Army Officer TA/DA Training: Transportation Wing Guide

Training material
of Transportation
-RTC Pune
The duties of the Transportation Wing are:1.1 To ensure prompt payment of TA/DA as per entitlement to Army
Officers and to facilitate their quick movements so that morale and
efficiency are kept.
1.2 To detect and prevent avoidable and irregular expenditure on TA/DA
including those arising out of use of railway warrants and forms ‘D’.
The duties of the Transportation Wing are:2.1
To audit and pay claims pertaining to the traveling allowance of (a)
Army Officers (including Nursing Officers) in the payment of
CDA (O).
NOTE: TA/DA claims of retired Army Officers appointed as Colonels and
Colonels Commandant of Regiments/Corps for their moves to visit the Units
of their Regiment/Corps will also be dealt with in this Wing.
2.2 To pay advances of TA/DA admissible under Rules and to watch their
2.3 To post audit Railway Warrants, Forms ‘D’ and Concessional
vouchers received from various Railways audit offices.
2.4 To audit and pay claims under Rule 122 TRs 1991 Edition for
expenditure in connection with transportation of gauges tools, records.. etc.
2.5 To post audit TA/DA claims of Army Officers serving with Indian
Embassies/Missions abroad other than serving with High Commission in the
United Kingdom.
2.6 The audit and payment of claims on account of daily allowance of
officers undergoing courses of instructions less than 180 days in authorized
Army School of Instruction.
The distribution of work in the various Sections of this Wing is based
on the ending number of the officer’s Account No. For e.g. A/c No.161451
will be maintained in Section 1. However, account of an officer of the rank
of Brig and above are centrally maintained in one Section i. e. T- 11 section.
Claim on account of TA/DA etc are audited and passed for payment.
If the amount authorized for payment is more than Rs.7499/- a separate
cheque for the amount will be issued to the officer’s nominated bankers. If
the amount is less than and equal to Rs.7499/- the same is credited in the
IRLA of the officer. However, cheques for the payment of advance
requisitions will be issued within 24 hours of the receipt.
Officers are required to submit the adjustment claims for the advances
taken by them within the stipulated period i.e. Pt. Duty claim within one
year from the date of completion of journey, temporary duty claim within 15
days of issue of DO Pt II promulgating regularization of the move and LTC
claims within 15 days from the date of completion of journey. If the claim is
not received within stipulated period a ‘Bill call memo will be issued and
action will be taken to recover the advance from the Pay of the officer along
with penal interest.
(a) Conveyance :
On free Railway Warrant from old to new duty
station by direct route for self and family.
(b) Class of accommodation on transfer
(c) Revised orders on travel entitlements by train with effect from 01
Sep 08:
& equivalent/DGAFMS and
officers of rank of Maj Gen
& above with Grade Pay
Rs.10000/- and above
AC I class
Officers drawing Grade Pay
Rs.8900 (Lt Col to Brig)
AC I class
Officers drawing Grade Pay
Rs.6600 (Lt to Maj)
AC II tier class
The revised travel entitlements are subject to the following:
In case of places not connected by rail, travel by AC bus is
admissible for all those entitled to travel by AC II Tier and
above, by train.
In case of road travel between places connected by rail, travel
by any means of public transport is allowed, provided the total
fare does not exceed the train fare by the entitled class.
All officers are allowed to travel below their entitled class of
Orders in respect of MNS officers are awaited.
(GoI, MoD letter No. 12630/Mov C/3737/D (Mov)/08 dated 29 Dec 08)
NOTE - An additional fare/free warrant by the entitled class at the time of
initial move for both onward and return journey will be allowed for journey
to the previous duty station for bringing his family in case an officer has to
leave his family behind due to non-availability of accommodation at the new
duty station.
Road Mileage Allowance:
For the journey performed by road between stations not connected by
rail, mileage allowance at the following scale is admissible. One mileage if
two members accompany the officer and one more mileage if more than two
members accompany the officer. This will be restricted to the actual taxi
The Grade Pay ranges for travel by public bus/ auto
rickshaw/scooter/motorcycle/full taxi/taxi/own car as indicated below:
my Cdrs
Grade Pay
and above
(i.e. Maj
Gen &
Actual fare by any type of public bus
including AC bus
at prescribed rates of AC taxi when
the journey is actually performed by
AC Taxi
at prescribed rates for auto rickshaw
for journeys by auto rickshaw, own
scooter, motor cycle, moped etc.
Officers Same as above with the exception that
drawing journeys by AC taxi will not be
Grade Pay permissible
Mileage Allowance for road journeys shall be regulated at the following
rates in places where no specific rates have been prescribed either by
Director of Transport of the concerned state or of the neighbouring states:
For journeys
performed in
own car/taxi
Rs.16 per km
For journeys
performed by
scooter etc.
