Likely Finals Acute Cases Emergency management of: Airway Abdo pain (acute) Compartment syndrome / fat embolism Coma Compression of spinal cord / cauda equina Confusional state / LOC COPD excacerbation Diabetic emergencies: DKA / HONK / Hypoglycaemia DVT – Risk factors Endocrine emergencies (non-diabetic) – addisons - SHAG GI Bleed Gynae pain / PV bleed Headache Hepatic failure K+ states: Hyperkalaemia / hypokalaemia Myocardial infarction - complications Pneumothorax / tension pneumothorax Poisoning Pulmonary embolus Renal failure (acute) Respiratory failure – signs and symptoms Septic arthritis Shock: anaphylactic, cardiogenic, hypovolaemic, septic Sickle cell crisis Status asthmaticus Status epilepticus Stroke Testicular torsion Transfusion reaction Airway management Laryngeal mask airway The laryngeal mask airway (LMA) is used in anaesthesia and in emergency medicine for airway management. It is a tube with an inflatable cuff that is inserted into the pharynx. It causes less pain and coughing than an endotracheal tube, and is much easier to insert. However, it does not protect the lungs from aspiration, making it unsuitable for anybody at risk of this complication. It is useful in situations where a patient is trapped in a sitting position, suspected of trauma to the cervical spine (where tilting the head to maintain an open airway is contraindicated), or when intubation is unsuccessful. The laryngeal mask airway is a device that sits tightly over the top of the larynx. It avoids tracheal intubation and can be used with spontaneous respiration or artificial ventilation. However, it may not protect the airway from the aspiration of regurgitated material. It has found favour in day case surgery. Patients who have been treated with the laryngeal mask airway claim it does not irritate the throat as intubation typically does. If an LMA is not suitable or appropriate, an endotracheal tube may be used to facilitate ventilation and prevent aspiration. The commonest and the most important complications are: regurgitation of gastric content and chances of aspiration. Inadequate patient anaesthesia may result in coughing, gagging, and bucking on attempted LMA insertion. lingual nerve injury recurrent nerve paralysis larynx passing behind the thyroid and cricoid cartilage postoperative sore throat and dysphagia. Endotracheal intubation The tube is inserted into the trachea, generally via the mouth, but sometimes through the nares of the nose (e.g. in extensive mouth surgery) or even through a tracheostomy. The process of inserting an ETT is called intubation. Intubation usually requires general anesthesia and muscle relaxation but can be achieved in the awake patient with local anaesthesia or in an emergency without any anaesthesia, although this is extremely uncomfortable and generally avoided in other circumstances. It is usually performed by visualising the larynx by means of a hand-held laryngoscope that has a variety of curved and straight blades. The intubation can also be performed "blind" or with the use of the attendant's fingers (this is called digital intubation). A stylet can be used inside the endotracheal tube. The malleable metal stylet is a bendable piece of metal inserted into the ETT as to make the tube more stiff for easier insertion, this is then removed after the intubation and a ventilator or self-inflating bag is attached to the ETT. The goal is to position the end of the ETT 2 centimeters above the bifurcation of the lungs or the carina. If inserted too far into the trachea it often goes into the right main bronchus (the right main brochus is less angled that the left one). Complications: Tension pneumothorax Oesophageal intubation Endobronchial intubation occurs if too long a tube is used and inserted into one of the mainstem bronchi. The un-intubated lung does not contribute to gas exchange, and the large volume of blood flowing through this lung results in a substantial right to left shunt. Signs are those of arterial hypoxaemia, including cyanosis and laboured breathing. In addition, uptake of the inhalation anaesthetic agent may be impaired, resulting in an unexpectedly light plane of anaesthesia. This problem may be avoided by trimming of the tube to the correct length and securing it firmly. If too long a tube is used and it is tied around the back of the patient's neck, movement of the tube during surgery may move the tip of the tube into a bronchus. Impaction of the tip of the tube against the tracheal wall - may result in respiratory obstruction. Compression of the lumen of the tube by the cuff Stretching of the tracheal wall may be caused by over-inflation of the cuff. This may lead to tracheitis, pressure necrosis of the tracheal wall or tracheal rupture. Tracheostomy A tracheostomy is most commonly performed in patients who have had difficulty weaning off a ventilator, followed by those who have suffered trauma or some catastrophic neurologic insult. Infectious and neoplastic processes are less common in diseases that require a surgical airway. The advent of the antibiotic era coupled with great advances in anesthesia have made tracheotomy the most commonly performed elective procedure. To bypass obstruction Congenital anomaly (eg, laryngeal hypoplasia, vascular web) Foreign body that cannot be dislodged with Heimlich and basic cardiac life support (BCLS) maneuvers Supraglottic or glottic pathologic condition (eg, infection, neoplasm, bilateral vocal cord paralysis) Neck trauma that results in severe injury to the thyroid or cricoid cartilages, hyoid bone, or great vessels. Subcutaneous emphysema Appears in face, neck, or chest Readily dissecting air, especially through inflamed or traumatized tissue planes, leading to massive soft tissue edema Facial fractures that may lead to upper airway obstruction (eg, comminuted fractures of the midface and mandible) Edema Trauma Burns Infection Anaphylaxis To provide a long-term route for mechanical ventilation in cases of respiratory failure To provide pulmonary toilet Inadequate cough due to chronic pain or weakness Aspiration and the inability to handle secretions (The cuffed tube allows the trachea to be sealed off from the esophagus and its refluxing contents. Thus, this intervention can prevent aspiration and provide for the removal of any aspirated substances. However, some would argue that the risk of aspiration is not actually lessened, as secretions can leak around the cuffed tube and reach the lower airway.) Prophylaxis (as in preparation for extensive head and neck procedures and the convalescent period) Severe sleep apnea not amendable to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) devices or other, less invasive surgery Immediate complications Apnea due to loss of hypoxic respiratory drive: This is mainly important in the awake patient. Ventilatory support must be available. Bleeding: Intraoperative bleeding arises from the cut edges of the very vascular thyroid gland and from lacerated vessels in the field that should be cauterized or ligated. Care should be taken to stop all thyroid bleeding before the cut edges are allowed to retract laterally, which makes them difficult to expose. Pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum: These can result from direct injury to the pleura or the cupola of the lung (especially in children) or from high negative inspiratory pressures of patients who are awake and distressed. Early recognition is critical, and routine postoperative chest radiography should be considered after tracheotomy. Injury to adjacent structures: The paratracheal structures vulnerable to injury are the recurrent laryngeal nerves, the great vessels, and the esophagus. This danger is most prevalent in children because the softness of the trachea hinders its identification if it is not distended with a rigid object. Postobstructive pulmonary edema: Although rare, a transient pulmonary edema can occur after tracheostomy, which provides relief of upper airway obstruction. Early complications Early bleeding: This is usually the result of increased blood pressure as the patient emerges from anesthesia (and relative hypotension) and begins to cough. Although this may necessitate a return to the operating room, bleeding may be controlled with local packing and hypertension control. Packing should involve antibiotic-impregnated gauze (eg, iodophor), and the patient should be given antistaphylococcal antibiotics