C121 Public Speaking Syllabus
(ACP Speech)
Mrs. Holly Reineking
Phone: (317) 867-6961
Twitter: @hreineking
Course Description
C121 at Indiana University is a contemporary course in the art of rhetoric. What is rhetoric? Rhetoric is
communication directed toward social action. In this course, we will focus on the persuasive dimensions of public
speaking. Our approach will be grounded in rhetorical theory as well as contemporary examples of great
speaking in a variety of contexts. You’ll learn how to prepare convincing arguments enlivened with confident
delivery and based on a thorough understanding of your audience. Throughout the course, we’ll focus on the
importance of personal character—ethos—to your credibility as a speaker. Wherever your future path leads,
you’ll find public speaking is an indispensable resource.
Course Objectives
We will work toward several learning objectives this trimester, enabling you to:
1. Improve your confidence, vocal delivery and physical control as a speaker
2. Carefully reflect on your own strengths and weaknesses as a speaker in order to set specific goals for
improvement over time
3. Better comprehend how persuasion operates in order to construct effective arguments in your
own speeches, as well as evaluate and respond to the claims of others
4. Critically examine a variety of discourses from a rhetorical perspective to understand their strategies
and evaluate their ethical implications
5. Analyze diverse speaking contexts and situations and develop an appropriate response
Required Course Materials
 The Speaker: The Tradition and Practice of Public Speaking (2nd Edition) by Joseph Valenzano III and Stephen
Braden. Fountainhead Press: 2012.
Binder for workbook pages, notes and speech day materials
C121’s Approach to Public Speaking
First, in C121, we assume that public speaking should be a fun and engaging class that is intellectually
challenging. However, if you are expecting C121 to be solely a matter of great delivery and personal charm,
you will be disappointed. You have to have something meaningful to say before it’s worth saying.
Second, there are three key components to improving public speaking ability:
o Studying many examples of effective speaking, both from contemporary life and from history
o Speaking in public frequently
o Watching videos of yourself speaking, so that you can see for yourself what you do well and
what could use improvement.
C121 Public Speaking makes use of all three of these components to help us translate what we read about and
see in others into our own improved rhetorical skills.
We will work toward the learning objectives above through the following main rhetorical events:
(1) Introductory Speech: a 1-2 minute speech introducing a classmate
(2) Media Review Speech: a 3-5 minute persuasive speech convincing your audience to enjoy or avoid a
media text (e.g., film, album, book, television series)
(3) Informative Speech: a 5-7 minute speech explaining a concept or issue
(4) Advocacy Speech: a 7-9 minute persuasive speech urging your audience to take action on a significant
social issue
(5) Ceremonial Speech: a 3-5 minute speech to practice assembling and delivering a type of speech you
are very likely to encounter in your lifetime
All of your speeches will be digitally recorded, and you will complete a written review of your first three
speeches to improve your speaking skills. Speeches 2, 3, and 4 will be accompanied by an outline that will be
reviewed by your peers in class prior to your speech date. In addition to your prepared speeches, you’ll
deliver impromptu speeches and participate in class activities designed to improve your speaking and listening
skills. You will take several quizzes during the semester that will cover the textbook chapters, workbook
pages and supplemental readings. You’ll also complete key written assignments that support the process of
public speaking. Your final exam will be a written reflection.
There are 700 total points in C121 in the following categories:
Speeches & Written Work (460)
Introductory Speech (30)
Public Speaking Inventory (5); Speech (20); Video Reflection (5)
Persuasive Speaker Review Essay (15)
This assignment will ask you to write a 2-3 page analysis of a public speech
Media Review Speech (75)
Outline (10); Speech (60); Video Reflection (5)
Informative Speech (130)
Topic Proposal (15); Outline (10); Speech (100); video Reflection (5)
Advocacy Speech (150)
Outline (10); Speech (120); opposition speech (20)
Ceremonial Speech (60)
Prep outline (10); Speech (50)
C121 Quizzes (75)
Quizzes (5 @ 15) = 75
While not all reading material will be discussed together in class, all assigned readings are fair
game for quizzes.