Rs.8 per km
(GoI, MoD letter No. 12630/Mov C/3737/D (Mov)/08 dated 29 Dec
08)Revised entitlements for journey by road w.e.f. 01 Sep 08 (Rule 102, 106
and 111 TR)
6.2 Revised entitlements for Air Journey as per SPC orders
with effect from 01 Sep 08:
COAS/VCOAS/Army Cdrs &
equivalent/DGAFMS and officers of rank of
Maj Gen & above with Grade Pay Rs.10000/and above
Business/Club class
Officers drawing Grade Pay Rs. 7600, Rs.8700
and Rs.8900 (Lt Col to Brig)
Economy class
Officers drawing Grade Pay Rs.5400, Rs.6100
and Rs.6600 (Lt to Maj)
Economy class
Note 1: w.e.f 13 Jul 09, in all cases of air travel, both domestic &
international, journey by Air India only is admissible.
Note 2: w.e.f. 07 Sept 09 all journeys by air will take place only by
economy class, irrespective of the entitlement.
Journeys by Sea or by River Steamer:
a) All service officers in first grade -
Highest class
(b)Accommodation entitlement for travel between main land and
the Andaman & Nicobar group of Islands and the Lakshdweep group of
Island by ships operated by the Shipping Corporation of India Limited
is as under :
All service officers in first grade
Deluxe class
Composite Transfer Grant
Revised entitlement of CTG as per SPC orders w.e.f. 01 Sep 08:
The CTG shall be equal to one month's Pay in the Pay Band, Grade
Pay, Military Service Pay & NPA (if any), in case of transfer involving a
change of station located at a distance of or more than 20 kms from each
Prior to 01 Sep 08, only one Transfer Grant was admissible if transfer
of husband and wife takes place within six months from each other from the
same place to same place. However, w.e.f. 01 Sep 08, in cases of both
husband and wife transferred from same place to same place within 6
months, but after 60 days of the transfer of the spouse, 50% of the CTG on
transfer shall be allowed to the spouse transferred later. No transfer grant
shall be admissible to the spouse transferred later, in case both the transfers
are ordered within 60 days.
The existing provisions shall continue to be applicable in case of
transfers after a period of six months or more.
Other rules precluding CTG in case of transfer at own request or
transfer other than in public interest, shall continue to apply unchanged in
their case.
(GoI, MoD letter No. 12630/Mov C/3737/D (Mov)/08 dated 29 Dec
Transportation of Personal Effects
Transportation of personal effects as per SPC orders w.e.f. 01 sep
Army Cdrs & equivalent/
DGAFMS and officers
drawing Grade Pay of
Rs.7600 and above
(Lt Col to Lt Gen)
6000 kgs by goods
wheeler (Rs0.003 per kg
per km.)
Officers drawing Grade
Pay of Rs.5400, Rs.6100
and Rs.6600
(Lt, Capt and Maj)
6000 kgs by goods
wheeler (Rs0.003 per kg
per km.)
The rates for transporting the entitled weight by Steamer will be equal
to the prevailing rates prescribed by such transport in ships operated by
Shipping Corporation of India.
The rates of transportation of personal effects shall automatically
increase by 25% whenever Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay
structure goes up by 50%.
SPC orders for MNS officers are awaited.
(GoI, MoD letter No. 12630/Mov C/3737/D (Mov)/08 dated 29 Dec
NOTE: With effect from 14/2/2006, the Service Tax and Education Cess
included in the bill is reimbursed upto the permissible limit of the claim. If a
bill is for Rs.15000/- but the admissible amount as per is Rs.10,000/-, the
service tax and education cess will be reimbursed for Rs.10,000/- only in
addition to transportation charges.
Conveyance of own Car/Scooter/Motor cycle etc.
(a) If the car is conveyed by Rail, the officer will be entitled to actual cost
of transporting his car at Railways risk, and for motor cycle/scooter
expenditure on transportation by passenger train are fully reimbursable, as
per Railway Receipt.
(b) If the Car/Scooter, etc is conveyed by road between stations
connected by Rail.
Under its own propulsion
(i) Car
Road mileage, viz Taxi rate at the
Starting station fixed by the RTO
or EVK charges whichever is less
(ii) Scooter/Motor Cycle
Road mileage, viz Rickshaw
charges fixed by the RTO at the
starting station or Rail charges
whichever is less
Loaded in a Truck
Road mileage viz Taxi rate at the
starting station fixed by RTO or
EVK charges or actual expenditure
whichever is less
Road mileage, viz Rickshaw
charges fixed by the RTO at the
station or actual expenditure or Rail
charges whichever is less.
NOTE 1- For places not connected by Rail, Taxi/Rickshaw Charges as the
case may be or the actual expenditure whichever is less will be admissible.
A certificate from the RTO regarding the Taxi/Rickshaw rate during the
period of move is required.
NOTE 2- If the car is conveyed under own propulsion and officer and family
members are traveling in the same car they are not eligible for separate
mileage for themselves.
NOTE 3- Conveyance of one vehicle is only allowed.
