Chapter 1 - Cengage Learning

Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence, 8th edition
Reported Concept Check and Practice Quiz Errors (Dr. Peter Green, Maryville
Fall 2009
Chapter 2
1) Concept Check 2.1 p.52 #1
Freud’s psychosexual theory of development emphasized all of the following
a. conscious drives and motivations.
b. repression of unconscious feelings or events.
c. the coordination of the id, ego, and superego.
d. sexual and aggressive instincts.
Current Answer: c. the coordination of the id, ego, and superego
Actual Correct Answer: a. conscious drives and motivations
Rationalization: Freud’s theory emphasized unconscious feelings, sexual and aggressive
instincts, and the id, ego, and superego.
Page Reference: 42-43
2) Concept Check 2.1 p. 52 #2
Whose theory focuses on psychological stages or life crises that individuals must
resolve during their lives to achieve healthy development?
a. Freud’s
b. Erickson’s
c. Watson’s
d. Bandura’s
Current Answer: a. Freud’s
Actual Correct Answer: b. Erickson’s
Rationalization: Text defines Erickson’s theory in this manner.
Page Reference: 44-45
3) Concept Check 2.1 p. 52 #3
Watson and Raynor conditioned 9-month-old Albert to be afraid of a white rat
(which he had initially played with and enjoyed). These findings led Watson to
develop advice for parents, suggesting that they
a. bang a steel rod with a hammer behind their children whenever the child did
something that they wished to discourage.
b. show careful attention to their children and display physical acts of affection
forward them so that they do not develop irrational fears.
c. begin to train their children at birth and not to coddle their children in order to
instill good habits in the children.
Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence, 8th edition
Reported Concept Check and Practice Quiz Errors (Dr. Peter Green, Maryville
Fall 2009
Current Answer: b. show careful attention to their children and display physical acts of
affection forward them so that they do not develop irrational fears.
Actual Correct Answer: c. begin to train their children at birth and not to coddle their
children in order to instill good habits in the children.
Rationalization: Children were shaped by their environments, which were largely
controlled by their parents.
Page Reference: 47
4) Concept Check 2.1 p. 52 #4
Matching Question:
___________ reinforcer
a. the freely emitted response that produces a result to influence learning
b. a consequence that suppresses a response and decreases the likelihood that it
will occur
c. a consequence that strengthens a response and increases the likelihood that it
will occur
Current Answer: d. (not a valid response)
Actual Correct Answer: c. a consequence that strengthens a response and increases the
likelihood that it will occur
Rationalization: Definition
Page Reference: 47
5) Concept Check 2.1 p. 52 # 5
Matching Question:
___________ operant
a. the freely emitted response that produces a result to influence learning
b. a consequence that suppresses a response and decreases the likelihood that it
will occur
c. a consequence that strengthens a response and increases the likelihood that it
will occur
Current Answer: c. a consequence that strengthens a response and increases the
likelihood that it will occur cross-linking
Actual Correct Answer: a. the freely emitted response that produces a result to
influence learning
Rationalization: Definition
Page Reference: 47
6) Concept Check 2.1 p. 52 #6
Matching Question:
___________ punisher
Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence, 8th edition
Reported Concept Check and Practice Quiz Errors (Dr. Peter Green, Maryville
Fall 2009
a. the freely emitted response that produces a result to influence learning
b. a consequence that suppresses a response and decreases the likelihood that it
will occur
c. a consequence that strengthens a response and increases the likelihood that it
will occur
Current Answer: d. (not a valid choice)
Actual Correct Answer: b. a consequence that suppresses a response and decreases the
likelihood that it will occur
Rationalization: Definition
Page Reference: 47
7) Concept Check 2.1 p. 52 # 7
(T) (F) Dr. Macalister is interested in studying adolescents’ identity development.
She believes that adolescents struggle with breaking away from their parents and
with forming their own ideas about who they are. Dr. Macalister’s theory and
research are most closely associated with Erickson’s theory of development.
Current Answer: a. (not a valid response)
Actual Correct Answer: True.