while the packing is in place. Bloody secretions that issue from the tube may represent diffuse tracheitis (most commonly), rundown bleeding from the skin or thyroid, or ulceration from an ill-fitting tube or overzealous suctioning. Plugging with mucus: The use of dual cannula tubes lessens this as a threat because the inner cannula can be removed for cleaning while the outer cannula safely maintains patency of the fresh tract. However, vigilance is still required, and all measures to thin and to remove secretions should be undertaken. Tracheitis: To some degree, tracheitis is present in all patients with fresh tracheostomies. Again, humidification, minimization of the fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO 2) (because high oxygen levels exacerbate drying), and irrigation are essential. Moreover, motion of the tube within the trachea is extremely irritating and should be prevented with stabilization of the ventilator circuitry so that torsion is minimized. Cellulitis: The wound is colonized quickly; however, infection is unlikely if the incision has not been closed tightly and drainage is allowed. Opening the wound and instituting appropriate antibiotics should suffice to treat any early cellulitis. Displacement The need to replace a new tracheostomy tube is not uncommon. In this situation, remember the access that the upper airway still affords. Bag ventilate the patient and prepare for intubation if the tracheostomy tube cannot be replaced. Initial management includes passing an object (eg, smaller tube, clear nasogastric tube [which shows the fogging of respiration]) into the open wound. A physician may attempt recannulation. This is facilitated with placement of the tube over the fiberoptic laryngoscope and reentry of the trachea under direct vision. However, endotracheal intubation remains the mainstay of airway management and should not be ignored while an increasingly traumatized tracheostomy site is labored over. Misplacement of the tracheostomy tube into the dreaded false passage, usually in the pretracheal space, should be suspected in the presence of difficult ventilation or passage of a suction catheter or if subcutaneous air or pneumothorax develops. Subcutaneous emphysema: This results from a tight closure of tissue around the tube, tight packing material around the tube, or false passage of the tube into pretracheal tissue. It can progress to pneumothorax, pneumomediastinum, or both and should be treated with loosening of the closure or packing and with performance of a tube thoracotomy, if necessary. Incidence of pneumothorax after tracheostomy is 0-4% in adults and 10-17% in children; thus, postoperative chest radiography is recommended in children. Atelectasis: An overly long tube can mimic a unilateral mainstem intubation, causing atelectasis or collapse of the opposite lung. Late complications Bleeding Bleeding more than 48 hours after the procedure may herald a tracheoinnominate fistula caused by a low (farther along the trachea toward the carina) tracheostomy or an ill-fitting long tube. One half of patients with significant bleeding more than 48 hours after the procedure have a tracheoinnominate erosion. This occurs in 0.6-0.7% of patients with tracheostomies, and the mortality rate of this complication approaches 80% if treated aggressively. Patients with an impending tracheoinnominate fistula may have a sentinel bleed (ie, brief episode of brisk bright red blood from the tracheostomy site) hours or days before catastrophic bleeding. Some physicians prefer to investigate all such episodes of bleeding with a careful tracheobronchoscopy, looking for suggestive areas in the appropriate area of the trachea. If diagnosis is made only when catastrophic bleeding occurs, management includes replacement of the tracheostomy tube with an endotracheal tube with the balloon inflated distally to the site of the bleeding to protect the airway. If the balloon does not tamponade the bleeding, a well-placed finger can temporize while the thoracic surgery team mobilizes for median sternotomy to locate and to control the bleeding vessel. Occasionally, granulation tissue at the tip of the tracheostomy tube can bleed vigorously. This can be identified via flexible laryngoscopy and can be treated with excision or cautery via bronchoscope in the operating room. Tracheomalacia: This is usually caused by a tube that fits poorly. Improved fit may allow recovery of the softened cartilage. Stenosis: Injury to the cricoid cartilage, the only circumferential ring in the trachea, can lead to laryngeal stenosis. Stenosis typically occurs at the site of the tracheostomy or at the area irritated by the cuff. Over the course of his life, Chevalier Jackson saw the incidence of posttracheostomy stenosis drop from 75% to 2%. Modern high-volume low-pressure cuffs have reduced the rate of this complication; however, care must still be taken not to overinflate these cuffs and to deflate them periodically. Tracheal stenosis typically develops several weeks after decannulation as a subacute distress, often mistaken for bronchitis. Treatment is surgical and ranges from formal resection and reconstruction to less invasive means of debridement or stenting for palliation. Tracheoesophageal fistula: A tracheoesophageal fistula, which is typically caused by friction between a posteriorly displaced tracheostomy tube or overinflated cuff and a rigid nasogastric tube, almost always requires surgical repair, possibly with a muscle flap, skin graft, or both. A tracheoesophageal fistula manifests as aspiration and subsequent chemical pneumonitis and should be evaluated with a plain film (which may show an airfilled esophagus) or barium swallow, followed by bronchoscopy. Preoperative management includes gastrostomy decompression and jejunostomy nutrition. This complication occurs in less than 1% of patients with tracheostomy. Tracheocutaneous fistula: Epithelialization of the tract from skin to trachea can result in a nonhealing fistula. This can be repaired with coring out of the epithelial layer and allowance of the wound to granulate in. Alternatively, a 3-layer closure can be performed but is associated with more complications. A persistent tracheocutaneous fistula can indicate proximal resistance or a remaining obstruction and should be evaluated via direct laryngoscopy. Granulation: This can occur at the site of the stoma and should be cauterized with silver nitrate. It can also occur distally, where it may cause partial or complete obstruction or cause this friable tissue to bleed. As granulation matures into fibrous scar, it can contribute to stenosis. Scarring: Both vertical and horizontal incisions heal with small but visible scars that can be revised if they bother the patient. Failure to decannulate: Sometimes, patients fail plugging trials or even decannulation for no apparent reason. Possibilities to consider include obstructing granuloma previously held out of the way with the tube, bilateral vocal cord paralysis, infractured cartilage, and anxiety. Evaluation should include fiberoptic laryngoscopy and bronchoscopy through the stoma, with visual inspection down at the carina, up at the glottis, and then through the nose to view the hypopharynx and the supraglottis. Cord compression / cona medularis / cauda equina Cord compression Spinal / root pain (early) Spastic Weak legs (early) Hyperreflexia Sensory loss Hesitancy (late) Frequency (late) Painless retention (late) Conus medularis syndrome Mnemonic: FULLAR Faecal incontinence (early) Urinary incontinence (early) Lumbrosacral pain (early) Leg weakness with LMN presentation (flaccid) Absent reflexes Cauda equina syndrome As conus medularis + Assymetrical paralysis Radicular pain down legs FULLAR AR Questions: SLOPS Loss of Sphincter control (bowel / bladder) Sensory Level Onset: gradual or sudden Progression Spastic or flaccid Causes: Tend to be age determined: 15-30yrs 30-50yrs Disc prolapse disc prolapse Trauma malignancy degen. spinal disease Ankylosing spondylitis Investigations Management STAT MRI Cross match / G+S FBC + clotting IV Access Urgent neurosurgery referral 50+ yrs Osteoporosis Paget’s Malignancy Myeloma degenerative ESR ( in myeloma, infections, cancer) Syphilis serology, B12 Nil by mouth DVT prophylaxis Consider catheterisation Confusional state / LOC You can think of the causes with the mnemonic AEIOU TIPS Alcohol Endocrine (e.g. Addisons) / encephalopathy Insulin (DM: Hypoglycaemia, DKA, HONK) Overdose / oxygen (hypoxia) Uraemia Trauma / tumour / temperature Infection (meningitis, septicaemia) Post-ictal / psychosomatic Subdural / subarachnoid haemorrhagediu You can also categorise them by Airway cause, Breathing cause, Circ cause, disability (neuro) cause and exposure cause. In the elderly do not forget the four Ps: Poo (constipation), Pee (UTI), Pneumonia and Polypharmacy Immediately: ABC then DEFG: Don’t Ever Forget Glucose (BM) + tests below & IV access BM ABG FBC U+E, LFT ESR, CRP Blood culture Ethanol Hypo / hyperglycaemia – followup with urinary ketones as appropriate Hypoxia, CO2 narcosis, acidosis Infection Hepatic / uraemic encephalopathy / hyponatraemia or other imbalance Infection – potential meningitis Infection – only if systemic signs (hyperthermia) LFT & GGT Toxic screen CXR Spine X-ray CT Overdose, poisoning – salicylates and paracetamol at least May reveal cause of hypoxia Eliminate C spine injuries – must view C1 – T1 Neurological causes Brief examination… GCS (or AVPU – see box) Full set basic obs (inc temperature) Respiratory pattern and rate Visual fields (test with visual threat) Pupils – size, reactivity, gaze direction Extra-ocular movement (not if C spine danger) Dolls-head movement (brainstem) Fundoscopy Neck stiffness Tone and reflexes SKIN for needlemarks, self-harm, trauma CSF from nose or ears Abdomen – signs of chronic liver disease or internal bleed Cardiovascular exam + ECG …and focussed history Speed of onset Recent complaints: headache, fever, vertigo, depression. Suicide note Recent illness: sinusitis, otitis, Neuro / ENT surgery PMH: DM, asthma, BP, cancer, epilepsy, psychiatric Drugs (alcohol, recreational) or toxins Exotic travel AVPU is a basic, abbreviated coma scale A= alert V= responds to vocal stimuli P= responds to pain (approx GCS 8) U= unresponsive Treat specific causes Opioid OD: naloxone Benzodiazepine OD: flumazenil Thiamine: if Wernicke’s encephalopathy possible In poisoning, remember to call the poisons centre (number in BNF) Hyperglycaemia: insulin + saline Hypoglycaemia: glucose CO: High flow O2 Meningococcal septicaemia Continuing Care Regular reassessment of GCS: a change of 2 points necessitates a review of management. Should be intubated with oxygen and on ITU Maintain careful monitoring of Fluids. Catheterise. Daily bloods At least hourly obs. Regular movement is necessary to avoid pressure sores (more of a nursing priority). Diabetic emergenicies DKA Both Ketones and acidosis are required for this diagnosis. BM is not required. PC: SLOW ONSET - conscious level / coma; lethargy; anorexia; hyperventilation; ketotic breath; dehydration; abdo pain (mainly children) Immediately: (ABC) then BM, O2 Sats, Temp, ABG, IV access; Urine ketones (catheter if req) Differentials: Overdose (e.g. aspirin) Lactic acidosis (elderly diabetics) Investigations Glucose HCO3Amylase Osmolality Management: SKIDS Saline: 0.9% (1L over 30 mins; 1L 1˚; 1L 2˚; 1L 4˚; 1L 6˚) K+: With 2nd and subsequent bags (see right) Insulin: 4-8 Units if BM > 20 Dextrose: Swap from saline to 5% dextrose when BM <15 Sliding scale Blood culture FBC Salicylate levels K+ to add per L of IV fluid Serum K+ KCl to add <3 40 mmol 3-4 30 mmol 4-5 20 mmol Sliding Scale BM Insulin Insulin* Note that the number of units of soluble insulin 0 - 3.9 0.5** 1** given normally (green column) is 1/4 that of the 4 – 7.9 1 2 figure in bold in the BM column. 8 – 11.9 2 4 12 – 15.9 3 6 *This value is doubled in infection / insulin 16+ 4 8 resistance. * If infection or insulin resistance; ** Zero units is NEVER put on a sliding scale! Always consider a bolus when starting a sliding scale 50 U actrapid made up to 50 ml with 0.9% saline – this provides 1 U / ml concentration. This is placed in a syringe driver set to deliver the appropriate amount per hour. Every hour the nurses will take a BM and reset the driver to deliver the amount of insulin you have written up for the appropriate BM If BM does not come down the consider another bolus or increasing slightly the amounts of insulin written up for a given BM on the sliding scale (e.g. go up a unit or two) Stopping a sliding scale The scale should be continued until there are no ketones and BM<10 Consult with the diabetic specialist nurse. It is ideally stopped at breakfast Take a BM and give long-lasting insulin appropriately before breakfast After breakfast, stop the sliding scale infusion – the effect will cease almost immediately so alternate insulin cover must be in place. Keep patient in for another 24 hours for observation. The extended insulin regime: BM often drops faster than ketones and is a poor (and dangerous) substitute for ketone levels. Running the patient on 10% or 20% dextrose with appropriate insulin will ensure the ketone levels drop while preventing hypoglycaemia. Helps prevent recurrence of DKA. Establish the cause of the DKA HONK Management Mnemonic: HIS HONK Heparin – (High risk of DVT) Insulin: 1 Unit / hour Saline: at half the rate for DKA Alternate Mnemonic: SIDs HONK* Saline: at half the rate for DKA Insulin: 1 Unit / hour DVT prophylaxis (high risk) – heparin *NB: Sid is obviously a goose… Hypoglycaemia The definition of hypoglycaemia is plasma glucose <2.5 g / dl. Symptoms arise at varying points person to person. Causes: alcohol (even in non-diabetics), insulin, long-acting sulphonylurea, unexpected exercise, Addisons, insulinoma, prolonged starvation, dumping syndrome, aspirin OD. Symptoms include: pale+sweating, hunger (though sometimes food refusal), nausea, tremor, drowsiness, seizures, hemiplegia, coma, mutism, mannerisms, personality change (e.g. aggression). Take BM Take blood: before treatment for: glucose, insulin, C-peptide, salycylate levels. If alcohol related or malnourished give 1-2 mg / kg thiamine before glucose to avoid Wernike’s If not in coma: Give hypostop or similar oral glucose. Outside hospital give oral sugar + long acting starch (e.g. jam sandwich) If in coma: give 20-30g dextrose IV (200-300 ml of 10% dextrose). 50% dextrose harms veins. An alternative is glycogen IV/IM 1 g. Expect prompt recovery for either. Follow with sugary drinks and a meal. Investigate the cause DVT PE is a consequence of DVT – risk factors for DVT include NO PILLS The following are NOT risk factors for DVT Neoplasm Oral contraceptive pill Smoking Hypertension Pregnancy Intravenous drug use Hypercholesterol / lipidaemia Long distance road/air travel Lower limb fractures Surgery (major) Investigations D-Dimer Thrombophilia tests if FH, no risk factors of recurrent Compression ultrasound Prevention Treatment Management Stop OCP 4 wks pre-op LMW heparin 1.5 mg/kg/d TED stockings Switch to warfarin for 3 months to INR 2-3 Prophylactic heparin Early mobilisation Headache As with all pain, ask the full range of questions in SOCRATES (see appendix x). Associated symptoms are listed below. Acute / severe Meningococcal septicaemia Pre-eclampsia Glaucoma (closed angle) Raised intracranial pressure Subarachnoid haemorrhage Giant cell (temporal) arteritis Recurrent Tension headache Migraine Cluster headache Space occupying lesion Features Fever (± other signs of sepsis), neck stiffness, ?petechial rash In pregnancy Eye pain + redness, tears, fixed dilated pupil, decreased acuity, haloes around lights systolic BP, widened pulse pressure, bradicardia, nausea. ‘Like being hit by a cricket bat’ – sudden, severe. Jaw claudication, scalp tenderness, Trismus, ESR, Loss of vision. May be very severe, pain typically ‘like a band’ around the head or like a weight on the head, often goes away on holiday. Aura, photopsia, nausea ‘clusters’ of headaches over weeks / months that disappear for a period before returning. Unilateral with one red eye + tearing. Typically pain in mornings, increasing severity over months Mnemonic: MEG IS A FUNNY FEMALE JESTER Causes (acute severe) Questions (all headaches) M Meningococcal F Fever E Pre-Eclampsia U Aura / photopsia / haloes G Glaucoma N Nausea I Intracranial pressure N Neck stiffness S Subarachnoid haem. Y Young? – first severe A Arteritis (giant cell) headache >35 is sinister. Questions (all headaches) F Fit / collapse E Eye – loss of vision M Memory / mental changes A Abrupt onset L Loss of consciousness E Eye pain, redness, tears Causes (acute severe) Essential components of the examination J Jaw claudication GCS, MMSE Otoscopy E Raised ESR* Focal neurology Temperature S Scalp tenderness Scalp + sinuses for Meningism / neck T Trismus tenderness / fractures tenderness E Event e.g. trauma Pupils Rashes R Rash Fundoscopy BP *OK – this is an investigation and not a question… Immediately: ABC then BP, temp, urine dip if pregnant, IV access Investigations: CT/MRI head or LP Blood cultures ESR LFTs Management: meningitis Mnemonic: ABC HUBS ABC & admit immediately Place head-up 1200 mg benzylpenicillin by slow IV or IM 1 g Cefotaxime if penicillin allergic Steroid - dexamethasone Management: SAH ABC & admit immediately Observation / analgesia Prevention of further ischaemia: 3L fluids minimum + nimlodipine Prevention of re-bleed – clipping of aneurysm Management: ICP Mnemonic: ABC ERMMM… ABC & admit immediately Elevate head of bed to 40˚ Restrict fluids <1.5L / 24h Mannitol 20% 1-2g / Kg over 10-20 mins* Monitor Make diagnosis for definitive management *this takes 10-20 mins to work – if intubated can also hyperventilate to PaCO2 <3.5 – this yields almost immediate reduction in ICP. Pre-eclampsia Diagnosis is based on: BURPP O/E remember: BP>160/110mmHg on 2 occasions High BP / Urine dip U+E’s: raised creatinine Facial oedema Raised ALT/AST, deranged clotting factors Confusion (severe PET) (hepatitic picture) Hyperreflexia and clonus Protein (urinary) >300mg/24hours Papilloedema Platelets low Foetal Doppler / Cardiotocography (CTG) Management: ABC & Ob/Gyn referral IV Access, BP, Urine dip Treat hypertension (methyldopa or CCB / labetalol) ACE I contraind. Monitor maternal health Monitor fetal health (CTG / fetal movement chart) Delivery (± steroids as required) General info for supplemental questions Neck Stiffness Meningitis Triad QuickTime™ and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture. Fever Headache An important physically demonstrable sign of meningitis is Kernig's sign. Severe stiffness of the hamstrings causes an inability to straighten the leg when the hip is flexed to 90 degrees. The back of the thigh muscle can be felt in spasm. Cushing’s triad is the triad of signs that may indicate raised intracranial pressure – papilloedema is often cited but is a very late sign. Others are headache, vomiting, drowsiness and fever. Pulse Pressure is the difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressures Widening Pulse Pressure Monroe-Kelly doctrine Cushing’s Triad Sys BP Bradycardia The cranium and the vertebral body, along with the relatively inelastic dura, form a rigid container, such that the increase in any of its contents --- brain, blood, or CSF --- will increase the ICP. In addition, any increase in one of the components must be at the expense of the other two. Pathogenesis of Pre-eclampsia Not fully understood yet. What is known is that problem is fundamentally poor placental perfusion. It is thought this poor placental perfusion may either be due to a problem with trophoblast implantation and/or due to maternal microvascular disease, but whatever the cause, the blueprint for pre-eclampsia is set early in pregnancy. The lack of placental perfusion leads to the release of vasoconstrictors such as thromboxane, a relative lack of vasodilators such as prostacyclin and women with PET seem to be more sensitive to vasoconstrictors in general. This creates a high pressure system and in the placenta this damages the endothelium to cause microthrombi of trophoblastic tissue, which in turn leads to increased coagulation and also precipitate end-organ damage. This end organ damage includes: CVS: High TPR leads eventually to LVF, which in turn causes pulmonary oedema and ARDS. Kidneys: There is swelling of glomerular endothelial cells which blocks the capillaries and leads to leakiness of the kidneys which manifests as proteinuria and reduced renal function Liver: Fibrin deposits accumulate in the liver and this causes hepatocellular damage, which can result in DIC. The liver becomes distended and sub-capsular hemorrhage can also occur. Increased cerebral vascular resistance leads to visual disturbance, headache, eclampsia and increased risk of CVA. Placenta: High resistance and poor perfusion leads to oligohydramnios and IUGR. Endocrine emergencies (non-diabetic) Addisonian crisis Addison’s disease is the primary adrenal insufficiency. Adrenal hormones will be lacking and this may result in an Addisonian crisis. Tuberculosis Surgical removal of adrenals Meningococcal septicaemia Causes: Autoimmune disease Steroid therapy Most reliable are in bold Symptoms Weight loss Anorexia Signs Pigmentation: esp palmar creases Depression Confusion Weakness Myalgia Diarrhoea N&V Syncope Joint / back Postural Hypotension Buccal pigmentation Loss of weight Loss body hair Gen. Wasting Vitiligo Dehydration The immediate management of Addisonian crisis Take blood for cortisol levels. Do not await results. There are several priorities: -60 mins. 100 mg IM 6 hourly thereafter until clinically stable. Fluid & salt replacement: 1L normal saline IV over 30-60 mins. 2 units over next 12 h thereafter. Glucose replacement: IV glucose as required (5% dextrose is not sufficient). Initiate tests for TB (the commonest cause of Addisonian crisis after primary Addison’s syndrome). Sputum culture and microscopy (for AAFB – alcohol acid fast bacilli) Tuberculin (Mantoux) test Chest X-ray Mnemonic: SHAG – saline, hydrocortisone, AAFB, glucose The confirming test for primary Addison’s disease is the synthacthen test measuring response to a synthetic ACTH analogue. K+ States Hyperkalaemia K+ > 6 is a medical emergency Possible clinical features include: cardiac arrhythmias, e.g. asystole: hyperkalaemia is usually asymptomatic until cardiac toxicity intervenes. other features include peripheral muscle weakness(less common), confusion and respiratory paralysis. Note that emergency treatment is necessary if the serum potassium rises above 7.0 mmol/l or if there are ECG changes associated with hyperkalaemia. The ECG changes involved in hyperkalaemia are variable but may involve: peaked T waves widened QRS complex increased PR interval asystole Management Levels – confirm the reading is real and not due to artifact e.g. haemolysis of the sample Calcium gluconate (for cardiovascular protection – does not affect K+ levels) 10 ml of 10% given over 2 mins. Salbutamol Nebs (2.5 mg) Moves K+ into cells Insulin + Dextrose (20 U + 50ml of 50% dextrose)* Moves K+ into cells Calcium resonium (binds K+ in the gut) 15 mg over 8h in PO in water or 30 mg PR Dialysis if unresponsive to medical treatment or if K+ > 7 Mnemonic: GRIDDLeS – Gluconate; Resonium; Insulin + Dextrose; Dialysis; Levels; Salbutamol *250ml of 20% dextrose is less damaging to veins but takes longer to deliver. Hypokaleamia peripheral muscle weakness - may also occur in hyperkalaemia polyuria polydipsia cramps, tetany tiredness K+ <3 in a patient taking thiazides rarely requires treatment K+ <2.5 – 3 not taking diuretics is treated by 80 mmol / 24 hours K+ (Sando-K, 2 tabs TDS/QDS) K+ <2.5 always requires treatment (or advice from a senior) Cautious IV K+: 1 L of 20 mmol/L (or 500 ml of 40 mmol/L) over 1 hour then repeat levels Gastrointesinal bleed Gynae Pain / PV bleed In pregnancy In 50% of women presenting with vaginal bleeding in pregnancy, the pregnancy will continue as normal. In early pregnancy (<20 weeks), think of: Ectopic pregnancy Miscarriage: threatened, inevitable, missed/silent. Molar pregnancy In later pregnancy think of: Placenta praevia Placental abruption Unrelated to pregnancy Cervical lesions e.g. cervical ectropion. If pain only think of appendicitis, UTI and renal stones. Asking about the bleeding Is the patient pregnant (test if not absolutely sure) If pregnant, has intrauterine pregnancy been confirmed on ultrasound. Is it heavier than a normal period How much blood (how many pads) Have any clots been passed (think of vaginal shock) Ectopic pregnancy: Any pregnancy outside the uterus. Ask if the patient has had an ultrasound scan yet – if so and this has confirmed an intrauterine pregnancy then this diagnosis is excluded. Ovary Fallopian tubes (accounts for 95%): Fimbrial, ampullary (most common), isthmic and corneal. Cervix Broad ligament Abdomen Predisposing factors: Miscarriage is loss of pregnancy before 24 weeks. There are a number of types: Threatened: This is when there is PV bleeding (no pain) before 24 weeks gestation, the os is closed and a viable intrauterine pregnancy is seen on USS Inevitable: This is when there has been/is imminent loss of the products of conception through an open cervix. An inevitable miscarriage can be incomplete (products have not completely been lost) or complete (all the products of conception have been expelled from the uterus). Missed miscarriage: This is when there is loss of the pregnancy with the os closed and complete retention of products of conception. Myocardial infarction Infarction - tissue death by ischaemia most often resulting from occlusion of a coronary vessel by an embolus. The most common source of emboli come is the rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque STEMI: ST elevation myocardial infarction (Q wave MI) NSTEMI: non ST elevation MI (‘unstable angina’, non Q wave MI) Presentation varies from severe central chest pain to asymptomatic (latter more common in the elderly and in diabetics) Pain is NOT relieved by nitrates or rest (compare angina) Associated symptoms - dyspnoea, sweating, nausea. May be present without pain. Pathology Coagulation necrosis Inflammation Granulation tissue Scar tissue formation Remodelling Infarct size depends upon Extent and duration of occlusion Site of occlusion within coronary tree Existence of collaterals Oxygen demand of myocardium. Investigations: ECG – ST segment elevation, T wave inversion, Q wave increased These changes may take up to 24 hours to become apparent Cardiac Cellular Enzymes Creatine Kinase MB: levels rise rapidly to peak at 24hrs. Near normal in 3d Lactate dehydrogenase: peak in 3d, Near normal in 8d Cardiac Troponins I and T: More sensitive and specific to acute MI than enzymes above – take 3-12 hours to become apparent but are detectable as rasied for weeks post attack. Complications (mnemonic: Sudden Death For Mr DRAPAS) Sudden Death Cardiac Failure Mitral regurgitation Dresslers syndrome Rupture of ventricular wall Arrhythmia - tachycardia, fibrillation, locks Pericarditis Aneurysm Cardiogenic Shock General Management Oxygen Opiates (e.g. allopurinol) to control pain Treatment of acute NSTEMI: Mainly antithrombotic therapy to stabilise the underlying coronary thrombus and anti-ischaemic therapy to improve balance between oxygen supply and demand Aspirin – inhibits platelet synthesis of thromboxane A2 – platelet activator. IV heparin – increases the efficiency of the bodies own anti-thrombotic mechanisms. Binds to ATIII and increases its potency for thrombin (factor IIa) inactivation (factor Xa inactivation in low MW heparin). Clopidogrel – aspirin only blocks one platelet activating pathway – concomitant treatment with clopidogrel is more effective – this drug inhibits ADP mediated platelet activation. GP IIB/IIIA inhibitor (for high risk patients) – block the final common pathway of platelet activation. e.g. abciximab (a monoclonal antibody) Nitroglycerin – an anti-ischaemic used in same way as for angina – anti-ischaemic used in same way as for angina Treatment of acute STEMI: Focus is to quickly restore blood flow through occluded coronary arteries. Fibrinolytic (thrombolytic) therapy – these drugs function by stimulating the natural fibrinolytic system of the body. They transform inactive plasminogen into the active protease plasmin which degrades the alpha helix of fibrin. Newer dugs such a tPA, rPA and TNK-tPA bind preferentially to fibrin in formed thrombi and generate plasmin locally to that site rather than all around the system as older drugs (e.g. streptokinase) did. PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) is an alternative to fibrinolytic therapy. This requires more expertise and better facilities than fibrinolytic therapy but has a better outcome. Aspirin – inhibits platelet synthesis of thromboxane A2 – platelet activator. Clopidogrel – if aspirin is contraindicated. This drug inhibits ADP mediated platelet activation. IV heparin – increases the efficiency of the bodies own anti-thrombotic mechanisms. Binds to ATIII and increases its potency for thrombin (factor IIa) inactivation (factor Xa inactivation in low MW heparin). -blockers – anti ischaemic - primarily reduce oxygen demand but also protect against arrhythmias and reinfarction. Adjuncts for both NSTEMI and STEMI: ACE inhibitors: HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (‘statins’) Pneumothorax / tension pneumothorax Sudden onset dyspnoea and/or pleuritic chest pain Non-tension pneumothorax ABC then IV access + chest X-ray Aspiration consider repeat if unsuccessful Chest drain Tension pneumothorax Airway Emergency aspiration via wide-bore venflon / needle in 2nd intercostal space mid-clav line. Oxygen and Chest drain Chest X-ray Poisoning Sign Hypoventilation Hyperventilation Bradycardia Tacharrythmia Pinpoint pupils Dilated pupils Hypertension Hyperthermia Pyramidal signs, ataxia, hypotonia, hyperreflexia, extensor plantars Consider Opiates, ethanol, benzodiazapines Metabolic acidosis (aspirin, paracetamol), gastric aspiration, CO 2 Opiates, blockers, digoxin Tricyclics, anti-cholinergics, caffeine, theophilline, lithium, digoxin Opiates, organophosphates Methanol, anticholinergics, tricyclics, LSD Ecstacy, amphetamines, cocaine Ecstacy, amphetamines, anti-cholinergics Drug Opiates Paracetamol / aspirin Tricyclics Ecstacy Signs Bradycardia, hypoventilation, pinpoint pupils Hyperventilatation Tachyarrythmia, dilated pupils, tone + reflex changes, pyramidal signs Hypertension, hyperthermia Tricyclics or anti-cholinergics Participate in the management of the commoner poisonings Always record: GCS Respiratory rate Heart rate Pupil dilatation (even if normal) Blood pressure Temperature Tone & reflexes Investigations BM ABG U+E, LFT + INR Urine screen ECG (characteristic in some poisonings) Salicylate Paracetamol level 4 hrs post ingestion, and again 4 hrs later. Salicylate and paracetamol levels are always ordered at some trusts in any OD Always contact the local poisons unit (telephone number in BNF) and check TOXBASE. Priorities are Resuscitation – ABC + IV access Intubate if GCS <8 and non-responsive to naloxone (opiates) or flumazenil (benzodiazepines) Fluids if hypotensive Control of hyperthermia (e.g. remove clothing, cold sponging ± electric fan, 4ºC IV fluids) Prevention of further absorption of the poison Note: There are no proven benefits to any of these techniques and risks associated include aspiration and subsequent lung complications that may be more dangerous than the effects of the poison. These techniques should be discussed with seniors before use. Gastric lavage: If it has been <1 hour since the poisoning then gastric lavage may be useful – contraindicated for corrosive substances or hydrocarbons. Reduces absorption. Activated charcoal: Only really effective if given within 1 hour. Reduces absorption of toxins that have carbon side chains e.g. . Of no use others e.g. iron. For some poisons, activated charcoal may be given 2 hourly – reduces enterohepatic cycling. May be easier to give via NG tube as it has a foul taste. Total Bowel Irrigation (TBI): this aims to fill the whole bowel with water to dilute the poison and help it be excreted quickly. Specific management (see below) For control of fits, benzodiazepines may be given – consider PR if IV access is difficult Always contact the local poisons unit – telephone number in BNF. Toxin Opiate Aspirin Immediate action Check and monitor breathing Paracetamol Gastric lavage if within 4 hours Paracetamol levels at 4 hours* Antidepressants Activated charcoal Benzodiazepines Protect airway Digoxin Lithium Check K+ and ECG Gastric lavage CO2 ABG, ECG, 100% O2 Antidote Naloxone (short half-life) Alkaline diuresis, haemodialysis N-acetylcysteine (NAC)* Diazepam for convulsions Cardiac monitoring Flumazenil if severe Atropine (3 mg), glucagons 7 mg IM, consider pacing. Digibind ® binding antibody Diuresis, dialysis Diazepam for fits, consider hyperbaric oxygen if available. *NAC has an unpleasant side effect profile and is not automatically indicated in all overdose. Take paracetamol levels 4 hours post ingestion (or later if presentation is after 4 hours) and measure serum level against time post OD on the graph in the BNF – this will tell you whether to give or withhold NAC. Junior doctors should always seek a senior opinion. The BNF table has 2 levels – the upper line is for the majority of patients – the lower level is for those who already are receiving enzyme inducing drugs, malnourished (e.g. alcoholics) or for some other patient groups (see BNF for details). History taking: If the patient is responsive and coherent then a history can be taken after ABC assessment. If this is not the case then try to get a history from family, friends, ambulance crew or anyone else who may be able to provide details. Empty tablet bottles may give a clue to what has been taken. What did they take: all drugs including alcohol; how much? When did they take them? Why did they take them: assess suicidal ideation. If you need to take a poisoning history in an OSCPE station or long case then you can prevent forgetting anything by making a table in the notes, e.g.: Drug No. Pills Dose Tot. dose Time Paracetamol 12 500 mg 6g 08.30 Paracetamol 10 500 mg 5g 10.00 Ferrous sulphate 20 Unknown 08.30 Get help from: TOXBASE: BNF: Section on poisoning emergencies at the front National poisons centre: Telephone number in BNF Seniors! Make an assessment of the underlying social and psychiatric factors in deliberate selfharm and the likelihood of a repetition In some trusts (including Walsgrave) a formal psychiatric assessment is required of any patient who has deliberately taken an overdose – remember to check local trust policies. Such assessment may be requested when the patient is stabilized. Risk factors for self-harm Demographic / epidemiology Previous Hx self-harm Younger Female > Male Low SES Divorced and younger single Teenage wives Illness related Psychiatric illness less common, less severe Personality disorder (especially borderline) Alcohol dependence Poor physical health Other Early parental loss Parental neglect or abuse Long term social problems: family, employment, financial Risk factors for suicide Demographic / epidemiology Previous Hx Suicide or self-harm Older* Male > Female Single, separated, widowed Unemployed Illness related Psychiatric illness common, severe Depressive illness Alcohol abuse Drug abuse Schizophrenia Personality disorder Chronic pain or epilepsy Other Threats of suicide Proposed plan Preparatory acts (e.g. saving pills) or ‘putting affairs in order’ * It is important that attempted suicide should always be taken seriously in the elderly[1]. Attempts in the elderly are a much stronger predictor of subsequent completed suicide compared with attempts in younger people, with a ratio of attempts to completion estimated to be around 4:1 compared with between 8 and 200:1 for young people who attempt suicide[1]. Suicidal behaviour in the elderly is undertaken with greater intent (less often expressed) and with greater lethality than in younger age groups. Significant factors include: bereavement, social isolation and loneliness with depressive illness as the most important predictor[1]. [1] H Cattell. Suicide in the elderly. Advan. in Psychiatr. Treat. 2000; 6: 102-8. Pneumonia / pulmonary embolism Pneumonia Pulmonary Embolism Pneumonia Pulmonary Embolism Gradual (over days) Sudden Dyspnoea Potentially present Potentially present Cough Heamoptysis Potentially present Potentially present Potentially present Pleuritic chest pain Potentially present Potentially present Usually absent Potentially present Usually absent Potentially present Potentially present Potentially present Potentially present Usually Usually Potentially present Potentially present Potentially present Usually absent Potentially present (unreliable) Stony dull Potentially present Usually absent Potentially present Potentially present Potentially present Potentially present Usually absent Usually absent Potentially present Potentially present Potentially present Potentially present Smokers, COPD, Heart failure / Cystic fibrosis CXR, ABG, Blood/sputum cult. Surgery, Immobility Hypercoagulability CXR, ABG, D-dimers Onset Dizziness Syncope Fever Confusion Tachypnoea Tactile vocal fremitus Percussion note Bronchial breathing Crackles Whispering pectoriloquy Pleural friction rub Tachycardia Hypotension Raised JVP Risk factors Investigations Usually absent The more useful distinguishing characteristics are in bold. Tachypnoea + cyanosis are signs of respiratory failure Pyrexia, rigors or prostration are signs of systemic disease – always take blood culture. PE is a consequence of DVT – risk factors for DVT include NO PILLS The following are NOT risk factors for DVT Neoplasm Oral contraceptive pill Smoking Hypertension Pregnancy Intravenous drug use Hypercholesterol / lipidaemia Long distance road/air travel Lower limb fractures Surgery (major) Investigation of PE D-dimers (excludes if negative in a low risk patient) FBC Clotting Management of PE: SOD HIM Sit upright O2 at high concentration D-dimers Contraindications to streptokinase: Recent haemorrhage, trauma, or surgery (including dental extraction), coagulation defects, bleeding diatheses, aortic dissection, coma, history of cerebrovascular disease recent symptoms of possible peptic ulceration, heavy vaginal bleeding, previous allergic reactions to either streptokinase or anistreplase (no longer available). Arterial blood gas Chest X ray ECG V:Q scan / CT pulmonary angiogram Heparin IV IV streptokinase if no improvement after 60 mins and no contraindications) Morphine Alternatives: Reteplase Alteplase The Wells Score: This is a scoring system that attempts to grade patients into low, moderate and high risk of DVT. 1 point for each of the following points of history / examination History Active cancer (treatment within 6 months) Bedridden (>3 days) or major surgery + GA within 12 wks Recent plaster (cast), paralysis or paresis Prior DVT Examination: Pitting oedema (confined to symptomatic leg) Leg swelling affecting whole limb. Diameter of calf (10 cm below tibial tuberosity) 3+ cm greater on affected leg. Tenderness along the anatomy of the deep venous circulation -2 points if any other diagnosis is equally likely <1: Low risk 1-2: Moderate risk 3+: High risk Respiratory failure Presentation will be that of the cause for the failure together with symptoms and signs of either hypoxia (type 1) or hypoxia and hypercapnia (type 2). Hypoxia: PaO2 <8 kPa If long standing: Dyspnoea Hypercapnia: PaCO2 >6 kPa Headache Tremor / flap Restlessness Agitation Confusion Central cyanosis Polycythaemia Pulmonary hypertension Cor pulmonale Peripheral vasodilatation Tachycardia Bounding pulse Papilloedema Confusion Drowsiness Coma Causes Type 1 resp failure PaO2 <8 kPa; PaCO2 normal/ Type 2 respiratory failure: PaO2 <8 kPa; PaCO2 >6 kPa Pulmonary disease: Neuromuscular: Asthma Cervical cord lesion COPD Poliomyelitis Pneumonia Gullaine Barré Pulm fibrosis Myasthenia gravis Obstructive sleep apnoea Muscular dystrophies Reduced Respir. drive Diaphragmatic paralysis Thoracic wall disease Right left shunt Sedative drugs Cyanotic congenital heart CNS tumour Flail chest disease Trauma Kyphoscoliosis Mnemonic for type 1 causes: A PEPPER – Asthma; PE; pneumonia, pulm oedema; emphysema; RightLeft shunt. Pneumonia Pulm oedema PE Asthma Emphysema Fibrosing alveolitis Management Investigations to ascertain cause: Bloods: FBC, U&E, CRP, ABG Radiology: CXR Microbiology: Blood / sputum culture (if febrile) Spirometry Treat underlying cause Give oxygen appropriately So what system should I use? Well but slightly low SATs Long term home oxygen Asthma / LVF / pneumonia COPD Nasal cannulae (24-28% dependent on flow / resp rate) Hudson mask if required FiO2 <50% (approx 50% with 15L / min flow) Add a reservoir bag if required FiO2 >50-70% (at 15 L / min flow) Venturi mask – 24, 28 or 35% as tolerated Hypoxia kills faster than hypercapnia and CO2 retainers are rare (even in those with COPD) – if in doubt start O2 at 35% and move from there. If ABG shows >1.5 kPa increase in PaCO2, consider a respiratory stimulant (e.g. doxapram 1.5 – 4 mg / min IV) or assisted ventilation (e.g. NIPPV – non-invasive positive pressure ventilation). An arterial blood gas sample is taken usually from radial artery at wrist or brachial artery in cubital fossa. Sample is kept in ice and must be processed within 30 minutes. Reference ranges are: pH: pCO2: pO2: [HCO3-]: 7.35 – 7.45 4.7 – 6.0 kPa >10.6 kPa 22-25 mmol/L (standardised bicarbonate) Base excess: +/- 2 mmol/L If the problem is respiratory then pH and pCO2 change in the opposite directions (mnemonic ROD) Respiratory acidosis: pH, pCO2 Respiratory alkalosis: pH, pCO2 If the problem is metabolic then pH and pCO2 change in the same direction. Metabolic acidosis: pH, pCO2 Metabolic alkalosis: pH, pCO2 It is also important to look at the FiO2 value – this is a value input by the user of the blood gas machine. It is the concentration of O2 the patient was receiving at the time the sample was taken (e.g. .21 in normal air) Background box: useful facts about ABGs The blood gas syringe and needle – what is special about them: The syringe and needle come in a package together – the syringe contains vacuum and heparin – it will draw blood into itself with the heparin preventing clotting. Allens test can be performed before taking an ABG from the radial artery – it ensures patenct of the collateral supply from the ulnar atery: Press hard upon the patients radial and ulnar arteries and get the patient to make a fist, hold for a few seconds then relax – the palm will go white. If the grip on the ulnar artery is released and the palm goes red again then the collateral supply is OK and you may proceed to take blood from the radial artery. The pulse oximeter allows non-invasive measurement of peripheral O2 saturation (‘sats’) by way of a probe attached to fingertip or earlobe. Results <90% require attention; <80% is clearly abnormal and action is required unless this is normal for the patient (e.g. COPD). Results from a pulse oximeter must be treated with caution – the following can result in erroneous readings: Cold peripheries (poor perfusion) Skin pigmentation Take an ABG when indicated Excess light CO poisoning (cherry red coulour) Methaemaglobnaemia Nail varnish Assess the cause and severity of respiratory failure and initiate management The purpose of the lungs is gaseous exchange – this process requires the following: Pumping of blood to the lungs by the heart Inspiration and expiration – powered by muscle and controlled by the respiratory centre of the medulla. Impulses conveyed down the spinal cord and through peripheral nerves. A suitable environment for exchange at the alveoli (V:Q matching, no barriers to diffusion) Shock Immediately: ABC then BP, Temp, ABG, 2x IV Access, ECG Causes Signs Mnemonic: O CRAPP Oliguria Capillary refill prolonged Reduced BP (<90 systolic) Air hunger Pulse Pallor Management Mnemonic: RICH Raise foot of bed ID cause if possible Crystalloids stat to BP (but see cardiogenic shock) Get Help early Anaphylactic Shock Anaphylactic: Type 1 IgE mediated release of histamine and other products resulting in capillary leakage. Anaphylactoid: Direct release of mediators from inflammatory cells resulting in capillary leakage. PC: Wheeze, cyanosis, oedema (lids, tongue, larynx), pruritis, tachycardia, hypotension Immediately: (ABC) including definitive airway if needed + 100% oxygen Management: ABC CRASH FLUIDS Chlorpheniramine (Chlorphenamine 10 mg IV - antihistamine) given after hydrocortisone Raise feet to improve circulation Adrenaline IM 0.5 mg (0.5 ml of 1:1000) – repeat every 5 min if required Secure IV access Hydrocortisone 200 mg IV Fluids – challenge with 500 ml normal saline at 15 minute intervals until BP response. May need up to 2L Common precipitants Iatrogenic Drugs e.g. penicillin Contrast media Latex Food Peanuts Eggs Fish Strawberries Other Stings Semen Cardiogenic Shock Immediately: ABC then BP, Temp, ABG, IV Access, ECG This is the one type of shock in which fluids may be dangerous Causes: MATTED Myocardial infarction Arrhythmia Tamponade Tension pneumothorax Endocarditis (valve destr.) Aortic dissection Sickle cell crisis Management Mnemonic: ABC SOD IT Senior help – urgently Oxygen Diamorphine Investigations Timing (arrythmias) Investigations U+E; CK; ABG ECG Chest X-ray Echo CT thorax (dissection) V:Q scan (exclude PE) Causes: Cold Dehydration Infection Ischaemia (e.g. exercise) Hypoxia (e.g.anaesthesia) Investigations Check for hepatospelenomegaly FBC (Hb ) INR / clotting LFT (bilirubin ) Electrophoresis Management Mnemonic: ABC ALL STAFF CHOW Analgesia (opioid) Check Liver / spleen size Salbutamol if wheezy Consider Transfusion Antibiotics if fever and inflam markers / WCC Fluids Crossmatch Haematology opinion Oxygen Warmth Presentations Fits / CNS symptoms Painful swelling of hands / feet Hepatosplenomegaly + RUQ pain Lethargy + pallor Sequelae Osteomyelitis Leg ulcers Renal failure Chronic management: Immunisation: Pneumococcal + NHS (neisseria, heamophilae influenzae, strep) Prophylactic antibiotics Hydroxyuria if frequent crises There is an argument for performing a sickling test on all patients of African descent pre-op. Status asthmaticus PC: Acute onset shortness of wheezy breathlessness Immediately: (ABC) then PEFR, O2 Sats, Temp, ABG, IV access Differentials: Acute exacerbation of COPD Pulmonary oedema / embolism URT obstruction Anaphylaxis Investigations FBC U+E Chest X-ray D-Dimers V:Q scan; Pulmonary angiogram Severe asthma is a PURE BEAST Signs of severe asthma (PURE) Pulse rate > 110 / min Unable to complete sentences Respiratory rate > 25 / min Expiratory peak flow <1/2 predicted / normal Signs of life-threatening asthma (BEAST) Bradycardia; BP Exhaustion; confusion, coma ABG: PaO2 <8; PaCO2 normal or elevated Silent chest Third of normal PEFR or less Management: SO SHIT Sit the patient up Oxygen (100%) Salbutamol (Nebulised through oxygen) 5 mg – back to back if needed. Hydrocortisone IM Ipratropium bromide (Nebulised through oxygen) 0.5 mg Theophiline (aminophyline – with senior advice) Status epilepticus Tonic-clonic status epilepticus is a condition in which prolonged or recurrent tonic-clonic seizures occur over 30 minutes without the patient regaining consciousness. This is a medical emergency because of the 20% mortality and the high rates of neurological and systemic morbidity. The condition does not imply that the patient is epileptic – there are other causes. A common cause is the withdrawal of drugs, for example, anticonvulsants and alcohol. Others include: Hypoglycaemia Encephalitis Electrolyte imbalance Hypocalcaemia Acute meningitis Cerebral tumour Hypomagnesaemia Fever (esp children) Eclampsia Mnemonic: GATE to FAME Glucose Alcohol / drugs Tumour Eclampsia Fever Anticonvulsant Meningitis Electrolytes / Calcium Immediately ABC BM Glucose O2 Sats, Temp IV access Basic management Mnemonic: OI FLID RAP Oxygen, Investigations Fluids Lorazepam IV Or Diazepam rectally Again – repeat after 10 mins if no change Phenytoin ENSURE anaesthetist is aware of situation if a second dose of benzodiazepine is needed. Investigations: ABG. U+E, Ca2+, ESR / CRP, anticonvulsant levels, CT/MRI ASAP Adult Initial management (0-10 minutes): ABC - maintain airway, ensure breathing, cardiovascular resuscitation if necessary Always give oxygen to prevent hypoxia Second line management (0-60 min): Emergency investigations aimed at determining the cause of the epilepsy: Electrolytes, glucose Renal and liver function tests Calcium and magnesium Anticonvulsant levels Keep 50 ml of blood for future anaylsis Regular cardiovascular monitoring: Pulse, blood pressure, ECG Regular biochemical monitoring: Urea and electrolytes Blood count and clotting Blood gases and pH Hydration should be maintained with an intravenous infusion If hypoglycaemia is demonstrated or suspected give Child Initial management: After ensuring a patent airway with 100% oxygen and having checked for hypoglycaemia, the first drug to consider depends upon whether vascular access has been obtained. The preferred treatment is: lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg intravenous or intraosseous wait up to 10 minutes; if still fitting repeat the dose once only If no vascular access: diazepam 0.5 mg/kg rectally wait up to 10 minutes; if still fitting AND vascular access now obtained, give lorazepam 0.1 mg/kg (but once only if used after giving rectal diazepam) N.B. if lorazepam cannot be found remember to check the fridge as it should be kept there. second line management: If still fitting after first line drugs, then: if less than 6 months; paraldehyde 0.3 ml/kg rectally if greater than 6 months; paraldehyde 0.4 ml/kg rectally Paraldehyde should not be used in liver disease. It takes 50 ml of 50% glucose with 250 mg of thiamine intravenously (thiamine to avoid Wernicke’s syndr.) Give emergency anticonvulsant medication Third line management (0-90 minutes): Determine the cause of the epilepsy: Consider MRI/CT scan Lumbar puncture may be required but care must be taken that intracranial pressure is not raised and facilities for resuscitation should be available If stopping anticonvulsant treatment has precipitated status then the drug should be restarted Treat the complications of status, often hypotension necessitates the use of intravenous dopamine infusions Continue anticonvulsant medication Fourth line management (30-90 mins): If seizures continue despite the above measures then the patient should be transferred to intensive care where they should be ventilated and anaesthetised Aim for burst suppression on continuous EEG monitoring Continuous intracranial pressure monitoring may be required Long-term anticonvulsant medication is given in addition to the general anaesthetic agents 10-15 minutes to act and the effects last 2-4 hours. Intramuscular paraldehyde causes severe pain and may cause abscess formation. It is not recommended. Third line drugs are: phenytoin 18 mg/kg intravenous or intraosseous over 20 minutes Rate of infusion not to exceed 1 mg/kg/min Concentration of infusion not to exceed 10 mg/ml Mix with 0.9% sodium chloride Ensure cardiac monitoring as risk of arrhythmias and hypotension If already on phenytoin: phenobarbitone 15-20 mg/kg intravenous or intraosseous over 10 minutes If child remains fitting despite all earlier measures: rapid sequence induction with thiopentone 4 mg/kg intravenous or intraosseous Testicular torsion PC: swollen scrotum + intense pain Differentials: Epididymo-orchitis Torsion of Hydatid of Morgagni Ideopathic scrotal oedema Management: Urology referrral Sugical exploration and management. Testicular torsion can result in loss of the testicle within four hours through ischaemia so this diagnosis is an emergency – if in doubt refer to urology registrar - the scrotum must be explored surgically if there is any uncertainty about the diagnosis. Torsion occurs most often in adolescents. The typical presentation is with a tender, swollen scrotum and lower abdominal pain; symptoms are however variable and often much less marked in young children and neonates. The incidence of torsion is higher for undescended testes. Epididymo-orchitis is inflammation of the testicle and occurs most often in 3rd – 4th decade. Acute orchitis (testis) is usually viral in origin (e.g. mumps, Coxsackie) Acute epydidymitis (epydidymis) is usually bacterial in origin. If following catheterization or urinary tract surgery then suspect E.coli. Otherwise suspect Chlamidia trachomatis (or rarely TB). Chronic orchitis is most likely to be misdiagnosed cancer. Syphilis is a very rare possibility. Chronic epydidymitis is likely to be due to TB but an inflammatory response to extravasated sperm is possible post vasectomy (seminal granuloma). Torsion Typical age of onset younger. The testis lies horizontally, high in the neck of the scrotum. In the early stages, the cord may be palpably thickened. Later, palpation is difficult as the overlying scrotal skin becomes red and oedematous. Systemic features less likely The cremasteric reflex is absent. Pain is not relieved by elevating the twisted testis - negative Prehn's sign. Epididymo-orchitis Typical age of onset older. The epididymis is tender and swollen, and the overlying scrotal skin, red and warm. Initially, the epididymis is palpable separately from the testis but becomes more difficult as the infection becomes established and inflammation spreads to the testis. May be systemic features such as fever and rigors in severe cases The cremasteric reflex may be present. Tenderness may be relieved by elevating the scrotum - Prehn's sign. The cremasteric reflex is dependent upon the nerve roots L1 and L2. This reflex is elicited by stroking (with the nails) the superior and medial part of the thigh in a downward direction. The normal response in males is a contraction (often small and hard to see) of the cremasteric muscle that pulls up the scrotum and testis on the side stroked. In children, the reflex may be overexaggerated. Transfusion reaction Acute Transfusion reaction (wrong ABO type): Mnemonic FFFFFlip… Fever Flushing Fast heart Falling BP Flipping painful (back, chest, loin, infusion site). Management: mnemonic SHIT Stop the transfusion Check ID and name on unit Call haematologist Take unit, FBC, U+E, clotting and cultures to lab Complications: DIC Extensive bruising, bleeding anywhere (esp old venepuncture sites) Give 2 units FFP and seek senior advice O patient given A blood is worst – 10% mortality. Give supportive care and seek advice. Multiply transfused patient given platelets Not very serious – febrile non-haemolytic transfusion reaction. Fever, rash, nausea. General info for supplemental questions What antigens are on the surface of the RBC? Residual H antigen is always present – it is the root of the ABO antigen system – others as below. Type RBC antigen Antibody O H anti A & B A H, A anti B B H, B anti A AB H, A, B - What does negative and positive refer to? To the absence or presence of Rhesus D antigen. As well as Rhesus D there are Rhesus C and E alleles. Rhesus D is the most antigenic of the three and is either absent or present – the other two are always present in one of the two alleles (C or c and E or e). What transfusions are safe? Patient Type O Type A Donor O O, A Type B O, B Type AB O, A, B Rhesus Rhesus - Rhesus + Rh – or + In theory, Rh+ blood could be given once to an Rh- person who had not been exposed to it before – 70% would then seroconvert and could not be given it again. To prevent seroconversion, anti-D could be given. This would be done to correct accidental Rh+ administration of one unit. In amounts more than one unit it would result in coagulation. When a sample is sent for crossmatch, what tests are carried out? The ABO group is ascertained The Rhesus D status is obtained – these two give a 98% chance of safe transfusion. Other Rh groups may be tested for non-Caucasians & in multiple transfusions. An antibody screen is performed (to detect antibodies such as anti-Kell) A cross match is performed - patient plasma is mixed with donor red cells to see if a reaction (indicative of rarer antibody in patient plasma) occurs. What does the result ‘antibody screen positive’ mean? What action is taken? The patients blood has antibody to non ABO/Rh antigen – crossmatch cannot proceed (would take too long) blood cannot be given. Gain help from consultant for immediate patient management (e.g. control of bleed) Perform an antibody identification test – this is done against 12 types of characterised erythrocytes – the pattern of wells reacting will yield a probable antigen – this takes several hours at least. Test many (at least 12) ABO & Rh matching packs – if any are negative for the putative antigen then crossmatch. What information is required on the transfusion request form and sample? Name, DOB and Address to be taken from patient (not notes) to confirm correct person Hospital number from wristband Reason for transfusion – the MSBOS (maximum surgical blood ordering schedule) will tell you how much blood can be requested routinely. Where and when the blood is required Other relevant clinical details e.g. prev pregnancy, prev transfusion. Legible Drs name, signature and Bleep. Bottle should have, patient full name, DOB, hosp no., date, Drs name & Bleep. List blood products appropriate for: None unless angina is present – give iron instead. Severe Fe deficiency anaemia Erythrocytes can be given in other anaemias. Upper Gi haemorrhage, low BP Saline to boost volume Red cells for oxygen capacity and tachycardia (shock) Overcoagulated with warfarin (INR 8.5) with bruising. Overcoagulated with warfarin (INR 8.5) with intracranial bleed.. DIC, low fibrinogen, low platelets. Haemophilia + haemarthrosis None Vitamin K – takes 10-12 hours Prothrombinase complex (powder made up to 10-20 ml) to help resolve bleed – contains factors II, VII, IX and X in amounts to specifically match likely deficit. By contrast, FFP is very high volume and low in factor VII. Correct underlying cause Cryoprecipitate*, platelets, FFP. Recombinant factor VIII (haem A) or IX (haem B) What tests are carried out on donated blood? Hep B & C, HIV, syphilis, CMV. Also ABO and Rh grouping. What products can be made from 500 ml donated blood? Erythrocytes (optimum additive solution can be added to reduce viscosity) stored @ 4°C Platelets – 5 bags are pooled together for 1 adult dose. Stored at room temperature. Fresh frozen plasma stored at –40°C Albumin – made by fractionation of pooled plasma. *Cryoprecipitate contains factor VIII, fibrinogen and von Willebrands factor – made by slow thawing of FFP.