Transfer within the same (contiguous station).
a. If no change of residence
is involved
The officer is not entitled to TA/DA
etc as per permanent duty.
b. If change of residence is
i) Actual expenditure limited to Road
mileage allowance for self & family.
ii) Actual expenditure limited to
cartage charges for conveyance of
iii) In case of transfer to a stations
which are at a distance of less than 20
kms from the old station and of
transfer within the same city CTG
will be restricted to 1/3rd of pay
provided change of residence is
TA/DA on retirement etc.
Transfer to Reserve.
Reduction in Establishment.
Invalidment from Service.
For above moves, officers are entitled to the TA/DA as per
permanent duty scale.
NOTE 1- Since free railway warrant is not permissible, officers have to
perform journey on cash basis and claim for Travelling allowance &
conveyance allowance of baggage.
NOTE 2- No advance of TA/DA is admissible.
NOTE 3 -COAS may at his discretion authorize free conveyance on warrant
to the railway station nearest to the individual’s home plus baggage equal to
RFA to service officers on their Dismissal or removal from service.
Important Points:- Permanent Duty Claims
Duty journey (except retirement journey) is to be performed by using
Journey can be performed under own arrangements without using
warrant with the sanction of the controlling officer in terms of Rule 47 (iii)
TRs. Cost of warrant can be reimbursed provided the officer incurs
expenditure on the method of travel adopted and no extra expense is caused
to the state. When the journey is performed by rail, cost of warrant or actual
expenditure whichever is less reimbursed, when it is performed by mode
other than by rail, actual expenses/road mileage/cost of warrant whichever is
least is reimbursed.
Officers posted to field/modified field area can opt to retain the family
at old duty station or send them to Home Town/SPR/SFA.
If the officers are posted to Field/Modified Field areas and allotted
Govt. built married accommodation in those areas free conveyance of
family/baggage/car to the duty station is allowed.
Lien on conveyance of family/baggage/car etc is six months, to be
calculated from the date on which the officer moves. Lien period can be
extended upto a maximum of one year by competent authority including
sanction for extension of lien on conveyance of family/baggage on academic
grounds. Full powers for extension of lien period on conveyance are vested
with Q.M.G.
In case both husband and wife are Central Govt. servants and are
transferred at the same time or within six months from one and the same old
duty to the same new duty station, TA will be admissible to only one of
them, the other being treated as a member of family. In any case, for the
purpose of personal effects both husband and wife together will be entitled
to the full quantity of baggage.
6.10 Documents to be accompanied with the claim
Claim in the prescribed format – IAFF-1715 duly countersigned by
the controlling officer.
Posting order issued by AHQrs.
Movement order.
Railway receipts or consignment Note and Cash Receipts issued by
the Transport Company for conveyance of baggage/car/scooter etc.
Allotment letter at Govt. built married accommodation in case posted
to field/modified field area.
Sanction under Rule 47 (iii) TR required if journey is performed by
rail under own arrangements, class of accommodation in which traveled,
ticket No & PNR No has to be indicated. If journey is performed by a mode
of conveyance other than rail, proof of expenditure is required.
NAC of Govt. accommodation at the time of posting and allotment
letter of accommodation at new duty station, if additional fare is claimed.
Air Tickets/and in the absence of air ticket certificate from airlines,
authority certifying details of journey and expenditure incurred.
Taxi receipt/Bus Ticket.
Temporary Duty:-
7.1 Definition- Except where otherwise specifically stated, any move on
duty which as per the expectation of the ordering authority is that the
individual shall do duty in the station to which his move is ordered for a
period of 180 days or less than 180 days is classified as temporary duty. If
and when the temporary duty exceeds 180 days the move can be reclassified
as permanent.
TA Entitlement
Air-Rail-Road journey entitlement same as for permanent duty move.
Road mileage is however not admissible if Govt. Transport is provided. One
road mileage each between HQrs/Residence at HQrs Station to Railway
Station/Air Port/Bus Stand and vice versa dependent upon points between
which journey is performed. For local journey performed at the tour station,
no RMA is admissible. RMA is admissible at Taxi/Rickshaw charges as per
RTO rates of the station.
Daily Allowance for journey:
Journey DA at ordinary rate will be admissible as under:
For journey less than 6 hours
No DA.
For journey exceeding 6 hours but
less than 12 hours (upto 12 hours)
70% DA
For journey exceeding 12 hours
Full DA
Note 1:- Daily allowance is divided into journey DA and halt DA with
reference to total period of absence from HQrs Station. Total absence from
HQrs Station is calculated with reference to date and time of departure from
HQrs Station and the date and time of arrival at HQrs station on completion
of duty. Total absence for each calendar day is worked out from mid-night
to midnight i.e. 00 hrs to 2400 hrs.
Note 2 - Journey DA normally works out to total absence from HQrs Station
minus halt DA at outstation.
Note 3 - Journey DA is always admissible at ordinary rates.