Rationalization: Identity development plays a major role in the identity versus role
confusion stage of Erickson’s theory.
Page Reference: 45
8) Concept Check 2.1 p. 52 # 8
(T) (F) Dr. Rosen studies children’s observational learning. He believes that
children can learn a great deal by simply observing the behaviors of people
around them. He also believes that children influence the actual environments
they experience. Dr. Rosen’s research and theory are most closely associated with
Bandura’s cognitive social learning theory.
Current Answer: b. (not a valid response)
Actual Correct Answer: True.
Rationalization: Observational learning is at the heart of Bandura’s theory. He also
stresses reciprocal determinism in which “the environment may influence the child, but
the child also influences the environment”
Page Reference: 49
9) Concept Check 2.1 p. 52 # 9
Short Answer Question:
Current Answer: b.
Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence, 8th edition
Reported Concept Check and Practice Quiz Errors (Dr. Peter Green, Maryville
Fall 2009
Action to Take: delete question number
10) Concept Check 2.1 p. 52 #10
Current Answer: c.
Action to Take: delete the question number
11) Concept Check 2.2 p. 64 #1
Matching Question:
________1. Theory claiming that children are “prepared” to display adaptive
patterns of development, provided that they receive appropriate kinds of
environmental inputs at the most appropriate times.
a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
b. information-processing theory
c. ethology and evolutionary theories
d. ecological systems theory
e. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Current Answer: a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
Actual Correct Answer: c. ethology and evolutionary theories
Rationalization: Ethological theories stress how we are biologically programmed to
display certain behaviors.
Page Reference: 59
12) Concept Check 2.2 p. 64 # 2
Matching Question:
________ 2. Theory claiming that children actively construct knowledge which
has stimulated discovery-based educational programs.
a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
b. information-processing theory
c. ethology and evolutionary theories
d. ecological systems theory
e. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Current Answer: b. information-processing theory
Actual Correct Answer: a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
Rationalization: The text states that children actively construct knowledge and that
Piaget’s theory led to discovery-based learning programs.
Page Reference: 54, 56
13) Concept Check 2.2 p. 64 #3
Matching Question:
Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence, 8th edition
Reported Concept Check and Practice Quiz Errors (Dr. Peter Green, Maryville
Fall 2009
________ 3. Theory claiming that the natural environment that influences a
developing child is a complex interlocking set of contexts that influence and are
influenced by the child.
a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
b. information-processing theory
c. ethology and evolutionary theories
d. ecological systems theory
e. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Current Answer: c. ethology and evolutionary theories
Actual Correct Answer: d. ecological systems theory
Rationalization: This is the basic definition of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems
Page Reference: 62
14) Concept Check 2.2 p. 67 # 4
Test Question:
________ 4. Theory claiming that the developing human mind is a system that
operates on stimulus input to convert it to output – inferences, solutions, etc.
a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
b. information-processing theory
c. ethology and evolutionary theories
d. ecological systems theory
e. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Current Answer: a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
Actual Correct Answer: b. information-processing theory
Rationalization: The text defines the information processing perspective as information
flowing into the mind where it is operated on and converted to output.
Page Reference: 57
15) Concept Check 2.2 p. 67 # 5
Test Question:
_________ 5. Theory claiming that cognitive growth is socially mediated and that
there are no universal cognitive stages.
a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
b. information-processing theory
c. ethology and evolutionary theories
d. ecological systems theory
e. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Current Answer: a. Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence, 8th edition
Reported Concept Check and Practice Quiz Errors (Dr. Peter Green, Maryville
Fall 2009
Actual Correct Answer: e. Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
Rationalization: Text explains that Vygotsky viewed cognitive growth as “socially
Page Reference: 56
16) Concept Check 2.2 p. 67 #6
Fill in the Blank:
Piaget proposed that children use the processes of ________ and ________ to
resolve disequilibriums and help them adapt to their environments.
Current Answer: b. (not a valid response)
Actual Correct Answer: assimilation and accommodation
Rationalization: These are the processes children use to adapt to the environment.