Chapter Notes and Readings (100)
This will include vocabulary, chapter questions and supplemental readings throughout the
Class Participation (50)
Work in this category will include: impromptu or brief speeches, short writing assignments, overall
professionalism, participation during class, peer reviews or other activities.
Final Exam (15)
Per WHS guidelines your final exam will be weighted at 20%
93-100 A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
Grading Scale
77-79 C+
65-69 D
73-76 C
64 and below F
70-72 C-
*For those wanting to receive IU credit for this course you need to understand that the grade
submitted to IU may not necessarily be the same as the grade earned for WHS (see late work and
attendance policies below)
** Keep track of your grades and your absences in C121. It is your responsibility to retain copies of
your work for the duration of the class.
Policies for all C121 Sections
Civil, Respectful Discourse—C121 is an active class characterized by a great deal of discussion, often of
controversial subjects. At all times, a supportive classroom climate of mutual respect for all people is
expected. Even if people vigorously disagree with one another, they can and must do so with civility and
respect. Any behavior that is disrespectful to others or has the potential to damage the learning environment
of our class will not be tolerated.
Academic Integrity —Respect for yourself, your classmates, and your instructor demands that all work you
produce in this class be your own. All C121 instructors aggressively pursue and “prosecute” cases of academic
misconduct. We know how to use the Internet. We talk amongst ourselves about student speeches. The
minimum penalty in C121 for academic misconduct is an F on the assignment in question; the maximum
penalty is failure in the entire course.
To demonstrate your intention to produce your own work and uphold academic integrity in C121 please
read and sign the “C121 Academic Honesty Contract” that you will be given in class.
No Late Work—All work is physically (bring a printed copy) due at the beginning of class on the specified
date. Start early on your work to allow for last-minute problems. If you do not turn in an assignment in class
on the day it is due, it will receive a score of zero. If you must miss class on a day an assignment is due,
contact your instructor to make arrangements to turn in your work before it is due.
No Late Speeches—There is no “right” to make up a missed speech. The only day you are guaranteed to
be able to deliver your speech is on your assigned speech day. Reasonable adjustments may be made for
extreme circumstances (e.g., hospitalization). If you do not deliver your speech on your assigned speech date,
you will receive a score of zero for that speech.
Attendance—because this class will move rapidly and relies heavily on in-class discussions, student
presentations, and activities as well as lectures, it is critical that you regularly attend class. We expect you to
be an active member of our learning community. Therefore, C121 enforces a strict absence policy. You have
3 free absences in C121. Each and every absence beyond these 3 (regardless of the reason) will
drop your grade by 1/3 of a letter. *This is where your WHS grade may differ from your IU. For example,
if you have 4 absences at the end of the semester and would have earned an A-, you will now earn a B+. If you
have 6 absences, your grade would drop to a B. We do not “excuse” absences in C121, so save your 3
absences for emergencies.
Absence Tracker:
#1 _____________
#2 _____________
#3 _____________
By enrolling in this course you are accepting responsibility for the content of this syllabus, which is a contract
between the instructor and student. This is also a reference guide with many FAQ’s found within—you are
expected to read this. I reserve the right to make changes to this syllabus with advance notice given to the student.
By signing this paper I, ___________________________, acknowledge that I have read the syllabus for
C121 and understand that this is a course for college credit and I will be expected to perform at a college
level. I know that I am expected to take responsibility for my learning and “excuses” will not be tolerated.
Student Signature
As the parent of a student enrolled in C121 Public Speaking, I have reviewed the syllabus and understand that
my student will be expected to abide by the guidelines set forth by IU. I also understand that since this is a
college course, that any issues that may arise should first be discussed between the student and the teacher.
While the class is offered at the high school level it is intended to give the students an introduction to the
rigor and self-discipline that will be expected as they continue on after high school
Parent Signature