Note 4 - I) If the officer is provided with free messing (boarding) and
accommodation (lodging) 25% of the halt DA is admissible.
ii) If provided only free messing (boarding) 50% of the halt DA is
iii) If provided only free accommodation (lodging) 75% of the halt DA is
admissible. This depends on Detention Certificate issued by the authorities
of ty. duty station.
Note 5 - Journey DA at ordinary rates is also admissible for enforced halts
during ty. duty due to flood/rain/snowfall/landslide/delayed trains or
aircrafts etc.
Note 6 - For all types of temporary duties authorized under specific
regulation/Govt. orders, including attachment for staff duties under 93 DSR
(Rule 116 TR):
DA is admissible as under subject to fulfillment of all the other
First 180 days
Beyond 180 days
Full DA.
No DA.
Note 7 - Appropriate ration money per day will be deducted from the Daily
Allowance admissible for free ration drawn during temporary duty.
However, where the temporary duty station is a non-military station or free
ration is not drawn, full DA will be admissible provided a certificate to the
effect that ration has not been drawn in kind or in cash during ty. duty period
signed by the officer and countersigned by OC Unit is produced.
Note 8 - W.e.f. 5/7/2000, officers are entitled to 25% of DA while
proceeding on temporary duty from peace areas to field areas when they are
provided with free boarding and lodging in field areas, subject to the
conditions that they are not entitled to CFAA/CMFAA, SCCIA. If they are
not provided with free lodging and boarding in field areas full DA is
admissible if they are not entitled to CFAA/CMFAA/SCCIA.
Note 9 - For same day return, DA is admissible at normal rates.
Note 10 - Only single journey fare is admissible when ty. duty is combined
with leave other than C.L.
Rate of daily allowance admissible for halt:Revised rates of Daily Allowance as per SPC orders w.e.f. 01 Sep
Reimbursement per day
charges per day
Reimbursement Food bills
Taxi per day
charges per day
for travel within
COAS/VCOAS/ upto Rs.5000
Army Cdrs &
officers drawing
Grade Pay of
Rs.10000 and
above (Maj Gen
& Lt Gen)
Taxi not
charges upto 50 exceeding
upto Rs.3000
drawing Grade
Pay of Rs.7600,
Rs.8900/(Lt Col to Brig)
Non-AC Taxi not
charges upto 50 exceeding
upto Rs.1500
drawing Grade
Pay of Rs.5400,
Rs.6600/(Lt to Maj)
Upto Rs.150
The components of Mileage allowances, hotel accommodation
charges, taxi charges, food bills, including rate for journey on foot shall
automatically increase by 25% whenever Dearness Allowance payable on
the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.
Orders for MNS officers are awaited.
(GoI, MoD letter No. 12630/Mov C/3737/D (Mov)/08 dated 29 Dec 08)
Officers may preferably stay in Circuit houses, Messes, Government
Guest houses, Inspection Bungalows etc., if they are available.
(GoI, MoF, Deptt of Exp letter F.No 7(1)/E.Coord/2008 dated 01 Oct 08)
Sanction to claim "Rates of Daily Allowance on Tour" in accordance
to the provisions of revised rates as per SPC orders or as per the old rates
prevalent prior to issue of revised rates as per SPC orders has been accorded
vide GoI, MoD letter No. 12630/Mov C/286/D (Mov)/09 dated 15 Apr 09.
This option will be available as a complete package for a particular
tour and not by taking part of either orders. In other words, officers may
choose to be governed either by SPC orders dated 29 Dec 08 or Fifth Pay
Commission orders vide MoD letter No.12630/Q Mov C/3198/D(Mov)/98
dated 28 Oct 98 on daily allowance on tour.
(ii) In case the rate of Daily Allowance on tour is regulated as per old
rates prevalent prior to issue of the SPC orders, the revised pay range i.e. pay
in pay band for the purpose of regulation of Daily Allowance only would be
as under:
Pay Range (Pre-revised)
Revised Pay in Pay Band
(excluding Grade Pay and MSP)
Rs.16,400 and above
Rs.30,500 and above
Rs.8000 and above but less than Rs.15,000 and above but less than
Rs.16,400/Rs.30,500/Rs.6500 and above but less than Rs.12,500 and above but less than
Rs.8,000/Rs.15,000/(iii) The classification of cities/towns, as per orders prevalent with the old
rates will continue to apply.
(GoI, MoD letter No.12630/Mov C/286/D(Mov)/09 dated 15 Apr 09)
NOTE :- The above rates of DA are admissible with reference to the
classification for the purpose of CCA and Rule 60 T.Rs.
Halt DA not admissible
For CL/AL availed during Temporary duty.
Beyond 180 days.
For post commission training before the officer is posted to regular
For attending examination while on leave at leave station.
For appearing in obligatory departmental examination.
For attachment to other units for the purpose of
investigation/disciplinary cases against them unless they perform
some specific duty during such attachment.
For participating in collective exercise training programme
alongwith troops except instructors, observers & spectators.
For attending War games in field areas.
For attending training/courses of instructions at HQrs Station.