Page Reference: 54
17) Concept Check 2.2 p. 67 # 7
Fill in the Blank:
The evolutionary perspective argues that certain adaptive characteristics in
humans are most likely to develop during _______, provided that the environment
fosters this development.
Current Answer: T (not a valid response)
Actual Correct Answer: a sensitive period
Rationalization: Definition
Page Reference: 60
18) Concept Check 2.2 p. 67 # 8
Short Answer Question:
Current Answer: T (not a valid response)
Action to Take: delete question number
Chapter 4
19) Concept Check 4.2 p. 144 # 8
Fill in the Blank
Susan was born in 1960 and she appeared at birth to be a normal, healthy girl.
Her life proceeded normally until she turned 20. Then she discovered she had a
rare form of reproductive organ cancer and that she would be unlikely to be able
to have children herself. Her doctor wondered whether her mother had taken
___________ during her pregnancy with Susan. He suspected that the drug could
have been a teratogen that caused Susan’s reproductive abnormalities.
Current Answer: amniocentesis; chorionic villus sampling
Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence, 8th edition
Reported Concept Check and Practice Quiz Errors (Dr. Peter Green, Maryville
Fall 2009
Actual Correct Answer: DES or diethylstebesterol
Rationalization: DES has been shown to cause effects like Susan’s.
Page Reference: 132
20) Concept Check 4.2 p. 144 #9
Essay Question:
Current Answer: DES or diethylstebesterol
Action to Take: delete question number
21) Concept Check 4.3 p. 156 #5
Fill in the Blank:
Juanita seemed fine at birth and scored well on the Apgar test. However, a few
days after her birth she was given the ________ test, which assessed her reflexes,
changes in her state, her reactions to comforting, and her reactions to social
stimuli. She scored very low on this test and the doctors suspected that she might
Current Answer: Neonatal Behavior Assessment Test (NBAS)
Actual Correct Answer: Neonatal Behavior Assessment Test (NBAS); brain damage or
neurological problems
Rationalization: A low score on the NBAS indicates “brain damage or other
neurological problems.”
Page Reference: 146
Chapter 6
22) Practice Quiz p. 245 # 7
Test Question:
The ___________ views motor development as a complex transaction among the
child’s physical capabilities and goals and the experience she has.
a. maturational viewpoint
b. experiential viewpoint
c. dynamical systems theory
d. transactional theory
Current Answer: a. maturational viewpoint
Actual Correct Answer: c. dynamical systems theory
Rationalization: The dynamical systems theory incorporates elements of the
maturational viewpoint (genetically set capabilities) and the experiential viewpoint
(practice) along with goals in explaining motor development.
Page Reference: 211
Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence, 8th edition
Reported Concept Check and Practice Quiz Errors (Dr. Peter Green, Maryville
Fall 2009
Chapter 7
23) Concept Check 7.1 p. 252 # 9
Matching Question:
_________ An inborn tendency to combine and integrate available schemes into
coherent systems or bodies of knowledge.
a. schemes
b. constructivist
c. cognitive equilibrium
d. intelligence
e. organization
f. assimilation
Current Answer: c. cognitive equilibrium
Actual Correct Answer: e. organization
Rationalization: Definition
Page Reference: 251
Chapter 11
24) Concept Check p. 445 #4
(T) (F) Uninhibited children display temperamental attributes that are valued
ore highly in Asian than in Western societies.
Current Answer: T
Actual Correct Answer: False
Rationalization: The text states that “many Asian cultures value what Americans would
call a shy and somewhat inhibited demeanor.”
Page Reference: 442
Chapter 12
25) Concept Check 12.3 p. 519 #7
Fill in the Blank:
Impressions based on the traits others are presumed to possess is known as
Current Answer: psychological constraints
Actual Correct Answer: psychological constructs
Rationalization: Definition
Page Reference: 514
Chapter 14
26) Concept Check 14.3 p. 603 #8
Developmental Psychology: Childhood & Adolescence, 8th edition
Reported Concept Check and Practice Quiz Errors (Dr. Peter Green, Maryville
Fall 2009
Short Answer Question:
Current Answer: underestimate (not correct)
Action to Take: Delete question from answers.