More about Richard

Senior Consultant
DATE OF BIRTH: 8th September 1980
BSc (Hons), DIS – Air Transport Management - University of Loughborough
Richard joined York Aviation in November 2004, and his degree in Air Transport
Management which has provided him with a thorough understanding of business strategy
and the principle issues related to the aviation industry. His knowledge extends beyond air
transport and includes surface access systems, transport planning and land-use planning
obtained through 2 years working for Peter Brett Associates.
Since joining York Aviation, Richard has enhanced his wider knowledge base with
specialised practical aviation experience. In particular he has worked on business case
assessments, financial viability assessments, demand forecasting, route assessment work
including analysis of market potential through to more detailed schedule building
exercises, economic impact work, and operational studies. Richard has a detailed
understanding of airline strategies and pairs this with his knowledge of market behaviour
and passenger demand to understand market dynamics.
Within York Aviation, Richard undertakes much of the analytical work, based on data from
a number of sources, including the UK CAA Survey and Statistical data, OAG and
MIDT/AIS passenger flow/air fare data. He has used these datasets for a number of
projects, including route forecasting, historic trend analysis and airline
mergers/acquisitions, along with analysing the data for wider ranging projects.
Senior Consultant, York Aviation 2012 –
Consultant, York Aviation 2004 –
Graduate Consultant, Peter Brett Associates, 2002-2004
Antin Infrastructure Partners: Market Assessment for Newcastle Airport
Investment and Bid Preparation (2012);
Advantage West Midlands: Economic Study of the impact of airport
development (2005);
BAA Aberdeen Airport: Route Development Study (2010);
Belfast City Airport: Passenger forecasts, scenario development and economic
study to support the planning Public Inquiry (2010 - 2015);
Birmingham International Airport: Airport passenger and movement forecasts
for the Airport’s final master plan and the successful runway extension
application (2007-2008) and update for development funding (2009);
Blackpool International Airport: Airline business case for Jet2 services,
including aircraft scheduling examples and passenger forecasting leading to
the successful launch of services (2005);
BTG Pactual: Due diligence assessment for a bidder on the privatisation of
three Brazilian airports, including passenger forecasting and demand trend
analysis (2011-2012);
Bybrook Capital:
Due diligence of passenger forecasts and market
assessment on behalf of an investor during re-financing of a major UK regional
airport (2014);
Cardiff International Airport: Due diligence for the successful bidder for Cardiff
International Airport (2013).
Market analysis and route development
assessment (2013 - 2014). Development of MEO appraisal model (2014-15);
Cheltenham Borough Council: Governance review of the Council’s asset at
Gloucestershire Airport, undertaken in conjunction with the Airport’s co-owner,
Gloucester City Council (2014).
City of Derry Airport: Development of Business Case, including reviews of
income and airline market opportunities (2008);
City of London Corporation: Economic Impact of Aviation services on the City
of London (2008);
CityJet: Advice regarding airport charges and airport regulation (2010);
Connington Airfield: Assessment of General Aviation market potential for a
prospective purchaser (2007);
Department for Transport: Economic impact of General and Business Aviation
in the UK (2014-15);
East of England Development Agency: Passenger forecast review of Norwich
International Airport (2007);
East Midlands Airport: Assessment of potential impact of the runway and
Cargo West apron extensions for Lands Tribunal. Successfully settled out of
tribunal (2010);
Edinburgh Airport: Due Diligence for a potential bidder, including detailed
market assessment and forecasts (2013).
English Regional Development Agencies: Route Development Funding (20052005)
European Low Fares Airlines Association (ELFAA): Social Impact Study
Elvington Airfield: Development of scenarios for growth at the Airfield for use
at the Public Inquiry (2008);
Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP): Passenger forecasts and charges review
during due diligence for the successful bidder on London City Airport (2006);
Gloucester City Council: Economic and Feasibility Study of Gloucestershire
Airport, including economic assessment, land use considerations, financial
viability assessment and consideration of business opportunities (2013);
Gloucestershire Airport: Airport business planning advice and strategy
development, including assessing market potential for General and Business
Aviation Opportunities (2014-15);
GoSkills: Action Plan for North West Aviation Skills Alliance (2005);
Hambleton District Council: Assessment of the implications of planning
applications submitted by Bagby Airfield (2010);
Icon Infrastructure Partners: Due diligence in support of bid preparations for
London Luton Airport, Belfast International Airport, Stockholm Skavsta Airport
and Orlando Sanford Airport (2013);
Leeds/Bradford Airport: Passenger forecast review (2006).
