SPELLING HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES SAVE THIS PAPER. YOU WILL USE IT ALL YEAR! Directions: For each night that you have spelling homework, choose an activity from this list. Use your spelling list to complete the activity. Once you finish an activity, cross it off your list. You must do each activity once before you repeat an activity. When you turn in your spelling activity, be sure to write the number of the activity at the top of your paper, underneath your name and the date. Example: Mrs. J Sept. 6, 2006 Activity # 5 1. Write each word three times, using your best penmanship. 2. Draw a picture that illustrates each word and write the word below it. 3. Write all your spelling words that begin with a consonant in one list. Put the words that begin with a vowel in another list. 4. Write all your spelling words that end with a consonant in one list. Make a second list for those words that end in a vowel. 5. Write each spelling word and circle the vowels. 6. List the spelling words in alphabetical order. 7. List the spelling words from shortest to longest. 8. Write each word in a sentence. 9. Draw a flower garden. Write a spelling word on each flower. 10. Make a picture. Use spelling words in place of some of the lines to make “hidden” words. 11. List each spelling word and write a rhyming word. List the words that have no rhyming words. 12. Write each spelling word and a definition for it in your own words. 13. Write a story using all of the spelling words. 14. List the spelling words. Underline each letter that is in your first name. Which word has the most of “your” letters? 15. Write a letter to a relative or friend. Use every spelling word. 16. Divide your spelling words into three lists: 1) words that begin with a blend 2) words that end with a blend 3) other words 17. List your spelling words from easiest to hardest to learn. 18. Write all your spelling words that have double vowels in a list. On a second list, write the spelling words that have more than two vowels in them. List the words with one vowel letter in a third list. 19. Write your spelling words in a different shape such as a square, circle, or triangle. 20. Read all your spelling words three times, then see how many you can write from memory. Look at the list once more. Try to write the remaining words without looking again. 21. Make a two-inch square and a circle two inches in diameter (measuring across). See whether you can write more spelling words in the circle or square. 22. Draw a brick wall or house. Write a spelling word in each brick. Or do the same with a stonewall or stone house. 23. Write each word and a synonym for it. List the words for which you cannot find a synonym. 24. Put the spelling words with short vowel sounds in one list and long vowel sounds in another list. If a word has more than one syllable, use the first syllable. 25. Write each spelling word and write how many syllables you can hear. 26. Write your spelling list in cursive. 27. Make a word search puzzle using your spelling words. 28. Write a riddle (or a clue) for each spelling word. 29. Make each of you spelling words a beautiful thing by printing or writing it as artistically as you can. 30. See how many antonyms (opposites) you can write for your spelling words. List those words you don’t know an antonym for. 31. Make a map of a small town. Use each spelling word as a name for the streets or stores. 32. Write rhyming jingles (short poems or songs that might be used in a commercial) for half of your spelling words. List the words you do not use. 33. Figure out how much each word is worth. A=1 cent, B=2 cents, C=3 cents, D=4 cents, etc. Figure out the amount of each letter in each word, and add to see how much the word is worth altogether. 34. Divide the spelling words into syllables with a vowel in each syllable. Using the dictionary, check your results. 35. List your spelling words in order by the number of vowels in the word. Begin with the word that has the most vowels. 36. List your spelling word by the number of consonants in each word starting with the word that has the most consonants. 37. Make a word sentence. Use the letters in each spelling word to begin the words of the sentence. For example: CAT—Charlie ate tacos. 38. Write one sentence using as many words from your spelling list as you can. List the words you could not use. 39. Sort and list your spelling words into three columns. Give a title to each column. 40. Look in the dictionary to find out how many meanings each spelling word has. Write the number of meanings each word has in parentheses after it. Then list your spelling words in order from the one with the fewest meanings to the one with the most meanings. 41. List your spelling words. Look up each word in a dictionary and tell the dictionary page number for each one. 42. Pick a favorite topic such as “baseball”. List every spelling word that could be used in talking about the game. Make a list of those words that could not be used. For example: Can be used: strike, slide, lost, in, nose---Can not be used: feather, pencil 43. Someone said “The most beautiful words in English are…”List your spelling words from the most beautiful to the ugliest (in your opinion). 44. Make a comic strip using all of the words on your spelling list.