Essay Cheat Sheet

AP World History
Essay Cheat Sheet
The Document Based Question (DBQ)
I. Introduction Paragraph
A. Introduction sentence/hook (1 – 2 sentences)
B. Thesis statement (answer the prompt; layout groups; 1 – 3 sentences)
II. 1st Body Paragraph (1 for each group)
A. Reintroduce your first group
B. For each document:
1. Introduce the document (use information for the document’s source line)
2. Analyze the document (use evidence from the document to fit it to your group; 1 – 2 sentences) [DOC]
3. Examine point of view [POV]
C. Call for an additional document that would help answer the prompt [AD]
III. 2nd Body Paragraph (follow the same pattern as the last paragraph, but for your next group)
IV. 3rd Body Paragraph (follow the same pattern as the last paragraph, but for your next group if necessary)
V. Conclusion Paragraph
A. Restate your thesis using different wording
The Comparative Essay (COMP)
I. Introduction Paragraph
A. Introduction sentence/hook (1 – 2 sentences)
B. Thesis statement (answer the prompt; address comparisons and contrasts; 1 – 3 sentences)
Example “In both region 1 and region 2, a, b, and c were similar, but x, y, and z differed.”
II. 1st Body Paragraph (Comparisons)
A. Reintroduce your comparisons
B. For each comparison:
1. State clearly and directly the comparison
2. Provide evidence/facts that explain the comparison
3. Analyze why the comparison exists
III. 2 Body Paragraph (Contrasts) (follow the same pattern as the last paragraph, but for your contrasts)
IV. Conclusion Paragraph
A. Restate your thesis using different wording
Change Over Time Essay (COT)
I. Introduction Paragraph
A. Introduction sentence/hook (1 – 2 sentences)
B. Thesis statement (answer the prompt; address changes and continuities; 1 – 3 sentences)
Example: “From the period (dates) a, b, and c were changed, but x, y, and z continued.”
II. 1st Body Paragraph (Changes)
A. Reintroduce your changes
B. For each change:
1. State clearly and directly the change
2. Provide evidence/facts that explain the change (analysis)
3. Analyze why the change exists and if possible, relate it to a global event of the period
III. 2nd Body Paragraph (Continuities) (follow the same pattern as the last paragraph, but for your continuities)
IV. Conclusion Paragraph
A. Restate your thesis using different wording