For hospitalization period.
For attending Medical Board.
For attending reunions, Corps day celebrations, ceremonial
parades, trouping of colours, anniversaries, dinner day etc.
Attachment on medical grounds.
NOTE:- Regular Hotel Receipt indicating Registration No./Sales Tax No. of
Hotel etc is required in support of the claim.
Documents to be accompanied with ty. duty claim.
Claim in the prescribed format IAFT-1716.
Move sanction accorded by authority empowered to sanction move
under Appendix III TR.
Movement orders.
Detention Certificate.
Bus Ticket/Taxi receipt.
Air Ticket and in the absence of air ticket certificate from airlines
authority certifying details of journey and expenditure incurred.
Sanction under Rule 47 (iii) TR required if journey is performed by
rail under own arrangements, class of accommodation in which
traveled, ticket No & PNR No has to be indicated. If journey is
performed by a mode of conveyance other than rail proof of
expenditure is required.
Regular Hotel Receipt indicating Registration No./Sales Tax No.
of Hotel and Room rent and Food charges separately, is required
in support of the claim.
Food bills & local taxi receipts in case of DA claim w.r.t 6CPC
Temporary duty Local journeys
Officers detailed on temporary duty within HQrs Station involving
journey beyond 8 kms one way, will be entitled to:
Conveyance: If travels by Taxi, Taxi fare restricted to rates
prescribed by RTO of station for both onward and return journey is
admissible, for journey performed by own car RMA admissible, if
travels by own scooter/motor cycle, RMA at rickshaw fare rates is
Daily Allowance:-
1. If the total absence of the officer
is more than 12 hours
50% of the ordinary DA
2. If the total absence is more than
6 hours but less than 12 hours
70% of the 50% DA
3. If it is less than 6 hours
No DA admissible.
4. The maximum period of DA and road mileage admissible is up to 180
Conveyance charges, food bills for local temporary duty are
acceptable as the same form components of DA in new package of DA
Daily Allowance would not be payable in cases where a service
personnel/civilian is required to perform duty at a temporary duty point for
more than 180 days. In such cases, the temporary duty point will be treated
as the temporary headquarters of the individual concerned. The above
would also apply to cases where any single assignment is performed in two
or more spells and total period of duty at the temporary duty point is more
than 180 days. However, mileage allowance will be paid for all the days
spent on temporary duty.
7.8 TA/DA for course – Quantum and number of days DA admissible for
duration of course/training.
Course at a place outside the Govt. Servant’s Headquarters:
First 180 days
Beyond 180 days -
Full DA.
No DA.
When a course is held at two different stations the moves will be
classified separately according to the period spent in each station and not
with reference to the total period of course.
7.9 Course/Training which are sponsored by Govt. and are residential and
board and lodging at the institutes are compulsory and are provided at fixed
Actual expenditure on boarding and lodging
plus ¼ of full DA.
Actual expenditure on boarding and lodging
7.10 The Commandants of Schools/Colleges conducting the courses have
to submit consolidated DA claims for all the student officers. The other
conditions remain the same.
Regular Army Officers posted to NCC Units are entitled to 1/4th DA.
Territorial Army Officers can claim Camp Allowance @ Rs.10/- per
day for attending camp.
9.1 Home Station LTC (Under Rule 177A TR): Once in calendar year,
officers and the family will be entitled to free conveyance on warrant from
HQrs Station to the declared Home Station of the officer and back.
Travel entitlement for LTC
The travel entitlements, for the purpose of official tours/
transfer or LTC will be the same but no daily allowance shall be admissible
for travel on LTC w.e.f. 01 Sept 08.
NOTE 1- If the officer is not provided with family accommodation at the
new duty station and the family is residing at the old duty station, the officer
can visit the family at old duty station instead of Home station. The
entitlement of wife and children under Rule 177 (B) TR however lapses.
The family can avail independent LTC to the Home town of the officer and
back from the place of residence also.
NOTE 2 - Rajdhani/Shatabdi fares are admissible for LTC journeys
performed by Air, by the non entitled officers, provided the HQ station/NRS
and home town/SPR/leave station are connected by such trains.
NOTE 3 - Journey by private bus/taxi/car or other vehicles owned or
operated on charter by private operators is not admissible.
NOTE 4 - LTC is admissible only within the Indian Territory.
NOTE 5 - w.e.f. 04 Dec 08 Air fare for LTC journey will be restricted to
LTC 80 Scheme of NACIL.
NOTE 6 - Quoting PNR No. in addition to the Ticket No. on the body of the
claim is mandatory when travels by train.
Air ticket and boarding pass will be required to be produced with the
claim. If the ticket does not indicate the airfare, receipt from the concerned
airlines showing the air fare paid will be required.
9.2 Officers prevented from availing of the concession due to
exigencies of service In such cases, the concession can be availed in the first year of the
next block and the same will be considered for the calendar year originally
fell due.
10.1 Leave Station LTC(Under Rule 177B TR) : In a block of 2 years in
which LTC to Home Town is not due and not availed, the officer and the
family may proceed to any station irrespective of distance involved
SELF- Free Railway Warrant for both onward and return journey.
FAMILY- will travel on cash payment. Reimbursement will be actual
expenditure limited to Rail/Air fare of entitled class. LTC to family will be
admissible provided they go to the same leave station of the officer. If,
however, the officer did not avail his LTC during that year or he forgoes his
LTC title in the year, independent title to LTC can be availed by the family.
The above LTC is admissible to the wife and children only and not to the
other members of the family.
iii) Air travel by Indian airlines on LTC 80 scheme.
iv) Buses of State Transport Corporation.
NOTE 1- If the journey is performed by Air, Air ticket is to be produced
with the claim.
NOTE 2 - Leave journey viz Home Town Concession or otherwise,
performed by Rail without using warrant or Form “D”, the PNR No. ticket
number and date is to be given in the claim for reimbursement. The date of
onward and return journey and the specific leave station of the officer for
which LTC is claimed also to be indicated in the claim.
LTC to married officers serving in field area (Rule 177C TR)
Those officers who have the option either to avail Home Town
Concession or the concession to any station in India or the following
concessions in lieu thereof:
A. When Home Town Concession
is due
Free conveyance once on warrant
to visit their family at a place where
the family has been provided with
Govt. accommodation including
Privately hired accommodation and
B. When Home Town Concession
is not due
Free conveyance on warrant
to visit his family at the place where
Govt. accommodation (including
privately hired accommodation) has
been provided and back
11.1 On both the above occasion the LTC entitlement of the officer’s wife
and dependent children under Rule 177 (B) TR will lapse for that
year. They can avail concession under Rule 177 (A) TR.
11.2 Officers serving in field/High Altitude/Counter Insurgency/Counter
Terrorism operation areas are entitled for additional free railway
warrant from their duty station to Home town/ SPR to meet their
families, independent of the first LTC authorised to them under
TR177(A),(B) or(C)
LTC during study leave (Rule 177 (D) TR)
12.1 Officer and family members if they are staying with Govt. servant.
From the place of study leave to any place in India/home town subject
to the condition that reimbursement will be limited to the fare admissible for
travel between HQrs Station (i.e. the last duty station) to any place in India
/home town or actual expenditure whichever is less.
12.2 When the family is not staying at the place of study leave:From the place of residence up to home town/place of visit and back
to the place of residence subject to the condition that the claim will be
restricted to the rail fare of the entitled class chargeable by the shortest &
direct route between duty station (last duty station) and the home station or
place of visit as the case may be.
12.3 The other conditions of Rule 177 (A) and Rule (B) TR remain the
Road Conveyance for LTC (Rule 179 TR)
13.1 This concession is to be availed in conjunction with LTC under Rule
177 TR.
13.2 All the commissioned officers and that wives/dependent children and
Nursing Officers of MNS will be allowed conveyance by road to and from
any stations mentioned in Rule 179 TR irrespective of the Command in
which they are serving (from and to it’s nearest rail head) to which they elect
to proceed on any authorized leave besides annual leave, casual leave once
in a calendar year under Rule 177 TR.
13.3 Road Mileage Allowance for leave journey
When availing
LTC under
Rule 177 (A)
177 (B) or
177 (C) TR
When the HQrs station of the officer is
immediately not connected by Rail, viz.
Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgaon, Shillong,
etc. Bus fare as per the type of public
bus in which journey was performed will
be entitled. In case road portion of the
journey is performed by Air, the
expenditure of public bus fare will be
or Journey under
177(A) or 177 (C) TR
For journey from NRS to Home Town
or the place where the family is
residing; Bus fare of the entitled class
of public bus is admissible.
For LTC under
is under 179 TR
(Hill Station)
If the journey from NRS to Hill Station
is performed by State Transport bus –
actual bus fare, & if performed by Air –
actual fare restricted to RMA.
Officers granted sick leave on medical certificate will be entitled to a
free Railway warrant to any place, and such concession will be in addition to
the LTC admissible to Home Town or otherwise.
Army Officers who are employed as Air Observation Post Pilots and
are on the strength of AOP Units during their leave is eligible once in every
year on warrant a free rail journey up to a total distance of 1600 kms for
onward and return journey both inclusive. This concession is in addition to
the LTC admissible under Rule 177 TR.
Appendix A to AO 30/89.
Dependency Certificate.
Air Tickets/Boarding Pass, in the absence of the same,
certificate from the Airlines Authorities certifying the details of
journey and expenditure incurred.
Bus Tickets.
Quoting PNR No. in addition to Ticket No. on the body of the
claim is mandatory.
Surrender Certificate from the officer if family alone is availing
LTC under Rule 177B T.R.
16.1 When traveling on leave at own expenses officers are allowed on
production of form D to travel by entitled class or lower class on
payment of 60% of the fare of the class traveled. Total No of Forms D
to the officer, his wife/husband and dependent children for travel to
any station will be restricted to six one way journey forms in a
calender year accompanied or unaccompanied by the head of family.
Two of these six one way journey forms may be in addition to the
officer, his wife/husband and dependent children, also include the
officer’s parents, sisters, and minor brothers, residing with the officer
and wholly dependent upon the officer for a combined onward/return
16.2 Form D issued in conjunction with LTC under Rule 177 will however
be in addition to the six one way journey form D referred to above.
Advance of TA/DA and LTC
17.1 Admissible when the amount is more than Rs.50/17.2 Advance to be drawn 60 days in advance of the journey.
17.3 LTC advance 65 days in advance.
17.4 No TA/DA advance for retirement move.
17.5 Advance to be normally drawn from CDA (O) Pune in the Form –
IAFA – 194 with supporting documents.
17.6 In an emergency and exceptional circumstances when time does not
permit an officer to draw advance from CDA (O) Pune, advance can be
drawn from Field Imprest. However drawal of LTC advance from Imprest is
not authorized.
17.7 Advance to be drawn as per entitlement. Army Officers are permitted
to claim advance of TA/DA through FAX, Scan Copy of
application/requisition etc. The requisition & forwarding memo will be
faxed only after the dispatch of the ink signed requisition by post. If the
same is not received by CDA (O) within 3 weeks, the TA/DA advance
would be recovered from the officer’s IRLA balance.
17.8 On cancellation of journey advance should be refunded immediately.
17.9 The claim for move on transfer, tour and LTC when advance is drawn
is to be preferred within the following time limit.
a) Transfer – one year from the date of completion of journey.
b) Tour – Within 15 days of issue of DO Part II notifying
regularization of the move.
c) LTC – Within one month of completion of journey.
Recovery of penal interest :-
18.1 If the advance is not utilized fully but the adjustment bill is submitted
in time, interest is charged at the rate prescribed for advance for purchase of
conveyance (other than motor car) plus 2 ½ % on the un-utilized portion of
advance for the period from the date of drawal of advance to the date of
18.2 If the adjustment bill is not submitted within the prescribed time, the
entire advance with penal interest as above will be recovered in lumpsum.
18.3 The claim for reimbursement is not forfeited merely on account of
recovery of advance.
18.4 Controlling officer can waive the recovery of penal interest if nonsubmission of adjustment of claims is attributed to genuine difficulties.
Travel abroad
19.1 Class of air travel for journey to and from abroad.
a) Service Chiefs/ Vice Chiefs/ Army Cdrs& Equivalents/DGAFMS
– First class.
b) Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs. 10000 & above –
Business/Club class.
c) All other officers – Economy class.
Note - No travel on Govt account by air will take place by First class w.e.f
07 Sept 09.
19.2 Use of Exchange Order (Air Warrant) is compulsory. These forms are
issued by air Section of AHQrs. Airfare claims not admitted by CDA (O)
19.3 Journey allowed by National Carrier/Air India when so connected
19.4 Tickets should be booked through M/s Ashok Tours & Travels or M/s
Balmer & Laurie.
19.5 Claims of DA, incidentals are payable by CDA (O) Pune.
19.6 Admissibility of DA.
a) up to 6 hours
b) 6 hrs to 12 hrs
c) Exceeding 12 hours
No journey DA if the cost of air ticket is inclusive of cost of food.
19.7 DA for tours abroad.
For tours within the country of posting or for tours from one mission
to another:
For first 7 days
For next 7 days
For subsequent additional
Full DA.
75% of DA
50% of DA
For tours from India to one or more countries abroad
For first 14 days
For next 14 days
For subsequent additional
Full DA.
75% of DA
60% of DA
NOTE 1- DA will be restricted to rank foreign allowance if tour exceeds 30
days in a particular station.
NOTE 2 - Officers moving abroad for attending training courses and who
are provided with full hospitality in the form of lodging and boarding are
entitled to DA at 25% of the DA without any sliding scale.
NOTE 3 - Officers moving abroad on official duty other than training and
who are provided with free boarding and lodging are entitled to 25% DA on
sliding scale.
NOTE 4 - The grant of leave to officers on deputation/course on instruction
abroad for personal reasons shall adversely effect the title of passage back to
India for the officer and his family in all cases except the following:(i)
When leave not exceeding 50% of the actual period of duty
performed/to be performed outside India excluding the transit time from
India to the country of deputation and back and enforced halt, if any, or 14
days whichever is less, is granted or personal reasons before, during or at the
end of the deputation/training abroad.
(ii) When leave is taken on medical grounds or for spending profitably a
period of enforced halt due to unavoidable waiting for a passage, before,
during or at the end of the deputation/training abroad.
(iii) When causal or annual leave is taken to coincide with recognised
periods of break in courses of instruction abroad.
Explanation- In all cases mentioned in this note, the traveling allowance and
transit time will be admissible for onward and inward journeys with
reference to the Headquarters Station.
