9th grade Career Research Project Step1: Complete the “career interest profiler” on naviance Step 2: Based on the results of this choose 1 career that interests you. The career you choose may be from the results of the interest profiler. Your career choice must involve medium to extensive preparation DO NOT choose from the little to no, or some preparation columns. Step 3: Your research project will be a PowerPoint presentation. You must follow the directions for each slide and cite all of your information. Slide 1: Title Slide Image of Profession (You must cite your source) Title of Profession Your Name Class Period Slide 2: Job Description Please include the following: Job Responsibilities -2 bullet minimum Typical Tasks -2 bullet minimum Daily Activities -2 bullet minimum Slide 3: Personal characteristic Important skills -2 bullet minimum Important abilities -2 bullet minimum Knowledge area-2 bullet minimum Slide 4: Education Possible college offering this career -2 bullet minimum Timeline –How long is the program? Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Doctorate Special certifications Does this career require an internship or apprenticeship? Slide 4: Salary What will your salary be at different points in your career? Slide 5: Work Setting How many hours would you generally work? What would your work environment be like (office, classroom)? Would you travel? Would your job be stressful? Step 4: Classified Ad Find and print, email or upload a classified ad for your chosen career. Step 5: Extra Credit Interview one person from the career area that most interests you. If you choose to do this please see me for the additional handout. Step 6 Work Cited Use: http://www.easybib.com/ Please print out a hard copy, upload your e-mail me a work cited page using MLA format. The work cited should cite your PowerPoint, classified ad, and interview (extra credit). Helpful websites: http://easybib.com http://www.glencoe.com/sec/careers/cclusters/student/introclusters.shtml http://www.nysegov.com/citGuide.cfm?superCat=36 http://www.bls.gov/oco/ http://online.onetcenter.org/ http://connection.naviance.com/rck Classified Ads: http://classifieds.poughkeepsiejournal.com/osform/MVCCService?osform_template=/poj o/branding/index.html&publication=pojo http://regionalhelpwanted.com/hudson-valley-jobs/ http://jobmarket.nytimes.com/pages/jobs/ Interview-Extra Credit REMEMBER: You are not asking for a job. You have the right and the responsibility to yourself to seek information from those who can help you. Prepare yourself for the information interview by learning as much as you can about the field and the person you will be interviewing. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask Be prepared to take notes during the interview. Express interest and appreciation. Who did you interview? Where do they work? What is his/her career? STANDARD INFORMATION INTERVIEW QUESTIONS: How would you characterize this career? (Competitive, conservative, rapidly changing, stressful, etc.) What are your predictions for the future for this career? Is it expanding? Are qualified workers needed in this field? Where is the greatest need? What is the potential income for this career? What is the typical starting salary range? What is a typical day/week like in your job? What do you like most about your job? What do you like least? If you were hiring someone for this job, what kind of person would you hire? What skills and personal attributes are most important? What qualifications would a person need? How did you get into this career? What was your career path? What personal advice would you give to someone wanting to enter and advance in this career field? What education or training is required? What courses/major should a person choose? What schools are best to attend? What are typical mistakes people make that prevent advancement in this career? FEEL FREE TO MAKE UP YOUR OWN QUESTIONS. BE SURE TO MAKE NOTES OF ANSWERS GIVEN. Notes on interview: