UNANTICIPATED PROBLEM/EVENT REPORT FORM Report of Problems, Injuries and Events that Require Prompt Reports to JHSPH IRB DO NOT USE THIS FORM TO REPORT ANTICIPATED EVENTS OR MINOR/ADMINISTRATIVE DEVIATIONS Institutional Review Board Office 615 N. Wolfe Street / Room E1100 Baltimore, Maryland 21205-2179 Phone: 410-955-3193 Toll Free: 1-888-262-3242 Fax: 410-502-0584 Email: jhsph.irboffice@jhu.edu Website: www.jhsph.edu/irb Use this form to report any problem or event that: 1) poses harm or risk of harm to subjects or others; 2) is unanticipated (not described in research plan or consent form); and 3) related to the study procedures. NOTE: “Prompt reporting” means submission within 10 working days of learning about the unanticipated problem. IRB Number: Principal Investigator: Signature of PI: Date: Phone: E-mail: Study Title: Sponsor: A. Type of Problem/Event Is the problem/event you wish to report one that involves (select all that apply): 1. Risk of harm to individual participants in the study and associated with study operations (Fill out Section B and C below.) 2. Social/political developments that affect the risk of harm to participants or to study staff (Describe below and provide details about any steps taken to minimize risk). 3. Other problem/event that could affect study operation and safety of participants or study staff (Describe below and provide details about any steps taken to minimize risk). B. If you selected 1 above, describe the problem/event/injury to the participant below 1. Participant identifier 2. Date problem/event occurred 4. Briefly describe the problem/event (Use as much space as you need. Box will expand.) 5. Did the problem/event cause harm or place the participant or a non-participant at increased risk of harm? IF YES, describe below Unanticipated Problem/Event Report Form 19Apr2015 Age: Gender: Male Female 3. Date problem/event discovered 1 Yes No 6. Does the study include a drug or device used in a clinical investigation? IF YES, provide name of drug or device below 7. Have any corrective actions been taken by the study team to date? IF YES, describe them and their outcome. Indicate any that were undertaken without prior approval by the IRB. (Use as much space as you need. Box will expand) Yes Yes No No C. If you selected 1 above, answer the following questions 1. Are the specificity, frequency and severity of the problem consistent with the protocol and consent document? Yes No 2. Is it more than likely than not that this problem event was related to the research procedures or interventions? Yes No IF YES, and the project involves a drug or device, check below the strength of the relationship of the drug/device to the problem/event: Not related Probably not related Possibly related Probably related Definitely related 3. Is it more likely than not that this problem/event will affect future research procedures or interventions in this research? IF YES: Explain: Yes No 4. Should the consent document be revised? IF YES: submit an amendment request and revised consent form with track changes Yes No 5. Should the research plan (and/or Sponsor’s protocol) be revised? IF YES: submit an amendment request and revised research plan/protocol with track changes Yes No 6. Should the research be suspended? IF YES: Explain procedures for orderly suspension or termination of the research Yes No 7. Should currently enrolled participants be notified about this problem/event? IF YES, submit a draft notification letter/document with this report. Yes No 8. Is there a DSMB for this project? IF YES, submit a copy or summary of the DSMB review of the event with this report Yes No 9. Have either of the following entities been notified about the problem/event? IF YES: check which have been notified: Yes No Sponsor Unanticipated Problem/Event Report Form 19Apr2015 PI holds IND/IDE and has notified FDA 2