Composite Transfer Grant
20.1 Service personnel are entitled to CTG on transfer to and from abroad
as under:Married officers proceeding 1 month’s Basic Pay +Grade Pay +
abroad with family
(NPA in case Medical officers
)+Stagnation increment(s)+MSP
Married officers proceeding 1 month’s Basic Pay +Grade Pay +
abroad and family moving to (NPA in case Medical officers
SPR/home town.
)+Stagnation increment(s)+MSP
Married officers proceeding 80 % of 1 month’s Basic Pay
abroad alone.
+Grade Pay + (NPA in case
Single officers
80 % of 1 month’s Basic Pay
+Grade Pay + (NPA in case
20.2 Full package charges are admissible on transfer from a mission to
India or to another mission, as given in Rule 254 TR. However, when such a
packer facility is availed, no CTG is admissible in addition.
20.3 An officer proceeding Ex-India on Deputation/Course of Instruction
for more than 3 months but less than 12 months duration can convey their
authorized quantity of baggage to the SPR (less the quantity carried by the
officer abroad) at Govt. expense provided the family of the officer does not
retain the Govt. accommodation at old duty station and actually proceeds to
20.4 An officer proceeding ex-India either on course of instruction or on
deputation for a period of more than three months but less than 12 months
may avail of free conveyance for the family to a selected place of residence
in India provided he does not retain accommodation at the old duty station
for more than a month.
Audit of Warrants and Form ‘D’s
21.1 General Points—
21.2 Ensure that Warrant/Form D has been issued by the authorized person
as per Appendix X TR
21.3 Ensure that the fare charged is correct as per coaching tariff.
21.4 Ensure that the journey has been performed by the entitled class.
21.5 Ensure that the correct authority of TR is quoted.
21.6 Ensure that the same has been issued to the family members correctly
as per Rule 2 TR.
21.7 Ensure that the warrant has been issued for the direct and shortest
Audit of Permanent Duty Warrants.
22.1 The same has been issued from the old duty station to the new duty
station or from SPR to new duty station as the case may be.
22.2 If the baggage is conveyed on Warrant, the same is not claimed in
permanent duty claim also.
22.3 Pet animals are not conveyed on Warrant. If the same have been
conveyed on warrant, cost of warrant to that extent is reduced from the
permanent duty claim.
22.4 If the car conveyance is claimed in a permanent duty claim, ensure
that scooter is not conveyed on warrant.
Audit of Warrants under Rule 177 A TR.
23.1 Ensure that Warrant is issued for a journey to home station only.
23.2 Ensure that warrant is issued from duty station.
23.3 W.e.f 01 Sept 08, dependent parents/Step parents staying away from
officer are also entitled for LTC, hence warrants may be issued from their
place of residence.
Audit of Warrants under Rule 177 B TR.
24.1 It is not used for the journey of family.
24.2 It is not used for the journey of parents, brothers, sisters etc.
Audit of Warrants on temporary duty move
25.1 It is not used for family members
25.1 Scooter/Motor Cycle is not conveyed on warrant.
25.2 No baggage in addition to RFA is conveyed on warrant.
Audit of Form D
26.1 It does not exceed 6 in a calendar year.
26.2 Form Ds issued in excess of 6 relates to LTC.
The revised orders on TA/DA and LTC vide Govt. of India, Min of Def.
Letter No. 12630/Mov/C/3737/D/(mov)/08 dated 29/12/08 are applicable to
MNS officers as per their Grade Pay
12630/Mov/C/4131/D/(mov)/09 dated 05 Nov 09.
Updated on 30th Sept 2008.
Updated on 10th February 2009.
Updated on 29th Oct 2009.
Updated on 23rd April 2010.
Centre of Excellence
Name of the Website of RTC
The details of Training
Material standardized
Regional Training Centre Pune
Date of Standardization
23rd April 2010
CDA(O) Module( T Wing)
Loaded on WAN and Website
The Method of circulation
Hard copies/loaded on website
Details of updation / updated
23rd April 2010
Details of mechanism adopted for
Updation – Respective Offices are being asked to forward amemdments if any to the training
material forwarded by them and a committee of officers of RTC to examine and update them
Periodicity- Quarterly
Certificate on the website i.e., date of updation or on hard copies – The date of updation will be
mentioned on the website
Centre of Excellence
Name of the Website of RTC
Regional Training Centre Pune
The details of Training
Material standardized
1. CSD Module
Date of Standardization
30th Sept 2008
2.BRO Module
8th May 2008
3. Navy Module
17th Nov 2006
4. CDA(O) Module( T Wing)
23rd April 2010
Loaded on WAN and Website
The Method of circulation
Hard copies/loaded on website
Details of updation / updated
26th April 2010
Details of mechanism adopted for
Updation – Respective Offices are being asked to forward amendments, if any, to the training
material forwarded by them and a committee of officers of RTC to examine and update them
Periodicity- Quarterly
Certificate on the website i.e., date of updation or on hard copies – The date of updation will be
mentioned on the website