Diligence for the sale of the Airport (2006);
Liverpool Airport: Aviation market assessment including aviation strategy
advise (2013) and route development support (2013). Development of
medium term forecasts for business planning and updated for refinancing
London City Airport: Passenger forecasts and route development analysis to
support a Level 3 Coordination application at the Airport (2008) and update
(2011). Airport passenger forecasts for London City Airport to support final
master plan and planning applications (2007-2011). Economic Studies in
preparation for the development of the airport master plan and planning
applications (2007-2012). Market analysis to support business strategy review
(2011-2012). Assessment of long term development proposals including
infrastructure and demand assessment (2011-2013). Due diligence for bank
refinancing work (2012-2013). Business strategy support including airline
strategy reviews and pricing strategy considerations (2013);
London Luton Airport Limited (LLAL)/Luton Borough Council: Review of
passenger forecasts, infrastructure, passenger charges and development
proposals for London Luton Airport (2006-2011);
London Luton Airport Limited (LLAL): Development of forecasts and
assessment of demand and need to support a major redevelopment planning
application (2011-2012);
Lydd Airport: Passenger forecast scenario development and economic study
to support the planning Public Inquiry (2010-2011);
Manchester Airport Group: Review of competitive position and development of
airline and pricing strategy (2010). Review of market and route development
opportunities (2011). Market analysis to support the Airport’s response to the
DfT Air Transport Consultation (2011); Forecasts and market review for
opportunity for 5th Freedom ‘Base’ carrier (2014);
Manston Airport: Economic Impact Study of night flying proposals (2011).
Tourism Impact Study (2012);
Northwest Development Agency: Passenger forecast review of Blackpool
International Airport (2006);
Paris Beauvais Airport: Passenger and movement forecast review for a
potential bidder (2007);
Partners Group: Due diligence for the proposed acquisition of former Abertis
airports at Belfast International and Stockholm Skavsta, including detailed
market assessments, airport charges analysis and passenger forecasts.
Plymouth City Council: Economic and Feasibility Study of Plymouth City
Airport, including economic modelling, passenger forecasting and financial
viability (2005-2006);
Vendor Due
Ryanair: Data analysis for submission to the EU in support of the proposed
take-over of Aer Lingus (2006, 2008 and 2012). Expert witness against
Alicante Airport in the legal case against forced use of airbridges at the Airport
Sheffield City Council: Economic and Feasibility study of Sheffield City Airport,
including financial viability, passenger forecasts, business case assessments
and aircraft operational considerations (2005);
Stansted Airport Ltd: Preparation of 10 year demand forecasts to inform the
next quinquennial review including detailed bottom-up long haul market
assessment and freight analysis (2012);
Stansted Airport: Due diligence for a bidder for the sale of Stansted Airport,
including detailed market assessment with bottom-up analysis of hub and long
haul opportunities and consideration of airport charging strategies (20122013);
States of Guernsey: Assessment of runway development options for the
Guernsey Airport with consideration of demand and an appraisal of the
economic and social need for air services (2009). Update to pricing analysis
of this report (2011);
St. Helens Council: Feasibility study to consider the extension of operations at
Haydock Park Racecourse airfield (2004);
South Ayrshire Council: Study into Route Development Fund options in
support of growth at Glasgow Prestwick Airport, with consideration of demand
potential (2013);
Tewkesbury District Council: Assessment of Planning Application and
appraisal of demand and need for expansion of facilities at Gloucestershire
Airport (Business Aviation) (2008);
Transport for London: Analysis of the London and South East air travel market
to support the TfL response to the DfT Air Transport Consultation (2011);
Regional air connectivity study in support of hub development at London,
including passenger demand projections and connectivity analysis (2014);
Welsh Government: Market assessment and route forecasts for the IntraWales air link for consideration as part of the re-tendering of the PSO service.
Included airline consultations to discuss potential operator opportunities
including wider market opportunities (2014);
Commercial viability assessment of a South African airport on behalf of a
potential investor, including airline consultations and market assessment
Data analysis for review of market potential for a corporate Very Light Jets
operator (2008);
Key aviation related knowledge areas for Richard are:
 Airport Management
 Airline Planning and Operations
 Airport Planning and Infrastructure
 Airline Marketing
 Surface Access Systems
 Business Strategy
Transport Economics
Management Accounting