross Society
a) Setting up, maintaining and expanding charity kitchens and improving
the quality of meals for poor patients with various forms such as providing free
drinking water, milk, soups and rice for poor patients.
b) Taking initiative in coordinating with the Health sector at different
levels to establish executive boards for charity kitchen management at hospitals.
1. Central level
a) The Ministry of Health appoints representatives to the Central
Executive Committee of the Vietnam Red Cross Society in coordinated
activities. The Ministry of Health supports the Vietnam Red Cross Society in its
participation in projects relating to the aforementioned activities.
b) The Vietnam Red Cross National Headquarters appoints
representatives to take part in national health programs concerning the
aforementioned activities.
c) The two sides coordinate in implementing the contents of the joint
resolution by issuing instruction documents for their respective units, deciding
on measures, organizing implementation with focus on the grass-roots units.
d) Annually, the two sides agree on the focused contents for coordination,
selected prioritized activities drawing experience and disseminating best
practices on a large scale; hold preliminary wrap-up, review meetings and discus
coordinated solutions for the following year; regularly keep each other informed
of programs and operations of mutual concern.
e) The Administration for Medical Servicesof the Ministry of Health and
Health care Department of the Vietnam Red Cross Society are the focal points
responsible for the implementation of the joint resolution.
If any problem or difficulty arises from its implementation, leaders from
the Ministry of Health and the Vietnam Red Cross Society will discuss and
reach agreement for timely modification and amendment of the joint resolution.
2. Provincial, district and grass-roots levels
a) The Department of Health acts as a counselor for provincial people’s
committees to make coordinated activities with the Red Cross Society become a
criterion in assessing year-end emulation of medical facilities in the province.
The Health sectors from provincial to grass-roots levels appoint staff to attend
executive boards/ standing committees of the Society at the corresponding level;
encourage and facilitate staff and personnel to take part in activities held by the
Red Cross Societies at all levels.
b) Hospitals, medical centres in districts, cities belonging to provinces and
communes as well as medical stations in communes and wards instruct and
support, in terms of professional skills and knowledge, to Red Cross at
respective level to implement community-based health care activities.
Establishing Red Cross units in medical facilities.
c) Annually, Red Cross Society in central cities and provinces base on the
contents of the Joint Resolution to develop coordinated programs with the
Health sector, which is considered as a criterion in assessing emulation of
societies at all levels.
d) The Red Cross Society mobilizes medical centres to establish Red
Cross units in their offices. Setting up health care volunteer network including
Red Cross members, volunteers and medical staff in villages..
This joint resolution comes in to effect on the date of signing.
Resolution No. 01/1999/NQ-BYT-CTD
coordination in the implementation of strategic
care from now until 2000 and Resolution No.
coordination in the implementation of strategic
care by 2020 cease to be effective upon the
dated 5th August 1999 on
guidelines for people’s health
01/2003/NQLT-BYT-CTD on
guidelines for people’s health
entry into force of this joint
Tran Ngoc Tang
Nguyen Quoc Trieu
- The Prime Minister;
- Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan;
- Central Propaganda Department, Central
Executive Committee, Central Public Relations
- Office of the Party Central Committee;
- Office of the National Assembly; Office of the
President, Office of the Government;
- National Assembly’s Committee for Social
- Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Home
- Party committees and people’s committees of
central cities and provinces;
- Department of Health, Red Cross societies in
central cities and provinces;
- Deputy Ministers of Health;
- Members of the Central Executive Committee of
the Red Cross Society;
- Departments, Office, Directorates of the
Ministry of Health;
- Branches, Units of the Central Committee of the
Vietnam Red Cross Society;
- Kept in the Medical Services Administration,
the Health Care Committee, and Secretary.